DocNappers Posted July 23, 2022 Share Posted July 23, 2022 (edited) Please note that Physics Range Extender and Module Manager are required dependencies for BDArmory Plus Also be advised that using the World Stabilizer mod will cause problems with PRE as it has its own world stabilization code we refer to as Black Spell ... Only solution to this is to not use the World Stabilizer mod ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BDA+ Release Links: Github: Spacedock: Issues link: Wiki: Physics Range Extender (REQUIRED): Module Manager (REQUIRED): Supported Mods: BDA+ has been made compatible with the following to allow integration with these mods: Camera Tools continued B9 ProcWings Fork Modified Procedural Parts TweakScale Ferram Aerospace Research Continued Firespitter (partial - only the active vessel has active engine throttling) Weapon Packs for BDA+: Fox Defense Contracts - Tank Turrets SMI Missiles and Launchers Aviator Arsenal Continued Kerbal Field Weapon Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Overview BDArmory Plus (BDA+) is the release of two-plus years continuous development of BDA off of BDArmory Continued. Previously this development effort was released under BDArmory for Runway Project, but going forward it will be released under the BDArmory Plus (BDA+) name. BDA+ has numerous features and bugfixes over BDAc: Performance optimizations, tournament/autospawn tools, AI improvements, overhauled weaponry, hull material options and armor mechanics, battle damage, racing/waypoints and other game modes, and loads more. See the changelog for the full list of improvements and fixes. BDA+ also maintains compatibility with existing BDAc part mods and will continue to do so in the future. The BDA+ team consists of @DocNappers, @SuicidalInsanity, @josuenos, @BillNyeTheIE and many contributors from the Runway Project community and beyond, including: Aubranium, Scott Manley (@illectro), Stardust (@Box of Stardust), Kurgan (@TheKurgan), Kaz (@Ryugi), CeruleanEyes, Fluffy, Cl0by, Concodroid, EzBro. BD Armory was originally developed by Paolo Encarnacion (@BahamutoD) and distributed under the license CC-BY-SA 2.0. BahamutoD has moved on to creating VTOL VR, found on Steam. Go check it out! Previous maintainers of BDArmory are @Papa_Joe, @jrodriguez, @SpannerMonkey(smce), @gomker, @TheDog and @DoctorDavinci. Changelog v1.9.0.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Fix potential stack overflow in cfg parsing of bullets, rockets, materials and mutators that can cause KSP to not load if BDBNIC is also installed. UI: Added lead target indicator to bombing reticule. Bomb aimer reticule now dynamically sized based on bomb yield. Reloading BDA settings now reloads the spawn locations.cfg. Temporarily show the mouse cursor by holding right shift (customizable). AI: Add target priority debug info to the telemetry and AI debugging. Tweak take-off climb rates slightly for smoother take-off. Surface AI now able to (mostly) navigate around buildings at the KSC/Island Airfield/etc. Re-add look-ahead check to Missile Launch authorization, AI now again checks if the target is predicted to still be within boresight 2s later, should cut down on incidents of missiles firing at bad angles the moment a target enters FOV. Missiles set to not use DLZ launch ranges now still use min range turn radius kinematics check to see if a missile can plausibly physically maneuver to reach the target at shorter ranges for determining when the AI should launch. AI beginning to lead target 2s before coming into gun range now properly takes relative closing velocity into account. Bombing improvements: Fix the requested extend distance prior to dropping bombs. Fix AI not dropping bombs despite being on target. Fix AI not properly leading moving targets when bombing with unguided bombs. Add a "Bombing Altitude" slider and switch related fly-to instructions to use this when performing level bombing runs. Implements Dive Bombing behavior, and toggle to swap between dive and level bombing routines. AI now properly dives to torpedo bombing altitude at start of bombing run. Torpedo Bomb Alt raised to 200m. AI will now temporarily inhibit gain alt behavior when doing low-level bombing if min alt has been set too high to prevent aborting runs due to 'gain altitude'. AI will no longer do an Immelmann turn to come about when bombing. Include the expected drop-time (for unguided bombs) in the initial extend distance request and lower the default A2G extend distance to compensate. Add pilot extending readout to the loaded vessel switcher. Fix the bomb aimer sim from stopping early when the bomb is within the explosion radius of the target and use the closest approach instead. Fix the bomb aiming overshoot logic to only abort a bombing run when overshooting by more than twice the blast radius or 200m (whichever is larger). Slightly improve torpedo lead when torpedo bombing vs moving targets. Slightly improve AI bombing ability vs elevated(target on rooftop/bridge)/flying targets. Fix AI not always prioritizing torpedoes over bombs for A2G vs naval targets. AI is now capable of bombing when not the focused vessel. Experimental support for Surface AI torpedo and VTOL AI bomb/torpedo runs to properly aim/abort/extend when using these weapons. Detectors: Airborne sonars no longer detect splashed/submerged targets for datalinked teammate radars. Fix submerged radars being able to detect things. Fix bug that would prevent Laser/GPS targeting cameras from targeting vessels with a vessel exterior to CoM distance greater than 14m. Competition: Add a hidden setting for the number of attempts of a heat during a tournament before using the "start despite failures" option (if enabled). Improve the reporting of damage / parts hit from explosions in competitions. (Set REPORT_DAMAGE_NOT_PARTS_HIT to False to revert.) Reported values may include nearby debris as long as the main vessel is also hit. Add gzip-compression to the tournament.state file, falling back to plain ASCII if needed. Add continuous spawn scoring to the score window. (Removes the option to disable dumping the logs every spawn.) Fix Pinata mode team swap breaking ground-spawn competitions. Weapons: Missiles: Fix kappa guidance when firing at receding targets. Add cruise missile popup behavior, using the fields "CruisePopup", "CruisePopupAngle", "CruisePopupAltitude" and "CruisePopupRange". Added new terminal weave guidance based on, set up as with any other terminalHomingType, uses fields "WeaveVerticalG", "WeaveHorizontalG", "WeaveFrequency", "WeaveTerminalAngle" and "WeaveFactor". Fix bombs/missiles in cargo bay logic and have the cargo bays automatically open/close when selected manually. Fix NRE when trying to use Antirad missiles in reloadable rails/MultiMissileLaunchers Added some target filtering to antirad guidance logic based on ping type, frequency, and proximity to previous ping, they shouldn't get decoyed by the first radar signal they detect now. AntiradTargetType now suports type names as well as ints, e.g. 'antiradTargetTypes = SAM, Detection' vs 'antiradTargetTypes = 0,5'. Added a Fire Angle slider to missiles to allow setting the permitted launch angle to narrower than the missile boresight FOV, to control how lined up with the target the AI should be before triggering a launch. Fixed issue with AI not firing GPS-guided missiles in some conditions. Attempting to fire GPS missiles from a vessel with existant, but non-valid targeting cam will now see if a radar fix can be used instead of aborting. Add support for nuclear/kinetic warheads on Modular Missiles. Fix custom beehive warhead firing submunitions sideways. Fix MultiMissileLaunchers using 'ignoreColliders = true' not properly disabling colliders on spawned missiles and potentially resulting in RUD if the launcher is clipped into the vessel. MultiMissileLaunchers with multiple tubes/cells/rails now properly display the amount of ordinance loaded into the launcher when Ordinance Available set to lower than the number of tubes. Fix radar-guided missiles fired from a VLS detonating immediately after launch due to lost lock. Missile 'hasMissed' grace period now adjusted based on missile velocity and motor state, so things like slow VLS launches don't time out before they can tip over and get on target. Fix GPS missile NRE when trying to fire from beyond Targeting Camera max range using a missile turret. Fix damage from explosions sometimes being lower than it should when hitting large parts with multiple Colliders. Missiles can now be equipped with jammers and countermeasures, the missiles will enable their jammers and begin dropping countermeasures when closer than "missileCMRange", at an interval of "missileCMInterval" seconds. This includes modular missiles, sliders corresponding to the two fields have been added. Setting "Countermeasure Range" to > 0 will activate this system. Note that any countermeasures placed on modular missiles will NOT be accessible for normal use. Note that jammers will only be enabled once at "missileCMRange". CMDropper priority will function as it does for BD AI. Fix multi-missile launcher scaling bug, missiles should now scale correctly. Added multi-missile launcher offsetMax field, to allow increasing the offset limits from the default of 1m. Added multi-missile launcher deployTime field and slider, this allows changing how long the launcher is open for after launching from 0.5s to up to 5s. This is primarily intended for launching slower missiles out of VLS. Reloadable rails no longer do a reload when there's no ordinance remaining. Torpedos now use running depth (default -3m if unguided) and depth-keeping, instead of diving in a straight line towards target. Fix Stingray Torpedo buoyancy. Add AAM Loft as a guidance option for Modular Missile Guidance missiles. Spawning: Allow storing craft URLs in the custom spawn templates to simplify repeated use of the templates with specific craft. v1.8.0.1 Reveal hidden contents Weapons: Missiles: Fix not being able to manually fire GPS-guided bombs/missiles without an AI-assigned target. v1.8.0.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Adjust fuel leak FX to work better in space and low atmospheric density. Add the ability to add custom sub-categories to the BDA part categorizer. Add some new missile plume prefabs for jets/sustainer stages. UI: Improve prevention of click-through of various windows in the editor. Open sections of the AI GUI now remain open when switching between flight and editor. Competition UI text in the upper left corner now properly scales when adjusting UI_SCALE. Added an option to follow the stock UI scaling instead of BDA's one. Add ability to set teams' Allies to the Team Selector GUI. Add craft thumbnails to the custom craft browser. Add a button (in the Settings->UI section) when in the SPH/VAB to generate missing craft thumbnails (which can be found in KSP/thumbs). Generating thumbnails involves loading each craft and capturing a thumbnail. This can take some time if many are missing. Add "VAB Organizer" MM patch for BDA parts — from user Spartwo. AI: Fix AI not going into Ramming mode when guns possess ammo, but not enough to meet resourceRequestAmount of mounted weapons. Orbital AI now automatically disables gimbal on reverse thrust and RCS engines (gimbal directions for these are incorrect). Add missing sonar checks for AIs trying to fire torpedoes. Fix AI not turning on Active sonar when trying to fire INS torpedoes if no passive sonar on vessel. AI visual detection of incoming missiles within visual range no longer requires a RWR. RWR detection of incoming missiles still requires a RWR on the craft. Tweak AI detection and reaction to incoming GPS/INS missiles, they should detect and react to them a bit more consistantly now. AI can now make use of non-DynamicRadar radars for missile targeting when being actively targeted by incoming anti-radiation ordinance. AI can now do non-linear evasion vs long-range targets while aiming missiles. Add Extend Min Gain Rate slider to set extend abort condition if not gaining distance fast enough. AI now checks for available secondary resource as well as primary for weapons using 2 ammo types (e.g. railguns using bullets + EC) when doing weapon selection checks. AI can now use an ally laserdot for targeting laser-guided ordinance if it lacks a targetcam of its own. AI now uses a TWR factor in the climb rate limit calculations. Improvements to formation flying behaviour. Planes in follow mode should now hold their positions better and be more stable. Fix point-defense missile system, AI should now engage with the appropriate amount of missiles. AI will no longer drop locks when these are supporting semi-active radar homing missiles. Competition: Fix craft equipped with repulsors breaking ground spawn. Add support for using custom spawn templates with RNG style tournaments. The number of teams per heat and vessels per team per heat are restricted to at most those in the selected spawn template. Teams are considered as the per file / per folder option. The "Re-use Craft To Fill Teams" option applies for teams that lack sufficient craft to fill the spawn template. Both shuffled and ranked tournaments are supported. Add a hidden option to "smart assign" teams for custom spawn templates (when not running a tournament). Set "VESSEL_SPAWN_SMART_REASSIGN_TEAMS = True" in BDA's settings.cfg to enable it when "Reassign Teams" is enabled. The first vessel in the spawn template with a non-default team name (can be set in the SPH) that isn't already taken sets the name for the team. Other teams get their default letter. Updated to adjust how the graph and legend fit in the window. Countermeasures: Fix NRE from countermeasure droppers missing an ejectTransform in the .cfg. Fix Acoustic Decoy launcher launch direction. Acoustic Decoys will no longer defy gravity and fly if launched out of water. Fix Bubble Curtain launcher NRE. "Infinite Ordinance" now also applies to countermeasure droppers. Adjust cmThreshold timing for SLW countermeasures to 5x time set in WM to account for torpedoes being substantially slower than missiles. This should allow proper CM behavior against both torpedoes and missiles without compromising one or the other. Detectors: RWR no longer clamped to visual FOV for detecting incoming missiles. Add new fieldOfView field to RadarWarningReceiver module to set custom RWR FOV. Fix AI not popping countermeasures for non-radar incoming missiles detected by RWR but outside visual range. Added notching and beaming behavior for both vessel radars and missile radars. Defaults to off. When toggled on, radars can be notched by an aircraft flying low and at 90° to the radar. Behavior is configurable using the activeRadarVelocityGate and activeRadarRangeGate floatcurves for missiles and radarVelocityGate and radarRangeGate floatcurves for radars. Also includes water blocking radars, forcing engagements to consider the horizon. Added a hidden "RADAR_ALLOW_SURFACE_WARFARE" option (default: true), which permits surface vessels to see each other over the horizon to simplify naval engagements. Fix the targeting window breaking a lot of scroll behaviours. Fix the targeting window's slewing along an axis and add a small quadratic component to allow faster slewing with faster mouse movement. Avoid firing missiles while slewing the targeting window if the mouse drifts outside the window. Weapons: Adjust bullet tracers to lead up to their current position instead of from their previous position. Reduce bullet tracer visual glitching due to krakensbane adjustments. Weapons will now properly report Ammo Depleted when ammo remaining is less than amount required to fire. Fix weapons refusing to fire when one shot left when using multiple ammo boxes with differing starting ammo amounts due to floating point errors. Explosive beehive submunition explosion FX now scaled based on submunition tntMass, not parent HE VFX. Fix weapons with reload animations adding an extra 1-20s to the reload time, based on fire anim length. Add new "postFireChargeAnim" field for weapons with charge animations to specify if the animation should play in reverse to deactivate the weapon after firing. Fix weapons with reload sounds using "oneShotSound = false" immediately stopping the SFX when switching to a different weapon. Fix weapons with spindown anims when they stop firing that have overheated under AI control not spinning down until they've cooled down. Laser weapons or other weapons using ElectricCharge can now fire if Infinite Electricity is on, even if Infinite Ammo is not. Adds fireAnimOverrideSpeed field to set custom fire animation play rate instead of basing it on rate of fire. Fix electrolaser NRE when firing on a target vessel. Added a hidden "WEAPONS_RESPECT_CROSSFEED" setting (default: true), which may be set to false to restore previous behavior where guns did not respect crossfeed rules. Improved performance of bullet firing code. Fixed issue where slaved turrets would fire at a stale radar contact. Added "guidanceRange" parameter for guided bullets, determines the range to the target at which the bullet will begin to maneuver, set to -1 for guidance immediately from the muzzle. Missiles: Add "cruiseRangeTrigger" field to missiles. Missiles using this will delay firing their cruise motor until within the set distance to target. Tweak acoustic propagation loss rate for passive acoustic torpedoes, should have a bit further effective detection range now. Fix INS guidance ordinance not configured with a datalink immediately triggering the lost lock condition and self-destructing. Passive Sonar torpedoes now home in on loudest part, not COM. Respects targetCoM override in the .cfg. Fix Terminal Guidance Passive Sonar torpedoes not entering terminal guidance. Fix laser guided ordinance locking on to enemy laser dots. Missile in-flight anims (flightAnimationName) now starts playing when boost motor ignites instead of post boost phase. Added "custom" warhead module, functions like a normal warhead, except it launches a bullet instead of exploding, integrated with missiles. Point-defense missile turrets will no longer follow mouse aim unless manually selected. Fixed booster mass missing from missile dV calculation. Fixed terminal radar guidance missiles lacking IFF. Inertial guidance missiles with terminal guidance that were dumbfired will now activate their terminal guidance. Armor: Armor should now be more consistent in terms of HE resistance. Adjusting the "Armor Explosion Resistance Multiplier" should now more directly affect the amount of armor penetration explosions do. Improved long-dart armor penetration mechanics, should have improved performance against consecutive plates in contact with each other. Improved residual velocity formula. Implemented "realistic" model for explosive reactive armor against kinetic projectiles, now using an interaction length-based model, supports symmetrical and open-faced sandwich configurations. Hits on the sides of explosive reactive armor now no longer provide additional armor protection. (For Modders: Ensure that the section.forward transform is normal to the strike-face of the ERA. Turning on Debug Lines will show you the forward transforms in blue, the green and red lines represent .right and .up respectively.) Now the specific explosive reactive armor section hit by bullets will explode instead of a random section. Implemented angle correction for explosive reactive armor hits, now penetration increases with increasing hit angle. Resistance described by armorModifier * 300 mm at 68 degrees. HEAT warheads now become unfocused as they penetrate through layers of armor, thicker layers will unfocus HEAT jets more than thinner layers. Added a hidden "HEAT_CONE_HALF_ANGLE" setting (default: 2.5), which allows the damage cone angle for HEAT warheads to be adjusted. Setting this value to -1 makes the HEAT damage area into a line instead of a cone. Added a hidden "KERBAL_ERA" setting (default: true), which can be set to false so that EVA Kerbals no longer provide infinite armor. Adjustable armor now scales breakingForce and breakingTorque based on values in the part.cfg file. RWP: For S6R10, GM kill craft that lack propulsion and are significantly beyond the asteroid field radius. Adjust attraction of asteroids beyond 90% of the field radius to not clump together at the centre so that they don't kill the sole surviving craft. Add craft spawn warning message if craft doesn't have AI/WM on root part or if the root part isn't a cockpit. P:S: Add max extend time limit clamp to override extend behavior that goes on for longer than time limit. Add support for automated AI/WM settings for competition rules compliance. To utilze, create a 'Comp_settings.cfg' with an 'AIWMChecks' node, containing one or more of the following settings: extensionCutoffTime = n extendDistanceAirToAir = n MONOCOCKPIT_VIEWRANGE = n DUALCOCKPIT_VIEWRANGE = n guardAngle = n collisionAvoidanceThreshold = n vesselCollisionAvoidanceLookAheadPeriod = n vesselCollisionAvoidanceStrength = n idleSpeed = n DISABLE_SAS = T/F If the file is not present, or it is, but the Use AI/WM Overrides toggle in Game Modes is off, overrides will not be used. Overrides will apply on competition start or vessel spawn. v1.7.1.