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[1.4.x-1.8.x] Airplane Plus - R26.4 (Fixed issues/Github is up to date) (Dec 21, 2019)


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On 4/21/2022 at 2:17 PM, Rakete said:

Looking forward to an actualized release of Airplane plus.

Is it yet on the horizon or still far far away due to being a whole bunch of work?

From what the mod developer has said, the primary blocker is that he doesn't consider the wheel physics to be satisfactory. 
They are usable, just not optimal.

The other issue is that the prop curves got messed up due to physics changes in the more recent KSP versions.  Additionally, the props aren't balanced against the stock props in Breaking Ground.   Personally I find this a much bigger issue.

His standards must be high, because those are very trivial issues.   I'd say the pack is well beyond a usable state, and I'd recommend still using it.  I'd give it a state similar to "Preview" level of quality.  Still some bugs, still needs tuning.

The biggest thing is if you design a plane with the part pack now, don't expect it to work 100% the same in future releases.  There are about to be changes that will affect physics behavior.

Edited by Ruedii
Note about personal opinion on the matter.
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I am kinda hyped for the upgraded and balanced version for KSP 1.12.3. I really really appreciate the work all the modders put into these things. This can't be said enough.

Edited by Rakete
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/22/2016 at 12:52 AM, blackheart612 said:

Airplane Plus


Powerful stockalike parts for aircraft enthusiasts.


Feedbacks would be helpful.
And if you have time, please take the Poll:

Click here to vote on what part do you want to be added


Download at:

Spacedock ·  Curseforge


Want to support me? You can on either of these:



User Patches:

Tweakscale Compatibility          RPM Compatibility          AJE Compatibility

F-16 Cockpit RPM          Remotetech Config

Community Tech Tree

Sound Issue Workaround is under "Issues" Below
If you want assist in hovering, I recommend this mod I'm using

Craft Files (Click Image):

Release 22-24:



Release 20:

Old Files:



Extra Images:




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Old Part Selection Images:

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Collection of Aircraft Photos: https://imgur.com/a/ySFgL

Old Album: http://imgur.com/a/6kDLM


APU in Action:

Huey in Action:


Machbuster Video:

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Extra: Demonstration of the Tilt-Rotor function, assisted VTOL landing and New Diagonal Gear

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Other videos:

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Latest Changelog:

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DDS conversion of some of the files to DXT5 ( @klgraham1013 )
Fixes on modulecargobay and bulkheadprofiles for payload parts* ( @Jognt )

*Mk1 Passenger Door
*Mk1 Nose Trunk CRG-NT
*Mk1 Junior Cargo Bay CRG-50-0



Remove old folder if there's an old installation.
Copy the GameData folder into your root folder.
 -Included in the pack are AirplanePlus and Firespitter folders. It also packs ModuleManager*

*I do not own these mods, I merely packed them in for Airplane Plus to be functional and avoid linking downloads for dependencies. Big thanks to their Authors.



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Is Tweakscale/RPM/BDArmory/AJE compatibility possible or can you add it?

Yes it's possible, but I'm not too keen in doing that over what I want to do with the mod itself. There are user patches here in the OP, below the downloads.


The blades aren't moving/the blurs are visible/some parts look weird. How do I fix this?

Very likely caused by a broken firespitter.dll, generally, the Plugins folder is necessary, but the resources folder is very important as well.


My VTOL/Helicopter pitches up/is uncontrollable despite the CoT being right above the CoM! What am I doing wrong?

Too much power from the engines cause it to pitch up, this is avoidable by throttling down, lower your thrust limited or adjust the RPM lower for helicopter rotors.


The Rotorwings have Current Thrust: 0 - is something wrong?

It's a Firespitter feature, the rotorwings use a custom module. The function is there's an RPM, blade "wings" spin, and the angle of wings determines the "thrust".


My engines are stopping at a certain speed/sometimes the engine says that it can't combust in Kerbin's atmoshphere. How do I fix this issue/Is this intended?

This is caused by going too fast for the propeller. Mostly happens for early engines in career mode. Still possible for others but those have higher speed limits.


Have you tried KSPWheel or this or that plugin?

There's no giving up on firespitter right now and I'm going to stick to one dependency for ease of updating.


I don't want all the parts/I only want certain parts of the mod.

