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[1.12.X] Kerbal Planetary Base Systems v1.6.15 [28. April 2022]


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Love this mod a lot, but having an issue withe the nuclear reactors it looks like they use energy rater than provide tons of it in unfocused mode.
Has an huge station in low orbit around kerbin with an nuclear reactor and got spammed with station is out of power on every few hours in game.
It just have research and  TAC life support running, my mun base don't have an reactor and is happy mining and refining fuel during the long nights with no complains. 
Shutting down the reactor solves most of the problems, added some solar panels and has 16 K of power 

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  • 3 weeks later...

A few issues / suggestions.


Am trying to make this:




Or something similar.    I have a few problems and a few ideas based on this.  


1) this may be a compatibility issue, as I have more mods installed than stars in the galaxy.  However, once I place the garage fairings into the construction area, I can't select them anymore to remove them.

2) Garage needs a snap point on the top side, so I do not have to use another part to create a node on the top.  and with this exact configuration in mind if there was an adapter to sit on top of the garage to make a flat spot just the perfect width for the other parts to sit on, this would also be nice, as i would not have to clip them down into the roof of the garage to seal the gap.  This is not a big deal, just a thought.  But if this part existed it could also facilitate ladders to climb down from the command pod.  Again, not a big deal, as this can be cobbled together with other parts, but it would be nice if it all looked like it belonged together.

3) If the garage had other parts that conformed to the bottom other than the fairings this would be great.  Things like fuel tanks, batteries, storage bins, Fuel cells, etc.  Not that they do much good for this particular thing as I need the bottom to be flat, but just in general.  For that matter if these same parts were also made in the same format as the garage that would also be great.

4) There is a concrete pad to lock the base to the surface once it has landed, could this function not be added to the landing legs themselves?

5) I do not seem to see any landing engines that snap on the garage parts like the landing legs do.  Am I missing something, or are there really no landing engines that work with the garage part?

6) I can't surface attach things to the side of the garage, this would be nice as well.

Edited by Bit Fiddler
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I know this is technically a double post, but I did not want to keep editing the previous one.  




This is the end result, and it is not bad, dedicated parts may look nicer, but these random bits do the trick.  This makes a good landing craft to drop rovers, and the inflatable fuel tanks in the garage can then be used to transport LFO back up to the orbiting station.  I will use this for my workhorse in my new base construction on Mun and Minmus.  it has the TWR to land on Duna as well, but I am not sure of the Δv.  I will have to revisit this design when I move on to Duna.  may need a bit more LFO external to the garage area.


Anyway, thanks for the great mod.  I have almost always had it loaded in my saves, all the way back to the first release, but this is the first time I have ever really put it to use.  It looked great, and I always had plans for it, I just never seemed to get around to using it.  


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@Nils277 I'm having problems with these garage parts in SPH: 1) K&K Garage Cover 2) K&K Garage MK3 and 3.75m Adapter. Any help is appreciated. Details and log follow.

After I attach those parts to my base under construction, or just drop the part in empty space, I can't grab it again with the left mouse button. The offset, rotate, and root tools still work on the problem parts. The right-click window stops working if I left-click one of the problem parts, but if I left-click some other part before right-clicking those garage parts then I can get the window to open.

An observation: Those 2 parts have "model switch" variants and have a problem. Other K&K parts without model switch seem to be okay. Coincidence, or maybe the model switch triggers some issue.

At least one person reported a similar issue with garages:

  On 1/24/2022 at 5:45 PM, Bit Fiddler said:

once I place the garage fairings into the construction area, I can't select them anymore to remove them.


I'm using KSP 1.12.2 and lots of mods. Logfile at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LCFSlCustV_fIiyh3CbR4UkjXCaOAHNy/view?usp=sharing

The log file has error messages like this:

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Hi everyone, 
I have this problem with resources..

Extraplanetary launchpads is using Metal Ore, Metal  and RocketParts as consumables for building stuff . Planetary base systems is compatible with EL and USI/MKS. In many wiki's found that EL production line should transition from using MetalOre, Rocketparts etc. to using MetarialKits and Specialized parts.  But it does not . Same thing with MKS...  not using MaterialKits and SpecializedParts , for building on launchpad. Maybe I am doing something wrong?  Tried surfing every wiki, but cant find a solution...

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  On 1/30/2022 at 5:59 PM, Distriaction said:

Hi everyone, 
I have this problem with resources..