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Add a SimpleRepaint MM patch to ignore incompatible parts. Armor: Add a max armor limit slider (under General Slider Settings) to limit the max thickness of armor. Default: unclamped. UI: Team Icon text now scales with icon scale. AI: Orbital AI: Adds ability to use sidemounted engines as RCS thrusters. Adds Zero-throttle firing range setting that will override maneuvering orientation in favor of pointing ship in attack Vector direction within set distance. AI now takes target acceleration/velocity into account when accelerating to engagement speed/killing velocity. Detectors / Countermeasures: Allow higher precision for CM intervals and delays in the WM right-click menu. Competition: Auto-generated tournaments use the last used world. Disable waiting for terrain to settle if the spawn altitude is >10km. Fix ramming scoring to also work for orbital AI. Game Modes: When resetting asteroid fields, destroy those that have switched SoI as they don't reset properly. Weapons: Optimizations to bullets, should be a slight performance increase when firing lots of bullets. Beehive submunitions with proximity/flak fuzes now properly set fuxe distance based on pellet tntMass, not parent shell's. Fix nuclear/explosive beehive submnitions not inheriting velocity when detonating on space. Fix APS going rapid-fire when running out of ammo. Fix HEAT bullets being reported as Missile damage in the Score parser. Fix issue with velocity calc that would result in penetrating rounds slowly drifing away from a hit ship in space. Update the KKV model with fixed textures thanks to Stardust. v1.7.0.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Fixes for post-build event instructions on Windows to allow for different 7zip executables. Downgrade using defaults for missing bulletinfo fields from an error to a warning. UI: Updated Chinese localisation thanks to user Marv1n-M. Propagate new localisation strings to non-English localisation files. Seach for commented out entries with value "???". Fix the alignment indicator not showing for dual-mode APS turrets. Waypoints / Waypoint Course builder can now set gate models on a per-gate basis, using models stored in /BDArmory/Models/WayPoint/ BDA Craft Utilities Tool Lift to Weight readout split into Dry and Wet mass LTW scores. Can set what resources are considered part of drymass for Dry LtW calculations via new Drymass Resources button. Fix Kinetic Resist readout in the Armor Stats subsection of the BDA Craft utilities Tool being inverted. AI / WM: Improvements to the Orbital AI PID control option available, by default is active only during weapon firing, can be toggled to be active always or never active. If a fixed weapon is selected, AI will orient itself to fire the weapon, even if the weapon is not aligned with the forward direction of the craft. Improved maneuvering behavior, it is now better at intercepting targets, killing velocity, and prioritizes combat over minor orbital corrections when within combat range. Add option to engage head-on or broadside (for use with turreted weapons). Add option to select broadside direction (only active when PID is enabled). AI is now able to use reverse engines for maneuvers provided the "Reverse Engines" option is enabled (enabled by default). Add minimum firing speed option. If below this speed and within weapons range, AI will increase speed. Add option for AI using RCS to manage velocity relative to the target when firing (enabled by default). Add options to enable/disable evading gunfire using RCS and/or engine thrust. Add option to allow ramming (enabled by default). If enabled, AI will try to ram the target when it loses weapons, if disabled the AI will withdraw from combat. AI will not engage vessels if doing so will put the AI in risk of de-orbiting. Fixed AI repeatedly jumping back and forth between orbit correction and other modes. AI is now capable of avoiding collisions with other vessels, debris, and asteroids. AI is now properly aims and fires unguided missiles in orbit. AI will automatically move to closer intercept ranges if it is unable to lock missiles after 20s. Improvements to VTOL AI: VTOL AI given secondary speed controller; VTOL AI will now throttle engines set to 'independent thrust' for horizontal speed control independently of primary engines being used for lift/powered hover. AI will no longer ignore max missiles per target when using multimissile launchers for missile interception. AIs/WM no longer subject to GForce failures if KSP part G-Tolerances enabled. Don't set the global infinite fuel option when maintaining fuel levels for individual vessels. Don't raycast for terrain normals when taking off from water, just use the up direction. Armor / Hull: Revert invalid HullTypeNum values to that of Aluminium and log a warning. Fix errors in armor damage calcs causing HE rounds to do decreasong amounds of armor damage over subsequent hits. Armor damage/integrity loss now adjustable via the Armor penetration Mult slider in the BDA Settigns menu, General Sliders subsection. Fix shrapnel damage from explosions phasing through armor. Competition: Fix GM culling based on HP remaining to use percentage remaining instead of the raw part count. Add an option to average duplicates in the tournament parser. Fix incorrect parsing of unicode chars in the tournament parser for "wins". Fix GM_KILL_HP culling low partcount craft that are below the partcount threshold, but not the HP remaining percent. Add 'Stop Waypoints' button to stop a Waypoints comp started via the 'Run Waypoints' button. Detectors: Radars/IRSTs now have a 'resourceName' field to set what resource they use. Fixes datalink from allied craft with sonar not displaying sonar contacts on non-splashed receiving craft. FLIR ball/Camera pod now have different niches; Camera pod is now longer ranged, FLIR ball has faster camera traverse. Targeting cameras now list traverse rate and max view range in the part menu infocard. Added radarChaffClutterFactor (default 1) field to radars, to permit setting how effective chaff is against the radar. Used when guiding SARH missiles/radar-linked gun turrets, see TWS radar .cfg for more details. Game Modes: Added g-force limits game mode for part failure and Kerbal GLOC (note: the pilot AI's g-limiter still doesn't work well). Subsystem Battle Daamge to turrets/generators above 50% HP now reduces performance instead of disabling them. Waypoints mode now works with ground spawned caft. Fix Infinite Fuel until First Gate option for Waypoints Mode. Asteroids Field: Adjust the asteroid field game mode to also work in orbit. Adjust forces on asteroids to keep them reasonably contained within the requested field volume and to avoid pinballing. Adjust the asteroid anomalous attraction distance profile to peak at 707m and drop to 0.25 at 0m and 0 at just over 1km. Improved competition messages related to asteroid fields. Weapons: 'ecPerShot' deprecated, weapons now use 'secondaryAmmoPerShot' for controlling EC/secondary resource usage for things like railguns, etc. Adds new 'secondaryAmmoName' field (default ElectricCharge), weapons that used ammo + ElectricCharge (railguns, etc) no longer required to use EC as the secondary ammo. Electrolaser EMP damage per shot/sec now set by 'laserDamage' instead of ecPerShot amount. Fix Burst Length Override softlocking the weapon after the first burst. Weapons can now use Hull Materials with a massMod >= 1. Missiles: Improvements Missile parts can be configured without a warhead and will be considered kinetic energy weapons. Upon impact, they will apply their kinetic energy as damage to the target. Change missile drop time increment from 0.5s to 0.1s. Missiles are now capable of intercepting each other at orbital speeds and will not phase through each other, even without the ContinousCollisions mod. Modular Missiles can be selected to intercept missiles if they have Engage Missiles enabled. Modular Missiles with Orbital Guidance now perform vacuum clearance maneuver (similar to HEKVs in space). Improvements to regular missile orbital guidance, missiles can now use homingType = orbital without RCS. Missiles with RCS will use RCS to offset gravity. Add targetCoM configuration option for IR missiles. If set to true, the missile will target the center of mass instead of the hottest part. Firing conditions for IR missiles tightened up, AI should no longer select rear-Aspect IR missiles against head-on targets. Missiles with RCS can now have multiple forwardRCS transforms. Adds new ModuleMissileMagazine, MultiMissileLauncher reloadable rails and missile pods can now resupply from external missile magazine parts. Fixes Fix Modular Missiles with Orbital Guidance not hitting vessel and missile targets. Fix point defense missile interceptors not firing. Missile turrets now track targets properly in orbit. Fix missiles with no targeting type (i.e. AIR-2) not firing within engage range. Fix IR missiles occasionally suddenly switching lock to allied craft behind them. Fix edge-case issue where firing radar missiles would get soft-locked if trying to switch to a radar lock that didn't exist. Fix missile exhaust plume FX scaling. Fix missile softlock issue if AI tries to fire a laser/GPS missile at a target further than the targeting camera's max range. Fix nukes in vacuum erroneously using the wrong mass value for calculating impulse from the detonation. Parts / Balancing Add new Kinetic Kill Vehicle (KKV) missile. The KKV is an orbital missile with 6 km/s delta-V and no warhead. It relies on kinetic energy from hitting a target directly to deal damage. Re-balanced the HE-KV-1 missile. The HE-KV-1 now has 3 km/s delta-V with a 60 km range and is best at shorter ranges (under 30 km). The HE-KV-1 retains the same mass. Orbital guidance missiles now have drag applied to them in atmosphere. Guns maxDeviation reduced following discovery they were miscalibrated last accuracy refactor; gun accuracy will see up to ~50% improvment across the board. Fix delay-fuzed rounds occasionally not detonating. Add support for guided bullets (needs radar/laser lock on target) for specialty ammo, new bulletDef field 'guidanceDPS', sets degrees/sec ammo can turn. The part menu infocard for Guns now lists weapon accuracy. The bullet stats section of Guns part menu infocards now lists fuze type. EMP weapons will no longer shutdown asteroids. Rockets: Rework the rocket aiming to be consistent with how rockets fly, both in atmosphere and in orbit. Add a "detonate at minimum distance" option to flak/proximity rockets (enabled by default). Aero-stabilization is now stateless (doesn't depend on the time since launch, only on current aero-forces). Hydra70 and S-8KOM rocket types updated and variants added. Fixes S-8KOM rocket mass. Optimizations to Incindiary rockets, should now be a bit better at settings things on fire. Don't apply lead and weapon offset corrections to the pilot AI for turrets. Proximity detonation now uses the target's "average radius" instead of its "max radius". Shell ejection direction, variability (deviation), delay and lifetime are now customisable in the weapon config. Mostly fix the bomb-aimer - bombs without significant lift work fairly well, but JDAMs can be fairly imprecise. Missiles with RCS can now have multiple forwardRCS transforms. Avoid double-counting HP+armour of intervening parts in explosions and scale the damage reduction by the appropriate modifier. Spawning: Allow specifying the reference heading for the first craft for circular spawning (loses precision within 1° of the poles). Spawned Kerbs now have uniform G-tolerance. RWP: Add S6R6, S6R7, S6R8, S6R9 and S6R10 defaults and custom logic. Refresh various UI text fields from the settings values when updating from RWP settings. Evolution: Various fixes for the evolution engine from user themonthlydaily: Applies mutations to the correct craft. Fixes subsequent mutations to be applied to the base craft instead of the most recently modified version. Correctly save seed craft. Adds a display of which parameters are currently being mutated/tested. Fix various other internal bugs. v1.6.12.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Fix Pwing HP scaling for large pwings being used as fuselages. Fix PWing Control Surface Offset angle resetting on one side. Add a time-sync logging option (with auto-enable for competitions) for logging in-game vs real-time timestamps for post-recording resynchronisation. Toggle and logging interval options are available in the "Other Settings" section of the settings. The timestamps are logged as compressed CSV files in the BDArmory/Logs/TimeSync folder. Add Waypoint Mode Course Builder GUI tool (accessible from the Waypoints Section of the vessel Spawner GUI) for easy construction of custom waypoint courses. Can either manually construct course from scratch or record a course as you manually pilot a craft along the course path. Courses/gates on loaded courses can be deleted via right-click. List of things that cannot be set to Wood hull material expanded to other functional parts (servos/radiators/ISRU converters/RTGs) that couldn't logically be made out of wood. Restore the 'ControlledActions' on the KAL too. Restructuring of the localisation files (both layout and many tags) for maintainability and ease-of-editing in IDEs. Adds a script for maintaining structure between localisation files. Some entries in languages other than en-us will require updating — these are currently commented out with "???" as a placeholder. Adds option to toggle LightFX for explosions on/off for performance/parallax compatibility. Adds option to toggle off bullet water hit effects for performance. Skip the 'ProgressTracking' scenario when creating a clean save to avoid triggering tutorials again. Expand the debug info for missing elements when loading materials to be more helpful. UI: Vessel Switcher GUI and competition Marquee now display Waypoint times to hundredths of a second. Gravity Gun moved to the Lasers tab. VTOL and Orbital AIs added to the AI GUI and adjustments made to the layout for the surface AI for consistency. Make ammo bars show amounts respecting fuel flow priorities. AI / WM: Fix Kerbal G-Loss of Consciousness implementation; AI now goes deadstick when pilot is knocked out. Can now toggle AI radar shut-off behavior when targeted by HARMs either on a per-radar basis, or globally for all radars on a craft via the Weapon Manager. AI now understands how to aim weapons not aligned with prograde for Schrage Musik-style weapon arrangements. Note: depending on the airframe, angles outside of roughly -5° — 35° pitch and -10° — 10° yaw are dynamically unstable. AI now understands how to aim fixed guns laterally offset from CoM for B Wing-style weapon arrangements. Remove legacy noise added to fly-to-vessel that would throw off a craft's ability to snipe at long-range. AI now takes evasive maneuvers when under attack from incoming INS/GPS missiles. Fixes AutoTune infinite fuel not applying to Firespitter helicopter engines. Remove the requirement of having a WM for the AI to work. Add the post-terrain avoidance cool-down slider to the AI GUI. AI now more intelligent about turning on Radars/Sonars; will not automatically turn on Active Sonar if present on a craft. Competition: Save/load tournament score weights to/from the settings.cfg. Waypoint Mode max laps can now be set to a user-specified value (WAYPOINT_MAX_LAPS, default 5) in the BDA settings menu. Only show non-zero fields in the results.csv and when parsing multiple files separately. Don't break spawning if a craft loses parts while waiting for the WM if "Start Comp. Despite Failures" is enabled. Disable all FX and projectiles when clearing the field for spawning. Game Modes: Waypoint Gates can now set AI speed limits on a per-gate basis to permit setting up braking zones before a turn/Rally courses with target speeds/etc. 'Activate Guard After Gate n' setting now ends the course when FFA is complete, not when last alive craft completes the course. Vengeance Mutator blast radius and delay can now be set in the BDA settings menu. Don't check for fuel for afterburners if infinite fuel is enabled. Fix issue with Subsystem Battle Damage option occasionally setting non-flammable parts/parts without subsystem modules on fire. Weapons: Fix lasers being able to fire as long as > 0 EC is present. Add bulletLuminance field for setting non-tracer brightness. Fix weapons in salvo mode with symmetry twins firing when only enough ammo for one weapon to fire. Fix heatRays not adding heat to hit parts. Fix kinetic damage having damage reduction from armor being applied when hitting unarmored parts. Fix sabot rounds reporting incorrect penetration values in the right click menu. Missiles: Fix missile exhausts not turning off. Can now set cluster missile trigger distance when mounting cluster missiles on reloadable rails. Nuke LightFX radius now set by effective blast range, not thermalRadius value. Fix NRE when AI tries to fire Modular Missiles. Fix heatseeking Missiles with very narrow sensorFOVs losing lock right before impact with a target. Fix manually fired INS missiles using GPS coords if set. Fix issue with AI fired radar missiles getting stuck and not firing if the first missile fired could not get a lock. Fix an issue with unguided INS bomb guidance. Improved inertial guidance performance when handing off to terminal radar guidance. Added adapted rangeFac behavior to Kappa guidance to improve guidance performance, particularly for close ranged targets. Now an altitude limit is prescribed for the missile based on 10 * rangeFac * range^(vertVelComp). Fixed maddog/dumbfire behavior of ARH missiles, missile should now be able to lock onto targets in front of it when launched. Throttle now determines fuel burn, missile burnout for missiles with fuel burn now depends on fuel expenditure rather than just preset burn times. Fix some typos and inconsistencies in the wording of the right click menu. Improve logic for when and how AI attempts dumbfire launches when missing requisite sensors. Improve logic for sonar-guided weapons, will no longer try to satisfy sonar need with radars if present. Detectors: Visual improvements and variants added for the AN/APG-63 Radome (from Spartwo). Fixed rare bug where, when spawning in vehicles while the on-screen debug elements are turned on the vessel radar cross-section would update too early, causing the radar cross-section to default to the vessel's mass. RWP: Add S6R5 dynamic recoil gamemode; recoil scales with vessel thrust. Improved handling of auto-adjusted BDA settings for RWP. Update the RWP specific settings for recent and earlier rounds. ModIntegration: Fix the type to unbox MidChordSweep to. v1.6.11.