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This post is WIP originally by @FauserneEist This mod adds keyboard lighting functionality to Kerbal Space Program. Talking about it really doesn't do it much good. Take a look at this awesome video from GameInstructor, who tested the mod and explains it very comprehensively: Features Function keys 1 to 0 are only lit, if the underlying action group actually does anything. The keys are displayed in two different colors, depending on whether the action group is toggled or not. The keys for SAS, RCS, Gears, Lights and the Brakes are lit up in different colors, indicating if the respective system was activated or not. The amount of resources in the current stage is displayed on your keypad and the keys to the left of it (PrtScr, ScrLk, ..., PageDown) The color of W, A, S, D, E and Q varies slightly depending on whether you're in precision or normal steering mode The keys for timewarp control are lit either red for physics timewarp or green for normal timewarp Full list of game effects Stylized Kerbal Space Program logo that fades in on every scene that does not contain any noteworthy keyboard interaction (pressing Escape to go to the menu not being noteworthy enough to light up the key) In the vessel editor, different kinds of keysets are lit up according to the current editor mode. Control keys and toggleable function keys are lit up in different colors, showing whether the function is switched on or off during flight. Reduced keyset lit for EVA mode Resource gauges displayed on the keypad and the keys above the UpDownLeftRight keys. Power failure animation on vessels that need power to be controllable Crash animation that triggers when crashing a vessel's root part Splashdown animation that triggers, when landing on water. Vessel electricity status displayed on any Razer mouse and mousepad connected Vessel heat displayed in three colors (blue = cool, red = warm/hot, yellow = you're in trouble), uses the scrollwheel and logo on mice and the bottom LEDs on the mousepad, as well as the keyboard logo. "Dear GF, please don't disturb me now" feature on the headset. The device is colored red, when you can't quicksave right now. Turns green once quicksave is allowed again. Vessel height above ground displayed on F1 to F4 keys (F1 = 10m, F2 = 50m, F3 = 100m, F4 = 1000m). The intensity changes, e.g. if F1 is fully lit and F2 is half lit, you are 30 meters above ground. Installation Unzip the release archive and place the 000/KSPChromaControl folder in your KSP GameData directory. Start KSP and witness the awesomeness of highlighted function keys while kerbaling through space (optional) Move the file ChromaAppInfo.xml from the mod folder into the KSP folder, to allow Synapse to recognize the game properly. How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal *red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support* Kerbal Space Program 1.12.2 — Unity 2019.2.2f1 — .NET Framework 4.7.2 @zer0Kerbal is now the maintainer! Source here. Download KSP Chroma Control on CurseForge License: Original Thread here. Enjoy!
This was always an issue, but the new UI scenes in For Science! have made it more evident and infuriating than ever. It's a really simple concept: If I press escape, it's because I want to escape whatever is in my face. That I can press escape and the thing in front of me doesn't disappear is a sin against the basic foundations of how you handle user input. Here's a couple scenarios to serve as an example: SCENARIO 1: I am in the main menu, I open the new game screen but realize I haven't checked my graphics settings. I press escape to leave the new game menu and go back to the main. Nothing happens. This is also the case with any other sub-menu that branches from the main. SCENARIO 2: I'm in the R&D building, looking at the tech tree. I press escape to leave the building go back to the KSC. I'm shown a menu instead. This is also the case on any other building. The problems with that menu and its design have already been pointed out so I'm skipping that, but just know that those same issues makes that menu popping up when I want to exit a building, way less than ideal, and makes the general KSC scene redundant since you expect me to look at a menu and select a building from there. SCENARIO 3: I'm flying my ship and I need time to think about whatever is going to happen. I press escape to escape the gameplay. Instead, I'm shown a menu, but the gameplay is not stopped and now I've lost control of my ship. This also happens in the map screen. Escape pausing the game is 101 stuff, there's no revolutionary UX design concept to try and pass as an excuse here.
I've looked through Input config page in options to find only [TAB] mouselook toggle and [V] change camera... was that [C] or [V] in KSP1 that toggled between "cockpit view" and "outside view"? Eventually, by repeatedly pressing [V] i've got to this beautiful rainbow rendition of again incorrect render queue settings for shaders used:
The DirectX's [ALT]+[ENTER] filtered by the game for no apparent reason, yes the menu works for this purpose, but why filter the native keyboard toggling mode?!
With two keyboards plugged in, the tutorials will not recognize that you have pressed the WASD keys to control your rocket in flight. The rocket is still controllable in flight, but you cannot progress through the tutorial. Mitigation is simple, unplug one keyboard and you can progress through the tutorials. Posted on the discord forum, as well as submitted a report through private division (number 47358). Simply reposting here for awareness by the community.