Extraplanetary launchpads is using Metal Ore, Metal  and RocketParts as consumables for building stuff . Planetary base systems is compatible with EL and USI/MKS. In many wiki's found that EL production line should transition from using MetalOre, Rocketparts etc. to using MetarialKits and Specialized parts.  But it does not . Same thing with MKS...  not using MaterialKits and SpecializedParts , for building on launchpad. Maybe I am doing something wrong?  Tried surfing every wiki, but cant find a solution...


First, I don't think this is the correct place to post this.  It probably should be posted to those mods threads (MKS, OSE, EPL).   (Am I just making things worse by answering it here?) That being said, I had to make my own Module Manager cfg files to convert all things that made or used MaterialKits over to Rocketparts.  Not sure where you saw that EPL would convert to MaterialKits, I don't remember seeing that and sure hadn't seen it happen.  Oh wait, looking at a couple of the patches for  Kerbal Planetary Base Systems, I see that if EPL is installed it will use Rocketparts but they don't change what OSE Workshop does.  I got used to Rocketparts and liked the way EPL worked so that is the direction I went.  I haven't had issues with the changes I have made.

Here is some of the contents of my cfg files that convert Material Kits to RocketParts: 

// Add RocketParts to converters that make Material Kits (OSE Workshop)
		@ConverterName = RocketParts
		@StartActionName = Start RocketParts
		@StopActionName = Stop RocketParts
			@ResourceName = RocketParts
		@ConverterName = RocketParts
		@StartActionName = Start RocketParts
		@StopActionName = Stop RocketParts
			@ResourceName = RocketParts
// Modify OSE to use RocketParts
//  I tried using #$MaterialKits$ to change set the vaule of RocketParts
//  Currently this appears to pull the wrong value from MaterialKits - works fine density difference between MaterialKits and RocketParts
		RocketParts = #$MaterialKits$
		-MaterialKits = #$MaterialKits$

		RocketParts = #$MaterialKits$
		-MaterialKits = #$MaterialKits$


Edited by pmoffitt
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  • 2 weeks later...

So I was just crunching the numbers for life support (TACLS) on my space station and realized that the K&K Water Purifier is actually an infinite water generator :cool:
This is from the PBS Container_WaterPurifier.cfg:

			ResourceName = WasteWater
			Ratio = 0.00008548612
			ResourceName = Water
			Ratio = 0.00007693751
			DumpExcess = false

and the water you get back from the wastewater is greater than the water ur kerbals used to generate it :D I checked the WasteWater::Waste ratio and it matches the one from the TACLS part exactly, so I'm guessing this must be due to a typo or something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This is the edit I decided to use for my save:

			ResourceName = WasteWater
			Ratio = 0.00008548612
		// Changed ratio to match TACLS water purifier
			ResourceName = Water
			Ratio = 0.00006712848
			DumpExcess = false
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 2/28/2022 at 5:30 PM, SkyFall2489 said:

@RoverDude, by the way, about cryofreeze, does MKS have any resource chains to make glykerol via ISRU? Also, the KPBS cryo freezer is enabled when USI-LS is installed but deepfreeze is not, but it does not have the actual cryo part module.


Can't speak to KPBS, not my mod.  By design no, there is no way to make more included with the mod.  Something you could module manager your way into if so inclined.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/29/2022 at 4:36 AM, DeadJohn said:

@Nils277 I'm having problems with these garage parts in SPH: 1) K&K Garage Cover 2) K&K Garage MK3 and 3.75m Adapter. Any help is appreciated. Details and log follow.

After I attach those parts to my base under construction, or just drop the part in empty space, I can't grab it again with the left mouse button. The offset, rotate, and root tools still work on the problem parts. The right-click window stops working if I left-click one of the problem parts, but if I left-click some other part before right-clicking those garage parts then I can get the window to open.

An observation: Those 2 parts have "model switch" variants and have a problem. Other K&K parts without model switch seem to be okay. Coincidence, or maybe the model switch triggers some issue.

At least one person reported a similar issue with garages:

I'm using KSP 1.12.2 and lots of mods. Logfile at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LCFSlCustV_fIiyh3CbR4UkjXCaOAHNy/view?usp=sharing

The log file has error messages like this:

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I am having this exact issue as well, running KSP 1.12.3 and everything about this mod is working fine except some parts are unremovable in the VAB after you attach them and if you drop these parts in the VAB, you cannot pick them back up either. I will post my logfile as soon as I can.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 3/19/2022 at 9:05 PM, Elmo's Minion said:

I am having this exact issue as well, running KSP 1.12.3 and everything about this mod is working fine except some parts are unremovable in the VAB after you attach them and if you drop these parts in the VAB, you cannot pick them back up either. I will post my logfile as soon as I can.