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Recompile the shaders on an older version of Unity so that they're compatible with KSP v1.9.1 and later. Fix false positives of Krakensbane being active on vessel switches. Add a part Tree Hierarchy visualizer to the BDA Craft Utilities Tool for checking part offset. UI: Make the time-scaling slider visible without needing to activate time override. Extend the camera-switch slider to up to 15s. AI / WM: Clamp the vertical adjustment of the fly-to position to at most half the distance to the target (should fix the issue of being unable to attack targets directly below). Add a slider for biasing the Immelmann pitch direction when not close to terrain/min altitude. Add a slider for the initial roll-relevance and preserve the best roll-relevance between auto-tuning runs. Competition: Add "Parts lost to asteroids" to the continuous spawn tournament score logs and parser. Fix world switching for auto-resuming continuous spawn tournaments. Make the "Auto-Quit On Tournament End" option apply whenever it's visible. Suppress the "Dumping scores..." messages unless competition debugging is enabled. Game Modes: Add Gun Game game option to the Mutator GameMode - craft progress through a list of mutators (weapon changes or otherwise) every time they score a kill. Ideally used with Continuous Spawn. Asteroid Field: Adjust the anomalous attraction strengths to scale better with typical asteroid radii. Add an inter-asteroid repulsion at close ranges to prevent asteroids clumping too much. Make the asteroids nigh indestructible so that they don't thin out over time. Weapons: Reduce ECPerShot cost of electrolasers. Heatrays now check for part occlusion. Fix non-damaging lasers (gravity guns, etc.) from not scoring in competition. Fix the luminance of tracers on pooled bullets not being reset (not every bullet is a tracer now). Lasers now deal damage to buildings. Missiles: Fix Missile Exhaust FX issue. RWP: Add RWP override settings (in RWP_settings.cfg) for automatically enabling/disabling RWP options when the RWP toggle is toggled or the RWP slider is adjusted. Settings adjusted when RWP is enabled aren't saved, but can be manually added to the RWP_settings.cfg file. Settings adjusted when RWP is disabled are saved to settings.cfg as usual and serve as the base that the RWP settings override. Overrides for round 0 are global overrides and are applied first before round specific overrides are applied. Toggling the RWP toggle or moving the slider first reverts settings to the non-RWP values, then applies the global and round-specific RWP overrides. For convenience, a few settings are excluded from being reverted: settings section toggles and most spawn settings. Also, inf fuel / inf EC currently aren't affected. The defaults for the RWP_settings.cfg file will be saved when settings are first saved and changes made to the file override the defaults. Default RWP settings for previous rounds and the upcoming S6R2 have been added. Restrict the RWP slider to only include rounds that have overrides and move it to the top of the section to avoid issues with layout changes while adjusting the slider. v1.6.10.1 Reveal hidden contents UI: Updated German localisation from EzBro. Fix some localisation tags and duplicates. AI / WM: Don't reset PID values to stored auto-tuning ones when switching the clamped/unclamped toggle. Add an auto-tuning summary line to the AI GUI when auto-tuning is not running (when there's something to show). Weapons: Fix rockets detonating too early. Missiles: Fix missiles not having their exhaust and boost FX. v1.6.10.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Fix Krakensbane adjustments when the active vessel dies. Make sure various pooled objects are disabled when leaving the flight scene. Battle damage fuel leak rates now scale by (bullet caliber)^2, instead of (bullet caliber). Fuel leak rates for 20mm caliber remain the same, calibers higher and lower than 20mm will now have higher and lower leak rates, respectively. Fixes for Kerbal Safety not always detecting EVA kerbals. UI: Updated Chinese localization thanks to user Marv1n-M. Fix part filtering by search terms in the editors. Adjust timing and conditions for auto-camera switching to and away from missiles. Fix tracer visuals when the active vessel dies. New Opacity option in BDA Team Icons to set icon opacity. Adds CASE ammo explosion radii visualizer in the editors, enable via F3. Continuous Spawn now shows lives remaining in the Vessel Switcher GUI. Add a UI scaling option for BDA's windows. Improve the logarithmic scaling in the radar windows. Add a 'withZero' parameter to semi-log sliders that allows them to include 0 and uses lower precision for the smallest range. Add a 'GUIUtils.HorizontalSemiLogSlider' for simplifying horizontal sliders for semi-log float ranges outside of PAWs. Add a fractional component to the precision of semi-log sliders for rounding, e.g., sigFig = 1.5f gives '..., 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 15, 20, ...'. Switch the spawn distance slider to use this. Add a power-law float range type and 'GUIUtils.HorizontalPowerSlider' for simplifying horizontal sliders for power-law float ranges outside of PAWs. AI / WM: Add new "Kinematic Msl Evasion" toggle to Pilot AI under the evasion settings. When this is enabled the AI will evaluate the best maneuver to defeat a beyond-visual-range (BVR) missile using only kinematic maneuvers. The Time to Impact Before Evade setting on the weapons manager should be set to a high value when this evasion option is enabled. Maneuvers the AI will use are: Crank - Fly at an angle to the target, while still maintaining radar lock. Beam/Notch - Fly perpendicular to the missile. Turn away/Turn cold - Fly away from the missile. Notch & dive - This is the standard AI behavior if this toggle is disabled. It is also used if the toggle is enabled and the AI is within lethal range of the missile. Invert the roll target when the fly-to direction is below and behind the craft within the Immelmann turn angle (fixes death spirals). Fix automatic gun range adjustments in the WM again. Prevent Orbital AI from changing attitude while launched missile is still near spacecraft. Add Smoke CM timing/interval/repetition settings. Fix the missile evasion direction using the wrong reference frame. Automatically disable precision input mode when auto-tuning (KSP's UI element doesn't switch though). Add a slider for prioritizing using brakes to slow down when braking is allowed. Armor / Hull: Radar stealth coatings - can now apply radar absorbent/reflective materials on a per-part basis. Armor coatings less than 10mm thick will provide lessened benefits. Adds new radarReflectivity field to Armor materials to specify degree of radar absorbtion/reflectivity of the armor. Adds new radarMod field to Hull materials to set degree of radar return off unarmored parts. Adds new Radar Absorbent Coating armor type. Adds new Radar Absorbent Foam hull material. Detectors / Countermeasures: Fix missing resource for the Bubble CM. Fix targeting cameras not being able to track targets. Weapons: Corrections to penetration and ricochet velocity changes and ricochet positions. Stop APS firing at dead missiles. 'subProjectileCount' has been deprecated and replaced with 'projectileCount'; this specifies the number of pellets per shot (for shotguns, etc.) to make it more intuitive. Existing shotgun-type weapons will need to update their bulletDefs. The subMunitionType field for beehive ammo now uses the syntax of "ammotype; quantity" (e.g. subMunitionType = 35x228AHEADPellet; 30) with number of projectiles released on detonation set here instead of the subMunition's bulletDef. BDA will try to automatically detect and adjust old beehive ammo types, but mods should update their bulletDefs accordingly. Fix the aiming reticles of guns (fixed and turrets) and auto-proxy-tracking when using MouseAimFlight (again). Add new projectileTTL field to bulletDefs, use to set time in seconds beehive round subprojectiles will persist for. Optional, defaults to 0.5. Switch the gun range sliders to use a power-law slider instead of a semi-log slider to keep typical ranges closer to the centre of the slider. Missiles: Fix issue with Rotary Rails trying to use missiles that have previously been blown off from combat damage. Fix issue with MultiMissileLauncher Turrets throwing an NRE when AI firing. Fix mass changes of missiles that decouple boosters and add missile mass debug telemetry. Fix radar and heat targeting leading targets excessively (most apparent in orbit). Fix missile drag curve having negative drag at ~25 deg AoA. Fix AI occasionally not firing radar missiles; Git Issue #573. Change target offset on missiles with continous rod warheads from Detonation Distance / 3 to Min(Blast Radius / 3, Detonation Distance / 3). Fix missile RCS FX constantly displaying. Missiles with RCS/Orbital homing types (i.e. HEKV) in vacuum now perform turn maneuver after launch to face target and only throttle up once facing target. Fixes to anti-missile missile point-defense logic to support missile turret launched interceptors. Fix radar missiles not locking and firing until well within their max engagement range. Add new dragArea configuration variable for missiles to set reference area for drag independently from the lift area. If not set, this defaults to the liftArea setting in the missile configuration file. Fix missiles ignoring guns with priority. Added missile g-limiting. Now you can set a missile maximum g-limit using the "gLimit" field. Additionally a "gMargin" field exists which allows you to specify an allowable margin the missile can miss by to optimize drag. I.e., the missile is allowed to pull only gLimit - gMargin if pulling gLimit will result in too much drag. Corrected pronav and augpronav normal acceleration using the g-limiting feature. Improved missile turning behavior, turns should be slightly smoother overall. Added Kappa guidance, an optimal type of midcourse guidance for in-atmosphere missiles. This re-uses the LoftAngle, LoftMaxAltitude and LoftRangeOverride fields, though LoftRangeOverride is now the range where the missile will switch from lofting to the midcourse guidance. Introduces a new field, "kappaAngle" which is a trajectory shaping angle, higher values mean a steeper terminal trajectory. Fixed missile contact detonation logic, a bug was present which lead to inaccurate detection of missile contact. Improved AAMLoft performance against maneuvering targets. EMP warheads only detonate when armed and no longer do additional damage. Competition: Add an option for the continuous spawn central point to follow the centroid of surviving craft (biased back towards the original spawn point). Add an option to automatically resume continuous spawn and to automatically shutdown KSP when continuous spawn ends due to having fewer than 2 craft left. Update the continuous spawn log parser to handle multiple files, either separately or combined, and to only show non-zero columns. Bias the continuous spawn's "bubble shuffle" to prioritise craft with fewer spawns. Hide the ALIVE / DEAD string in continuous spawn when the UI is hidden. Delay spawning craft in continuous spawning while the death cam is active to avoid lag during that shot. RWP: Add RWP S6R1 specific overrides. v1.6.9.0 Reveal hidden contents UI: Fix the alternate (hidden UI) window locations (for scores and vessel switcher) not being saved correctly. General: New texture for 1.25m radomes. Add a max distance threshold setting to Team Icons. Fix "Camera Switch: Incl. Missiles" not switching to missiles about to hit their target. AI / WM: Add new Orbital AI part for spacecraft in orbit: The Orbital AI will use orbital maneuvers to close within gun range of the target to fire weapons. It will also automatically fire missiles when able. The AI will maneuver at the Maneuver Speed setting and once within gun range try to fire guns while at the Strafe Speed setting. It will evade missiles based on the countermeasure settings on the Weapons Manager and evade gunfire using AI settings similar to those on the Pilot AI. When spawned at orbital altitudes using the BDA Vessel Spawner, craft with the Orbital AI will be automatically spawned into orbit (other options for orbital spawning are cheat menu and HyperEdit mod). Orbital AI is adapted from the StockCombatAI (KCS) mod, check it out here! Base the Immelmann turn pitch direction on the local pitch angular velocity (i.e., pitch down if already rotating that way — fixes the pitch oscillation behaviour when targeting an opponent behind the craft while inverted near terrain). Don't summon the NaN-Kraken when the post-terrain avoidance cool-down is 0. Tightened up 'on target' threshold for dumbfiring missiles. Perform banked turns when the target is behind us at long range and extending is allowed instead of Immelmann turns or turning directly to target. Threshold is clamp(8 * max speed, 1000, 4000). Pilot AI turns will now turn harder (using Max AoA setting) towards the notch direction the closer the missile is to impact. Factor the user-defined steer limit into the turn radius calculations. Use a more gentle take-off slope for the initial take-off. Add an Evasion Min Range Threshold option to only trigger evasion from an attacker using guns when they're beyond that distance. If enemies are detected nearby but beyond gun range and we're not aiming, perform nonlinear (evasive) weaving to avoid long-range sniping. Make the gun range slider more tolerant to following increases in the max gun range. Detectors: Can now set targeting camera slew speed using "traverseRate" field in ModuleTargetingCamera. Improve Targeting Camera ability to track moving/flying targets. Weapons: Fixes for initial bullet placement and simulated hit position when Krakensbane is not active. Account for the initial bullet placement in the bullet traveled distance. Fixes for aiming reticles of guns (both fixed and turrets) when using MouseAimFlight. Show where aimer lines in the SPH are blocked and by what. Add Deploy toggle to see where weapons with deploy animations will point when deployed vs retracted (e.g. M230 chaingun). Fix lasers using wrong armor thickness value for damage reduction calcs. Fixes point defense/APS turrets not engaging incoming missiles. Fix proximity/flak/beehive ammo detonation timing when used in orbit. Missiles: Add new Orbital guidance option for Modular Missiles. Missile will attempt to intercept orbital target at the user-set Max Speed value. homingType = orbital replaces homingType = RCS in missile configuration files (BDA is still backwards-compatible with homingType = RCS). Improvements to modular missile AAM guidance types so that they work in orbit. Fix for HEKV launching unguided in non-ideal situations. Fix clustermissiles launching copies of themselves instead of submunitions. Fix clustermissiles not respecting submunition trigger distance. Fix clustermissiles acting like reloadable missiles when not set up for reloading. Fix Guidance Type None missiles not holding course. GPS missiles now require a target cam or radar lock for GPS coords. INS missiles can now use either radar or IRST tracking. INS missiles now have datalink capability for mid-flight target coordinate updates (uses gpsUpdates field), update rate clamped to Radar/IRST scan speed. ECM can now jam GPS/INS datalink if missile within hostile ECM AoE. Fix error with Inertial guidance target prediction for non-updating missiles. Fix Missiles having 10 armor instead of 2. Fix SARH missiles that relock to a new target not updating their target vessel. Changed missile missed check, missiles now check if they have come within 400m, are post-thrust, or are more than 1km behind target, and have exceeded a grace period of maxTurnRateDPS/15. Countermeasures: Add vessel's velocity to chaff ejection particle effect. Use vessel acceleration instead of velocity for chaff decoy factor calculation when in space. Add option in WM's CM settings for auto-deploying CMs when not in guard mode (e.g., for manual combat). Vessel Mover / Spawning: Check for outdated loadMeta files when refreshing the craft list in the vessel selection window and update them since KSP doesn't update them when you save your craft! Fix the spawn point selection sometimes not registering. Vessels with an orbital AI that are spawned at safe orbital altitudes are spawned into circular orbits. Vessels are spawned pointing away from each other. Increase maximum spawn distance to 200km. Add a "bubble shuffle" to the waiting craft in continuous spawning to increase the randomness of the spawn order. ModIntegration: Fixes for inhibiting CameraTools when initial spawning during continuous spawning and disable auto-switching to newly spawned craft joining the competition. Provide helpers for CameraTools so that the camera can aim at missiles' targets (requires CameraTools v1.31.0). v1.6.8.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Add tracking of 'named modules' (from non-dependency DLLs) to the VesselModuleRegistry. Optimise "Vector3.Distance(from, to) < dist" type checks. UI: rcsOverride enabled ECMJammers now properly affect RCS in the SPH/VAB RCS GUI. Fix Equivalent Armor Thickness readout in the Armor GUI. Fix custom ammobelt UI overwriting belts on heterogeneous weapon groups. AI / WM: AI GUI fixes for surface AI. Fix AI disengagement from launched nuclear/EMP ordinance if within projected blast radius. Expose the weave strength factor as a tunable parameter for the surface and VTOL AI. AI will now toggle/disable ECM Jammers if under fire from GPS/antiradiation ordinance. Adjust the off-boresight angles for DLZ checks for extending to prevent super long-range extends. Fix FSM not being started when initially deploying landing gear. Weapons: Fix BurstFirelength and FireAngleOverride toggles not working in flight. Fix APS parts getting mixed in with global weapon shortnaming and overriding barrage settings. Anti-Ballistic APS no longer assigns multiple turrets to a single incoming shell, now respects reloading/overheated state of the weapon during target assignment. Guns now properly respect crossfeed. Don't apply the unity integrator correction to the unsupported gravity component of the aiming (improves on-orbit aiming). Improve the estimate of the required OverlapSphere for Vessel-Relative Bullet Checks for hypervelocity craft. Abrams Turret maxDeviation decreased to 0.1; Abrams bullet spread should reliably hit a tank-sized target from 2km again. Missiles: Add new Inertial guidance mode. Add new 'inertialDrift' missileLauncher field for INS drift, in meters/sec. Have torpedoes head to last known contact point and start circling it, instead of current sink to bottom behavior. MultiMissileLauncher deploy anim toggle now affects symmetry twins. Fix various NullReferenceExceptions when trying to use Modular Missiles. Antirad missiles using antiRadTypes = 9 now properly home in on active ECM jammers. Craft without Radar/radarlock will now wait to fire radar LOAL missiles until target distance is close enough that radarTimeout < (tgtDist - activeRadarRange) / optimalAirspeed. Fix NRE when trying to fire laser-guided missiles from a turret with no targeting cam. Single stage Modular Missiles now activate their engine on launch without needing an AG setup. Continuously-updating GPS-guided ordinance can now be jammed by a ECM jammer if within the jammer's garble radius. Missile Interception reworked, tied to PD logic. Missiles set to engage missiles will automatically launch to intercept incoming missiles (assuming viable launch geometry). Hopefully fix the Missile Turret phantom force issue. Fix GPS missiles fired from a cargo/custom bay losing lock immediately on firing. Fix typo in Dynamic Launch Zone calculation that was preventing some missiles from launching. Remove global toggle to use Dynamic or Static launch range for missiles and replace it with a per-missile toggle. When toggled on, the missile will launch missiles at their max engagement range without taking into account craft velocities. Incorporate missile frontAspectHeatModifier value into missile selection logic so rear-aspect missiles are not selected if they cannot be fired. Competition: Include last-damaged-by tracking for bullet explosions that damage vessels, not just hits. GM kill when weaponless now looks for no weapons with ammo instead of no weapons. v1.6.7.