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[1.12.x] Kerbalnaut Training: Field Training Laboratory (FTL) & Field Training Facility (FTF)[28 Jun 2022]


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There seems to be an issue/bug with both these mods. They are not recognizing kerbal experience obtained from stock sources such as orbiting.

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The same happens with Training Lab. The expected behaviour would be that training would be done "on top" of whatever experience the kerbal already has. As it stands, unless a kerbal is being trained from scratch, there is wastage of time/science.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 5/6/2020 at 4:09 PM, Atlas Gaming said:

Is there a known incompatibility with Kerbalism? I used this mod previously w/o any issues, but noticed with Kerbalism it does not show up in labs?


I've just posted a pull request to the repository to address this, but in case it isn't accepted you can add the following to the GameData/FieldTrainingFacility/Patches/FieldTrainingFacility.cfg

It happens because Kerbalism replaces the module that the science lab uses after this module applies it's own patch.

	@description:NEEDS[FieldTrainingFacility] ^= :(.)$:$0\n<#6495ED>Field Training Facility. </color>:

		// Science Cost = TrainingFactor * exp needed * conditions(inSpace, Landed on other planet)
		// example : landed on minmus, level 4->5 : 20 * 32 * 0.25 = 160
		TimeFactor = 9201600
		ECFactor = 4
		SpaceFactor = 4
		LandedFactor = 6


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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 8/8/2020 at 7:30 PM, Qyst said:

There seems to be an issue/bug with both these mods. They are not recognizing kerbal experience obtained from stock sources such as orbiting.

Formal report:

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The same happens with Training Lab. The expected behaviour would be that training would be done "on top" of whatever experience the kerbal already has. As it stands, unless a kerbal is being trained from scratch, there is wastage of time/science.


The same happens to me on Windows 10 with KPS1.9.1 and KSP1.10.1.

Anyone knows a method to correct this?


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  • 3 months later...
  On 8/18/2020 at 6:33 PM, opensomersault said:

I've just posted a pull request to the repository to address this, but in case it isn't accepted you can add the following to the GameData/FieldTrainingFacility/Patches/FieldTrainingFacility.cfg

It happens because Kerbalism replaces the module that the science lab uses after this module applies it's own patch.

	@description:NEEDS[FieldTrainingFacility] ^= :(.)$:$0\n<#6495ED>Field Training Facility. </color>:

		// Science Cost = TrainingFactor * exp needed * conditions(inSpace, Landed on other planet)
		// example : landed on minmus, level 4->5 : 20 * 32 * 0.25 = 160
		TimeFactor = 9201600
		ECFactor = 4
		SpaceFactor = 4
		LandedFactor = 6



You cannot use two specifiers at the same time in ModuleManager patches (using both :FOR and :AFTER is not allowed). If you remove the :FOR, it runs.

The only thing that does not seem to work properly is the EC consumption when the vessel is not loaded, which makes it kind of imbalanced.

	@description:NEEDS[FieldTrainingFacility] ^= :(.)$:$0\n<#6495ED>Field Training Facility. </color>:

		// Science Cost = TrainingFactor * exp needed * conditions(inSpace, Landed on other planet)
		// example : landed on minmus, level 4->5 : 20 * 32 * 0.25 = 160
		TimeFactor = 9201600
		ECFactor = 4
		SpaceFactor = 4
		LandedFactor = 6


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @zer0Kerbal

was talking with another mod developer in private when an idea came out of the conversation about FTL and FTF mods you develop. Here is the idea :

If we assume that kerbals know how to develop artificial intelligence, why would they really need a five star kerbal to train them? How about AI modules that can be trained by a kerbal once and then having this module side by side with FTL or FTF modules, other kerbals can learn from the AI without the need for another teacher to be on board?

If we accept this idea, you can have two modules (parts and yes I intentionally ask for parts to make station designs a bit more interesting and a little challenge, and no, the parts should be big enough and can't be flat small objects), one module would be responsible for storage hardware and another for the cpu processor of the AI. And, for each skill, we need a separate AI module pair. Adding USI skills into the game and idea here, having a training station, would be interesting to develop because for each skill you have to plan two parts in the station. Also, for training the AI, you would need a five star kerbal in the CPU unit, time and lots of time for each round of training, and more than one round of training until the unit gets ready.

If USI MKS is present, maintenance of the unit can use special parts (make it optional via options). At the end, we may need to train the AI at least one more round after some years because of malfunctioning or any other name you would use that causes the AI to mess things up or forget stuff.

Finally, if we have AI units in the same ship/station with FTL or FTF modules, kerbals can learn the skill without a need for another teaching kerbal. If we lack the AI module for a skill, then we go back to the original mod design that forcefully asks for a teacher.


You may ask why we may need something like this?

