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The Kerbin 1K Drag Race (needs Races! mod)

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3 minutes ago, qzgy said:

Uhhh... sure! Current designs can reliably ditch into the ocean without loss of life....

Are you sure?

When I crafted the Vector version of my latest Rocket Sled (RS-6) and was trying to use non-drogue 'chutes, was so fast they failed and it sailed off the end and ditched into the water, only leaving the wheels behind. :)

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Just now, Jacke said:

Are you sure?

When I crafted the Vector version of my latest Rocket Sled (RS-6) and was trying to use non-drogue 'chutes, was so fast they failed and it sailed off the end and ditched into the water, only leaving the wheels behind. :)

Yup pretty sure.

Goes so fast that the control surfaces at the back let it continue a bit like a dart so I can somewhat control altitude and let drag slow me down to a speed at which a soft collision with the water is possible. I don't have any chutes so... takes a bit.

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11 minutes ago, qzgy said:

Wonder how fast it'll go....

Depends on if it explodes or not! :D

Just now, qzgy said:
3 minutes ago, Jacke said:


Yup pretty sure.

Goes so fast that the control surfaces at the back let it continue a bit like a dart so I can somewhat control altitude and let drag slow me down to a speed at which a soft collision with the water is possible. I don't have any chutes so... takes a bit.

That's part of the reason I added a retrorocket, at that speed chutes don't like to work.

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43 minutes ago, Ultimate Steve said:

Depends on if it explodes or not! :D

:D ahh explosions.....  The constant companion in any of these things...

43 minutes ago, Ultimate Steve said:

That's part of the reason I added a retrorocket, at that speed chutes don't like to work.

I just... don't bother with slowing down. Adds mass I don't need or want.


Presenting for entry - Silver Bullet IV. (download)


Using around about 290 sepratrons, the Silver Bullet can achieve speeds in excess of 1000 m/s before the end of the runway (with a full fuel load, I've seen 1300 in testing) and can safely deliver its occupant into the ocean.

Usage - Point in direction of travel, stage, let it go. After flying off the end of the runway, pitch up a bit  Let the thing glide above the water until it stalls (below 200 m/s). When stalling, try to crash tail first.

Edit: oh wait I just saw the "stop without exploding clause". yeah.. well it doesn't explode more so just crash.... let's pretend i didn't see anything ....

Edited by qzgy
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2 hours ago, sturmhauke said:

And here I thought I was doing well hitting Mach 1.5 or so...

That's faster than my entry goes.  And as I've found when trying to improve it and checking recent entrants, we're starting to draw attention of the Kraken.


6 hours ago, qzgy said:

Presenting for entry - Silver Bullet IV. (download)


Usage - Point in direction of travel, stage, let it go. After flying off the end of the runway, pitch up a bit  Let the thing glide above the water until it stalls (below 200 m/s). When stalling, try to crash tail first.

Edit: oh wait I just saw the "stop without exploding clause". yeah.. well it doesn't explode more so just crash.... let's pretend i didn't see anything ....

As I found out while testing, don't pitch up while on the runway.


What would @Triop say ? :)

22 hours ago, Triop said:



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1 hour ago, Jacke said:

And as I've found when trying to improve it and checking recent entrants, we're starting to draw attention of the Kraken.

Indeed. I tried making a minimalist entry consisting of a command seat, a bunch of sepratrons, three LY-05 landing gears and very little else. What I found out (besides that keeping it on the ground when it goes supersonic is tricky) is that landing gear physics in KSP 1.6.0 can get a little wonky. Specifically, after coming to a full stop after a run, the thing will spontaneously accelerate back to up to 30 m/s or so without using any fuel or electric charge. It does seem to slow down gradually, but only over several minutes. It steers fine, and I can even drive it around the KSC. Putting it in a rapid spin does slow it down, and often causes it to start spontaneously drifting sideways instead. :confused:

I'll check if it still behaves the same way in KSP 1.6.1. If it does, I might post it here just as a curiosity, even if I can't turn it into an actual valid entry.

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5 minutes ago, vyznev said:

I'll check if it still behaves the same way in KSP 1.6.1. If it does, I might post it here just as a curiosity, even if I can't turn it into an actual valid entry.

I am.. uhh slightly concerned since I built mine in 1.3.0 where wheels still did wheel things well....

Should be fine though.

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5 hours ago, vyznev said:

...landing gear physics in KSP 1.6.0 can get a little wonky. Specifically, after coming to a full stop after a run, the thing will spontaneously accelerate back to up to 30 m/s or so without using any fuel or electric charge. It does seem to slow down gradually, but only over several minutes. It steers fine, and I can even drive it around the KSC. Putting it in a rapid spin does slow it down, and often causes it to start spontaneously drifting sideways instead. :confused:

It does appear we're getting a bit of Kraken and he's down with the funk, man.

My Rocket Sled uses an Octagonal Strut with 36 Sepratrons.  Was testing an upgrade with 64 Sepratrons.  And decided to try to build a stack of O-Struts and use 2 banks of 64 each.

At best the second bank quickly overheated from the first's exhaust.  At worse, I would load the test craft and the Kraken would come and the craft started spinning with the sepratrons moving independently.  Prior to things exploding.