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Kerbal Foundries wheel and track HP now properly scales with wheel size. ProcArmor now has symmetry attach. Fix Armor panels < 10mm thick resetting to 25mm. Toggling Battle Damage will disable Paintball Mode, if enabled. UI: Windows that show despite the UI being disabled (i.e., Vessel Switcher and Score windows) store a separate size and location for that mode. Use a resize handle instead of buttons for horizontally resizing the Vessel Switcher window. AI / WM: When ramming, if the target is also trying to ram us, aim more directly at them (avoids unstable dynamics). Fix some depth-keeping logic with Submarine AI. Guard Mode toggles off if enabled when loading into a battle site from the KSC that had active combatants at the time player previously exited to Space Center. Fix secondary target assignment logic assigning targets irrespective of target priority settings. Add UNDERWATER_VISION view distance option so ships require sonar to detect submerged subs, and submerged subs require sonar to detect other vessels vs being able to see them as long as they are within guard range. Add attack logic for gun-armed submarines when BULLET_WATER_DRAG is disabled. AI now respect target priority settings when looking at landed or splashed targets. Fix issue with ground vehicle AIs not selecting missiles against ground targets in some circumstances. AI now less jittery when doing bombing runs. Add new 'Maintain Min Range' toggle for Land AI; if enabled Vees will stop/reverse to maintain minimum engage distance to target. Change Surface AI cruise behavior; if MaintainMinRange, craft will slow as before until minRange reached; if disabled, Vees will maintain flank speed regardless of target distance. Add missing combat Depth slider to AI GUI for Subs. AI now has longer object permanence for stationary/slow land targets it has lost sight of. VTOL AI makes sure Landed status is disabled during take-off. Countermeasures: Add missing Active Sonar countermeasure. Detectors: Fix Radars utilizing a max of 3 locks, regardless of radar-lock capable radars present on a vessel. Enemy passive sonars no longer show up on the Radar Warning Reciever. IRSTs now return the hottest enemy target they detect, rather than whatever is first on the targets list when using it for manually firing heatseeking missiles. Fix multiple radars locking the same targets; radars will now properly distribute targets to lock amongst themselves. Fix Radar GUI not properly displaying radars using custom radarTransforms. Weapons: Bullets now take relative velocity into account when calculating damage. Fix Dual-mode APS turrets getting slaved to radar when firing on standard targets and not subsequently engaging incoming missile targets. Fix APS occasionally getting stuck on phantom targets. Rework aiming logic for improved long-range aiming for vessels moving at orbital speeds (still not entirely correct for low Kerbin orbit at longer ranges, but significantly better). Missiles: Fix missiles not firing on surface ships. Missiles now properly receive explosive damage from point defense HE rounds/interceptor missiles in paintball mode. Fix missiles occasionally getting stuck when fired from VLS. Fix Missiles failing LOS check due to kerbins curvature for ship vs ship engagements. Fix for GPS missiles fired from multiMissileLaunchers losing lock when fired. Fix guidance type = none missiles detonating 5km from launcher. Fix NRE from manually firing GPS missiles from a multimissilelauncher. AIs attempting to dumbfire multimissileLaunchers will now take missile launch vector into account instead of vessel prograde. Adds new Settings option 'LIMITED_ORDINANCE' to clamp multimissilelaunchers and reloadable rails to a single salvo's worth of ammo. Fixed GPS coords not updating for bombs. Fixed occasional NRE when using laser-guided missiles in a surface to surface role. AI can now aim unguided/dumbfired missiles with the missile turret. AI can now use JDAMs/other guided bombs as unguided bombs when lacking targeting cam instead of aborting. Improve Bomb lead calcs for better bombing accuracy against moving targets. Fix turrets spinning wildly about when AI loses track of target and target position goes stale. v1.6.6.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Procedural Wing max armor thickness now based on mean thickness of the wing. Adds new Acoustic Decoy CM dropper. UI: Add Japanese localization files thanks to user Taka005. AI / WM: Fix the cubic solver giving invalid results for nearly degenerate cubics (used in aiming). Fix the debug line trajectories not showing the final part of the trajectory. Add experimental Submarine AI option to Surface Driver AI. Various weapon selection logic tweaks to support sensible weapon selection/use when submerged and firing on non-submerged targets. Add torpedo bombing logic to pilot AI. AI will now lead moving ground targets when bombing. AI will start dropping bombs from reloadable rails/bomblet dispensers early for proper carpet bombing instead of dropping them behind a target. Fix AI dropping bombs several hundred meters behind target. Detectors: Add new radarTransformName field to ModuleRadar/new irstTransformName field to ModuleIRST to allow setting custom radar direction/setting multiple radars to a part using custom radar models. Add new sonarType field to Radar for setting up Active or Passive sonars. Countermeasures: Add Acoustic Decoy CM support via 'countermeasureType = decoy'. APS point defense target acquisition and assignment logic rewritten, APS will now semi-intelligently identify and distribute targets among guns in the PD network. APS weapons now respect Fire Interval and Burst Length settings. Weapons: Missiles: Fix some NREs when manually firing missiles. Add new guidanceDelay field to allow setting a delay between missile launch and missile beginning to maneuver towards a target. Dynamic Launch Range now uses missile EngageRange max instead of static launch range. Improved launch behavior for missiles set to be fired at very short range. Add LineOfSight check when firing missiles. Fix torpedoes not working. Missile/Bomb fratricide prevention now based on team instead of sourcevessel. Add Salvo size slider to MultiMissile Launchers, enabled via the new MultiMissileLauncher .cfg 'setSalvoSize' bool. Improve launch of missiles from reloadable rails. Add new MultiMissileLauncher 'deploySpeed' field to set deploy animation duration. Add intrinsic scaling option to MultiMissileLauncher for missile pods and the like, use new fields 'scaleTransformName' and 'lengthTransformName' Fix issue with air-dropped torpedoes exploding on impact with the water despite being within their waterImpactTolearance. Fix torpedo behavior if trying to target something with a CoM above water level Tweaked weapon lead aim calcs for guns firing beehive shells, Oerlikon should hit more often now. MultiMissileLaunchers can now support GPS guided missiles launching at multiple simultaneous targets. Competition: Add new GM Kill conditions for planes that have lost engines/weapons/set percentage of their parts and LandedKillTimer conditions for surface AIs that have found themselves in water/water AIs that have beached themselves/sunk. Don't auto-resume tournaments when custom spawn templates are selected. Vessel Spawning: Allow using custom spawn templates for airborne spawning too (with altitude >10m). Add option to immediately set airborne-spawned vessels (with a pilot AI) to their idle speeds. Tweaks to initial focussed vessel after circular spawning. Always perform vessel validity checks and wait for WMs to appear in the Vessel Switcher during post-spawning even when not immediately starting a competition. Vessel Mover: Make the vessel selection more resilient to corrupted vessel files/loadmeta. Default the vessel selection window to using the VAB if the initial vessel is spawned through the launchpad. v1.6.5.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Fix Pwing HP error with Pwing edges not contributing as much HP as they should. UI: Fix numeric input fields not updating when they should. New Team Icons toolbar icon for easier identification. Add colour coding to the number of parts in the vessel selection windows. AI: Add a toggle to the pilot AI to disable ramming ground targets. Add a toggle to the pilot AI for treating the min altitude as a hard limit. Include the TWR of a vessel when determining the gain altitude slope, allowing much higher slopes. Include a climb rate at half the take-off climb rate while evading below min altitude. Prevent inverted loops when below min altitude and improve the inverted loop threshold calculation. Improve vessel collision avoidance by prioritising non-debris and by prioritising potential collisions by size. Add a "post-avoidance cool-down" slider to the pilot AI to increase pitch away from terrain for a short period after avoiding terrain. Add a Manoeuvering steer mode similar to NormalFlight steer mode, but with Aiming mode's roll behaviour. Switch a number of inappropriate uses of Aiming steer mode to Manoeuvering mode. Add a green debug line for showing the pitch target direction the AI is aiming for (which is not necessarily the same as the position the AI is told to go to). Armor: Allow changing the unclamped min/max dimensions for proc armor in the settings.cfg (PROC_ARMOR_ALT_LIMITS). Weapons: Fix APS point defenses not respecting Infinite Ammo cheat. Fix APS weapons not activating when Guardmode enabled, if they aren't already active. Anti-Missile weapons can now shoot down missiles in Paintball mode. Missiles: Add option (in Show Missile and Countermeasure Settings) to allow missiles to be fired from their full dynamic launch range instead of static launch range. Add trigger range setting for cluster missile submunition launch. Fix MultiMissilelaunchers resetting detonation Distance. Fix MML "TNT Mass Equivalent = -0.0018726" PAW label. Fixed Missiles with ModuleMissileRearm improperly launching. Fixed MMLs resetting detonation distance. Multi Missile launchers now check clearance based on tube orientation regardless of overrideReferenceTransform setting. Missile/bomb fratricide prevention now also checks the source vessel name to allow explosives to be destroyed by explosives of the same type from another vessel. Fix NRE from SARH missiles fired without a lock. Missiles now properly calculate offboresight angle from missile orientation, not vessel prograde. Competition: Adjust round progress strings in tournaments: ranked => 0→N, shuffled => 1→N. Report total number of rounds for ranked tournaments properly. v1.6.4.1 Reveal hidden contents UI: Add an option for disabling the self-updating of the text in numeric input fields. When the value fails to parse (after the delay) the text will turn red. Toggling the numeric fields or closing the windows will reset the field to the most recently successfully parsed value. The text will still be updated if the parsed value becomes clamped within the limits of the field. Make the delay for the "read and interpret" logic of numeric input fields customisable (default 0.5s). AI: Some QoL improvements for auto-tuning: automatically enable AI and engines and move the craft to the autotuning altitude. Detectors: Fix Conformal Decals throwing off RCS calculation in editor (SPH/VAB). Hide scenery during RCS calculation in editor (SPH/VAB) to prevent scenery from affecting calculation. Add for/aft/side/top/bot RCS readout to the On-Screen Telem debug option when ASPECTED_RCS is enabled. Add slider for ASPECTED_RCS_OVERALL_RCS_WEIGHT to the BDA Settings menu. Countermeasures: Fix exceptions caused by ECM jammers. Competition: Fix a bug in the score window for teams competitions. Automatically enable the teams score toggle in the score window if the "Teams" slider in the vessel spawner window is set to teams mode on start-up. Dump a "team scores.log" file to the Tournament folder for teams tournaments after each round. v1.6.4.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Make ammo consumption respect staging and priority order unless "externalAmmo = false" in the weapon config. Don't auto-switch vessels when MouseAimFlight is active. Fixed an issue where modules on a vessel re-entering the PRE range weren't being updated in the VesselModuleRegistry. Fix a number of issues with Pwing+FAR HP calc. PWing Thickness-based Mass+HP now takes PWing Edges into account if PWing Edge Lift enabled. Fix armored cockpit mass resetting on load. Add search tags to all BDA parts. AI: Make the autotuning re-centering distance customisable. Add unclamped max values for auto-tuning speed and altitude. Prevent weapon selection from choosing weapons when target is closer than the weapon's minSafeDistance. Fix AI potentially seeing beyond viewrange. Increase preemptive lead distance AI will begin leading target before entering engagement range. AI will now switch off of Afterburner if AB is out of fuel (for Rapiers/other LF/non-air AB-mode engines). Vessel Spawning: Disable gravity easing when using 'Warp Here' above 10m altitude. Vessel Mover: Add support for browsing craft in subfolders of the SPH and VAB (also in the custom spawn templates). Allow resizing the vessel selection window and remember its position. Weapons: Fix various NREs related to missiles and multi-missile launchers. Adds optional tracer smoke. New 'smokeTexturePath' setting for ModuleWeapon to set custom smoke trail FX, leave blank for default bullet FX Properly support weapons with multiple ModuleWeapon modules. Turret integration with ModuleMultiLauncher for MML style Hydra Turrets, etc. Fix missiles fired from same source vessel causing each other to explode when they cross within proximity detonation distance. Add flareEffectivity = 1 in missile configs. Modifies how the missile targeting is affected by flares, 1 is fully affected (normal behavior), lower values mean less affected (0 is ignores flares), higher values means more affected. Countermeasures: Add rcsOverride field to ModuleECMJammer to enable setting craft RCS to a set value. Split CM time into missile evade time and CM deploy time to allow setting a craft to begin evading, then deploy CM, etc. Fix an issue with chaff vessel modules summoning the Kraken on undocking. Fix an NRE related to jammers enabling. Competition: Make the saving of backup tournaments optional (hidden setting TOURNAMENT_BACKUPS in settings.cfg). Added a ranked tournament mode. Ranked tournaments begin with a single shuffled round (craft assigned to heats randomly), then continues to generate ranked rounds (craft assigned to heats based on their current rank) until the number of ranked rounds run matches or exceeds the rounds slider (which can be adjusted during a tournament). Ranked tournaments only work for FFA style tournaments. nCr and gauntlet style tournaments aren't supported. For teams tournaments, the combined score for the teams is used for the ranking. Enable the score window via the "Sc" button on the Vessel Switcher window. Use the "UI" button to keep the window visible even when the rest of the UI is disabled (F2). Use the "±" buttons to adjust the font size. Use the "W" button to adjust the score weights. Use the "T" button to switch between individual and team scores for teams competitions. Left click and drag the drag handle to resize the window. Right click the drag handle to switch to auto-adjusting height. Scores update after each round (not heat) in a ranked tournament. The tournament.state file uses a new format (recursively encoded JSON due to Unity's limited JSON functionality), contains a lot more information and isn't compatible with older tournament.state files. A script ( can convert the tournament.state file to proper JSON (tournament.json) and back again for ease of editing. Fix a minor bug in the tournament log parsing script where wins weren't always being counted for the score. Make the saving of backup tournaments optional (hidden setting in settings.cfg). Add NPC support for FFA-RNG tournaments (both ranked and non-ranked). To use NPCs, create a "NPCs" folder in the folder for the tournament (e.g., "AutoSpawn/MyTournament/NPCs"), add the NPC files to this folder, then set the "NPCs Per Heat" slider to the desired number of NPCs. NPC files will be reused as necessary to provide the appropriate number of randomly selected NPCs each heat. When generating heats, the number of NPCs is taken into account for the total number of vessels per heat (e.g., 8 vessels per heat with 2 NPCs per heat would give 6 players + 2 NPCs in each heat). The "Tournament Scores" window will only show the scores for non-NPCs. Add an "auto" setting for the "Vessels Per Team Per Heat" in teams tournaments where the teams will simply be all the craft files in each team's folder. Detectors Add settings toggle ASPECTED_RCS that enables real-time RCS evaluation based on the target aircraft's azimuth and elevation relative to the radar evaluating it. Enable from the BDA settings menu under Missile & CM settings: "Real-Time Aspected RCS." The real-time aspected RCS is dependent on a weighted average against overall craft RCS, so lower overall craft RCS will lead to better aspected RCS. Overall craft RCS weighting in this average is dependent on ASPECTED_RCS_OVERALL_RCS_WEIGHT = 0.25 in the settings.cfg file. Final aspected RCS will be = (1-ASPECTED_RCS_OVERALL_RCS_WEIGHT) * [Aspected RCS] + ASPECTED_RCS_OVERALL_RCS_WEIGHT * [Overall RCS]. RWRs now activate when they first detect a missile instead of when missile enters visual range. RWRs now track active Radar missiles regardless of missile visibility if VARIABLE_MISSILE_VISIBILITY is enabled. RWP: S5R10 special settings. v1.6.3.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Archive the defunct KSPedia files, reducing the size of the BDArmory zip file by around 24MB. UI: Add a button for resetting the scroll-zoom rate to 1 when "Debug Other" is enabled. Lock input to the numeric field when inputting values in custom log and semi-log sliders. Don't apply slider rounding when setting up log and semi-log sliders. Vessel Spawning: Adjust intra-team spacing to scale better with distance. Fix the inward/outward facing direction when spawning teams and use the same facing direction for all members of a team. Detectors: Now properly sends correct radar lock to SARH missiles when firing at multiple targets with a multi-lock radar. Properly lock SARH missiles when manually firing them. Equipping multiple lock-capable radars increases total radar locks the vessel can support. Attempting a radar lock will now check all radars capable of locking instead of just the first. AI: Smoothly vary the roll target during gain alt behaviour from the surface normal to vertical to avoid clipping wings into terrain when taking off on uneven terrain. Don't store/restore fields that are reference types. Make sure Time Override gets disabled when the AI gets destroyed if auto-tuning was enabled (should prevent it from being active unintentionally during competitions). Hide the 3-axis dynamic damping button when dynamic damping is disabled. Move the dynamic damping toggles to before the sliders to stop them from jumping around when toggled. Fix the PID field ordering when the PAW is first opened. Change the localisation for "controlSurfaceDeploymentTime" to "Vessel Reaction Time" to be more representative of its function. Also increase its range when unclamped. Fixed guard mode behavior with radarLOAL = false missiles when Max Missile Targets > Max Radar Locks on fire control radar. AI will now start leading a target when a gun is equipped 2s before entering max range. Adjust AI search pattern/drift when trying to find a recently lost target. Fix AI being able to see targets beyond set visual range. Fixes AI unlocking radar lock while in-flight missiles are using it. Weapons: Added (or corrected) penetration value for shaped charges to missile/gun/rocket part-menu infocards. Fixed armor penetration calculation for display in the part-menu infocards. Add an option when setting weapon groups to apply the group name to that weapon, symmetric weapons, all weapons of that type, all weapons of that class or applying to all guns/rockets/lasers. Missiles: New 'canRelock' field (default: true), sets if SARH radar-guided missiles will re-lock onto the active radar target if the original radar lock is lost. Further improvements to loft guidance, added a new field "terminalHomingType" which allows for selection of terminal homing logic. "aam"/"aamlead", "aampure", "pronav" and "augpronav" are currently supported. Both pronav options allow for user defined gains using "pronavGain" (recommended values of ~1-7). IMPORTANT: "LoftTermRange" has been renamed to "terminalHomingRange"! Fixed MultiMissileLauncher behavior with loft guidance, as well as pronav/augpronav. Added new missile field "terminalHoming", when true the missile uses its original homingType until "terminalHomingRange" is reached, then it will switch to "terminalHomingType". Fixed bug in heat seeker detonation behavior which caused some missiles to not detonate when they should. Some tweaks to multimissile decouple speed/direction and drop time. Fix DLZ NRE with multi-missile launchers. Competition: Fix Laser mutators. RWP: Add MAX_SAS_TORQUE setting to autoset max non-cockpit SAS torque across vessel at competiton start. Add Runway_Round S5R10 setting to autoset necessary AI settings/fields for Space combat. v1.6.2.