The idea came out when me and another mod developer where talking about generation ships. You know, add civilian population mod to the game, some far far away star systems that would need hundred of years to reach the destination, add USI MKS and Life support, deep freeze and your FTL and FTF mods, all in one place for a game play !!! This way, we can have generation ships. You know, the ship that would leave home planet and it's star system for future generations... during the travel original crew will die but their children will be trained in space and when the final destination reached, you may have passed through four or five generations. In Sci Fi movies, training these children would be done by one of three choices :

1- Elders will train younger generation... what is sci fi about this?? nothing!!! as time passes some of the knowledge will be lost !

2- Drone and Robots who look like normal population would sit and teach children.

3- Computer AI with holographic images would teach

I think you got the picture,.... i'm a fan of the third option lol.

So, what do you think about this idea?

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  • 2 weeks later...

quick question - Does anyone know if this mod works with 1.11?  I mean, I may get around to checking myself sooner or later (and will reply when I do) but I'm just checking now before I start just adding mods and running into possible incompatibilities. Though, I'm not using Kerbalism, so I should be okay...

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  • 2 months later...
  On 1/12/2021 at 3:36 AM, sc0rch said:

quick question - Does anyone know if this mod works with 1.11?  I mean, I may get around to checking myself sooner or later (and will reply when I do) but I'm just checking now before I start just adding mods and running into possible incompatibilities. Though, I'm not using Kerbalism, so I should be okay...


I'm a bit late to the party but yes they do work. Or at least FTL does (didn't test FTF).

Also, about the issue that you need to train 'from scratch' - IMHO that's not a bug, that's a feature! This mod already makes training trivial by comparison to vanilla so the training from scratch counteracts that a bit. I hope it won't get changed as it would make training even more trivial. 

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  • 8 months later...
  On 4/3/2021 at 1:32 AM, Grimmas said:

Also, about the issue that you need to train 'from scratch' - IMHO that's not a bug, that's a feature!


Errmmm. I'd like that 'feature' removed, or at least better reflected in the descriptions (altough yes, on reflection, the level up button did say 'lvl 0 -> lvl 1, and not lvl 1 -> lvl 2). I was about to file a bug report.

But beyond that, Field Training Labs works fine with KSP v1.12.2!

Edited by The-Grim-Sleeper
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  • 5 months later...
  On 5/6/2020 at 4:09 PM, Atlas Gaming said:

Is there a known incompatibility with Kerbalism? I used this mod previously w/o any issues, but noticed with Kerbalism it does not show up in labs?

  On 8/18/2020 at 6:33 PM, opensomersault said:

I've just posted a pull request to the repository to address this, but in case it isn't accepted you can add the following to the GameData/FieldTrainingFacility/Patches/FieldTrainingFacility.cfg

It happens because Kerbalism replaces the module that the science lab uses after this module applies it's own patch.

	@description:NEEDS[FieldTrainingFacility] ^= :(.)$:$0\n<#6495ED>Field Training Facility. </color>:

		// Science Cost = TrainingFactor * exp needed * conditions(inSpace, Landed on other planet)
		// example : landed on minmus, level 4->5 : 20 * 32 * 0.25 = 160
		TimeFactor = 9201600
		ECFactor = 4
		SpaceFactor = 4
		LandedFactor = 6


  On 12/22/2020 at 10:12 AM, danbadone said:

You cannot use two specifiers at the same time in ModuleManager patches (using both :FOR and :AFTER is not allowed). If you remove the :FOR, it runs.

The only thing that does not seem to work properly is the EC consumption when the vessel is not loaded, which makes it kind of imbalanced.

	@description:NEEDS[FieldTrainingFacility] ^= :(.)$:$0\n<#6495ED>Field Training Facility. </color>:

		// Science Cost = TrainingFactor * exp needed * conditions(inSpace, Landed on other planet)
		// example : landed on minmus, level 4->5 : 20 * 32 * 0.25 = 160
		TimeFactor = 9201600
		ECFactor = 4
		SpaceFactor = 4
		LandedFactor = 6




Hey @Efour, @zer0Kerbal, @Atlas Gaming, @opensomersault, @danbadone,

Is there still this Problem with Kerbalism?

And if so, did somebody find a solution to it or is the "Patch" still the only solution?


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Field Training Lab Version
KSP version License
AVC .version files Pages

Version - <Clean Blackboards> edition

28 Jun 2022
Released for Kerbal Space Program [KSP 1.12.x]


Download from CurseForge



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  • Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog
  • Discussions and news on this mod : See Discussions or KSP Forums
  • Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues
  • GitHub Pages : See Pages


  • English English
  • your translation here

HELP WANTED - See the README in the Localization folder or the Quickstart Guide for instructions for adding or improving translations. GitHub push is the best way to contribute. Additions and corrections welcome!

red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support

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Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date

How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal

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Edited by zer0Kerbal
update links and lasso the birds
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Field Training Facility Version
KSP version License
AVC .version files Pages

