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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Today, I made and released a small mod but with somewhat impactful changes !

I was bored of reentries being too easy regarding G-forces, so I created a few configs, which lowers the max G-forces limits on crewed parts to more realistic values, to 8g for stock (12g for RSS).

If the G-forces go above that, the spacecraft will disassemble itself in an explosive and deadly fashion. :D 

(Space)planes parts were graced with 25g max, to allow jet-like planes to still be flown.

This will make you be more careful about your reentry profiles, and flying in general !

The value of 12g max was taken from the apollo spacecraft, also you could think 8g isn't a lot for manned capsules in stock, but trust, you really have to push it to get to that point.
Careful with reentries from the Mun, direct atmospheric braking on Duna/Eve, etc...

It's in the same taste as Deadly Reentry (which goes well with this mod btw), but covers another topic.

Of course, parts G forces limits must be enabled in the difficulty settings for all this to work ;) 

Cheers ! :) 


Example video :


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Today, I started having fun modifying the Probe Control Room IVA, to give it a retro style, as If it was the early days of the Kerbal Space Agency !
Everything's functional to allow only flying from IVA. : )

The flight director deck is done, polishing left only, and the docking section layed out, only the landing desk to do !
Can't wait to try it out ! :D 

Oh and In case you didn't know, it had freeIVA configs, meaning your kerbal can leave his seat and walk around while pushing buttons hehe


Below, Gene Kerman himself wondering what next button he'll press... : P


For reference, this is how the IVA I started from looks like (KSA version)
Later, I'd also like making a modern/ near-future version of this, with mostly only interactive touch screens everywhere, but we'll see ^^

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I tested a rover


Then set it off to Augustus


Arrival at Otho 


I get an encounter with Augustus about 10 days later with almost dry tanks




Parachute separation did not work but landing was made. (attached the chute to the fuel tank instead of the decoupler)


And waiting for daylight




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Installed OPT, made my first flying Orbit Portal Spaceplane. J-SL cabin, short K-size cargo bay, 8 NF Aero Scimitar airbreathing/closed-cycle engines because insane transonic drag made only 4 unfeasible. Payload was power module for small future station

Takeoff and Orbit

Each engine is about 100KN now, will go up as we reach Mach 4

Transition to closed cycle


Payload deployment

send Bill out to inspect the bay

Pulling away from the cargo

Bill having an extended walk around the vessel (900AH is the IKAO reg no.)

Rescuing Bill

The sun set and Bill's extended duration EVA made him run out of fuel. (I made a config that nerfs jetpacks severely for some reason). Time to move the vessel around him and scoop him inside the main airlock

got him

Deploying payload's solar array wings and radiator


mixed success...

Due to a catastrophic loss of control event at 20 kilometres altitude (I pitched up), vessel ended up tumbling semi-controlled into the ocean.

Debris field, fortunately crew are all safe. Chronic instability at high hypersonic will be studied. In the mean time, all Orbit Portal test flights will be delayed until issues are rectified

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 Morning time for the Augustus rover


First stop is the sky crane.


Then we go on a road trip. The rover is very far away from the sun. 


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Some sights 

A transit


A night time transit of Augustus across Otho




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I took my prized F/A-18E Super Hornet for another ride. It's literally the crowning jewel of all my vessels. My proudest creation in KSP1. It's fast, maneuverable, armed, and AWESOME!

Coming soon to a KerbalX near you!











Any landing you can walk away from...

EDIT: It's here now, on KerbalX!

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Today, I finished working on the retro NASA-style Probe Control Room IVA overhaul, and took the occasion to start a new career, which I'll try to make a video serie of !

Flying missions only from the cockpits/mission control room :) 

Let's bang our Kerbal head against all those knobs and switches shall we : P

Cheers ; )

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Became the first person to land on another planet in LSR, this one to Vera and back. (It's my mod, so it doesn't fully count)

STATS Radius Gravity Mass OrbVel Pressure AtmoHeight
Homeworld 2000km 1.38g 2.16 Kerbins 5100m/s 2.9ATM 68km
Destination 1650km 0.93g 1.02 Kerbins 3900m/s 0.96ATM 93km


DV Requirement: 16700

Rescale factor: 2.7 (JNSQ)


I didn't take many pictures as I didn't expect this to succeed. Many close calls, and over 17km/s of delta-v and a lot of quicksaving. 6 ton lander and a 5000 ton launcher with a nuclear stage. While the homeworld body is quite challenging, the actual Vera landing and ascent is quite easy but complex.


