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[1.12.4] OhScrap! (OHS) A ScrapYard (SYD) based Part Failure and Reliability Mod - `<允许降落伞损坏>` edition [28 Dec 2022


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4 hours ago, Stephen Locksley said:

Could you make it so that it all BDArmory parts containing resources (ammunition) do not leak out ammunition?

Not to answer for @zer0Kerbal on whether this is possible, as I looked and there are a lot of resources defined in BDArmory for different ammunition types, I just wanted to call out that you can do this yourself for your game now. Just add the following code to the DontLeak.cfg file under GameData/OhScrap/Patches, one for each resource defined by BDArmory that you don't want to leak. Replace <BDArmoryAmmoResourceName> with the actual names from the BDArmory resource config files here.

	name = <BDArmoryAmmoResourceName>

Or, better yet, add them to a new .cfg file and put it in a personal patch folder in GameData. That way, if OhScrap doesn't take this change, it will still work even after subsequent OS updates overwrite the DontLeak.cfg file. Hope this helps!

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39 minutes ago, Zelda said:

Not to answer for @zer0Kerbal on whether this is possible, as I looked and there are a lot of resources defined in BDArmory for different ammunition types, I just wanted to call out that you can do this yourself for your game now. Just add the following code to the DontLeak.cfg file under GameData/OhScrap/Patches, one for each resource defined by BDArmory that you don't want to leak. Replace <BDArmoryAmmoResourceName> with the actual names from the BDArmory resource config files here.

	name = <BDArmoryAmmoResourceName>

Or, better yet, add them to a new .cfg file and put it in a personal patch folder in GameData. That way, if OhScrap doesn't take this change, it will still work even after subsequent OS updates overwrite the DontLeak.cfg file. Hope this helps!

That should work!

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  • 2 months later...

Are there any plans to integrate the repair system from this with the stock repair system? I ask because I cant fix any broken parts with a kerbal and would very much like to not have to reopen my game anytime I would like to repair something. As it takes upwards of 10 minutes to load my game. 
Thanks for keeping this mod updated. :)

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Is it possible to use Ohscrap without Scrapyard?
With enabled both mods, savegames take a very long time to save (KSP is installed on a M.2), making it a pain just to switch from VAB to launchpad.
With Ohscrap/Srapyard this takes 2 minutes, without 25 seconds.

Edited by MaikC
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Ok, I went back a bit in history here and saw that it is probably a known problem.
It's a shame, I like the mod, but unfortunately it's unusable in its current state.

  • Each switching between locations, save and load savegames takes many times longer than normal.
  • there is a bug with the varying DeltaV while using this mod
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1 hour ago, MaikC said:

Ok, I went back a bit in history here and saw that it is probably a known problem.
It's a shame, I like the mod, but unfortunately it's unusable in its current state.

  • Each switching between locations, save and load savegames takes many times longer than normal.
  • the a bug with the varying DeltaV
  • The mod also causes memory problems, sometimes the mod just fills up the RAM with (garbage?) Data. I had a memory usage of 80% with 128GB RAM. Since I uninstalled the mod this hasn't happened again.

Even with the latest version (

If it helps, I have old versions of OhScrap! and Scrapyard running fine with KSP 1.12.3 (without the improvements introduced recently, of course!):

  • OhScrap!
  • ScrapYard
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

OhScrap (ABBV)
KSP version License
AVC .version files Pages


Version - <允许降落伞损坏> edition

  • Released
    • 20 Dec 2022
    • for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.4
    • by zer0Kerbal


Download from CurseForge


  • Maintenance release
    • Recompile for 1.12.4
    • <OhScrap.dll> v2.2.1.79 --> v2.2.99.97
    • only major code changes are for localization
    • OhScrap! window now hides when F2 is pressed
  • Localization
    • English
    • Simplified Chinese (简体中文) courtesy of ZhaoFJx
  • Create hero logo/cover
  • FIX:
    • [Bug]: FAR Parachute Incompability Due to Wrong MM Config
    • thank you to T2Fat2Fl
    • [Bug]: Incorrect mod settings descriptions/labels
    • [BUG]: make it so when battery is repaired it will have 1 ec
  • Updated documentation
  • Experimental
    • <RealAntennasFailureModule.cfg.0> v1.0.0.0


  • Finally proper credit given to
    • @Zeldafor ideas and support. The legend is real!
    • @eightiesboifor ideas, support and testing!