Version - <Clean Blackboards> edition

28 Jun 2022
Released for Kerbal Space Program [KSP 1.12.x]


Download from CurseForge



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  • Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog
  • Discussions and news on this mod : See Discussions or KSP Forums
  • Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues
  • GitHub Pages : See Pages


  • English English
  • 中文 Simplified Chinese (中文) thank you to @JFYoung01
  • your translation here

HELP WANTED - See the README in the Localization folder or the Quickstart Guide for instructions for adding or improving translations. GitHub push is the best way to contribute. Additions and corrections welcome!

red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support

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Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date

How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal

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Edited by zer0Kerbal
added strong red coloring
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Hey there! I was wondering why none of my labs has any FTF modules, so I checked the cfg-files. I noticed this release might have a wrong dependancy in "FieldTrainingFacility/Compatiblity/FieldTrainingFacility.cfg":

// original:
	@description ^= :(.)$:$0\n<#6495ED>Field Training Facility. </color>:

// suggested replacement:
	@description ^= :(.)$:$0\n<#6495ED>Field Training Facility. </color>:

With this modification it works again. I have also added a ":FINAL" to make sure that every part that includes a "ModuleScienceLab" module gets a blue description text/info after everything for proper patching within the patching order. ":FOR[ ... ]" and ":FINAL" cannot work together.
Maybe the ":FINAL" fix could apply for FTL too to make sure all parts with a "FieldTrainingLab"  module get a proper description too.

I decided to suggest this because I think "FieldTrainingLab" shouldn't be a dependancy for "FieldTrainingFacilities" or is this intentionally?


Edited by LatiMacciato
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Thank you @LatiMacciato! A little finger dyslexia :rolleyes: +1 :rep:

GitHub Issue #48:  [Bug ]: [FieldTrainingFacility.cfg] wrong :NEEDS

* [FieldTrainingFacility.cfg]
  * wrong :NEEDS
  * is
    * @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleScienceLab]]:NEEDS[FieldTrainingLab]:FOR[FieldTrainingFacility]
  * should be
    * @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleScienceLab]]:NEEDS[FieldTrainingFacility]:FOR[FieldTrainingFacility]

working on pushing out a new release with that fixed. 

Also - I try to not ever use :FINAL in any released addon patches, too many things git shoved on :FINAL, which in my opinion should 99.99999% be only used for personal patches. :D

as @linuxgurugamer points out - for best response, either drop a bug report on GitHub and/or ping me here ( @zer0Kerbal )

  On 7/3/2022 at 11:36 AM, LatiMacciato said:



:targetpro: :ph34r:


A little insider information: 1.2.x.x of both FTL and FTF are the last ones, they both will have their .dll's merged together, but still be separate part modules. (ie nothing will change from the user point of view). Still working out the fine print though.

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Field Training Facility Version
KSP version License
AVC .version files Pages

Version <LatiMacciato> edition

03 Jul 2022
Release for Kerbal Space Program [KSP 1.12.x]


Download from CurseForge


The 1.2.x.x-releases are the final versions of these addons.
Both Field Training Lab and Field Training Facility's plugins (.dll) will be merged into one plugin.
Both part modules will remain in the addon and this improvement should not affect existing save games.



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See More

  • Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog
  • Discussions and news on this mod : See Discussions or KSP Forums
  • Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues
  • GitHub Pages : See Pages


  • English English
  • 中文 Simplified Chinese (中文) thank you to @JFYoung01
  • your translation here

HELP WANTED - See the README in the Localization folder or the Quickstart Guide for instructions for adding or improving translations. GitHub push is the best way to contribute. Additions and corrections welcome!

red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support

How to get support

Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date

How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal

Support Patreon Github Sponsor Buy zer0Kerbal a snack

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Honestly I was blushing, when I saw my forum name on your release name :blush: MUCH thankies @zer0Kerbal!!

  On 7/4/2022 at 3:23 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

Also - I try to not ever use :FINAL in any released addon patches, too many things git shoved on :FINAL, which in my opinion should 99.99999% be only used for personal patches.


Yes, the reason why I used :FINAL in first place is that not all labs get the blue description text while using :FOR[] caused 2 parts remaining which don't get the module nor the description. I have figured my issue is caused by ScienceLabInfo and I wrote a cfg for mod compatibility. Maybe the :HAS is unecessary tho but the :AFTER[ScienceLabInfo] did the trick:

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  On 7/4/2022 at 3:23 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

as @linuxgurugamer points out - for best response, either drop a bug report on GitHub and/or ping me here ( @zer0Kerbal )


I confirm my lazyness and apologize for that, thanks for your understanding!

  On 7/4/2022 at 3:23 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

A little insider information: 1.2.x.x of both FTL and FTF are the last ones, they both will have their .dll's merged together, but still be separate part modules. (ie nothing will change from the user point of view). Still working out the fine print though.


I love the idea! It will make things easier!

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