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[1.9-1.12.x] EVE-Redux: Performance-enhanced EVE + maintenance (v1.11.7.1 - 09/09/2022)


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On 9/30/2021 at 9:23 PM, SpartanJack17 said:

Honestly I think you're a bit too worried about the exceptions, they're a fact of life for modded installs and most of the time they don't actually do anything.  Your game isn't at risk of crashing.

Maybe they're benign, maybe not. If you ignore too many and it does crash it's very hard to troubleshoot. In this case it was logging this exception dozens of times a second. The KSP or player log will fill up to hundreds of MB and it will crash.  I've seen it happen with other mods before.

@blackrack any idea about the exception spam?

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11 minutes ago, Krazy1 said:

Maybe they're benign, maybe not. If you ignore too many and it does crash it's very hard to troubleshoot. In this case it was logging this exception dozens of times a second. The KSP or player log will fill up to hundreds of MB and it will crash.  I've seen it happen with other mods before.

@blackrack any idea about the exception spam?

Looks gui-related, I wouldn't even look into it unless it directly causes a crash.

17 hours ago, S4qFBxkFFg said:

Yes, just tried a similar flight to the video, there is now no sign of the weird behaviour I described.

I believe it's an opengl only issue.

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Mod looks great Blackrack, I just finally found this and upgraded from the old one (which was still lurching along in 1.12), and it looks fantastic compared.


Just a thought; I know that it's tradition to maintain repos in place forever, but have you considered mirroring the WazWaz BoulderCo default settings, if only to make accessing them easier for newbies? I certainly wouldn't fault you (and would appreciate seeing, so I could direct people on reddit to it) for putting the settings file in the releases.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello! I'm trying to customize some EVE configs for myself and I've run into a bit of a snag. I don't know much about what each of the config settings actually do so I've mostly been working through it by using other existing configs as templates and through trial and error. Could anyone help me sort out this problem I'm having with adding a glow layer to the Mun?

For the most part I'm using Stock Visual Enhancements with a few of the configs and textures mixed and matched with those from Sci-Fi Visual Enhancements. The former doesn't have glow layers for non-atmospheric bodies, so I'm trying to copy the glow layers present in the latter.

From a distance, the Mun looks great, but as the camera gets closer the glow layer starts to look more like a whiteish gray atmosphere instead. See the following screenshots:


Here is how the Mun looks from high up, this is exactly what I wanted:


But in low orbits you can see this layer as a bit of a halo surrounding the Mun, making it appear as if it has a whiteish gray atmosphere:


And it is visible from the surface too, getting worse and worse with lower elevation:


What I'd like to have happen is for the glow layer to completely stop rendering once the camera gets to below around maybe 20,000 meters or so above the surface. Is there a way to edit the configs so this happens? Here are the configs I'm currently using for the Mun, the two textures come from Sci-Fi Visual Enhancements:


        name = Mun-Glow
        body = Mun
        speed = 0,0,0
        detailSpeed = 0,0,0
        altitude = 8200
            _MainTex = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/blank2
            _Color = 455,455,455,80
            _DetailTex = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/clear2
            _DetailDist = 6.5E-6
            _DistFadeVert = 0
            _UVNoiseStrength = 0
            _UVNoiseScale = 0
            _DetailScale = 1
            _UVNoiseAnimation = 0,0
                _FalloffPow = 3
                _RimDistSub = 0
                _RimDist = 1
                _InvFade = 1E-1
                _MinLight = -0.01
                _FalloffScale = 4.2


Edited by cosekantphi
Better screenshot for surface example
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been using EVE, Scatterer, and Waterfall for a while successfully.  Yesterday CKAN did an update to EVE that really messed things up.  After uninstalling in CKAN and then reinstalling it was back to pure stock as near as I could tell.  Uninstalled them all again and then went into gamedata.  There I found ScattererAtmosphereCache still there.  Deleted that and then reinstalled EVE, Scatterer, and Waterfall via CKAN, and all is back to normal again.  Hope this helps someone.