Went back to 1 bank of 64.  That still was crashing for various reasons (had other changes too).  And even when it went straight, didn't really match the current version's performance.

So I decided to leave rod tinkering for the day and get back to it tomorrow.


5 hours ago, qzgy said:

I am.. uhh slightly concerned since I built mine in 1.3.0 where wheels still did wheel things well....

Should be fine though.

I ran it in KSP 1.6.1.  Appears to work, sort of.

One thing it needs is never just revert to launch, as that summons the Kraken.  Reverting to SPH and launching again did work.

It may need slightly different handling.  I accidentally pulled up just after the finish (it slipped through unnoticed just like mine) and that led to the wrecked runway in my screenshot above.

Another run I sailed off the end and did the pitch up.  It glided up.

And up.

And up.

Wow, the clock was solid yellow and taking over 3s per clock second.  I think it got to around 3700m before it started descending.  Was taking forever and I just reverted out. :)

Edited by Jacke
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8 hours ago, Jacke said:

My Rocket Sled uses an Octagonal Strut with 36 Sepratrons.  Was testing an upgrade with 64 Sepratrons.  And decided to try to build a stack of O-Struts and use 2 banks of 64 each.

At best the second bank quickly overheated from the first's exhaust.  At worse, I would load the test craft and the Kraken would come and the craft started spinning with the sepratrons moving independently.  Prior to things exploding.

Went back to 1 bank of 64.  That still was crashing for various reasons (had other changes too).  And even when it went straight, didn't really match the current version's performance.

In my experience if you radially attach too many sepratrons (or anything really), KSP physics doesn't like it and tries to let it not exist. For your overheating problem it might be worth doing someting like what I did, pointing them out a bit and offsetting the next bank closer to the attachment part.

8 hours ago, Jacke said:

I ran it in KSP 1.6.1.  Appears to work, sort of.

One thing it needs is never just revert to launch, as that summons the Kraken.  Reverting to SPH and launching again did work.

Sounds about right. I had the same behavior in 1.3.0. I guess its just how it seems to live its life.

8 hours ago, Jacke said:

Another run I sailed off the end and did the pitch up.  It glided up.

And up.

And up.

Wow, the clock was solid yellow and taking over 3s per clock second.  I think it got to around 3700m before it started descending.  Was taking forever and I just reverted out. :)

Ah,, umm... that doesn't sound like what happened in my testing...  then again I wasn't really paying attention to the altitude. :blush:  Dont blame you for reverting out of it though. Yellow clock is from the 300- odd parts so you know, thats normal. Best guess is I tricked the drag model somehow more or something so that the fairings produce more lift.

This requires more investigation in 1.6.1..... maybe some tweaking too.

Edited by qzgy
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19 hours ago, NBDesigns said:

Hey @Triop can you enter two crafts?

Gotta couple of ideas for an additional craft and a few hours to kill tomorrow 

Well, I guess those 4 left places won't be filled.

I'll wait a couple of days and then I'll start recording races.

Just keep the design with you for now, it might enter later, or not. :ph34r:

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23 hours ago, Triop said:

Well, I guess those 4 left places won't be filled.

3!  :) 

(But my entry will be probably overruled, as I twisted the rules. :D Sorry, but I'm not exactly sorry - it was way more fun this way. Give it a try anyway, please, just to see how I did!)

This is a two stage dragster, as (kind of) allowed here.


  1. Activate SAS
  2. Full Throttle
  3. Make sure you have breaks disabled
  4. Stage!
  5. When fuel is empty, Stage again!
  6. Use the cockpit Wheel to keep the nose up and the cockpit head up on "touchdown". :) 
  7. Success!!! :) 

Acceptance criteria (sort of :sticktongue:):

  • Stock (check)
  • No drones, a Kerbal must drive. (check)
  • All races will be driven by Jeb, he will be our "Stig", so make sure you give him instructions if you have any. (check)
  • Two stages craft allowed (well…. :) )
  • Additionally:
    • The Kerbal survived,
    • The craft's last stage :D survived. Unscratched
    • The craft 'parked' on the runway.

Craft: https://kerbalx.com/Lisias/Triops-Dragster-Challenge-Mark-0

Test Run:





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3 minutes ago, Lisias said:

(But my entry will be probably overruled, as I twisted the rules.

Not at all. I think it is awesome.

I don't think Jeb agrees since he has to drive, but I think it is very innovative, you are in. :cool:

Is your game slow ?

Maybe you could lower some of your details settings (I have a slow computer) to increase frame rate. &)

Thanks for entering, 3 places left. ^_^

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1 hour ago, Triop said:

Is your game slow ?

Maybe you could lower some of your details settings (I have a slow computer) to increase frame rate. &)

No. It needs to be way faster to be classified as Slow. :D 

I forgot the anti-alias on, and this on my MacPotato is way expensive - shared memory on GPU and CPU is the main issue here, as when the GPU is anti-aliasing the frame, the CPU cannot access the memory.

I usually hack the physics engine to extend a "computer second" to many real life seconds while recording videos, but since this was just a fast test run, I didn't bored. But forgot the anti-alias on. :P 

(make no mistake, my machine is terrible - it just happens that it's yet more terrible on the video. :D )

Edited by Lisias
tyops! tyops! tyops everywhere!
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