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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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On 6/6/2018 at 1:37 PM, Yaivenov said:

I was going to fudge the instability nature of some of the lagrangian points via the gravity mechanic.

Did you ever have any luck with this? I was going to do this but have never used Kopernicus before so was looking through posts to see how to make relatively simple changes to the configs and came across this post.

I'd love to see the configs you have, even if they don't work.

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On 6/5/2018 at 8:50 AM, FreeThinker said:

Would there be any way for external mods to retrieve the closest Kopernicus star and all related data including solar flux?

@FreeThinker I had some success a few versions back when solar panels were broken. Made a small mod that took the vessels CelestialBody (variable name may be wrong) and iterated up the chain of parents until encountering one with a temperature greater than an arbitrary value (think I used the temp of the smallest red dwarf). Haven't looked at this in a long time but here's the original post.



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I've been having some frame rate issues with StockVisualTerrain and after some tests have found that the drop in frame rate seems to come from having Kopernicus installed.  
For testing I had a 137 part (all stock parts) craft landed on Mun. With no mods in stalled I got 110 fps, with ModuleManager and ModularFlightIntegrator the fps was the same. With Kopernicus installed the frame rate dropped by ~25fps.  Adding SVT on top didn't reduce the frame rate.  Obv if I just had SVT (+dependencies) having 80+ fps wouldn't be worth mentioning, but with a bunch of other mods installed that 25fps hit becomes more of an issue.  
Is there anything I can do to reduce what Kopernicus is doing in my setup (I only need it as a dependency for SVT)? Or is there currently a known performance issue?

These are all the tests I've done, tests 7-10 are the ones focusing on Kopernicus and it's dependencies.
and here is a zip containing the corresponding KSP log and ckan file listing the installed mods for each test.


Tests all start with KSP log deleted. and save reset to same starting point.
  Load KSP with given mod payload, load save, go into tracking station & select landed craft. 
  wait 20-30 seconds for FPS to stabalize and record FPS  
  landed craft is a 137 part craft made of all stock parts, landed on Mun (near Mun Arch on equator)

KSP info:
  KSP 1.4.3
  build id = 02152
  2018.04.26 at 23:09:44 CEST

Test Machine
  i7 6800k OC'd @4.1Ghz
  32GB RAM
  GTX 1070sc (8GB)
  Windows 7 pro 64bit

Test 01 - [low mod setup including SVE & Scatterer - without SVT] 
  mods see list; 01_mods.ckan
  see log; 01_KSP.log
  FPS: 65

Test 02 - [low mod setup including SVE & Scatterer - with SVT]
  mods see list; 02_mods.ckan
  see log; 02_KSP.log
  FPS: 40

Test 03 - [full mod setup including SVE & Scatterer - without SVT]
  mods see list; 03_mods.ckan *see note at bottom
  see log; 03_KSP.log
  FPS: 50-55

Test 04 - [full mod setup including SVE & Scatterer - with SVT]
  mods see list; 04_mods.ckan *see note at bottom
  see log; 04_KSP.log
  FPS: 20  

Test 05 - [Stock + SVE & Scatterer -  without SVT]
  mods see list; 05_mods.ckan
  see log; 05_KSP.log
  FPS: 90

Test 06 - [Stock + SVE & Scatterer -  with SVT]
  mods see list; 06_mods.ckan
  see log; 06_KSP.log
  FPS: 58

Test 07 - [Stock + SVT, Kopernicus, ModularFlightIntegrator, ModuleManager]
  mods see list; 07_mods.ckan
  see log; 07_KSP.log
  FPS: 82

Test 08 - [Stock + Kopernicus, ModularFlightIntegrator, ModuleManager]
  mods see list; 08_mods.ckan
  see log; 08_KSP.log
  FPS: 86

Test 09 - [Stock + ModularFlightIntegrator, ModuleManager]
  mods see list; 09_mods.ckan
  see log; 09_KSP.log
  FPS: 109

Test 10 - [Stock]
  mods see list; 10_mods.ckan
  see log; 10_KSP.log
  FPS: 110
Mods not listed in full install ckan files (tests 03  & 04):
WildBlueTools, Pathfinder, MemGraph, Buffalo  



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Does anyone has problem with water collision after editing stock planets size? I tried two configs which makes Kerbol System bigger and on both I have same problem. Water surface loses collision and I can't land on it. Object simply fly through water surface and crashing on the bottom. I assume this is problem with Kopernicus because 2 configs has same problem and they simply increases size of planets.