Cannot wait for the next person to land on an interplanetary body!

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Today I discovered I have to give a raise to whoever is developing the solar panels. Because I botched a landing and tilted the ship and...


A single solar panel is holding up a 64 tons lander! In 0.3 g! What do they make them of?


One of the drills was still touching the ground, so I was able to refuel and launch back to orbit. The ship was even conveniently pointing eastward - roughly.

I wonder what other used one can have for nigh-indestructible solar panels

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tl;dr I wanted to design and test an aerial bomb to be carried under-wing or in bomb bays, but without loading it into an airplane and flying it every test iteration.

So this is rough but kind of fun.  Mach 6 enroute at 23 km with approx. 600km range.  Warhead detaches and coasts over the target and then begins a controlled dive.

ILaoMms.jpg     fwqfMcx.jpg

Speeds when wing-launched would be slower with no intention to control.  A jet fighter version might be possible for lower, 'aimed' release.

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Then it would just be a matter of parking a hostile-flag e.g. aircraft carrier in some position "threatening" KSC.  Decorate the deck with a row of obsolete, surplus equipment.

Just for military exercise drills, you understand...  We can never get enough peace, I say.  :) 

Ah yeah, code-name: Tallboy.

UPDATE: actually, it goes to orbit.  Watch out!

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Sometimes this game annoys me...

What did they want at the marked site? A surface sample, of course...

I got it eventually, but I had to drop the emergency chute and cut off the engines up slope, get Val out quickly so she could do the job, get her back in and get the engines fired back up. Took me something like four tries to get the sequence down.

Good news related to the Echo Flyer (the quadcopter in the pic) is that since then Bob's been to Minmus and back, I've got the S.A.F.E.R. reactors unlocked so the craft is finally back to effectively unlimited range. It's a lot more expensive now, of course, but so totally worth it...

Got a whole log full of notes since November 13th, just most of it's not very interesting. I think I'll archive it and let y'all know if something actually noteworthy happens.

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In other news, here's a VTOL plane I made with the Airplane Plus mod a while back.



You know how it is.


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Making VTOL planes is either tear-inducing or very rewarding. Usually both.

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This is EGO Hedgehog in a 46/13 Mm equatorial orbit around Eve, touching Gilly's outer node.  I've been sending/collecting Zephyr lifters to Eve for some years.  I must have at least a dozen or so.

This shot shows 4 of them, plus 2 Zippos.

I'm now starting the project to send them down to a 2Mm LEO for refueling there.

Each one of them will perform as a giant retrograde "heatshield".   Mount a medium-mass vehicle upon one, for transit to the Eve surface, and the Zephyr will provide the ferocious deceleration to deorbit the payload safely.

Like this:

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Drive to the Mohole, they said.  It will be easy, they said.  It will be fun!, they said. 

  The first part was getting a rover to Moho.  In orbit getting ready to head to Minmus for refueling.


Landed with 54 m/s of fuel to spare.




barely made orbit


easily made it back again tho


Then the trek began.


Almost got stuck once.  The Mohole is underneath the rover.


This is about the steepest grade it can handle.


We made it! 



Now to make it back to the equator again somehow. 

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Today, I continued my IVA career, by putting the first Kerbal into orbit, even made him do a little spacewalk around ! Before that, I had to do some shenanigans dangerous plane contracts to train them for this first historic orbital mission...

On the menu : 

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Cheers ! :) 

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While I am waiting for 0.2 to drop, I started up a new KSP1 career using KSRSS.  I have successfully gotten as far as a lunar flyby...with the return trip scheduled for 7 years from now.  Something like 4.1 BILLION km out from Earth at Ap.  Well, guess I didn't need that satellite all that much.  Or the science it is carrying.

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