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Fix TweakScale config for Typhoon engine (again). Add Toggle/Enable/Disable pivot action groups to the Claw variants. Add an action group option to give unlimited pivot range to the Claw variants. Tweaks so that asteroids have the proper HP in flight mode. Optimisation of some vector operations. Adds variant texture for ground radars. Fix SIDAM texture variants for standard brown or greyscale. Armor: Make the adjustable armor 'clamped' and 'triangle type' options persistent and initialised correctly in the PAW. UI: Adjust formatting of some debug telemetry. Fix EMP Hellfire texture URL. Add an indent for missile and CM settings. Vessel Mover: Don't apply "Don't Avoid Collisions" while lowering vessels. Vessel Spawning: Re-register EVA Kerbals in spawned vessels as active, since KSP de-registers this for some reason. Add a default text for the custom template name field. Automatically add the current custom template to the list if it's not already there when clicking 'save' without requiring clicking 'new' first. (I.e., don't require 'new'→'save' for the initial template.) When using "Fill Seats" = "Cockpits or Combat Seat", include the first command seat if neither a cockpit nor combat seat are present. Fix an issue with the spawning routine hanging when using asteroids game modes. Fix the inward/outward spawn orientation for circular spawning. Detectors: Adds a new dish-only AWACS radar variant. Weapons: APS turrets now function when GuardMode is off to let them work on player-operated craft. Adds new 'dualModeAPS' field (default false) for APS turrets; if true, they can also be selected and used as standard weapons. ABL/GoalKeepers/Oerlikon are now configured as dual-mode anti-missile APS. Fixed aiming cursor remaining while turrets are slaved to a GPS target. Missiles: Fix AI not selecting laser missiles. SARH missiles now properly follow whatever the active locked radar target is. Added new loft guidance logic under the homingType "aamloft". Enables longer ranged engagements at high altitude by enabling higher terminal speeds. Added various tuning parameters accessible in the hangar (as well as in part configs) to tweak performance as desired. A more thorough explanation of the guidance law and the tuning parameters is available on the Github wiki Implemented missing pure pursuit guidance ("aampure"). Add new 'boosterFuelMass' and 'cruiseFuelMass' fields to missile config that allow missiles to have a fuel usage that can affect mass when the new field 'useFuel' is true. Competition: Add some checks for lacking an AI or an airborne AI being landed/splashed to the scoring for being considered as wrecked (MIA). Add competition messages about vessels colliding with asteroids. RWP: Use the current planetary body, not Kerbin for remote orchestration. v1.6.1.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Fix TweakScale config for Typhoon engine. Reduce min size, scaling increment for procArmor panels. Internal refactor of vessel spawning/moving. EAS-2 External Combat Seat now has a unique model(credit: Eclipse) to help differentiate it from the stock EAS-1. UI: Maintain the camera angle and distance when switching vessels with the Vessel Switcher (page up/down). Vessel Mover: Abort vessel selection and reset state when closing/hiding the VM window. Vessel Spawning: Use the better Vessel Mover lowering routines to lower spawned craft to the terrain. 'Ease-in Speed' is now the same as 'Min Lower Speed' in VM. Fix the black screen caused by an invalid camera target during custom template spawning. Maintain the camera angle when switching to spawn locations. Also maintain the camera distance if bringing the current vessel with us when switching to spawn locations. AI: Lower the minimum extend abort time to 1s. Set the main throttle axis group for the VTOL AI and the wheel throttle axis group for ground AI. (pitch, roll, yaw axis groups are already being set.) Detectors: Adjust IRST display implementation. Adds new 'omniDetection' field to RadarWarningReciever (default true). If false, RWR will only detect Radar missiles immediately, some changes to missile detection and CM response. Adds 'VARIABLE_MISSILE_VISIBILITY (default False) BDA setting for setting visual detection range of missiles based on their boost/cruise/post-thrust state. Add 'irstRanging' field (default false) to IRSTs to let them determine range and work like 'heat radar'. CounterMeasures: Add optional 'cooldownInterval' field for jammers/thermoptic CMs to add a cooldown before they can be used again. Implements smoke CM triggers, so the AI will actually use these now. Weapons: Adds 'minSafeDistanceDistance' field (default 0) to ModuleWeapon, for setting default weapon min ranges; AI will no longer fire if within min range. ADJUST AT OWN RISK. Fix ground Vees from firing wildly into the dirt if they lose sight of engaged ground target. Adds LoS check to direct-fire weapons. Missiles: Heatseeking missiles no longer home in on engine plume of engines that have turned off their Afterburner. Fix targeting offset for CR missiles. Fix NRE with jettisoning Multimissile Launchers. Adds ModularMissile ground target weapon selection logic. Give unguided/GPS missiles without coords/Radar missiles sans Radar/Laser missiles without Targeting Pod a dumbfire reticle. AI can now use dumbfired missiles (Targeting Mode = None / Radar/Laser missile without the necessary sensor), if no better option available. Add new 'radarTimeout' field to missile configs to permit dumbfired inertial guidance LOAL radar missiles. AI can now attampt to use guided bombs against air targets if engage Air = true and nothing else available. Fixed turret manual fire behavior, guns should now no longer fire unless they are correctly aligned with the point of aim. Fixed explosive erroneous cone-of-effect calculations for standard and shaped charge warheads. Should now function correctly. Competition: Pinata mode now temporarily disables Camera AutoSwitch, switches camera to Pinata until it is destroyed. Update the tournament parser to compute non-negative scores per round for waypoint races. v1.6.0.2 Reveal hidden contents UI: Add a toggle for aim assist mode (Target = reticle placed at the closest point of approach of the projectile to the target, Aimer = reticle placed at the aiming position). Add localisation for 'Multiple' ammo type. Missiles: Fix missiles being able to fire. v1.6.0.1 Reveal hidden contents General: Restore compatibility with KSP 1.9.1. Cleaned up some lingering issues with repulsor functionality when used outside of the 'Enable Repulsors' gamemode. UI: Expand 'Edit Inputs' scrollview enough to show all the shortcuts. AI: Don't turn on peace mode when auto-tuning. Gamemodes: Add BD_PART_STRENGTH BattleDamage option to have part/joint strength weaken as parts take damage. Weapons: Fix clustermissiles being non-functional. v1.6.0.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Add restore/wipe functionality to the controlled axes of the KAL. Toggling the "Restore KAL" toggle in the GamePlay section of the settings will restore or wipe the controlled axes from KALs on all loaded vessels. Vessels spawned via BDA+'s spawning routines will automatically have this applied. The KALs on all loaded vessels will also be restored/wiped on competition start. Update the defaults for a number of BDA+ settings. UI: Auto-switch UI focus to new input text fields in Vessel Mover and Custom Spawn Templates. Move the "Auto-Disable UI" toggle to the UI section of the settings. Fix the AIR-2 Genie manufacturer localization tag. AI: Axis groups: set the various axis groups when setting the flight control state, allowing the BDA+ AIs to use these axis groups. Pilot and VTOL AI set the main throttle, pitch, yaw and roll axis groups. Surface AI, additionally, sets the wheel steer axis group. Battledamage is automatically disabled when Autotuning; no more craft setting themselves on fire from fueltank fires. Detectors: IRST now properly returns data to heatseeking missiles. Countermeasures: rcsReductionFactor in ECMJammers can now be set > 1 for making radar reflectors and similar. Weapons: Gun recoil now properly takes propellant mass into account. Multiple fireanim support for single barrel weapons. Fix impulse for lasers. In light of the increased damage following the HE damage calc fix in, the Explosive Damage Multiplier default has changed from 0.65 to 0.55. Note: this needs to be reset by the user. FireAngle default reduced from 1.4 to 1.0. Gun accuracy refactored across the board. Browning accuracy changed to 0.32. Vulcan accuracy changed to 0.88. Vulcan Turret accuracy changed to 1.02. GAU-8 & GAU-22 accuracy changed to 0.6405. Goalkeeper accuracy changed to 0.675. Chaingun accuracy changed to 0.45. Sidam accuracy changed to 0.42. Missiles: Fix issue that had broken MultiMissileLauncher parts last update. Add ability to jettison Multi-Missile rails via 'permitJettison = true' in their .cfg. Add 'displayOrdinance' bool for MultiMissileLaunchers for missilepods/bomb dispensers or similar where ordinance does not need to be visible. Add 'OverrideDropSettings' bool for MultiMissileLaunchers for reloadable rails and similar to fix missile settings getting overwritten on launch. Fix issue with detonation distance and heat seekers targeting the engine exhaust plume. GameModes: Add 'RepulsorOverride' bool to ModuleSpaceFriction, to allow Repulsors to be used outside of the SpaceHacks Gamemode (for making repulsor wheels and similar). Competition: Add sorting and "scores" for waypoint runs in the Vessel Switcher for waypoints game mode. VesselMover: Add option to immediately place the vessel after spawning. Adjustments to movement in map mode. Safer placement-lower. v1.5.9.4 Reveal hidden contents GameModes: Rewrite how repulsors work, using the default altitude as the target altitude and a decaying exponential balanced at the target altitude and with velocity damping. Include a slider for setting the strength of the repulsor effect, which affects the scale of the exponential. UI: Update some Immelmann Turn text that was missed. Favour craft close to going through waypoints to switch the camera to. Weapons: Correction to manual aiming when the Krakensbane frame velocity is non-zero. RWP: Season 5 Round 5: Adjust how drag is applied to kerbals in S5R5 to give a smoother response. Set the Immelmann angle to 0 for S5R5 since the craft designs don't pitch well. Add a custom message for the GM kill for S5R5. v1.5.9.3 Reveal hidden contents Internal: Add a Semi-Logarithmic FloatRange slider UI, which gives ranges where the values are of the form: 0.8, 0.9, 1, 2, 3, ..., 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, ..., 80, 90, 100, 200. AI: Adjustments to terrain avoidance defaults and how the threat range is calculated for better default terrain avoidance. Add a slider for setting the angular size of the cone for performing an Immelmann turn, in which the craft will simply pitch up to turn to a target in that direction. Fix for auto-tuning if the user moves the number of samples slider to lower than the current sample number. UI: Add a case-insensitive filter to the vessel selection windows in Vessel Mover and Custom Spawn Templates. Add a custom GUILayout.TextField with a grey placeholder string for nicer text entry boxes. Set turret slider step sizes based on the config limits: 20—200 steps. Add a close button to the VM window and tweak the colour scheme of other close buttons. Mod Integration: Add reflection utils from CameraTools. Add initial support for the MouseAimFlight mod. Disables the prevention of firing weapons when the mouse is over windows when the Mouse Aim mode is active. VesselMover: Better failure handling when VesselMover fails to spawn a vessel. Adjust movement speeds to better match that of the original VM. Adjust orientation for changes in the local up direction. Add an option to automatically close the VM window on competition start. Competition: Add an option to generate a CSV file for the overall PVP scores in the PVP parser. Use natural sorting to get the most recent tournament in the parser. Add a killer GM time threshold for running waypoint competitions, default: 60s. Craft that don't pass a waypoint within this time are killed off. Adjust the camera selection to favour craft near their max speed during waypoint races. RWP: Season 5, Round 5: Only clamp, not set, the maxBank and maxSpeed to the limits. Add drag to kerbals when exceeding 605m/s, scaling with the amount of overspeeding, to bring them back into line with the limit. v1.5.9.2 Reveal hidden contents AI: Fix incorrect terrain avoidance critical angle conversion (degrees vs radians). Add a slider for setting the control surface deployment time used for terrain avoidance and reduce the amount the control surface deployment time affects the terrain detection distance. Note: the default is now lower than it was before and lowering it further can significantly reduce the terrain avoidance distance for highly manoeuverable craft. v1.5.9.1 Reveal hidden contents General: Adjust how PartsBlacklist.cfg is read/written to merge the defaults with any existing custom values. Fix known exceptions and NaNs. Weapons: Use the combination of DEBUG_LINES and DEBUG_WEAPONS for showing the targeting component debug lines instead of only having them in the debug build. Further tweaks to the aim assist targeting reticle to account for the floating origin. Missiles/Bombs now arm their warheads when they reach a safe distance from their launching craft, to prevent anti-missile systems fragging craft by detonating ordinance immediately after launch. UI: Add a toolbar button for the BDA Vessel Mover. Make window states persistent across scene changes. Competition: Remove drag from seated Kerbals in the Waypoint race gamemode. Repulsor craft now spawn horizonally instead of nose down. RWP: Enable various RWP S5R5 overrides to settings. Max speed fixed at 600m/s. Min altitude clamped to below 50m. Max altitude enabled and set to 100m. Max bank fixed at 40°. Post-stall AoA fixed at 0°. Independent throttle disabled. Global lift multiplier increased to 0.1 from 0.036. v1.5.9.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Blacklist the PotatoRoid due to it not having a valid prefab (they get procedurally generated) and causing NREs. Add try-catch around setting the gear action group due to the FSM sometimes breaking it and breaking pilot initialisation. Remove HP rounding and lower HP limit for MM-patched parts. Apply health modifier after applying rounding and lower HP limit for non-MM-patched parts. Add Infinite Propellant and Infinite Electricity Gamemode toggles to BDA settings menu. Some minor debug message cleanup. Updated German localisation from EzBro. Add Vessel Mover functionality directly in BDA: Spawning: Choice of classic or custom vessel selection: Classic is the built-in vessel selection window (slow to load, but gives more details). Custom is faster and remembers the scroll position. Crew selection (optional): The chosen crew are added to the spawned vessel in the order selected, up to the capacity of the vessel. If the "Fill Seats" option in the Vessel Spawner window is set to "Minimal", then only the selected crew are used, otherwise the remaining crew slots are filled with random kerbals. Option to create or remove kerbals from the roster (excluding Jeb, Val, Bill and Bob). Spawning uses BDA's spawning routines: Corrects for badly sorted part trees in craft files. Mostly fixes staging sequences (some parts, such as parachutes, still don't stage properly). Aligns craft with terrain/scenery normals based on control point orientation and facility the craft was built in. Default spawn orientation matches that of the KSC runway or launchpad, depending on which facility the craft was built in. Moving: Movement and rotation speeds scale with altitude instead of at preset speeds. Movement and rotation have a ramping up period to allow for fine adjustments. Movement automatically maintains altitude AGL but will adjust to avoid buildings and other craft. Movement coordinates are relative to the local coordinate frame with forward aligning with the camera. In map mode, forward is aligned with north. Tab/Shift+Tab jumps to preset altitudes (50km, 10km, 1km, 100m, 10m / minimum safe), 'x' jumps to the minimum safe altitude, other keybinds are the same as for the VesselMover mod (see the help button). Vessels are lowered to the terrain and then eased in for up to 10s to allow them to settle. Vessels can be dropped. Option for setting the minimum lowering speed. Options for enabling brakes/SAS when lowered. Option for placing vessels on terrain below water (also affects terrain following while moving). Option for placement-lowering (jump to safe height, then lower the rest of the way). Option for not worrying about colliding with stuff (for getting really close to things for screenshots). Movement indicator scales with the vessel's radius (+2m). Movement and spawning don't require the active vessel to be landed. Includes a button to recover the active vessel (i.e., remove it) from flight. Doesn't conflict with the VesselMover mod, but actively using both at the same time may cause weird interactions. Limitations: Sometimes, when moving beyond the limits of PRE, KSP can break due to automatic vessel switching. If the mouse is over a window when moving, the camera often lags behind (this is likely due to krakensbane and may be fixable). The camera may act weirdly if CameraTools is enabled while moving a vessel (also likely due to krakensbane). UI: Add a keybind for targeting the next GPS target. Add labels to the vessel switcher score entries for rockets, missiles, rams and tag. Parts with zero lift now appear as grey in the lift visualizer. Fix issues with wing stacking calculation. Calculation now returns ratio of non-separated vertically stacked lift area to total lift area (capped at 100%). Wings spaced sufficiently apart will not contribute to the stacking value. Add option "Camera Switch: Incl. Missiles" to switch to and follow a missile fired by the active vessel until it explodes or misses (requested from FJRT, requires CameraTools v1.27.0 for optimal behaviour). Add whitelist option for guns/rockets/lasers to report hits in the competition marquee. Fix manual aim assist UI placement for fixed weapons. AI / WM: AI will start evading missiles once the missile engine activates instead of waiting for 1 second after launch. When orbiting, adjust altitude for terrain variation when below 1000m and account for terrain in the way when below 500m. Remove the 'premature dive fix', which causes weird flight behaviour when flying inverted. Terrain avoidance improvements: When avoiding terrain and roll is inverted by more than the critical angle (default 120°), reverse the roll target so that terrain avoidance is done while fully inverted and enable Aiming steer mode for more yaw control. Remove the terrain avoidance cool-down period for faster recovery after avoiding terrain. Restrict the avoidance radius (default is twice the "radius" of the vessel) to the min altitude to allow cruising at min altitude despite without triggering terrain avoidance. Include all detected colliders in the terrain avoidance path and use a weighted average of normals to determine the appropriate terrain avoidance direction to fly (this helps with avoiding buildings). Remove the secondary raycast for upcoming terrain as it doesn't seem necessary and is doubtful it was helping. Adjust the max deflection for avoiding terrain to be based on the maxAoA clamped to within 45° and 70°. Armor / Materials: Steel Hull Material melting point increased. Fix issue with armor panels potentially spalling away more than the entire volume of the plate and getting instantly deleted. Countermeasures: Add selection priority to countermeasures to allow staggering of dropping countermeasures — higher priority CM dispensers trigger first. GameModes: Add ability to disable cornering multiplier when using space hacks by setting it to 0. Space Friction no longer applied to root part at the position of the CoM; large craft whould have an easier time turning now. Weapons: Weapon burst length/fire angle overrides now respect symmetry. Fix heatseeker missiles fired from relaodable rails occasionally losing lock on firing. Fix NRE spam when trying to fire Modular Missiles. Fix NRE when firing Modular Missiles and Missile Icons are enabled. Modular Missiles will use RCS when fired in space. Heatseekers now target the hottest part on a craft, not the CoM. Fix HE beehive ammo submunitions not exploding on hit. Re-add HE ammo option to Oerlikon Millennium turret. Fix some issues with Explosion damage calcs, HE damage is now consistant regardless of hit location. Fix ammo count in WM GUI for reloadable missiles. AI will now properly respect per-missile engage range when selecting and firing missiles of the same type. Competition: Add toggle for setting maxAltitude and GM Kill limits to ASL or AGL. Add Kill timer for GM Altitude to give violators a chance to get back to safe altitude instead of immediate kill. Add customisable fields for the intra-team separation conditions when starting competitions (default: 800m + 100m per member) (FJRT request). Add a per-round PVP score parser. Fix accuracy calcs when using beehive ammo. Fix vessel spawn altitude if RWP slider is set but not the RWP toggle. RWP: Fix issue causing the web API to not report scores. Tag heats run via the web API with competition, stage and heat numbers in the file names. v1.5.8.