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Fizzlebop Smith

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Everything posted by Fizzlebop Smith

  1. In of the most recent kerbalisms to captivate me... was the behavior of parachutes with weather installed. Do the Balloon Vessels experience weather?
  2. You have no idea how much time I spend on a computer VS engaged with the real world. (Snip) this is advice I follow every day. Got a nice 5 hours of yard work I yesterday while the temps rose from a bally 90 @ 7am to 103 @ noon. Then I can in and finished book 5 in the original Honorverse series. Then cooked dinner.It's funny. Despite all the "grass touched" I still love KSP1, am disappointed In KSP2 (snip)
  3. Do a Google search for any mod in your list. Now include any sort of attempt to trouble shoot that and tell me the forums aren't the heart of the KSP community. Regardless of the active number of people posting daily.. anyone seeking to discover the Kerbal experience will likely move onto modded play. The builds would be much simpler to the detriment of Kerbal-kind.
  4. This mirrors my sentiments as well. This thanks is extended to all those participating on the sequel. I am hoping that any intention to actually sell the IP will be leveraged by the forum being the quintessential HUB for various community sub groups. That most dangerous and deadly of all drugs.. Hope.
  5. I was having issues with the Kopernicus-er. I wanna check this out now. Thanks for the update.
  6. Mt biggest issues with ksp2 is the manner they decided to handle physics toll. This is why I think they went with a classic city builder approach to colony (from preview). That is why they proposed resource runs by a metric that ticks up every so often. KSP1 has some hars limits.. but for whatever reason KSP2 has harder limits. That's with the removal of Kerbnet background requirements. My last Career playthrough on KSP1 had 3 major planetary installations, 6 major orbital installation (KerbWeaver One Shook Itself Apart).. and a fully functional solar relay network. This was happening in the background while my 500 part craft (x3) sailed around the system at a bearable FPS. I can get no where near that level of immersion around my space agency with KSP2. It's not a settings bottleneck bc I can turn everything down and still have issues (once my com relays are fully set up) running multiple missions with large craft. I don't know code.. but it feels unable to handle physics anywhere near the same level. This does not even touch on the belligerent unwillingness of creative direction to listen to community feedback. No I hope harvester starts with a crash landed colony approach like he talked about. Build up and explore. Make them rabbits so we can shrug off high mortality rates. It would be amazing if he could getting funding to purchase the IP while keeping full autonomy on the project... that would be too good to be true. Divest the IP from the publisher and ley HarvestR smear cake in their face.
  7. There are no longer people actively modding in the KSP2 community. There may be a couple here and there, but longer actively working together to collaborate and make mod compatibility a priority. So yes, my solution was to turn off some of the aspects of realism (that i installed the mods to experience) Once the first couple relays are in orbit, you have enough in play to turn all the realism setting back on and expand your network. I could be wrong about the KSP2 modding community, but that section of the forum is largely dead and the discord that actively being used to communicate between all the magic code slingers is a ghost town. CommNext tried to recreate a realistic communication experience that the base game gave up on. This make an unmanned mission approach impossible unless you mitigate it through hard settings. This was only my own experience trying to do the same thing. (Looking at space dock, I only see 108 mods for KSP2. This seems to support the idea that modding for it is dead. Before the WARN notice was issued there were 122 mods. Some of the modders were upset enough by the treatment of the KSP2 development team / community to pull their mods completely)
  8. This is what i mistakenly thought you were referring to as SpaceAge. This has a few expansions that go with other mods but is pretty cool too
  9. here is also this one. Generalized Acheivements which I like to combine with the various space age add-ons. One tracks the progress of the overall mission control and ribbons on each kerbal
  10. Me too.. but i dont remember the 70s. (Not a drug reference)
  11. If there is ever a KSP3.. I hope it more closely aligns with the features of the first & a similiar degree of cheese. They went WAY overboard on chinsy humour. The variety (KSP1) of dialogues contributed by the community .. make sense. I can believe these courageous frogs conquered the stars despite the clear deficient mental capacity in all but the most brilliant of kerbal-kind. The humour of the sequel had me constantly breaking immersion to thing.. really? Some of the missions and dialogues were great. But it was over the top. Everything about it tried to be over the top. Scale back and start Small. One launch location, planet, moon & sun. Then nail the love out of it... tune the physics & Gameplay loop till the wheels fall off and the community praises you for all the attention to feedback. Then add a celestial body or three & tune that excrements. Incorporate some feature expansion for supplemental gameplay & exploration Add new system and.. oh, and at least a couple of the people involved need to attempt an organic playthough.
  12. Gotta agree with Scarecrow and think that falls outside the kerbal brand.
  13. Hmm. If the odds are adjusted accordingly and we wanna wrangle a hard date on that never.. I would be inclined to take that bet. What are we at on.. less than 6 months? 10/1 .. [snip] I'd toss 100 down once it's gets somewhere close to 20/1. Not because I think it's a good bet or anything.. I just have some impulse control issue related to dopamine triggers.
  14. Someone had made a comment about AI potentially contributing to the connection issues. I am quite ignorant as to what occurs behind the scenes. Might as well be magic. CoPilot told me it was quite possibly the case. 505 being upstream, people may experience issues at different times. Lost in the cross talk? I told CoPilot, Bing.. all of em to explain like I'm five and use as many words as possible and for some reason the forum went down.... I always include please and thank you in my prompts.