I think it would be very useful to implement one key shortcuts (underlined letters) for button-type options in the Parts Manager. Maybe they would be activated / highlighted by pressing Alt (or another key combination). I think it would speed up gameplay.. not having to move the mouse and click everything, constantly going from parts to the PM menu. Most OS and app menus use this system, it's very efficient. This is what I'm talking about:
Recently, have an idea of using controller to control in game, but I’m don’t know if that’s possible Do you guys have any idea? Does it require specific controller or extra mods to make it work?
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ANSWER: Ensure Keyboard Layout matches your physical keyboard from KSP1.4 onwards (ie, 101-key, 105-key, etc) UPDATED ANSWER: Ensure you only have a single keyboard layout available! Having multiple layouts (eg, to switch between different languages) breaks KSP1.4 onwards. ---- So I re-downloaded a brand-new fresh install of KSP 1.4.3 for Linux using Steam. No changes to settings, no mods. Double checked and the keyboard layout matches my OS layout; changing this has no effect. No errors in the log file. Debian GNU/Linux 9 with KDE desktop. Launch the game, start a new stock game, create the first basic rocket, launch it, and in flight-mode, none of the standard keyboard keys (ie, letters) work. Ditto in the Editor; none of the "letter" shortcut keys work. The number keys and the control keys DO work (Shift/Ctrl to adjust throttle, R-Shift F12 to open Debug menu, ESC to pause, etc). In other parts of the game, the keyboard works normally: Settings - keyboard configuration; I can change the bindings (eg, Full-throttle from Z to F) VAB - naming a ship; I can type in a new name. Debug menu (in flight mode); I can type into the log input box. So it looks like something is blocking the controls in flight mode/VAB/etc. And no, there's no input locks active. KSP1.3.1 works fine. Any ideas?
This mod adds keyboard lighting functionality to Kerbal Space Program. Talking about it really doesn't do it much good. Take a look at this awesome video from GameInstructor, who tested the mod and explains it very comprehensively: Features Function keys 1 to 0 are only lit, if the underlying action group actually does anything. The keys are displayed in two different colors, depending on whether the action group is toggled or not. The keys for SAS, RCS, Gears, Lights and the Brakes are lit up in different colors, indicating if the respective system was activated or not. The amount of resources in the current stage is displayed on your keypad and the keys to the left of it (PrtScr, ScrLk, ..., PageDown) The color of W, A, S, D, E and Q varies slightly depending on whether you're in precision or normal steering mode The keys for timewarp control are lit either red for physics timewarp or green for normal timewarp Full list of game effects Stylized Kerbal Space Program logo that fades in on every scene that does not contain any noteworthy keyboard interaction (pressing Escape to go to the menu not being noteworthy enough to light up the key) In the vessel editor, different kinds of keysets are lit up according to the current editor mode. Control keys and toggleable function keys are lit up in different colors, showing whether the function is switched on or off during flight. Reduced keyset lit for EVA mode Resource gauges displayed on the keypad and the keys above the UpDownLeftRight keys. Power failure animation on vessels that need power to be controllable Crash animation that triggers when crashing a vessel's root part Splashdown animation that triggers, when landing on water. Vessel electricity status displayed on any Razer mouse and mousepad connected Vessel heat displayed in three colors (blue = cool, red = warm/hot, yellow = you're in trouble), uses the scrollwheel and logo on mice and the bottom LEDs on the mousepad, as well as the keyboard logo. "Dear GF, please don't disturb me now" feature on the headset. The device is colored red, when you can't quicksave right now. Turns green once quicksave is allowed again. Vessel height above ground displayed on F1 to F4 keys (F1 = 10m, F2 = 50m, F3 = 100m, F4 = 1000m). The intensity changes, e.g. if F1 is fully lit and F2 is half lit, you are 30 meters above ground. Installation Unzip the release archive and place the KSPChromaControl folder in your KSP GameData directory. Start KSP and witness the awesomeness of highlighted function keys while kerbaling through space (optional) Move the file ChromaAppInfo.xml from the mod folder into the KSP folder, to allow Synapse to recognize the game properly. @zer0Kerbal is now the maintainer! Download: License: GPLv3 Enjoy!