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18 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

I don't know if this will fix your issue, but I believe having BoulderCo present in this install is a mistake. KSRSS comes with Eve and scatterer configs.

There was an earlier post on page 12 that said that BoulderCo configs would be okay.

14 hours ago, miklkit said:

I have been using EVE, Scatterer, and Waterfall for a while successfully.  Yesterday CKAN did an update to EVE that really messed things up.  After uninstalling in CKAN and then reinstalling it was back to pure stock as near as I could tell.  Uninstalled them all again and then went into gamedata.  There I found ScattererAtmosphereCache still there.  Deleted that and then reinstalled EVE, Scatterer, and Waterfall via CKAN, and all is back to normal again.  Hope this helps someone.

My problem was very similar. After doing the CKAN update, I lost all of my clouds. Can't seem to get them back. I have tried AVP and BoulderCo and it doesn't work. Will try your method.

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Another issue that popped up after that last update.   The "ambience" sound levels have gotten messed up.   Now the wind sound on Kerbin and the mechanical sounds when in space are too loud and the engine sounds are too quiet.  When I turn the sound level down to where those sounds are not too loud the engines are a very quiet hiss. 

I'm not a modder but just a humble end user.   Is there an easy way to balance or mute individual sounds? 

My sound system:  Creative Sound Blaster Z, Sennheiser 599 headphones.

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17 hours ago, gilflo said:

Hello guys

Is this pack running with RSS or do I need to install RSSVE and EVE?



For the RO-RSSVE package you need RSS and this version of EVE (and scatterer). Find the RO-RSSVE repo on github and follow the instructions there. 


My question for the crowd: I have the aforementioned RO-RSSVE package running, along with a lot of customizations. These include major main and Kuiper belt objects, procedurally generated minor main, kuiper, trojan, NE objects, minor outer solar system moons, multiple star systems complete with moons etc, animated auroras, lightning, geysers and more. Believe it or not, at 4k this brings my 500W RTX 3090 down to 35 - 45 fps in flight. (Forget can it run Crysis, can it run Kerbal?) That's perfectly playable, so there's just one thing that annoying the hell out of me: Earth is just too darn cloudy! 

Short of creating all new custom alpha maps, is there a setting in EVE that would just thin things out a bit? I want about 30-50% of the current cloud cover. 

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23 hours ago, miklkit said:

Another issue that popped up after that last update.   The "ambience" sound levels have gotten messed up.   Now the wind sound on Kerbin and the mechanical sounds when in space are too loud and the engine sounds are too quiet.  When I turn the sound level down to where those sounds are not too loud the engines are a very quiet hiss. 

I'm not a modder but just a humble end user.   Is there an easy way to balance or mute individual sounds? 

My sound system:  Creative Sound Blaster Z, Sennheiser 599 headphones.

 Probably not at all related to EVE itself, but it sounds (pun intended) like your game config got reset.  The 'ambient' sounds in KSP are on their own fader, and may have somehow gotten cranked up. In-game sounds like engines are on their own channel, and likely set to be lower than the ambient noises.

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You are correct in that it is probably not EVE related.  The sounds that bothered me are in chatterer and suddenly they got louder.  They are turned down now, although they were not too loud until this latest EVE update.  I could not find them until just now because I thought Chatterer was voices only and was looking everywhere else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Never mind, KSP also crashes without E.V.E. today.


I see clouds when starting the game, but it crashes after 10 to 50 seconds of gameplay.

I installed E.V.E. via CKAN and nothing else. I even removed all remaining files in the Gamedata directory (except for the Squad directories). This is the steam version of KSP 1.12.2 running on Debian 11. What can I do to help resolve this (enable logging, attach some files here)?

(Last week the game worked fine with 130 mods, including E.V.E., but I had no clouds, that's why I removed all mods and started again, hoping to get the clouds.)

I hope this is the right place to ask for help.

Edited by Paul Cobbaut
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