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Fix Firebottle mass not resetting if a part switched from fueltank to structural. UI: Fix layout of vessel switcher window buttons and version label. Add debug button when DEBUG_OTHER is enabled for dumping part info. Add a 'Start competition automatically' button to the Vessel Spawner window for use with 'single spawn'. Updated German localisation from EzBro. Fix some AI GUI infotext. Clean up ordering and consistency in the AI GUI and in-flight WM windows. Competition: Tweaks to sequenced competition start-up to allow a single plane to perform the sequence despite not having enough teams for a competition. Add an option to save the image from with a transparent background. AI / WM: Fix max collision avoidance strength in AI GUI. Fix NRE when adjusting autotuning fields in the SPH. AI will no longer dive into missiles approaching from directly below. Reset the auto-tune PID values to the best ones when lowering the learning rate. Add a keybind for arming/disarming the WM. Detectors Fix radars/IRSTs with ability to detect/lock targets with a signature of 0 not being able to detect/lock targets with a signature of 0. Fix a division by zero in the standoff jamming effect calculation when the radar signature is 0. Weapons: Fix bug in nuke impulse calculation and some NREs. Fix turrets on non-active vessels following the mouse unless Remote Firing enabled. Fix missiles fired from reloadable rails resetting missile settings on Launch/Spawn. Add new engineFailureRate (default is 0, max is 1) config file variable for missiles. This is the probability the missile engine will fail to start. It is evaluated once on missile launch. Add new guidanceFailureRate (default is 0, max is 1) config file variable for missiles. This is the probability per second the missile guidance will fail (0-1). It is evaluated every frame after launch. Add new fuseFailureRate (default is 0, max is 1) config file variable for BDExplosivePart modules. This is the probability the explosive fuse will fail. It is evaluated once when an explosive attempts to detonate. RWP: Reset the killer GM between competitions and don't enable the killer GM for S5R3 (the altitude limit is still active). Add option to have Pwing mass and HP scale with thickness. v1.5.7.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Add option in BDA settings menu to set a max HP limit for parts. Armor Tool in the VAB/SPH renamed to BDA Craft Utilities Tool. Added experimental 0-100% indication of stacked lift surfaces to the BDA Craft Utilities Tool. AI / WM: Fix bug in collision avoidance that sometimes resulted in more collisions between teammates. Add action group to the WM for removing EVA kerbals' helmets (once the vessel becomes the active one). Re-centre between epochs during auto-tuning if the vessel drifts more than 15km from the start position. Detectors: Fix anti-aliasing settings affecting craft RCS. Craft will have consistent RCS regardless oF MSAA settings, note that craft may have slightly different RCS across different GPUs/graphics APIs. Adjust RCS scaling value to give 1 m^2 cross-section for a 1 m^2 cross-section sphere (a 25% increase). This setting was most likely previously set with MSAA enabled, so it was set incorrectly. Weapons: Fix a bug in bullet hit calculations within the initial bullet offset distance. Fix AP rounds not penetrating rear side of parts they penetrate. Beehive ammo deployment range now adjustable. Fix ExplosionFX spawnpoint for Shaped Charge bullets. Some fixes to nuke behavior in space. RWP Update NPC Swap code to work with current web API. Orbital deployment moved to Runway Project Round S5R3. Fix AIs chasing GM killed planes. Runway_Project toggle now sets all control surface actuation speeds to 30 deg/s. Re-implement PinataMode - Craft will spawn on the same team in a circle around a Pinata craft, FFA begins when Pinata dies. Use settings.cfg field PINATA_NAME to set name of pinata craft. Craft should be in same autospawn dir as the rest of the craft for the competition. Sequenced Competitions now work with Web orchestration. v1.5.6.2 Reveal hidden contents General: Fix kerbal flags exploding from overheat when placed. Add some missing parts to HPFixes patch. UI: Fix IRSTs not responding to Radar Display hotkeys. Fix Radar Analysis Window Radar select UX. AI / WM: Add 'Random Part' subsystem targeting option. Weapons: Nukes now work in space again. Fix IR missiles not locking on when manually firing. Fix Lasers not hitting missiles. Tweaks Oerlikon Millennium turret to improve missile interception ability, reduce lag. Add frontAspectHeatModifier variable to missile definitions, explained further in sidewinder.cfg. Allows you to create IR missiles that behave more like early IR rear-aspect/tail-chase missiles. Remove the clamp on heat signature drop-off with range above 6 km. Prior to this change, any heat signatures more than 6 km away were capped at their 6 km value. RWP Add option for setting NPCs to a single team to Settings.cfg - REMOTE_ORC_NPCS_TEAM = [Teamname]. Leave blank for FFA NPCs. v1.5.6.1 Reveal hidden contents Fix issue causing radars to return a cross-section of 0.0 for all craft. v1.5.6.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Russian localisation thanks to user Akteon_. Add missing part localizations for radomes and combat seat. Fix EVA kerbals not always deploying their parachutes properly with Kerbal Safety enabled. Fix part costs for materials with cost modifiers equal/greater than 1. UI: Show the lift information even when the reset armour toggle is enabled. AI / WM: Allow selecting which fields to auto-tune in the AI GUI. (Fixed-P option removed from the PAW.) Show the best loss value in auto-tuning. Log the latest best auto-tuning values to the KSP.log even without debug AI enabled. AI will now try to recover from flat spins by idling engines and pointing nose downward. Allow damping values to go down to 0.1 instead of 1. Prevent the AI GUI from rounding slider values when not adjusted by hand (e.g., during auto-tuning). Craft with empty Multimissile launchers will now properly go into ramming mode (if enabled) if no other weapons. Make the burst fire override respect the firing interval. Weapons: Add a stagger option to barrage mode that fires barrages in bursts and adds variability to the reload times. Mostly only suitable for slow-firing ship guns. Hellfire/EMP Hellfire now better differentiated in Weapon Manager selection list. Competitions: Add a --no-header option to the tournament parsing script. v1.5.5.1 Reveal hidden contents Fix NRE in trajectory sim. Fix active vessel not firing under AI control. Fix firing of missiles via hotkey not respecting ripple/single setting. v1.5.5.0 Reveal hidden contents General: Add a --tsv option to the n-choose-k parsing script to output a TSV file instead of a CSV file. Tweaks to scroll-zoom prevention. Exclude weapons from the bounds calculations as they sometimes give weird values (e.g., lasers when firing). UI: Add an option in the UI settings for disabling scroll-zoom prevention when over BDA windows. Add version watermark to Competition UI and Vessel Switcher window. AI / WM: Fixes for Stationary surface vessel mode. No longer panics, even if airborne (allows for floating/free-fall turrets). Attitude control (using RCS and reaction wheels) is applied when an enemy is within the engagement range. Add 'Target Damage' Target Priority setting. Add keybindings for "Next Weapon", "Prev Weapon" and "Fire Missile" in the WM (keybindings for firing guns are on the weapons). Detectors Some optimizations to the ECMJammer code. Active jammers now appear on Radar Warning Receivers. Armor: Fix stack overflow in ToggleScaleClamp for symmetric parts. Further fixes for post-penetration bugs. Weapons: Remove the extra delay from dropping the final countermeasure in a sequence. Fix non-damaging lasers not scoring. Tightened up firing angle when using subsystem targeting; AI will now fire when subsystem part is within angle, not entire vessel. Fix missing NukeFX Flash. Fix the targeting reticle placement at very short range. Add a custom fire keybinding to weapons that can be used to temporarily enable and fire weapons with keys other than the main firing key. Click the toggle on the weapon PAW, then press the desired button. Left click to cancel, escape to clear. Add an action group for jettisoning rocket pods and toggle deployable rails. Fix the trajectory simulation and targeting reticle placement for rockets. Spawning: Allow a specific list of observers to be excluded from being removed during spawning and competitions. Allow spawning custom templates with only 1 team if not immediately starting a competition. Allow spawning non-valid craft via the custom spawn templates if not immediately starting a competition. RWP: Fixes for remote orchestration. Improvements to Spacehacks repulsor code; will no longer shred landed ships. Landing gear will now serve as repulsors when Repulsor mode is enabled instead of effect propagating through CoM, should result in more stable hovercraft. v1.5.4.1 Reveal hidden contents General: Fix a crash-to-desktop due to firing missiles with action groups but without a WM. Add a 'recentlyFiring' property for CameraTools that checks all guns for having fired recently (instead of just the current one) and for having fired a missile recently. Make the camera vessel selection use this too. Internal fixes for hull/armour/HP setup logic. Fix Rocket and 25mm Ammo box HP. AI / WM: Fix not finding the AI in the SPH for the AI GUI. Weapons: Don't activate all engines on modular missiles when firing them, leave it up to the configured action groups. 0 damage beam lasers will no longer cause battledamage. Adjusts post-penetration calculations to prevent non-physical penetration/bullet mass adjustments. Spawning: Spawner will now spawn craft facing inwards if spawn distance is larger than competition distance. Armor/Hull: Armor Tool Hull Visualizer now displays all materials, not just Wood/Al/Steel. Aluminium armor plates now register their mass for Total Armor cost/mass in the Armor tool. Fix issue with parts using custom materials with greater than stock maxTemps still exploding at stock maxtemp. Add crashTolerance modifier to hull materials. Fix Hull Material modifiers not applying in Flight. Add user-customizable exclusion list (BDArmory/PluginData/PartMaterialsBlacklist.cfg) for IgnoredParts/parts that shouldn't have material options. Fires from incendiary rounds igniting flammable parts now generates heat if BD FIRE_HEATDMG enabled. RWP Add Min Altitude Increases on Death game-mode. v1.5.4.0 Reveal hidden contents General Fix Structural Pwing causing vessels to explode in flight. Fix Structural Pwing still shifting CoL sphere in SHP/VAB. Structural Pwing moved to structural tab. Rework the BDGUIComboBox. Armor/Hull: Setting material to wood and then back to Al/steel now properly resets maxTemp to default. Expanded Hull material functionality; users can now implement custom hull materials, similar to how the current armor system works. Adds new BD_Materials.cfg LEGACY_ARMOR toggle now properly sets armor panels back to having BDAc-era HP amounts. AI / WM: Allow kamikaze ramming of ground targets by overriding terrain avoidance and min alt behaviour when on final approach. Spawning: Custom Spawn Templates Set up your desired template by spawning vessels with VesselMover (or otherwise) and assigning teams. Create a new template from the current configuration or save over the current one. Edit the templates directly in BDArmory/PluginData/spawn_templates.cfg to adjust headings, etc. Load/delete existing templates. Assign vessels and specific kerbals to the template's slots, then spawn and start a competition without having to muck around with VesselMover or the "turning bug". Radar Fix Radar GUI display range for datalinked radars. Fix IRST being unable to activate VRD without a radar enabled. UI: Fix the internal GUI rects being updated properly and add option to disable their visibility to the mouse. Scroll-zoom prevention while the mouse is over BDA+ windows. Fix various Armor Tool functionalities. Fix accuracy readout when Telemetry debug option enabled. Weapons: Add a penetration depth stat to weapons' partmenu infocards. Adjustments to post-penetration for high-velocity projectiles near L/D = 1. Fix Barrage rate of Fire for multi-barrel weapons with a singe fire animation. Fix Gravity gun (and other 0 damage lasers) annhilating their target/crashing the game. Weapons that only use ECPerShot (requestResourceAmount = 0) now properly fire again. Adds new field to bullet definitions [subProjectileDispersion] to allow setting custom dispersion cone for shotgun/beehive ammunition. Beehive ammo explosive submunitions are now properly explosive. Fix weapons nulling current target and throwing off lead offset calcs on vessels with long TargetScanIntervals. Missiles: Missiles/bombs in a salvo no longer fratricide each other when the first one detonates. Add launch offset param to MultiMissileLauncher. Fix MMLs unable to fire if using salvos smaller than total launcher count. MML salvoes now add one missile away per target fired on, not just primary target. MML missiles no longer labeled as [vesselname] debris when using Missile icons and Vessel Label UI Icon options. Fix mass for MultiMissilelauncher rails. v1.5.3.1 Reveal hidden contents Spawning: Only spawn SpawnProbe for dead current vessel if spawning is aborted. AI / WM: Fix AoA limits above 90° not behaving as expected by only limiting the AoA if the limit is below 90°. Add an Afterburner Override Threshold slider (force AB active below this speed threshold if at full throttle). Add a post-stall AoA threshold for switching flight-mode when beyond this threshold. Weapons: Fix weapons with startup/shutdown animations getting stuck, preventing them from firing. v1.5.3.0 Reveal hidden contents Improvements / Fixes General: Use an alternative method of calculating vessel bounds to get the vessel radius. — Fixes some weird results with parasite fighters from KSP's internal function for this. Missile and countermeasure settings are now accessible in the Gameplay Settings section of the BDA Settings menu. Animate animations in the physics update so that they work with time-scaling. Lots of optimisations. Add for devs with notes on optimisation and the current branches. Add caching for all AudioClips to reduce GC. Optimised access to Krakensbane and FloatingOrigin adjustments. Fix proc structural panel, now properly no longer has lift. HP log scaling now on by default when RUNWAY_PROJECT is enabled. UI: Localisation corrections/updates. Updated German localization by EzBro. Competition: Add option to automatically disable the HUD on tournament start. Fixes nukes causing hit craft to be reported as 'Crashed and Burned' in competitions. Spawning: Fix spawning breakage due to PRE not being enabled and enable PRE checks and warnings during spawning. Recover KSP's camera after spawning failure. Damage: Fix the bug preventing explosive damage applying to buildings. Rework how damage is applied to buildings and how they regenerate. Add a building damage multiplier. Fix reverse raycasts that were using the wrong rays. Fix detonate direction in BDExplosive part, missiles/rockets with ContinuousRod/ShapedCharge warheads should now have properly oriented AoEs. EMP warheads can now be set to be hard/soft EMP in their configs. AI / WM: Add a "Debug Extending" button when AI debugging is enabled that prints extending debug info when clicked if the active vessel is extending. Fix GPS missiles not obeying max missile per target setting when the target is traveling at high speeds. Add an Extend Abort Time slider to the AI, where the AI will abort extending if it fails to gain distance for this amount of time. (Note: this isn't a pure timer; while not gaining distance the timer increases, but will otherwise reduce to 0 at half the rate.) Add a 5s cooldown on extending if the Extend Abort Time is triggered (overriden for various extend requests, e.g., dropping bombs/nukes). Dynamically update the extend distance for launching a missile while extending. Limit the DLZ calculation for the extend distance for firing missiles to being maxOffBoresight off-target - avoids extreme extending distances. Expand the WM's Self-Destruct AG to arm and detonate all explosive parts too. Adjust the smoothing for the AoA and G-load limiting from a moving window (with a ~0.6s delay) to double exponential smoothing (with a ~0.1 delay compensated for by a 0.1s ahead prediction). Note: this doesn't fix AoA/G-load limiting, it just improves the response time of its calculations. Detectors: Random position noise due to chaff no longer scales with RCS, is instead fixed to a random number between 16 and 256. ECM: ECM Jammer and Cloaking devices now can specify resource used when operating (default is EC). Weapons: Fixed bug where the target velocity and acceleration was not being reset once a target was no longer tracked which resulted in lead being erroneously compensated for while mouse aiming. Added ability to manually aim guns using GPS coordinates, primarily for artillery. This behavior is not a functionality in Guard Mode, however when a GPS target is manually selected, turrets will now aim to attempt to hit said target. Improved shaped charge warhead behavior, now armor penetration and beyond-armor effect is much more realistic. Warheads now approximately match real-world penetration performance, given the warhead size and caliber are accurate. Dual-purpose and other multi-function warheads will overperform as the equations assume all of the warhead is a shaped charge. Older and larger warheads may also overperform due to modelling being based on modern warheads. Fixed issue with missile and rocket warheads where direction of blasts were not along the directions of their warheads. Added "caliber" field to the BDExplosivePart module, it's an optional field for shaped charge projectiles which influences its effectiveness. apBulletMod now influences shaped charge projectile penetration, modifying this allows for the penetration of shaped charge shells to be tweaked. Added optional "apMod" field to the BDExplosivePart module, it's functions the same way as apBulletMod for bullets and its primary purpose is to allow users to create dual-purpose shaped charge warheads, where part of the tntMass of the warhead isn't going into the shaped charge effect, reducing penetration. Added optional "apMod" field to rocket configuration file. This allows tweaking of rocket penetration, functioning the same way as apBulletMod for bullets, affecting physical armor penetration as well as shaped charge armor penetration if the rocket is equipped with a shaped charge warhead. Armor protection against explosions is now influenced by angling, angling armor now makes it more difficult for the blast to punch through the armor plate. Added global setting that allows for tweaking of armor effectiveness against explosion blast penetration. The higher the setting, the harder to damage parts behind armor plates via blast