  15. I thought he was the golden calf. "All hail Moobi"
  16. @Lisias Absolutely. Trying to put out a "perfect" product will bankrupt a company because time is the most valuable commodity by far. Where I live "It good enough" is colloquially considered to be anything but and is universally used in my field when something does not technically meet the governing acceptance criteria, but will function within the capacity afforded. Every day, I have to determine whether the products we make are acceptable products that will meet / exceed the need of our customers. I tend to lean on the latter by enforcing best practices. This is made relatively easy through the existence of various certificate and endorsements that lay out that Base Line expectation pretty clearly. I have begun to see a rising trend where the project managers use their engineering backgrounds to override acceptance established by the governing body & pencil whipping to pad their bonus margins. I essentially agree with you totally, but also think some points made to PD come into play here. I don't think these people are necessarily idiots but have been conditioned by the shift in paradigm. The emphasis has shifted to place all importance on profit. I know there has always been an emphasis on profit, but things are different in ways I'm not fully equipped to articulate. Capital of the Early 19th century was investments regarding industry. These business-peeps risked their own reputation and fortunes on whatever they invested in. Now we invest other peoples money and underwrite the excrements out of any venture to limit personal liability. This ensures that there is very little risk to those people at the top making bad decisions. Its not like their massive bonuses are going to be taken away should the company be fined millions for shady practices. The idiocy is in the greed and continuous emphasis to place more and more importance on profit. Western Business classes teach an ethical responsibility to maximize shareholder profit. Where is the commitment to integrity of the product? When the Profit gained from these shady yet normalized practices exceed the potential fines associated with the act, it is considered as a tax or fee. The "price of doing business". The mobile monetization video you linked disgusted me on so many levels and emphasized certain aspects ive seen creep into my own industry over the last 20 years.
  17. I had to play around with tracking station / commnet settings & probe control settings until I got a couple relays In orbit. Alternatively, you can use the cheat menu to place a single relay in high polar orbit. This will let you get some sounding rockets off the ground and eventually install a second relay and go from there. Go into commnet setting and temp. turn occlusion to 0 until you get the first set of relays up.
  18. What do you mean kerbals "reacting to gravity" The courage and stupidity stats contribute (I've been told) to some RNG combination for facial expressions in situ. If you mean react to G-force. Then yes. In the secondary setting menu. ESC -> Options Button (Top of ESC GUI) -> There are tabs on the left that each pertain to either an installed mod or one of the core config pages for the core game. I do not remember if it's under Basic or Advanced but you can even adjust their G-tolerance with a slider.
  19. I feel this as infected much of the world. I work in a very small corner of an engineering field. Once upon a time, the engineers were... well engineers. I cannot tell you how much I have learned from engineers with a PhD. I cannot tell you when it happened.. like some slimy insidious mild that infects EVERYTHING before you realize it is too late. Now all the Engineers have MBA & the quality standard has become "it's not just good, it's good enough" I grow ever more frustrated as the focus continues to shift from quality to quantity. I've only became aware of my own "footprint" in the last decade or so. I hate that I was not more conscientious during my formative years.
  20. I do not have the certainty of the Eternal optimist. Life sucks. That fact has predispositioned me to doubt and cynism. I feel relieved that it's over. The graphic overhaul of KSP2 initially had me quite excited.. the subsequent for science press releases claimed it was the answer to all I ever wanted. After completing the majority of missions.. I was lost. It's 110-115°F and I work through the moee mild temperatures. My evening are spent reading or gaming. KSP2 had me rudderleds for a bit in terms of gaming tastes. It had failed to deliver on the gameplay loop I most enjoyed.. & many of the immersion features which made the KSP1 experience so satisfying.. were not merely absent, but purposefully Omitted. I do not know all the intrinsic minutiea of KSP1 developement, or be able to give detailed accounts of what's going on behind the hood. Do not work in Aerospace & hate flight simulators... but Kerbals are my bag. My bipolar has dipped into a depressive episode I cannot loveing shake. Until the day after WARN. For some reason I came home after work with a new mind for a mod build. Spent days curating the list.. fired it up and have been playing KSP1 again. That.. is why I am happy KSP2 is dead. My weakness has been overlooked. My first love has forgiven my fleeting moments of infidelity and accepted me back with open arms. KSP1 .. I missed you.
  21. Yea the show wasn't too bad either. I'm a sucker for the king of B. Bubbhotep might be one of my favorites of the campy horror variety. Well, there are too many to name a favorite. Part of what I love so much, is how when they poke fun and turn typical cliches / tropes on end.
  22. I am sick of the cliche that simple farmboy turns out to be the prophesied one that kills the penultimate evil big bad guy. I just want someone to mix it up.. instead of farmboy or shepherd why not an nanny or governess... OR Grocery Store Stock Boy!! perhaps a little mix up toward the end.. simple farmboy grows up and ends up slaying the ultimate representation of good.. or the only way to save the universe is to destroy it. Ready for a good book where they make the hero some middle age fry cook that ends up being the prophesied one that will and has to stop the king lord of all that is good from vanquishing evil and destroying the balance
  23. I keep looking for the problem and was wondering if you could point me to it, so that i may "take it to its own thread". I keep trying to find a specific question or request for help. So far all i see is a "dang, too bad.. so sad"
  24. That is indeed a good point.. perhaps there is middle ground between the hypothetical that never was and : "Everything is Awesome" "We [developers] play everyday" "Check this out we are having so much fun playing multiplayer [modded ksp1] "We are funded to the very end" "Community Feedback is important" "Multiplayer remains on Road Map 2 years after people responsible for developement were fired!" "Spaghetti rockers are in vogue and so very kerbal" "You're not an artist, the font is fine. Trust me" There needs to be a more organic connection between the way a game is marketed & whay is actually going on in development.. from an EA perspective. I am grateful to all the developers. but think the marketing side was outright BS
  25. I thought I had detected some warning signs that reminded me of my own troubled history. The state has decriminalized most things.
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