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How did you get your username?

Whirligig Girl

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i used to play minecraft on my fathers account in the beta days of that game. then years later i got my own account for my birthday. i first wanted to call it "cavebat" because minecraft is a game with caves and bats are my favorite animal. but it was taken so i used "minerbat" instead. after that i used the same name for all my online things. it also is the name of my youtube channel. (the image of a bat in a spacesuit came years later when i started my youtube channel, and is also my minecraft skin)

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I got my name because i want my name to be like Jeb and that's how i got 'JB' and the '182' is just random number that i remember. (that's also how i got my Profile Pic wich i Screenshot from KSP and resize it a bit.)

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I like Dragons and always was able to draw them well (also my nickname back when I did Martial Arts extensively was Draco, hence Draco), and one of my close relatives works on a Hypersonic project with [REDACTED ORGANISATION], which is very cool (because I grew up with engineers all around and so know a fair bit about them) which ended up with me taking the Hyper and fusing it with the first one, and out came HyperDraco. 

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I was once an elite racer in an ore hover team on Mars. I usually raced in the "Bug Class" or was the Quarter Back when playing Hover football. I was known for having "Cool Judgement" at speed and dishing out "Cold Justice" when I was a blocker. Most people mistakenly think I like juice.

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Name: Because my name on all other website is ffx (exept mabye disrcord a few day before where im named normal guy, because im in a almos war)
Pfp: Its my only mod in the forums

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My username is a cringe reference to the most popular planet pack at the time that i started modding and joining this forum. i’ll get it changed asap.

My pfp is one of the bodies from LSR prior to its texture remake. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/218342-linbol-system-rebirth-a-quaternary-star-system-with-119-bodies-wip/

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