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This add-on is a fork of Kaeltis' KSP Logitech RGB Control that has been updated to work with KSP 1.4.1. The add-on allows Kerbal Space Program to modify the lighting on your Logitech RGB Keyboard. A full feature summary and source code is available on GitHub - Downloads are also available on GitHub - New features: Add-on is compatible with KSP 1.4.* Added support for staging key Major contributions and new features, including multiple keyboard layout support from @RandyTheDev. See the changelogs here and here. This work is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation - Contributions by @RandyTheDev are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 -
This is the official development thread for KeyShine. This thread will only serve the purpose of discussing current progress and suggestions, all official releases will only be on release thread linked above. Currently looking for testers with a Corsair keyboard Suggestions are also welcome, this mod is driven by what you want! This work is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation -
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So, my QWER and UIOP (had to be those damn keys) stopped working, and now I need to rebind the keys for something better, but I can't find anything. The best I found was SZXCAD to replace WASDQE, but I will need to rebind other keys for that so basically, I need some keybindings that work well to replace the other ones
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- keybindings
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After buying KSP on the Xbox one (when my PC started giving me too many problems), I found the game to be nearly unplayable (compared to the PC version) and was intently waiting for Microsoft to allow developers implementation of mouse and keyboard support on Xbox One. Now that Microsoft has confirmed developers will be able to update their games with this feature on a case by case basis, It seems this would be an expected update to KSP enhanced edition. Do the developers even plan on supporting the XBox One playerbase in this way? Or are we out of luck and just have to deal with the difficult controls? As a long time KSP fan, I really hope they do plan on a mouse and keyboard update, because I'm not likely to return to KSP unless I can play it on Xbox without getting frustrated. Thank you
It's been a long time coming, but Microsoft has delivered the promise of giving Xbox One owners the ability to use mouse and keyboard controls for a variety of games on the home console. Phil Spencer publicly revealed in September that Mouse & Keyboard support was coming In the November 2018 console update. Major Nelson later confirmed after the update went live in November 2018, in his blog, that keyboard and mouse support is now enabled for the Xbox One. This gave both developers and players more choice on how they want to play, gifting the user the choice to use a keyboard to type and carry out commands and/or use the mouse to navigate through menus, UI and play their favourite games the way they want to. The option is there for the Developers if they wish to do so states Microsoft. So I'm really wanting to know as a fan and a long time player who has bought 3 copies of KSP for 3 different platforms, when will Mouse and Keyboard support for KSP come to Xbox? The reason of typing such a fuss, is that the enabling of K&M for the console version of KSP will transform the console version for the better guaranteed. Compared to its PC counterpart, the console controls have never felt natural since its console release turning many fans off to the console version. I do understand that the Enhanced Edition (KSPED) brought many improvements but there is still one glaringly obvious function missing to make the Console version truly complete. What we need ia someone from the KSP Dev Team to please give us an answer on when and if this function will be coming to Xbox now that it is possible on the platform? As Xbox have said, this is down to the developer, wether to enable the function or not. Thankyou For Your Time.
Have the XBOX One Enhanced version. I enjoy building flying, failing and flailing about... however... the controller controls seem to pale in comparison to the, uh, other versions that I'm seeing the original engineers. I can plug one of their fancy multi-button keyboard doohickies into my control console and use my other applications with it, but KSP doesn't seem to pay attention to it. Even when asking for just names, I can't enter them with the multi-key controller and have to use my hand-fitting ergonomic multi-stick controller to do it. Any chance I'm just missing something and I can magically access the 101 key multi-button controller that most of my fellow Kerman Space Engineer's are using? Just curious. Also, a little 'finer' control when in snap mode would be awesome. I have to exit snap mode and fuss around with the sticks for what is usually a minute or so to get that part placed 'just right'. Doesn't mean I fly the craft any better but sometimes that itty bitty little bit helps.
Not sure if it is already posted,but i'm using a corsair K55 French AZERTY keyboard,i used the change layout function to switch all my keys instantly to that perfect layout (very handy feature!) problem is it still thinks its a QWERTY keyboard,i tried changing them manually too but nope ZSQD stays WASD ... Please help...
hi all i ve downloaded 1.4 and tried to play without mods: i have a problem with the defaut keys, for example the well known WSADQE keys for flight control added with Z full throttle and X zero throttle... before i had the 1.2.2 version of ksp and everything was fine with WSADQE + Z + X working just fine. now the keyboard reacts as he was a QWERTY keyboard but I still have an AZERTY keyboard (French standard) ! I need to cheat the cpu making him believe I have a QWERTY keyboard and then i recover the former location of usual keys, but pressing on where QWERTY's W and X would be for full/zero throttle instead of usual Z and X, ... was this bug ever reported with the new 1.4 version of ksp and do you have a solution that differs from cheating the cpu, i.e. recovering normal keys on my keyboard ? thanks
We know the Ps4 does have the ability to connect a keyboard and mouse so what's stopping Squad from implementing those controls? I get the argument that at that point you might as well buy a PC but i would like to enjoy KSP with easier controls. I understand if implementing is harder in practice than in concept. I would just like to hear an official response on it.