Edit: It was caused by lack of Ocean section in config file. After I've manually added it, everything is fine.

Edited by BlackAndWhite
Problem solved
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36 minutes ago, lajoswinkler said:

I don't dare to open my savegame. Has anyone tried? :/

What I'd suggest is starting a new game. If it appears that whatever planets or whatnot you had before the update is gone, it's safe to say that Kopernicus is broken.

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well the splash screen for 1.4.4 states Kopernicus is not usable with this version "do not open saves from that version" so its not a mystery

untill they get the patch.. most world mods need to be recompiled to the new code and K's Modder has always been there to accomplish this.Thank's to them/him/her for doing that.

give them some time, it just came out.. feels much more stable so far. landing legs work, plumes correct and explosions under control.I have not tried to open a landed vehicle to see if it jumps yet, as I am building new craft for the missions but it looks good on the runway.

 so your save maybe used once the mod gets updated as has happened in the past.




Edited by Jammer-TD
additional info
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I grabbed the github repository & changed the version lock to the current KSP version, and everything seems to work fine except for the lack of textures on planets. If you don't mind that, it's really not anything major. I'm using GPP & it's working so far. Oh, and one section of the runway is missing for no particular reason. But overall, functionally, it seems to be fine.

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34 minutes ago, Diddly Feelerino said:

Any updates on this? Sitting waiting for an update to Kopernicus and I can't play my current save until it's sorted =/

On Steam you can just revert back to 1.4.3 if you look under beta versions. You may have to uninstall KSP first, then select the version you want under beta releases, then install again. Shouldn't remove any mods or saves though. I've done this before with previous releases and it's all been fine.

Edited by Pleb
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1 minute ago, Pleb said:

On Steam you can just revert back to 1.4.3 if you look under beta versions. You may have to uninstall KSP first, then select the version you want u see beta releases, then install again. Shouldn't remove any mods or saves though. I've done this before with previous releases and it's all been fine.


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@Pleb @Diddly Feelerino better suggestion:

After installing KSP with Steam, copy the game folder to anywhere else (your game partiton or what ever).
For example: ...\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\ -> copy to -> E:\Games\Kerbal Space Program\

That's a start.
You run the exe or a link to the exe (parameters) directly there. You don't need Steam anymore.

When you want to test a new KSP version, just rename the actual E:\Games\Kerbal Space Program\ to let's say E:\Games\Kerbal Space Program 1.4.3\
Use Steam to download newest version.
Copy that again to E:\Games\Kerbal Space Program\
Copy your mods and saves etc. in there
Test it.

If it's a no-go, just scrap that folder and re-rename E:\Games\Kerbal Space Program 1.4.3\ to E:\Games\Kerbal Space Program\ and go.

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It still works with Astronomers Visual Pack (AVP) in 1.4.4. AVP doesn't add any new planets but uses Kopernicus as a dependency. Anyone using that mod should be safe. If you're using additional mods, or mods that change/add new planets, it may not work. 

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52 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

It still works with Astronomers Visual Pack (AVP) in 1.4.4. AVP doesn't add any new planets but uses Kopernicus as a dependency. Anyone using that mod should be safe. If you're using additional mods, or mods that change/add new planets, it may not work. 

The parts of AVP that use kopernicus are not loading, guaranteed. Kopernicus, will not, under any circumstances, work in 1.4.4 until it is updated. So no, it doesn’t make a special exception for AVP. 

Edited by Galileo
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