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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted. The sudden halt of the spinning sends everything around the equator hurtling to the East at over 1000 mph. The plate friction buildup creates never before seen earthquakes and volcanoes. The magnetic field collapses and anything left is scorched by solar radiation.


I wish to jump as high as 3 averaged sized humans

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Granted. But you have no idea what the final wish was.

I wish someone made an animated series that used the radio play version of the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy as it' sound track (voices).

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Added granted it's past you but you drop it and it breaks



Granted. Eureka! You remembered everything about V... And it's gone.


I wish everybody had more laid back and happy personalities

Edited by Dientus
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Granted. Everybody keeps stepping on eggs.

I still wish for that animation.


Yes you did @AlamoVampire

Granted, But they feed you after midnight and then get you wet, and you know what happens next.

I wish to know about  your numbers?

Edited by ColdJ
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Granted. You do, you just need to go looking for them.

I feel so stupid for not realising that, it is obvious now. Though I will never understand why certain countries put the month then the day then the year, it is not a logical progression.

I wish that the search is not impossible.

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24 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

I wish that the search is not impossible.

You get a very possible thing to search for. But it's not the thing you originally were looking for.

25 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

I will never understand why certain countries put the month then the day then the year, it is not a logical progression.



dd/mm/yy is su-pe-rior! all who do not o-bey are to be ex-ter-mina-ted!


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Granted. But he is not J.Kerman anymore.

3 hours ago, ColdJ said:

Though I will never understand why certain countries put the month then the day then the year, it is not a logical progression.

They wake up, first recall the month, then by efforts the day, and the year is basically clear or not needed,


I wish Nauka is happy now.

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Granted. Nauka is very happy, until they reload the ISS and the rotating dock wobble of doom takes over.


I wish we (world) would begin outfitting the ISS and get on with its original purpose.

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Granted. They finally get on with it only to get hit by Elon Musk's car and then sensibly move the whole show to the moon.

I wish that when you wish your wish that it is a wish that I would have wished that you had wished.

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