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Everything posted by Tazooka

  1. I've noticed that when you timewarp and then go back to normal x1 speed when near another vessel, to dock for instance, the other vessel 'pops' away in the distance, as if the position is actually incorrect? I've had this happen numerous of times and its made me waste fuel and time to correct this sudden change in position
  2. You can see the flare of Kerbol in the ground of Minus, usually in the hilly areas
  3. Two of my vessels have an unknown status/trajectory, even though its clear where they are/going
  4. That's it. My saves are 0.55GB and has 19,240,801 lines of code, which most is duplicated I reduced it down to 4.4MB with 103,316 lines of code (so I deleted 19,137,485 lines of code) This REALLY needs fixing
  5. You're right, my saves are 0.55GB and has 19240801 lines of code, which most is duplicated
  6. I think I'm having this issue I'll check my save data size later
  7. I get about an extra 10fps While it is better technically, its still subpar
  8. I had a similar issue with a probe Orbits are really unstable at the moment
  9. I've noticed my MSS now has an orbit of 46000 x 48000, when originally it was 55000 x 56000
  10. My idea to use my transfer stage as a probe failed as the Communotron 16-S doesn't even connect to the Commnet
  11. Update: I tried undocking and re-docking my Mun Station and it crashed I waited for it to load for several minutes but it never did...
  12. I'm noticing that the more I play, the worse the performance of the game becomes, especially when I save, both automatically and quick saving I only have 7 ships on the go currently and a limit of 100 debris I don't understand how its becoming worse and I don't know how to fix it. Deleting saves did nothing I have noticed Unity crash handler appears in my task manager when this freeze happens.
  13. Maybe, it happened to other ships too though. It'll need testing
  14. +1 same Captured it too
  15. Video below shows engineless probe with crazy orbit changes. Timewarp seems to also have an effect
  16. My ship exploded on launch (literally, every part seemed to separate) and then after pressing revert to VAB my game froze and crashed (the music was still playing, but it didn't load for minutes) My specs are: CPU: Intel i5-11600K @ 3.90 GHz GPU: EVGA RTX 3060 XC 12GB RAM: 32GB @ 3600MHz My game is installed on an M.2 drive v0.1.1.0 My ship was pretty large, but this is the first freeze/crash after my ship ran into 'issues'
  17. Same here I think, sadly, it'll be a few months before the game is playable at a level where annoying bugs don't ruin the experience
  18. I find that for Kerbin, its accurate. But I've ran into a couple of issues with manoeuvres around the Mun. Eg, burn for 4 seconds, but in reality I only needed to burn for about 1.5s (my orbit was way past my target) It seems to like large burns, but small correctional burns it isn't very accurate
  19. And if they do, it shows for a couple of seconds. Not a quarter of a minute
  20. Does the UI change? As otherwise I wasn't in docking mode
  21. Same. Except I don't know about the landed state and I had no lines from launch
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