damage. Tweaked several missiles, bullets and rockets to reflect the new shaped charge mechanics: RBS-15 and RBS-15AL have had their warheads decreased from 300 kg to 200 kg to reflect their real counterparts. Added caliber field, set at 500 mm. AGM-114R Hellfire missile has had its warhead decreased from 12 kg to 8 kg, with a 172 mm caliber to reflect performance estimates of earlier known models of the Hellfire. Warhead may not match -114R performance. AGM-65 Maverick missile is set to have a 305 mm caliber and an apMod field added with performance set to 950 mm of penetration. No good estimates of the warhead penetration were found so an approximate estimate based on a 27 kg charge was used. BGM-71 TOW missile has had its warhead decreased from 10 kg to 3.9 kg and has a 152 mm caliber to be around TOW/ITOW performance. Hydra-70 has had its penetration tweaked with apMod to match estimates of the M151 HEDP warhead penetration performance. AGM-86 now has caliber field, set to 620 mm. Adjusted 120 mm HEAT and AP rounds to have around the same amount of penetration, balanced for gameplay (210 mm / 216 mm). Realistic configs also exist under the names "120mmBulletHEAT" and "120mmBulletSabot", a commented out line in m1Abrams.cfg can be uncommented in order to use these. Offset beam-riding missile laser to the right and up from the targeting camera to mitigate issues of the camera locking on to its own missiles when on CoMLock mode, causing the targeting camera to drive missiles into the ground. Mostly affected Guard Mode behavior. Fixed missile behavior with Detonation Distance set to 0, missiles should no longer phase through armor. Reworks ModuleMissileRearm, now works, integrated with WM, etc. Missiles with a ModuleMissileRearm can now have reloads, be affected by Infinite Ammo. Adds MultiMissileLauncher module. Adds new Infinite Ordinance toggle, for missiles with ModuleMissileRearm/MultiMissileLauncher. Fixes NRE with APS missile interception. Inaccurate or multi-shot APS (CIWS rotary cannon, etc) no longer guaranteed to kill incoming projectiles with first shot. Fixes Max Turret Targets not targeting more than 2 vessels. Fix Gravity gun and other impulse/gravitic laser weapons dealing damage. Fix manual rocket turret aiming. Armor: Improved hypervelocity projectile post-penetration effects. Now Whipple shields should work properly, the more spacing between the armor plates the better the performance against hypervelocity rounds. Modified behavior of penetration formula below a projectile L/D ratio of 1 so penetration values are more consistent. Re-added temperature effects to armor protection levels, if the armor reaches its max safe temperature or goes above said temperature, performance is degraded. Added new Armor Aluminium material, based on Aluminium 7039 to provide a larger variety of armor materials to select from. Adds Armor Mass Mult slider to allow tweaking armor weight in-game. Armor Type "none" now disabled armor thickness slider, should fix PAW issue with 1.9.1 installs. Armor Tools now displays total wing srf. area, and wingloading kg/m2. Fix Armor tools mass/cost readout giving incorrect values when using global armor type. v1.5.2.1 Reveal hidden contents Improvements / Fixes Fix a variety of exceptions in pre-1.11.1 KSP due to missing API functions. Allow deploying to multiple KSP instances when compiling in Linux (add the extra KSP locations as lines in the ksp_dir.txt file). v1.5.2.0 Reveal hidden contents Improvements / Fixes General: Fix packaging issue in recent releases that contain incorrect capitalisation of certain files and folders. Adjust capitalization of "sounds" folders for parts to be consistent. Fix memory leaks caught by KSPCF. Make wheels susceptible to bullets and explosions too. Fix off-centered arrow on inline radome texture Git Issue #409 Re-fix lead issue on Apple Silicon. Adds optional adjustable Logarithmic HP clamp, replacing the Proc Part Max HP slider. Adds optional toggle to disable lift from colliderless PWing edges for better balance with stock wings/prevent pwing abuse. Apply the gapless particle emitter option to 'DecalGaplessParticleEmitter's too. Add Attachnode to the Ordinance bay to fix issues with Breaking Ground Robotics. Adds debugging messages to assist with making custom weapons. Adds MM patch to add liftless Proc Structural Panel if B9 Pwings installed. Reduce frequency (hopefully to none) of null FX object pool entries by catching unloading events too and triggering OnJustAboutToBeDestroyed before recovering vessels. Allow use of the combat seat as the root part. UI: Fix exception when resetting colours in Team Icons. Prevent the kill timer from showing in the Loaded Vessel Switcher window for surface vessels. Updated German localization by EzBro. Adds Accuracy readout to the Weapon Debugging telemetry. Setting the Armor Type to 'None' now disables the armor thickness slider; fixes PAW issue in KSP 1.9.1 installs. Competition: Fix exception in auto-resuming tournaments when SpawnProbe.craft isn't found. Fix incorrect Kill Steal attribution from 1v1 fights. Abort competition if a team leader still isn't ready to engage (airborne for pilot AI) by the time the start-competition-now timer runs out. Fixes AI/WM not attached to Root Part warning messages on competition start when using combat seats as the root part in RWP. Add option to start competitions despite failures occuring. For tournaments, this only applies after the third attempt fails. Spawning: Wait until after vessels are unpacked before reverting the spawn camera - fixes an exception with EVA kerbals and KSPCF. Fix freezing when vessel removal throws an exception. Account for wheels protruding into the ground during instant lowering of vessels. GameModes: Space Combat Tools: Better implement SpaceFriction initialization at round start. Fix AI sometimes limiting to idle speed instead of max speed in space. Add limits to prevent G/AoA limiter returning infinity values in space. Battle Damage: Add selfsealing options to Monoprop tanks. Tanks using B9PartSwitcher for fuel switching now get selfsealing options. AI: Fix incorrect inputField for off-target dynamic roll damping. Fix RippleIndex Errors from weapons overheating/reloading. Fix AI ignoring max missiles per target setting for GPS missiles Spaceborne pilotAIs will now dodge via RCS translation. Craft with guard mode enabled now automatically receive radar contacts via the datalink from friendlies if they have an onboard radar that can receive radar data (canReceiveRadarData = true in part). Corrections to aiming at orbital speeds and long distances (for deep space combat). Caveats: There is a discontinuity in the way KSP handles floating origin/Krakensbane adjustments at 100km above each world that can adversely affect trans-100km orbit aiming slightly (high bullet speeds mostly negates this). KSP won't load surface vessels when the current vessel is over ~90km (on Kerbin) for some unknown reason despite a sufficient PRE range, so orbital bombardment only works from LKO. The targeting reticle currently isn't being correctly placed when manually aiming at closeby targets (will be fixed later). Detectors: Fix IRST preventing Radar GUI close. Fix NRE in targeting camera when the camera parent transform is null. Re-work IR occlusion to look at engine and engine plume heat for non-prop engines, weight parts by mass and proximity to heat source for occlusion, and incorporate occlusion from the engine outside of a 50 deg angle of the engine exhaust. Correct spelling of "receive" (and variants) and adjust BDA parts that use "canRecieveRadarData" to use "canReceiveRadarData" instead ("canRecieveRadarData" is retained for compatibility, but other mods should make this adjustment!). ECM Radar missile position distortion due to chaff now relies on the ratio of ECM jammer strength to craft signature with RCS reduction to bias the position distortion from chaff to further behind the craft. Net effect is craft with jammers, and especially low RCS craft with jammers, will have an easier time evading radar missiles. Lockbreak from jammers now affects RCS with RCS reduction instead of base RCS. Craft can now mix RCS reduction parts and jammers to break locks without worrying about them conflicting. Incorporate stand-off jamming effects. Friendly craft with jammers now result in your craft being harder to detect and lock. Strength of this effect is determined by the lockBreakerStrength of the friendly jammers, relative distance of friendly jammers (friendly jammers closer to enemy will have a stronger effect), and if the jammers are close in field of view for the enemy (friendly jammers in same field of view will have a stronger effect). Debug readout is available by enabling the Detectors debug option. AI no longer will turn off jammers automatically if they were manually enabled prior to being turned on by the AI. Weapons: Fix FXLookAtConstraint modules on various turrets. Fix incorrect charge sound path for lasers. Make the ABL use proper looping audio and add a cool-down sound. Fix the ABL laser beam continuing to show while overheated when used manually. Fix for NRE when heatseeker is manually selected prior to activating guard mode. Fix Weapon manager PAW engagement options not affecting AI weapon selection in flight. Missiles and nukes will now properly play their explosion sound effects. AI controlled turrets will no longer return to rest position when overheated/reloading. Fix terminal heat guidance for missiles, including not being decoyed by flares. Improve consistency of anti-radiation distance target check. Add paramater gpsUpdates for GPS guided missiles. gpsUpdates >= 0 in the missile config will allow the missile to get position updates of the target from the craft that launched the missile (if it can still see the target) every gpsUpdates seconds. Corrections to tracer placement and alignment at orbital speeds (for deep space combat). Note: Enable "Vessel-Relative Bullet Checks" when at these speeds for correct collision checks between bullets and vessels. Disable it at lower speeds as it can be a CPU hog. Fix delay/penetrating fuze rounds sometimes not detonating. Penetrating rounds now register damage to all parts they hit, not just first. Fix 'Weapon requires EC' message spam if active vessel is not the one with the weapon in question. Weapons using ECPerShot now only drain ElectricCharge if the vessel has sufficient EC to fire the weapon. Use the explosion models and sounds given in MissileLauncher if none are specified in BDAExplosivePart. Adds Active Protection System implementation. Adds new fields: 'isAPS = T/F', 'APSType = [ballistic, missile,omni]'. Adds new Settings.cfg field 'APS_THRESHOLD = n' to set threshold bullet/rocket size for interception. Armor: Adjusted post-penetration behavior of high velocity rounds, rounds now erode instead of slowing down at high velocities. Multi-plate armor schemes now behave more realistically and will require more careful material selection and configuration. Whipple shields for hypervelocity rounds are now viable and desirable. This behavior is however still very crude and does not qualitative match realistic behavior. Adjusted stats for S-Glass and Kevlar materials to have realistic RHA equivalency. Re-implemented Tate-Alekseevksy equation for low-ductility materials. Added debug console output for armor penetration behavior. Now when Debug -> Armor is on, console will output armor penetration parameters. v1.5.1.2 Reveal hidden contents Fixes Fix adjustable armor unclamped scaling. Loosen distance checks for anti-radiation missiles fired at fast-moving targets (fixes instances when AI would not fire anti-radiation missiles at fast-moving targets). Fixes for some issues occuring on KSP 1.9. v1.5.1.1 Reveal hidden contents Fixes Fix AI not firing anti-radiation missiles at targets detected via RWR. Fix KeyNotFoundException error in weapon selection code. v1.5.1.0 Reveal hidden contents Improvements/Fixes General: Remove the "-pre" from the version string, fix some typos. AI: Allow a vessel that's lost parts after launch to still be auto-tuned. Don't reset the assigned fly-to position when arriving at an orbiting point so that planes actually orbit the targeted point. Resume various pilot commands if interrupted once the cause of the interruption is removed. Adjust the fly-to point's altitude closer to the default altitude when at longer ranges so planes with higher default altitudes will attack from above and vice-versa. Reduce the half-life of the velocity smoothing for the turn radius calculation to allow faster updates for terrain avoidance. AI can now fire antirad missiles at targets detected via RWR. Fix AI not firing heatseekers. Fix launch authorisation check throwing an NRE for modular missiles. Further fix to bombs ignoring max missiles/tge. Competition: Calculate the proper separation between teams for starting a competition - fixes the competitions not starting bug. Set the number of teams to 0 in one-at-a-time waypoint mode tournaments so spawning works correctly. Ignore modular missile engines when activating all engines during spawning. Fix the waypoint altitude slider to actually apply to waypoints when starting a waypoint run. Weapons: Add pro-nav gain parameter as tunable parameter for missile parts (pronavGain), set pro-nav gain to 3 by default. Anti-rad missiles now continue to target the last known GPS point instead of disabling guidance. Fix ShapedCharge warheads doing no damage. Activate modular missile engines directly instead of using staging (which sometimes doesn't work). Apply Floating Origin/Krakensbane corrections to missile guidances - fixes missiles detonating partway to target due to miss checks. Fix for infrequent error related to ripple fire. Armor: Fix ProcArmor max scalar clamp not appearing. Add Yield and YoungModulus fields to armour for reflection - fixes armour definitions without these properties not loading properly. Tweak penetration calcs for ultra-low ductility armor materials. UI: Missile names now linked to launching craft teamcolor. Set the AI GUI window rect in Start, not Awake, to guarantee that BDArmorySettings values have been read - fixes the 0-height AI GUI window. v1.5.0.0 Reveal hidden contents Bugfixes Fix 'resizeSquare' texture not being loaded sometimes (due to a race condition?). Clean up log spam from ExplosionFX. Fix Ammo Selection Tool GUI when selecting a weapon using legacy ammo definitions. Fix ATG missiles not respecting maxMissilesPerTarget. Fixes Procwing HP and Armor calcs when using FAR. Fix ProcParts not updating HP/Armor volume. Adds missing FFAR rocket ammo to universal ammo boxes. Fixes TOW missile FX. Fixes Proc Armor bugs. Fixes broken hydraulics on Chaingun, Hydra Turret and Patriot Launcher models. Fixes custom armor volumes in .cfgs being ignored. Fix some EMP weapon Selection logic. EMP AMRAAM and EMP Hellfire missiles now have different names to differentiate them from vanilla variants. Fixes Armor explosion resistance. Armor panels no longer indestructible. VTOL AI no longer toggles off guard mode in competitions. Fixes Debris icons not appearing when Team Icons enabled. Fixes Chaingun/Rocketpod Rounds Per Minute slider values when reverting to VAB/SPH. Fixes ripplefire issue with weapons with different rates of fire in one weapongroup. Fix for issue where AI was not leading target when KSP was running on M1 Macs (Apple Silicon). Fixes JDAM inaccuracy issue. Improvements General: Rebranded as "BDArmory Plus" (BDA+) on SpaceDock/CKAN (from "BDArmory for Runway Project") and forum thread created. Major internal refactor to better organise code. Switch to a single DLL release. Add missing HP rounding to some parts. Stop continuous single spawn when running a tournament. Optimise the PartExploderSystem to minimise creation of new vessels. CM Flares optimized, now have much reduced performance hit. Add a toggle to the UI settings section to disable flare smoke. Add a toggle to the UI settings section to disable gapless particle emitters (mostly used for engine trails). Debug labels now organized by type for easier debug tracking. Refactor the debug settings to be more specific and to have an on-screen only debug labels. Adds SelfSealingTanks/Firebottle options to Proc Part Tanks. Bullets/explosions/etc now ignore flags. Adds new CameraTools switching modes, right click the cameraTools button [A] on the VesselSwitcherGUI. S - Camera will autoswitch to vessel with highest score. D - Camera will switch to furthest vessel from dogfight centroid. Restore the precision of Vector2d persistent fields. Update the continuous spawning log parsing script. Add some extra layer masks (internal kerbals are 1<<16, wheels are 1<<26). Add a BodyUtils.GetTerrainAltitudeAtPos function. Adds optional setting to clamp proc part/proc wing max HP to a configurable maximum when Runway Project enabled. Adds UI Icon team color reset button. Adds missile names to missile warning icons when vessel names enabled. Add a config option for the maximum time scaling. Add a new logarithmic float range PAW slider type. AI: Add a 5° deadzone around being on target for dynamic damping to avoid feed-back loop in PID. Add a check for requested extending already being satisfied. Add terrain awareness to the pilot AI's waypoint fly-to direction. Add a 'Waypoint Terrain Avoidance' slider to the pilot AI to control the range and strength of the waypoint terrain avoidance reaction. Fixes AI GUI slider increments to match AI PAW. Adds Dynamic Damping P/Y/R readouts to AI GUI. Fix AI takeoff behavior. Add Store/Restore option to save control surface configs in Pilot AI. Add extend angle to AI to clamp climb/dive angle when doing Air-to-air extending. Add Air/Ground target preference weighting to Target Priorities. Make the extend toggle apply to air-to-air missiles as well as air-to-air guns. Update the AI GUI help text for the current extending settings. Make the AI GUI vertically resizable. AI will now head to target's last known position if contact lost (out of sight range/angle/radar detection), with accuracy of predicted position decaying over time. AI will now enable radars when guard mode enabled. Add an altitude steer limiter to the pilot AI. Apply user-defined steer limiters to roll. Force VTOL AI to aim towards targets when trying to fire missiles (if it can't already fire the missile). Add a PID auto-tuning mode: The AI will use gradient descent to optimize the plane's ability to turn to a range of headings and stabilize in those directions. The loss being minimized is ∫f(x,θ)dθ over the range θ ∈ (30°,120°) (using the midpoint Riemann sum), where f(x,θ) is ∫(δp²·(α+t²)/θ² + γ·δr²·(α+t)/100/θ)dt for the current PID values (x) and heading change (θ), where δp is the pointing error, δr is the roll error, α is the fast response relevance and γ is the roll relevance (which is automatically adjusted over time to balance the contribution from the pointing and roll errors). Usage: Once the plane is airborne (and not in combat), enable auto-tuning and set the sliders to the desired values (the defaults are reasonable starting points and can be preset in the SPH; adjusting some of the sliders will restart the auto-tuning), then allow the auto-tuning to run until it stops automatically when the learning rate (LR) decreases to below 1e-3. The PID values will revert to those giving the lowest loss and these will be stored so they can be restored in the SPH. Recommendations: Set the auto-tuning altitude and speed to those expected to be used in combat. Use 5-10x time-scaling. Avoid mountainous terrain. Tune without dynamic damping first and use the result as the starting point for dynamic damping with all the damping values set to the tuned static damping value and the dynamic damping factors set to 1. Since the PID values are (currently) being optimized for flying to fixed points, the tuned I value may not be optimal for moving targets in combat and a slightly larger I may be desirable. GameModes: Waypoints: Add support for multiple waypoint gate models. Add waypoint scaling from 50-1000m. Altitude overrides for S4R10. Remember the previously used HoSTag. Add right click to 'Run waypoints' to spawn with the vessel spawner coordinates instead of the hard-coded ones. Add multiple courses and a selection UI. Convert Waypoints from hardcoded courses to a config based implementation. Add support for unique Waypoint names. Add support for independently