Sounds like a collider / modeling issue..

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I'm hoping someone can help point me in the right direction here as I don't have much experience reading logs.

I've somehow lost the KPBS drills I think the stock and water ones.  I've also lost the KBPS metal drill from Extraplanetary Launch Pads. I'm trying to figure out how to get them back so I don't lose all my bases that use them when I load my current save. 

Looking in the KSP.log, I get a line saying "[LOG 22:37:42.142] [000_AT_Utils: 22:37:42.142 1] Bad parts: Count: 5"  that list the following parts below.


I think this is listing the missing parts in my game as I don't have the KSPIE universal drill either. Anyone got any ideas what conflict or error I might have? Attaching full logs if that helps.

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  On 4/14/2022 at 4:37 AM, SkyFall2489 said:

AT_Utils is some plugin by @allista, that might help


That's a common library for all my plugins.

The parts listed in the log, @SkyFall2489 , are all stock, as far as I remember; and the only meaning of that list is to show which parts have to be treated differently when the library calculates their volumes and convex hulls. The term "bad parts" is poorly chosen.

Edited by allista
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  On 4/14/2022 at 6:56 AM, allista said:

That's a common library for all my plugins.

The parts listed in the log, @SkyFall2489 , are all stock, as far as I remember; and the only meaning of that list is to show which parts have to be treated differently when the library calculates their volumes and convex hulls. The term "bad parts" is poorly chosen.


Thank you so much for the reply. I guess I'll keep trying to familiarize myself with the log file to see where this mod conflict may exist. What's strange is that I was using these parts then suddenly they disappeared and my builds using them broke. For the life of me, I can't figure out what changed. 

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  On 4/14/2022 at 4:54 PM, The Credible Bulk said:

Thank you so much for the reply. I guess I'll keep trying to familiarize myself with the log file to see where this mod conflict may exist. What's strange is that I was using these parts then suddenly they disappeared and my builds using them broke. For the life of me, I can't figure out what changed. 


From what I can telly, your modlist is a mess. Can you try to reproduce it in a simplified install?

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  On 4/14/2022 at 3:53 AM, The Credible Bulk said:

I'm hoping someone can help point me in the right direction here as I don't have much experience reading logs.

I've somehow lost the KPBS drills I think the stock and water ones.  I've also lost the KBPS metal drill from Extraplanetary Launch Pads. I'm trying to figure out how to get them back so I don't lose all my bases that use them when I load my current save. 

Looking in the KSP.log, I get a line saying "[LOG 22:37:42.142] [000_AT_Utils: 22:37:42.142 1] Bad parts: Count: 5"  that list the following parts below.


I think this is listing the missing parts in my game as I don't have the KSPIE universal drill either. Anyone got any ideas what conflict or error I might have? Attaching full logs if that helps.

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I figured out the conflict here. Apparently the mod "Simple Repaint" that lets you change colors of parts conflicts with KPBS and is creating this "Bad parts" error and making the parts inaccessible in game. Doesn't really solve the general messiness of my 180+ mods but at least i got this figured out. Thanks for indulging me here guys!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update to 1.6.15



  • Recompile for KSP 1.12.3
  • Updated KSPModFileLocalizer to version

Mod Support:

  • Fixed/Updated mod support for Kerbalism. Thanks to @Grimmas
  • Fixed confused storage capacity of K&K Storage and K&K Storage (small), part in flight remain unchanged

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed garage adapter and garage cover not clickable in VAB/SPH




@Bit Fiddler and @DeadJohnThe problem with the garage cover has been fixed in this release.

Also thank you for the suggestions,  However, since im currently just "maintaining" the mod to keep it running and fix bugs. I don't think there will be new featues added to KPBS in the in the foreseeable future.

@The Credible Bulk and @SkyFall2489 the problem with SimpleRepaint has to come from this mod itself. None of the parts or configs have/had support for this mod. Best would be to report this to the creator of this mod. He/She can also contact me if there is something that is caused by KPBS (unlikely) contributing to this problem.

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