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[WIP] Restock: KSP Part Art Revamp (Released March 06)


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Updating and reworking KSP's art

It's no secret that some of KSP's artwork is not great. Placeholder art made by a number of amateur artists throughout the game's development has resulted in a scattered mess of styles and qualities which is most evident in the part artwork. Recently Squad seems to be attempting to do something to attempt to address it, but they're taking the art in a direction I stylistically disagree with.

Sometime last year, myself and a number of other modders banded together to start a new community project, which we're calling Restock, which will attempt to resolve a lot of gripes we have and just generally make the game look better. We've been working on this a lot in the last year and finally have enough content for a thread, but maybe not quite a release (though I have sneakily been releasing stuff as part of my other mods for a while).

Project Goals

We have defined a few specific goals for the project:

  • Create a unity of design and style for all parts: In order to minimize work we'll be targeting the revised aircraft parts, which are the largest consistent block of parts.
  • Preserve the general aesthetic of KSP: We will do our best to keep the stylings of the more iconic parts while updating quality and fidelity.
  • Create consistency in detail level: no more 4k textures for minuscule pieces!
  • Minimize performance impact: use atlasing and efficient texturing to limit the need for any kind of better hardware than base KSP.
  • Do not affect gameplay or part balance


We believe that there are a number of places where KSP is missing key parts - for example, where a stack class is missing parts that exist in other classes. Restock+ aims to create parts that fill this niche, and is a wholly optional project. More details on that later


The mod was released on March 6th, get it in the Release Thread


Check out the Imgur albums linked below for some previews and content. We'll periodically (hopefully once per week) post new part previews and content, so stay tuned!


Part Previews



Current Contributors

Artists Plugin Code  Lead Testers

If you feel like you want to contribute and conform to some fairly rigid design and quality guidelines, let me know via PM.


Edited by Nertea
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12 minutes ago, Barzon Kerman said:

Will the solid boosters and 3.75m revamp be included in this?

Yes, they have had several improvements since I last showed them off

8 minutes ago, Stone Blue said:

One question tho: will this be one "set" of parts style, or will there be variant styles included, as well?

To goal is to provide a seamless experience with stock, so any stock part that has variants will get them too. 

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Ooh... I really love it.

[insert official seal of approval sticker]


My ONLY complaint would be the trefoil on the NTR - grey on yellow just isn't a very nice look IMO. It goes... mushy, at even moderate distances; there's not enough contrast to make it distinguishable. Either black ,or perhaps a darker yellow would be best.

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1 minute ago, NovaSilisko said:

Ooh... I really love it.

[insert official seal of approval sticker]


My ONLY complaint would be the trefoil on the NTR - grey on yellow just isn't a very nice look IMO. It goes... mushy, at even moderate distances; there's not enough contrast to make it distinguishable. Either black ,or perhaps a darker yellow would be best.

ITS THE NOVA! I hope I stayed true enough to your original work!

Thanks dude! It's certainly worth looking into. There's some work in the specular to make the metallic stencil core stand out but it might need some looking at. I'll have a think about painting the trefoil black or a darker grey for more contrast, but I've always been partial to that yellow for nuclear stuff. 

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