  • Recompile
    • KSP 1.12.4
    • .NET 4.7.2
    • C# 8.0
  • <OhScrap.dll> v2.2.1.79 --> v2.2.99.100
  • onGUI
    • GUI Hide on <F2>
  • start of localization
    • us-en.cfg
  • Experimental
    • <RealAntennasFailureModule.cfg.0> v1.0.0.0
      • thank you. requested by @Gordon Dry Gordon Dry
      • currently disabled
      • temporarily removed (on hold)
        • Failure Sounds
        • Light Failure
        • Decoupler Failures
        • New settings
        • part failure sounds and settings
          • settings:
          • five soundfx selections
          • soundOn or Off on part failure
          • set to 0 for random sound
      • new GameData/OhScrap/Sounds
        • includes License.md (one file for all sound assets)
      • nine new sound clips
  • closes #21 - OhScrap window doesn't get hidden when F2 is pressed
  • closes #44 - beta: radially attach in VAB - annoying sound mix of FirePager and PhoneVibrator
  • closes #74 - [Bug]: Incorrect mod settings descriptions/labels
  • closes #76 - [Bug]: FAR Parachute Incapability Due to Wrong MM Config
  • closes #81 - [Bug]: when battery is repaired it has 0 ec
  • updates #19 - audible alarm on failure
  • updates #78 - [Request]: RealAntennaFailureModule


  • Initial code localization
  • Create
    • Localization/
      • English
        • <en-us.cfg> v1.1.0.0
      • Simplified Chinese (简体中文)
        • <zh-cn.cfg> v1.1.0.0
        • thank you to ZhaoFJx
        • added strings after submitted
      • [readme.md] v2.1.1.0
      • [quickstart.md] v1.0.1.0
  • updates #54 - Localization - Master
  • closes #55 - English <en-us.cfg>
  • closes #63 - Simplified Chinese (简体中文) <zh-cn.cfg>
  • closes #82 - [MISSING] #OHS-UPFME-BeyondRepair
  • closes #80 - [BUG] debug PAW menu doesn't list what


  • Add
    • [ManualInstallation.md] v1.1.7.0
    • [Attribution.md] v1.0.6.0
    • [404.md] v1.0.3.1
    • [Disclaimer.md] v1.0.0.0
    • [LegalMumboJumbo.md] v1.0.5.0
    • [Localizations.md] v1.1.3.1
    • [Marketing.md] v1.0.0.0
    • [Notices.md] v1.0.0.0
    • [PartInvoice.md] v1.1.3.1
    • [Why.md] v1.1.0.0
    • [_config.yml]
  • closes #23 - Wiki
  • closes #75 - Check Links in documentation

Update License

  • Updated License: GPL-2.0 + CC NC-BY-SA 4.0
    • was: Expat-MIT + CC NC-BY-SA 4.0


  • Issues
    • closes #50 - OhScrap! (OHS) <允许降落伞损坏>
    • closes #51 - Verify Legal Mumbo Jumbo
    • closes #52 - Update Documentation
    • closes #53 - Update Social Media
    • closes #20 - Localization - duplicated
    • closes #22 - Dependancy check - duplicated
    • closes #25 - Localization - duplicated
    • closes #26 - Localization - duplicated
    • closes #27 - Localization - duplicated
    • updates #36 - update the ModWrappers

See More



  • English English
  • your translation here

HELP WANTED - See the README in the Localization folder or the Quickstart Guide for instructions for adding or improving translations. GitHub push is the best way to contribute. Additions and corrections welcome!

red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support

How to get support

Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date

How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal

Support Patreon Github Sponsor Buy zer0Kerbal a snack

compiled with: KSP 1.12.4 — Unity 2019.2.2f1 — .net 4.7.2 — C# 8.0

Release Schedule

  1. GitHub, reaching first manual installers and users of KSP-AVC. Right now.
  2. CurseForge. Right now.
  3. SpaceDock (and CKAN users). Soon™
Edited by zer0Kerbal
update links and lasso the birds
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  • 2 weeks later...

I wish to learn more how this mods works. 