scaling (model and approach threshold) individual waypoints. Add support for independently setting individual waypoint altitudes. Waypoint Scale and Waypoint Altitude are now global overrides that will set all WPs to the specified value if not set to default; else will use values from the course data. Adds support for off-world waypoint courses both locally and API-run competitions. Add a slider for activating guard mode when passing a waypoint. Allow multiple laps for waypoints. Weapons: Use min of missile drop time or 2 sec instead of fixed two second period for check target will be within missile maxOffBoresight at future time. Sidam Turret retextured (thanks Concodroid!). Allow turrets to fire outside of visual range if they have a radar lock. Issue 348; weapons will no longer manually fire if mouse cursor is over Weapon Manager GUI. APBulletMod now implemented for sabot rounds. Adjusted Sabot depth calculation, should no longer overpenetrate quite so much. Sabots now recognized as AP ammo in ammo labels. Weapons and explosions no longer cause armor damage/shrapnel/spalling damage in paintball mode. Add charge-up mechanic for weapons. Adds new .cfg fields: ChargeTime = n; ChargeEachShot = T/F; hasChargeAnimation = T/F; chargeAnimName = animName. Weapon debug lines now account for frame velocity and flight integrator delay. Rockets now support beehive/nuclear warhead options. EMP weapons fired at targets with AI/ WM off will not cause them to activate when target reboots. Bullets now support shaped charge HE fillers (for HEAT rounds and similar): Bullet.cfg 'explosive =' field no longer true/false, now select from 'Standard' or 'Shaped' in place of explosive = true, or 'None' in place of explosive = false. Missiles: Adds Missile multi-targeting. Adds new Max Missile Tgts setting in WM to set max targets to engage with missiles. Adds incoming missile alert. Shift some missile targeting code from OnUpdate to OnFixedUpdate. Prevent heat-seeking missiles from targeting debris. Remove restrictions on heat-seeking missiles attacking ground targets. Prioritize anti-rad missiles first in using missiles against ground targets with active radars. Adjust DLZ calculation to allow for better missile usage at close ranges, small angles to target. Possibly fixed the 'Radar Stuck' bug. Add option to display distances on the RWR logarithmically. AI will now break off and extend away from target when firing nukes if within projected blast radius. Continuous Rod warhead missiles now target a point a few meters above their target to better take advantage of planar AoE. Missiles no longer prematurely detonate if DetonateAtMinimumDistance is enabled. Fix HARMs ignoring max missiles on target. Add chaffEffectivity parameter to missile configs. See AIM-120 config for more details. Modular Missile ActiveRadarRange can now be set to 0. Deprecate allAspect parameter, missile modders should now use uncagedLock instead (old missiles will automatically have the uncagedLock parameter value set to the value of allAspect. Implemented Proportional Navigation and Augmented Proportional Navigation as missile guidance options for missile parts and modular missiles. For missile parts, set: homingType = pronav [for Pro-Nav]. homingType = augpronav [for Augmented Pro-Nav]. Armor: Adds Oblique Triangle Proc Armor panel. Proc Armor nodes on triangular panels now orient themselves to current angle of panel edge. Proc Armor max scale can now be set in .cfg, unclamped in SPH/VAB. Armor penetration formula now uses the Tate/Alekseevskii formula. Penetration depths should be similar in most cases for modded ammos, but may need recalibration of their apBulletMod. Add Lift Visualization, Total Lift, and Wing Loading readouts (stock only, disabled when using FAR) to the BDA Armor Tool. Detectors Adds IRST implementation for thermal detection alternative to radar. Adds thermal occlusion mechanic; heat sources hidden behind other parts will be harder to detect by IRST. Adds support for optic/thermal cloaking countermeasures. Adds new AN/AAQ-42 IRST Pod part. Radars must now be capable of detecting a target before it can be locked. Spawning: Refactor spawning into more modular coroutines for use with the spawn and orchestration strategies. Add an 'instant' lowering mode for vessel easing after spawn (VESSEL_SPAWN_EASE_IN_SPEED = 0). Add a test for spawning a vessel into an active competition using the SingleVesselSpawning class (debug build only). Randomise team spawn order (similar to random FFA ordering). Switch the camera to a random plane after spawning instead of the last plane spawned. RWP: Hall of Shame now supports multiple craft. Add HoS support to Waypoint mode. For older changes dating back to when the BDArmory Plus (BDArmory for Runway Project) forked from BDArmory Continued, see the changelog on SpaceDock. License BD Armory was originally developed by Paolo Encarnacion (BahamutoD), and later maintained and distributed by the BDAc team under the license CC-BY-SA 2.0. This mod is now called BD Armory Plus, and is being maintained by the BDA+ team. It continues to be distributed under the license CC-BY-SA 2.0. Please read about the license at before attempting to modify and redistribute it. BD Armory Plus contains un-modified code originating from BDArmory Continued based off of Aircraft Carrier Accessories that was used with permission ( ... Courtesy of @flywlyx BD Armory Plus also contains code based off of Firespitter. To comply with the requirements of Firespitters' license, the following permission notice, applicable to those parts of the code only, is included below: License: You may reuse code and textures from this mod, as long as you give credit in the download file and on the download post/page. Reuse of models with permission. No reselling. No redistribution of the whole pack without permission. UV map texture guides are included so you can re-skin to your liking. For reuse of the plugin, please either direct people to download the dll from my official release, OR recompile the wanted partmodule/class with a new class name to avoid conflicts. Edited January 22 by DocNappers Update changelogs Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Android_ELITE Posted July 23, 2022 Share Posted July 23, 2022 lit Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryugi Posted July 23, 2022 Share Posted July 23, 2022 Watching this with great interest. Also it is I, Kaz, the man behind everyone's favorite GAU-22. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jimmy Firyh Posted July 23, 2022 Share Posted July 23, 2022 Objectively the best version of BDA, glad to see this rebranding Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
josuenos Posted July 23, 2022 Share Posted July 23, 2022 (edited) If you are interested in checking out some videos using BDA+, check out the following creator and this video which shows off all the improvements in AI (terrain avoidance, better aiming, better evasion, and more) and missile combat (improved missiles, re-worked flares, and more)! Edited July 23, 2022 by josuenos Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Box of Stardust Posted July 23, 2022 Share Posted July 23, 2022 Hi, hello KSP community. Speaking for myself here, but I hope it'll be welcome words by the rest of the team. While I've many words to say about the current team's fantastic work on BDA+ and the interesting story behind it all, for now I'd like to partially apologize for the continuous delay of getting this "officially" out on the forums. I do hope Scott Manley's Runway Project series has gotten enough word out about the existence of this version of BDA for the past uhhhh 2 years. Anyways, do enjoy the greatly improved explosive combat experience brought to everyone by our excellent team behind BDA+, and know that the current state of the mod and the dev team is such that it will continue receiving updates and new features for the forseeable future. Do also visit a number of active BDA communities if you're interested also, the mod is still very alive and well. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SuicidalInsanity Posted July 23, 2022 Share Posted July 23, 2022 (edited) !! Installation Notes !! Users upgrading from BDAc will want to delete their prior BDA install from /GameData, not just copy-pasting the new version over the old install. Users who have the BDA Team Icons mod installed will want to uninstall it; Team Icons has been integrated into BDA+ Edited July 23, 2022 by SuicidalInsanity Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ScriptKitt3h Posted July 23, 2022 Share Posted July 23, 2022 Glad to see this version of BDA finally being trotted out "officially", separate from Runway Project. It's such a huge set of major and minor improvements and feature-additions from old BDAc, and hopefully now more people will enjoy them. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sidestrafe2462 Posted July 23, 2022 Share Posted July 23, 2022 Hey look, a forum post! We're official! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Papa_Joe Posted July 24, 2022 Share Posted July 24, 2022 (edited) On 7/23/2022 at 9:53 PM, DocNappers said: ... ... License BD Armory was originally developed by Paolo Encarnacion (BahamutoD), and later maintained and distributed by the BDAc team under the license CC-BY-SA 2.0. This mod is now called BD Armory Plus, and is being maintained by the BDA+ team. It continues to be distributed under the license CC-BY-SA 2.0. Please read about the license at before attempting to modify and redistribute it. BD Armory Plus contains un-modified code originating from BDArmory Continued based off of Aircraft Carrier Accessories that was used with permission ( ... Courtesy of @flywlyx BD Armory Plus also contains code based off of Firespitter. To comply with the requirements of Firespitters' license, the following permission notice, applicable to those parts of the code only, is included below: License: You may reuse code and textures from this mod, as long as you give credit in the download file and on the download post/page. Reuse of models with permission. No reselling. No redistribution of the whole pack without permission. UV map texture guides are included so you can re-skin to your liking. For reuse of the plugin, please either direct people to download the dll from my official release, OR recompile the wanted partmodule/class with a new class name to avoid conflicts. Expand Congrats on the Post! Good to see you here, and it helps the community understand all the hard work that has been continued off of BDAc and the Runway Project work. My current work with BDAc is only to maintain compatibility with KSP, and it is doubtful that additional features will be added. I will definitely dive into the code base. If there is anything I can do to assist, let me know, though it certainly looks like your team has things well in hand. I will update my OP with a proper redirect to this thread. Edited July 24, 2022 by Papa_Joe Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dundun92 Posted July 24, 2022 Share Posted July 24, 2022 Nice to see an official forum post for the new improvements to BDA; as someone who spent a lot of time designing crafts in the "old" BDA, the improvements here are quite welcome! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukon0009 Posted July 24, 2022 Share Posted July 24, 2022 epic! many thanks for keeping BDA alive Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sidestrafe2462 Posted July 24, 2022 Share Posted July 24, 2022 And now, for the first question: I want to reduce sympathetic detonations on ballistic missiles and bombs, but MM patches to increase their health are nonfunctional. The patches seem to be applying in KSP.log and they’re tagged with FINAL, but are not going through. I assume HP for them is hard capped somewhere? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DocNappers Posted July 24, 2022 Author Share Posted July 24, 2022 On 7/24/2022 at 4:11 AM, Sidestrafe2462 said: And now, for the first question: I want to reduce sympathetic detonations on ballistic missiles and bombs, but MM patches to increase their health are nonfunctional. The patches seem to be applying in KSP.log and they’re tagged with FINAL, but are not going through. I assume HP for them is hard capped somewhere? Expand Yeah, missiles (including bombs and torpedoes) are fixed at 5HP and 2 armour in HitpointTracker.cs. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShuttleCSidemount Posted July 28, 2022 Share Posted July 28, 2022 Hey I'm kind of new to this mod but any tips on getting the AI to fire at you/each other? They lock on just fine with missiles, but neither party fires until I manually do so. Thanks. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DocNappers Posted July 29, 2022 Author Share Posted July 29, 2022 On 7/28/2022 at 11:28 PM, ShuttleCSidemount said: Hey I'm kind of new to this mod but any tips on getting the AI to fire at you/each other? They lock on just fine with missiles, but neither party fires until I manually do so. Thanks. Expand Well, first I'd recommend joining a discord server of one of the communities that uses BDArmory a lot (like Runway Project, discord link in the description, season 5 shouldn't be too far away now; there are other communities, but I don't have links for them) and asking for help there to get more real-time and detailed responses for this type of question. Also, the wiki may be helpful. There are many tunable settings for configuring how your plane will use its weapons, but generally, with guard mode (the 'G' in the vessel switcher window) enabled the AI will prefer to use more damaging missiles over guns when it can but will switch to firing guns when they're within range, aiming correctly and it considers them a better option. For fixed weapons (i.e., not turrets or missiles) you'll want to make sure that they're fairly closely aligned with the direction your plane flies (use F2 in the SPH to check this). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aaron11 Posted July 29, 2022 Share Posted July 29, 2022 请问关于新版BDA我们有没有相应的教程啊?比如说新BDA更新了目标指示UI导致我在使用其他载具时会在画面上看见黄色目标方向指示条,这个功能该怎么关闭啊?我只想在空战的时候用而不是发射火箭的时候看见。 Do we have any corresponding tutorials for the new version of BDA? For example, the new BDA has updated the target indication UI, so that when I use other vehicles, I will see a yellow target direction indicator bar on the screen. How to turn off this function? I only want to see it in air combat, not when launching rockets. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DocNappers Posted July 29, 2022 Author Share Posted July 29, 2022 On 7/29/2022 at 2:40 PM, Aaron11 said: 请问关于新版BDA我们有没有相应的教程啊?比如说新BDA更新了目标指示UI导致我在使用其他载具时会在画面上看见黄色目标方向指示条,这个功能该怎么关闭啊?我只想在空战的时候用而不是发射火箭的时候看见。 Do we have any corresponding tutorials for the new version of BDA? For example, the new BDA has updated the target indication UI, so that when I use other vehicles, I will see a yellow target direction indicator bar on the screen. How to turn off this function? I only want to see it in air combat, not when launching rockets. Expand Those indicators are from Team Icons, which got merged into BDA+ a while ago. The menu icon looks like this: and the bars are the "Offscreen Icon Pointers". Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aaron11 Posted July 29, 2022 Share Posted July 29, 2022 On 7/29/2022 at 3:12 PM, DocNappers said: Those indicators are from Team Icons, which got merged into BDA+ a while ago. The menu icon looks like this: and the bars are the "Offscreen Icon Pointers". Expand Thanks~ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShuttleCSidemount Posted July 29, 2022 Share Posted July 29, 2022 On 7/29/2022 at 8:02 AM, DocNappers said: Well, first I'd recommend joining a discord server of one of the communities that uses BDArmory a lot (like Runway Project, discord link in the description, season 5 shouldn't be too far away now; there are other communities, but I don't have links for them) and asking for help there to get more real-time and detailed responses for this type of question. Also, the wiki may be helpful. There are many tunable settings for configuring how your plane will use its weapons, but generally, with guard mode (the 'G' in the vessel switcher window) enabled the AI will prefer to use more damaging missiles over guns when it can but will switch to firing guns when they're within range, aiming correctly and it considers them a better option. For fixed weapons (i.e., not turrets or missiles) you'll want to make sure that they're fairly closely aligned with the direction your plane flies (use F2 in the SPH to check this). Expand Thanks. I do have another problem now, though. I was flying a pair of fighter jets from one airbase to another, and halfway there, KSP suddenly switched to the "enemy" jets. I tried to switch back to the original planes but they had disappeared. The "enemy" jets also spawned 20 kilometers into the air. Any tips? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DocNappers Posted July 29, 2022 Author Share Posted July 29, 2022 On 7/29/2022 at 7:52 PM, ShuttleCSidemount said: Thanks. I do have another problem now, though. I was flying a pair of fighter jets from one airbase to another, and halfway there, KSP suddenly switched to the "enemy" jets. I tried to switch back to the original planes but they had disappeared. The "enemy" jets also spawned 20 kilometers into the air. Any tips? Expand If a vessel flies beyond the range of what's set in the PRE from the active vessel then KSP unloads it, or conversely if something flies into that range from outside it, KSP will load it and often switch to that vessel. Basically the PRE distance needs to be set to the largest range you're going to be operating on, but be aware that the larger it is, the more work KSP has to do. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plutron Posted July 31, 2022 Share Posted July 31, 2022 I was wondering if there was a tutorial somewhere on how to do the waypoint gamemode? My plane always seems to fail to spawn. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DocNappers Posted August 1, 2022 Author Share Posted August 1, 2022 On 7/31/2022 at 8:40 PM, Plutron said: I was wondering if there was a tutorial somewhere on how to do the waypoint gamemode? My plane always seems to fail to spawn. Expand There's currently a couple of bugs for waypoint mode that'll be fixed in the next release. The teams slider in the spawning options needs to be set to FFA to pick the right vessels (which is probably the issue you're having). The waypoint altitude slider isn't affecting the waypoint altitudes (so it's using whatever is in BDArmory/PluginData/Waypoint_locations.cfg, 3rd value in each tuple). Additionally, if you're running more than a single craft at a time, then you'll want the "Spawning Distance" to be fairly small so they start out close together. There isn't any tutorial, but this video should give you a reasonable idea on how to use it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Space Scumbag Posted August 1, 2022 Share Posted August 1, 2022 It's relly nice to see the continious development of BD Armory. I was there with Baha from the beginning and still use this mod very often. Thanks for keep on working on it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plutron Posted August 1, 2022 Share Posted August 1, 2022 On 8/1/2022 at 11:26 AM, DocNappers said: There's currently a couple of bugs for waypoint mode that'll be fixed in the next release. The teams slider in the spawning options needs to be set to FFA to pick the right vessels (which is probably the issue you're having). The waypoint altitude slider isn't affecting the waypoint altitudes (so it's using whatever is in BDArmory/PluginData/Waypoint_locations.cfg, 3rd value in each tuple). Additionally, if you're running more than a single craft at a time, then you'll want the "Spawning Distance" to be fairly small so they start out close together. There isn't any tutorial, but this video should give you a reasonable idea on how to use it. Expand Thanks for the help! Unfortunately it still doesn't work. It teleports my camera to the canyon and says it is spawning a craft at 1000m but it always ends with "failed to spawn [craft name]". I'm gonna experiment some more and see if I can get it working Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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