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[1.9.1-1.10.1] Kiwi Tech Tree Overhaul 1.3.0 (17 December 2020)


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@InfamousAsHell and @WLLP, thanks for the notes on these.  I will make sure to do actual playtesting on these parts when setting them up. @flart, I tagged you in the post about Kerballoons.  If LGG responds that he won't be able to get to the fix soon, which looks to be pretty straightfoward, I will add in this hotpatch to the update which should make the upgrades usable:

	@partIcon = universalBalloonHP


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3 hours ago, hemeac said:

One of the bug fixes coming is fixing a scenario where a B9 Part Switch is accidentally added to Kerbals if a mod adds ElectricCharge to them (if you happen to know what mod does this, would appreciate you letting me know).  I'll show rather than explain what happens in this scenario.  Thanks @WLLP for reporting the issue.



I think Kerbalism adds electric charge to kerbals on eva, as it's needed for their life support... but I use kerbalsim and b9 partswitch together and I've never seen... THAT happen before... I'm not aware of any other mods, other than lifesupport mods that add e/c to kerbals. 

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@vardicd, I had forgotten that, but checked the MM cache and it isn't pre-defined there so guessing Kerbalism adds it to the Kerbal when they disembark similar to the way they transfer EVA Fuel (just a guess here).  Since it doesn't happen when the game loads, my battery density patch wouldn't catch it.  In any case, the patch appears to be working, so will chalk it up to one of those "strange" hard to determine bugs.

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13 hours ago, hemeac said:

@InfamousAsHell and @WLLP, thanks for the notes on these.  I will make sure to do actual playtesting on these parts when setting them up. @flart, I tagged you in the post about Kerballoons.  If LGG responds that he won't be able to get to the fix soon, which looks to be pretty straightfoward, I will add in this hotpatch to the update which should make the upgrades usable:

	@partIcon = universalBalloonHP


Working on this now

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Kiwi Tech Tree 1.4.0

  • Part Upgrades are now color-coded green for easier identification (Special Thanks to @FreeThinker)
  • Removed patch that adds 1 kerbuck to part upgrades as that is now redundant
  • Eased transition of save games to Kiwi Tech Tree (Thanks to Freethinker)
  • Support for SimpleAdjustableFairings-KWRocketry (Thanks @evileye.x for the patch)
  • Fixed Swivel ASL ISP (Thanks @antilochus for logging issue)
  • Fixed bug causing spontaneous combustion of Kerbals if mods add ElectricCharge to Kerbals (Thanks @WLLP for logging issue)
  • Adds MechJeb Config (Thanks @Clamp-o-Tron for the PR)
  • Disables Fuel Tank Upgrades if Configurable Containers is installed (Thanks @DeadJohn for logging issue)
  • Nerfed Cheetah and Wolfhound engines ISP from Making History (Thanks Darherring (Discord) for logging issue)
  • Added partial support for KerbalAtomicsLH2NTRModSupport (still requires fix in Kerbal Atomics for full compatibility so will still currently result in an error if run together) (Thanks @flart and WLLP for logging issue)
  • Added JNSQ Science Param Config (Thanks @Kwebib for logging issue)
  • Fixed support for Commnet Antennas Extensions (Thanks Flart for PR)
  • Fixed xmitScalar on two science experiments in Interkosmos (Thanks Flart for PR)
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@hemeac Question for you, and I'll admit I'm making an assumption that these are both handled by this mod, but on the subject of part upgrades, are some part upgrades just applied automatically behind the scenes, while others must be chosen? I researched the part upgrade for the Juno engine, and have the option to pick from the older or newer versions when I build a craft:



But I do not have any upgrade options for solar panels, though I have researched the upgrade for them.



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@vardicd,  they do, but the way I did upgrades for solar was overly complicated.  Each tier of solar panels has two sets of unlocks.  Thus solar panels that you acquire in tier 2 should have two upgrades (Tier 3 and Tier 4) that should also be indicated in their part description (this can change slightly for the OX-STAT's depending on the combination of mods you have installed).  It appears that they should be working as I see  "Cell Type: Basic Cells" in the PAW for the solar panels which suggests that the patch worked, but you haven't gotten the actual upgrade for them yet.  I've simplified the upgrades for solar in the 2.0 update, so they will work like the battery density upgrades in which you will globally unlock tech and removing Near Future Solar as a requirement for the solar upgrades.