What is the unit of expectedLifetime? Does it mean this part could be reused 5 times?

		name = SRBFailureModule
		baseChanceOfFailure = 0.5
		expectedLifetime = 5


		name = EngineFailureModule
		baseChanceOfFailure = 0.11
		expectedLifetime = 6
		spaceEngineBaseChanceOfFailure = 0.1
		spaceEngineExpectedLifetime = 3

Is it possible to treat certain parts differently? I am thinking about distinguising vacuum engines from first stage ones.

Has anyone of you experience playing with Real Fuels Stock configs?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Possible bug: When repairing an aerodynamic control surface (or at least, any of the Firespitter biplane ones), all control axes are enabled for that surface, not just the ones that were enabled before failure. This can cause a plane to become even more unbalanced when repaired, as control inputs (whether from trim, SAS, or an autopilot mod) start affecting surfaces they shouldn't. It requires players to remember the correct configuration for every control surface, just in case they fail and have to be repaired. Instead, those tweakables (which are used to implement the failure, by disabling them all when failure occurs) should be saved somewhere so they can be restored automatically upon repair.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/6/2022 at 10:18 AM, stk2008 said:

not sure if this is ohscrap or scrap yard

neither. internal debugging currently has the issue being either kscf/harmony and/or code change to KSP in 1.8.1 --> is being researched further (is able to be reliably reproduced) and hopefully an external fix will be released in the short near future. (link)


FYI: For future reference: kindly submit bug reports directly to GitHub [here for OHS] and [here for SCRAP]

On 1/24/2023 at 1:42 PM, A_Kuba said:

Is there a way of increasing the safety level of a vessel? I keep getting a rating of 1 if not zero and want to know what i can do about it.


Yes - by reusing parts. However some things are not working as intended - this is being addressed. The plan is to recompile  and release a new version this week

3 hours ago, Spike88 said:

Ohscrap seems to be ignoring BDB tanks. Any way to fix this?


Here is my log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/as9a3qvemgqpb9o/Ohscrap.log?dl=0

Just probably need to adjust the config patches to include BDB. plan is to look into it this week providing you agree to test the new config patches (backup saves or use new save games)


On 4/19/2023 at 7:37 PM, Darael said:

Possible bug: When repairing an aerodynamic control surface (or at least, any of the Firespitter biplane ones), all control axes are enabled for that surface, not just the ones that were enabled before failure. This can cause a plane to become even more unbalanced when repaired, as control inputs (whether from trim, SAS, or an autopilot mod) start affecting surfaces they shouldn't. It requires players to remember the correct configuration for every control surface, just in case they fail and have to be repaired. Instead, those tweakables (which are used to implement the failure, by disabling them all when failure occurs) should be saved somewhere so they can be restored automatically upon repair.

@Darael@Spike88 would you kindly submit this on GitHub [here for OHS

Edited by zer0Kerbal
update links and lasso the birds
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On 1/6/2023 at 4:37 PM, New Horizons said:
		name = EngineFailureModule
		baseChanceOfFailure = 0.11
		expectedLifetime = 6
		spaceEngineBaseChanceOfFailure = 0.1
		spaceEngineExpectedLifetime = 3

Is it possible to treat certain parts differently? I am thinking about distinguising vacuum engines from first stage ones.

Has anyone of you experience playing with Real Fuels Stock configs?

@New Horizons yes - create a patch listing those parts you want to be treated differently and have it run after the initial config.

off of my kerbal head using the ionEngine as an example with random values plugged in:

		name = EngineFailureModule
		baseChanceOfFailure = 0.05
		expectedLifetime = 10
		spaceEngineBaseChanceOfFailure = 0.1
		spaceEngineExpectedLifetime = 3

additionally new/modified failure modules can be added to the code - if someone is willing to code and submit them via GitHub fork/commit/push.


would you kindly submit this on GitHub [here for OHS

might be a good FAKQ

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/31/2022 at 7:10 AM, ZaeRoe said:

I don't know what it is, but when I EVA the repair button doesn't seem to do anything.  I looked in the debug menu and get a lot of nullreferenceexceptions. also the text when a remote repair is not possible seems to be a placeholder. as of right now it seems that i can't actually repair anything bc of this. also my save is heavily modded but in my case right now these are stock parts

I've got the same problem. Also the "placeholder" text does only appear sometimes.

Has anyone found the reason for this issue or should i file a bug report?

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