KSP Logitech RGB Control Allows Kerbal Space Program to modify the lighting on your Logitech RGB Keyboard (only tested with the Logitech G910). Lights up your keyboard to make playing Kerbal Space Program a lot easier. This is a fork of cguckes awesome ksp-chroma plugin - if you have a Razer keyboard, check it out: The mod is still very beta, so let me know if you experience any difficulties when using it. Features Function keys 1 to 0 are only lit, if the underlying action group actually does anything. The keys are displayed in two different colors, depending on whether the action group is toggled or not. The keys for SAS, RCS, Gears, Lights and the Brakes are lit up in different colors, indicating if the respective system was activated or not. The amount of resources in the current stage is displayed on your keypad and the keys to the left of it (PrtScr, ScrLk, ..., PageDown) The color of W, A, S, D, E and Q varies slightly depending on whether you're in precision or normal steering mode The keys for timewarp control are lit either red for physics timewarp or green for normal timewarp Full list of game effects Stylized Kerbal Space Program logo on every scene that does not contain any noteworthy keyboard interaction (pressing Escape to go to the menu not being noteworthy enough to light up the key) In the vessel editor, different kinds of keysets are lit up according to the current editor mode. Control keys and toggleable function keys are lit up in different colors, showing whether the function is switched on or off during flight. Reduced keyset lit for EVA mode Resource gauges displayed on the keypad and the keys above the UpDownLeftRight keys. Installation Unzip the release archive and place the KSPLogiRGB folder in your KSP GameData directory. From either the lib32 or lib64 folder (depending on which KSP build you are using) copy the LogitechLedEnginesWrapper.dll file inside the GameRoot, where the KSP.exe and KSP_x64.exe are as well. Start KSP and witness the awesomeness of highlighted function keys while kerbaling through space Changelog v1.0.1 - Bugfix and added features from master v1.0.0 - Initial Release Download This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC-Plugin. All product and company names are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.
Done some searching around but can't find anything on this... I'd like to assign "unset target" to a key in the keyboard setup, but it's not something that's available on the existing config screen. Is there a config change, lite mod or module manager tweak that would allow this? I'd like to skip the step of going to Map Mode and clicking and then returning to flight mode if possible. If not possible, it's something I've lived with so far. But if I had my druthers, I'd have a keyboard shortcut for it.
I've searched forums, but I'm not sure I've seen this issue. Does anyone know why occasionally when loading into the Launch Pad from the VAB, the mouse & keyboard will become completely non-response for basic UI functions? I can still click on Unity-specific things like MechJeb or the toolbar. But the Pause Menu doesn't come up, Staging (from SPACE) does nothing. Changing between Launch Pad & Space Center or Map, etc. does not resolve. The only resolution I've found is to CTRL-ALT-DEL the game. Help!
Enjoying 1.2 so far, seem to have found a bug. When I attempt to go EVA, my kerbal appears outside the craft, but then my keyboard is no responsive in game. Still works in windows/other programs, just freezes and does not respond in game. Have to restart the game to get it working again. Mods ------------------ mechjeb, kw rocketry, EVE
So I just recently got BD Armory on my computer, and I love it (I have 1.1.2 and I know that BD Armory isn’t compatible yet) but there seems to be a problem. I’ll be doing a battle with one of my tanks or AA batteries and the game will slow waaaaaaayyy down, which normally, I can cope with (I launched many rockets with several thousand parts regularly with 1.0.5 on a laptop, so I’m used to that) but then the game stops responding to my keyboard at all. The mouse still works, and can fire the guns, switch weapons, etc., but only at 1 fps or so. Also at this point, my computer is so hot that it hurts to touch it. I think that may be my computer, but after I force-quit KSP, it cools right down. Is this because BD Armory isn’t yet compatible, or something else? Does anyone else have this problem? If it is the mod, can I fix it, and if so, how? Oh, I also have Kerbal Engineer Redux.
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So, if you have a MonoBehaviour, it can ask Unity to inform it about all keyboard events, and when you are told about a keyboard event you can choose to: ignore it, or do something with it, and consume it, or do something with it, and don't consume it so it can still be passed on to other parts of the game What is the best way to tell Unity I'd like to be lastmost in the key processing order, such that I want to give all other mods (and stock) "first dibs" on consuming the key event so I won't be told about it if they consume it? This is so I can make it possible for people using kOS to catch any keypress that occurs "outside" the terminal window UNLESS that keypress is used by something else first. (i.e. it can't read "W" because "W" will be consumed by stock, making it pitch down the vessel.) Thus people could make a kOS script that triggers a bit of code based on a key you can hit during flight without having to shift focus to the terminal window first to do it. (But I don't want to be rude to other mods and steal keypresses away from them).