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34 minutes ago, hemeac said:

@vardicd,  they do, but the way I did upgrades for solar was overly complicated.  Each tier of solar panels has two sets of unlocks.  Thus solar panels that you acquire in tier 2 should have two upgrades (Tier 3 and Tier 4) that should also be indicated in their part description (this can change slightly for the OX-STAT's depending on the combination of mods you have installed).  It appears that they should be working as I see  "Cell Type: Basic Cells" in the PAW for the solar panels which suggests that the patch worked, but you haven't gotten the actual upgrade for them yet.  I've simplified the upgrades for solar in the 2.0 update, so they will work like the battery density upgrades in which you will globally unlock tech and removing Near Future Solar as a requirement for the solar upgrades.

oh... okay. Not sure I completely understand but I guess I'll figure it out as I get more research done.

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59 minutes ago, hemeac said:

@vardicd, You should see something like this in the VAB to let you know where the upgrades are for that particular solar panel:


If they are not actually unlocking when you have those, then that is definitely a bug


I'm currently into a 3 hour plane flight around Kerbin collecting science, probably going to be in the air for another hour or two before I have a chance to check. 

Also, in regards to this older conversation:

On 1/12/2021 at 7:46 PM, hemeac said:

@vardicd, I think the general discussion a few pages back was about 50-70% for science.  What is yours set at?  My last Kerbalism career was about 70% with DMagic installed and a number of part mods and didn't have any major issues getting to the Mun/Minmus.  The community tech tree with parts in all nodes works out to be about 175k points, but those are loaded a lot into the later nodes.

@vardicd, let me know if you do get stuck in the tree at 30% what number you settle on, that may be good to have a section in my OP that talks about difficulty levels.

On 1/12/2021 at 9:11 PM, vardicd said:

My science multiplier is set at 30% of normal, I think. so not much at all. all the tech trees I've tried before cost so little I've always cranked it down to about that, and still got more science than what I knew to do with. I still haven't made orbit yet in my current career, but my OCD 100% completionist science collection tendencies on Kerbin, and a whole lot of airplane autopilot means I'm already queuing up some of the 80 cost science nodes to unlock, once my KCT gets to them, but I don't know how much more I'll be pulling out of Kerbin before heading to Mun/Minmus. I'm not sure if I've set it too low, or if I've still got it set too high, what with the science experiments added to the game by Dmagic, Scansat, and Angel's wild blue constellation of mods.

I'm seriously beginning to think 30% return was still too much. My KCT settings only allow 1 tech node to be actively researched at a time, but I've got all of the nodes below 80 queued to be unlocked as soon as KCT gets to them, I've got most of the 80 count nodes and a couple of the 150 nodes, and all of that is from just in Kerbin's atmosphere. High, low, landed, and splashed. I have done 100% of all the science on Kerbin I've found so far, including the space center biomes. I haven't done any orbital science. 

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3 hours ago, hemeac said:

@vardicd, You should see something like this in the VAB to let you know where the upgrades are for that particular solar panel:


If they are not actually unlocking when you have those, then that is definitely a bug


This is what I currently  see when I look at my solar panels, it doesn't have all the information yours does, but maybe that's because I don't have the right research done yet? 


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20 hours ago, vardicd said:

This is what I currently  see when I look at my solar panels, it doesn't have all the information yours does, but maybe that's because I don't have the right research done yet? 


You don't have part info nor kerbalism

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23 minutes ago, vardicd said:

No I dropped kerbalism for a few reasons, I don't know what part info is?

I assumed you were asking about the information panel on the right side of the window, if it is, PartInfo is the mod responsible for the "part info" above  kerbalism realibility. 

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@vardicd, based  on your screenshot given that your description has the upgrade text and in the PAW you can see the B9 "Switchable Part", the upgrades should be there, but perhaps not unlocked.  You will want to look for "Second Generation Solar Upgrade for Tier 2 Panels" in Battery Tech and "Third Generation Solar Upgrade for Tier 2 Panels" in Electrics.  Further expanding on @Karin, Part Info is a mod by LGG which displays some behind the scenes info on parts.  It helps me when writing configs and debugging KTT, mostly useful for those needing to patch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Suggestion: Have battery upgrades occur later in the tech tree.  It doesn't take too much science to get to the 100% capacity upgrade, so you almost never have to deal with the design problem of needing higher quantities of batteries.

Been playing a Kerbalism + Kiwi game for a while now, and I love it.

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This seems exactly what I was looking for, a well curated balanced tech tree!

Buuut I do have some questions. Universal Storage 2 and DMagic show up on the CKAN suggestions, but both those mods are out of date, do the current versions work well? Also, adding mods not in the recommended list, how does it work? Does it completely break, causes imbalance, etc? I generally like USI's mods, Near Future, and others.