I know, it's not a question, but there's a part deleter's guide in the zip itself, you can check it out and see which parts you want and it says there where it is.


How do I disable the sound patch for stock engines?

The sounds are in AirplanePlus/Sounds/Patch, simply delete the folder.




*I only take credit on my parts. Firespitter and Modulemanager which are included in the pack are made by different authors with their own licenses.

Most performance configs powered by @Tanner Rawlings
Shout out and big thanks to @acc for doing a test run back then.

@kiwinanday helped a lot on producing important info in reconfiguring performance, thanks a lot!

all of the cockpits are not in the game only the engines

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On 5/19/2022 at 6:50 AM, xD-FireStriker said:

what happened to the possible adoption of this mod? 

It's work in progress - Real Life™ is bitting everybody's SASes lately.

We have a pre-release available here:



On 4/21/2022 at 3:17 PM, Rakete said:

Looking forward to an actualized release of Airplane plus.

Is it yet on the horizon or still far far away due to being a whole bunch of work?

Both! :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Hyratel said:

looks like the biplane and blackhawk wheels are still Broke As Hell for tail draggers. Haven't successfully tried them with a tricycle yet

Yep, I detected that the biplane wheels are incorrectly oriented, and also kicking the craft up at launch. If you use a LSE, then the craft drops into the ground and don't kick.

I will work on it ASAP. You can keep an eye on the issue here: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/AirplanePlus/issues/3

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On 6/15/2022 at 7:36 PM, Lisias said:

Yep, I detected that the biplane wheels are incorrectly oriented, and also kicking the craft up at launch. If you use a LSE, then the craft drops into the ground and don't kick.

I will work on it ASAP. You can keep an eye on the issue here: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/AirplanePlus/issues/3

The solution in terms of building tail draggers with AP for me has been to rotate and lower the aircraft so front and rear wheels touch the ground in the hangar, then use Precise Editor and/or Editor Extensions to ensure the wheels are exactly perpendicular and forward aligned. Tedious, but the aircraft will then not bounce on launch and behave properly.

Typically building an aircraft you need to do this anyway to make sure the AoA, ground clearance, prop clearance, etc are good.

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On 5/26/2022 at 8:17 AM, lecheflan said:

all of the cockpits are not in the game only the engines

Hey man, welcome to the forums!

You're going to need to give more information if you want help with this issue. Also, please don't quote a huge post unnecessarily. Thank you!


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Dear Kerbonauts, 

we have a new BETA release for AirplanePlus.


I had let pass trough a pretty nasty mistake on the FAR patches , so this is kinda a mandatory update.

Edited by Lisias
Grammars. Don't you hate this thing?
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4 hours ago, Forked Camphor said:

What are the dependencies? I can't seem to find that info

Stock and the omnipresent Module Manager. :) 

Everything else is optional - currently, by everything else we mean FAR. People with good knowledge of FAR are welcome to cross-check that thing, we are still in BETA for a reason! ;)

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On 6/22/2022 at 7:43 PM, Lisias said:

Stock and the omnipresent Module Manager. :) 

Everything else is optional - currently, by everything else we mean FAR. People with good knowledge of FAR are welcome to cross-check that thing, we are still in BETA for a reason! ;)

Is the balancing and optimizing apart from FAR already stable? Or is this also subject to changes? E.g. I don't use FAR and am interessted in this mod. 

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On 6/26/2022 at 10:32 AM, Rakete said:

Is the balancing and optimizing apart from FAR already stable? Or is this also subject to changes? E.g. I don't use FAR and am interessted in this mod. 

Nothing should be considered stable on a Beta release!

Right now, we are focused on making everything that is not working, working again. Some new parts are being added too to sweet the pill in the mean time.

The rationale is to avoid opening more than one front on this fight - rebalancing things will break existing designs, and it's not wise to break user's toys.

But, yes, the rebalancing is on the backlog and since we are talking about it, what we're planning to do about it is to create new parts, while deprecating the old ones with the current values. Perhaps some selectable option to do the opposite (deprecate the new parts in favor of the old ones) for people that prefers the old settings - Squad demonstrated that we can have V2 parts around without breaking legacy and I think this is an example to be followed.

Humm… Now that I verbalised it, I realised that a side project for the Rebalancing is perfectly feasible...

Stay tuned, as soon as Real Life™ gives me a break, I will be back to you about the subject.


Edited by Lisias
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