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@Kwebib, thanks for the feedback.  The next update has taken a bit of a back burner as have been working on a part mod and have had some work projects with deadlines, but will be looking through all of the balancing issues more closely and hopefully will be able to start making progress on it again soon :-).  @guto8797, I would differentiate and say there are two sets of "recommended mods".  The first which on top are some gameplay mods that can make the game more challenging, but don't necessarily interact directly with the tech tree mod.  These are listed at the top of my OP.  The second are the part mods which I configure various engine or other type of upgrades for.  Those can be found in the drop down list in the OP under "Current Supported Mods".  My Github page which again is linked in the OP has details on how I patch the parts for each mod.  In general Near Future and ReStock Plus was the baseline in which I tried balancing the tech tree.  Non-supported part mods will show up in the tech tree where they are placed in the Community Tech Tree.  It is hard to tell exactly how unbalanced they will be, but I think I have the major engine mods covered other than BDB, so generally should not be too far off.  I don't have any mods from Rover Dude supported yet, but that is generally on my to do list.

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If you're interested, here is a config I made for the JX2 Antenna mod. I play on JNSQ, so having these late-game high-range antennas is important.

Not sure if they technically match the names of the nodes (Deep Space Optical and xBand), but I just wanted to stick them very far to the right in the tree.


// JW1 Medium Deployable Antenna
	@TechRequired = deepSpaceOpticalCommunications

// JU1 Medium Deployable Antenna
	@TechRequired = xBandCommunications

// JX2 Large Deployable Antenna
	@TechRequired = deepSpaceOpticalCommunications



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On 1/19/2021 at 7:20 AM, hemeac said:

I won't be addressing 1.11 compatibility in the 1.3 update as there isn't enough mod support yet, particularly ReStock.

Don't want to hurry or annoy you, but what's current status for 1.11 compitability? ReStock+ got its update, as well as all Near Future mods, Far Future, TantaresLV, Kerbalism and so on.

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6 hours ago, Neebel said:

Don't want to hurry or annoy you, but what's current status for 1.11 compitability? ReStock+ got its update, as well as all Near Future mods, Far Future, TantaresLV, Kerbalism and so on.

I've been a bit unmotivated recently and caught up in a X4 Foundations campaign during my free time.  But the general plan is to finish up a few custom parts for the early tree and then rollout out the 2.0 update.  It will happen, but I think at my current pace, it will likely be a few more weeks.

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6 hours ago, hemeac said:

I've been a bit unmotivated recently and caught up in a X4 Foundations campaign during my free time.  But the general plan is to finish up a few custom parts for the early tree and then rollout out the 2.0 update.  It will happen, but I think at my current pace, it will likely be a few more weeks.

Okay, thanks for the answer. Take as much time as you need ;)

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I am curious if anyone else is using the Grounded mod and has noticed that there is no "Ground Vehicle" node in the tech tree? There is a folder for Grounded in the configurations folder and the Grounded_ktt.cfg file points to a  "Ground Vehicle" node for most of the parts. Additionally there is an icon for the node in the icons folder, but I do not see that node showing up in game.  Any thoughts?  Great mod overall by the way, amazing work!

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On 2/10/2021 at 1:42 PM, Redleg1 said:

I am curious if anyone else is using the Grounded mod and has noticed that there is no "Ground Vehicle" node in the tech tree? There is a folder for Grounded in the configurations folder and the Grounded_ktt.cfg file points to a  "Ground Vehicle" node for most of the parts. Additionally there is an icon for the node in the icons folder, but I do not see that node showing up in game.  Any thoughts?  Great mod overall by the way, amazing work!

Peeking at the RDNode configs it seems that the Grounded node is only added if you don't have CNAR, or you have both CNAR & OpenCockpit. If you have Grounded & CNAR but not OpenCockpit, it doesn't add the Grounded node.

I've popped something like the below into my own game's config so that if you lack both CNAR & OpenCockpit (I use neither), the Grounded node is added onto the Start node. Alternatively you could just install Opencockpit alongside CNAR :) (or remove CNAR)

	id = groundVehicles
	title = #LOC_KTT_groundVehicles_Title
	description = #LOC_KTT_groundVehicles_Description
	cost = 5
	hideEmpty = False
	nodeName = ct_groundVehicles
	anyToUnlock = False
	icon = KiwiTechTree/Icons/ktt_icon_groundVehicles
	pos = -2385,1220,0
	scale = 0.6
		parentID = start
		lineFrom = RIGHT
		lineTo = LEFT


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