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  1. The clarification you made it's nice and a bit reassuring, but It would be nice if the KSP2 dev team would stop shooting themselves on the foot every week. You're like 2 years behind schedule, the game is a demo at best, and someone decided it was a good idea to talk about having DRM on a Kerbal Game? I don't want to be rude, but the mere suggestion of it, on this timeline, suggest some of the dev team is spending too much time on Eelo and too little time on Earth.
  2. July 20th, 2029 For 7 years now, the Artemis Program has been going strong. Artemis Base Camp has been set up, the Lunar Gateway has grown considerably, and several more countries have joined the Artemis Program. Including China! This why today, on the 60th anniversary of the Moon Landing, NASA announced something ground breaking- the first mission to Mars. The media is unable to talk about anything else. The technology is proven, international relations are good, and the support is strong. It's time for humanity to make the next giant leap. Artemis 13 on the launchpad, a few weeks from launch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- People have done recreations of humans on Mars in the 1980s, people have done recreations of the Constellation program. But I'm doing an idea of what could be. Provided the Artemis Program goes well with 2 launches per year, and the U.S. and China get over their pointless quarrels, this is a future that can be! Expect the first post either tomorrow or a couple days from now, I need to smooth out a couple bumps with the SLS. Inspired by these threads: One Giant Leap | An Alternate History of Space Exploration by @track The Hyperion Program: Kerbalkind's Return to Space - It's Back (Again)! by @Autochrome Kānāwai: Ares to Mars by @Jay The Amazing Toaster The Integrated Program Plan | A reconstruction of NASA's follow up to the Apollo program from 1969 by @Beccab
  3. I didn't talk about most people's position, what most people want can be found in the outcome of the poll when concerning wobbly rockets.
  4. Hey Untoldwind, I think it would be easier to discuss and help improve this mod if we have a discord server where we can discuss changes, bugs, and showcase what we made. Here is the link: https://discord.gg/wMpSergFKc Join if you want to showcase your projects/talk about the mod. Hopefully Untoldwind joins so we can more efficiently give suggestions and report bugs.
  5. Hi, I'm currently trying to modify an existing IVA, but I'm new to unity/blender in general. I followed the instructions from KSPparttools post, but sadly I can't unity to import spaces or props (errors : "cannot load space") I talk about the post linked at the bottom of this message. I'm replying here since you talk about blender and .mu addon, which I have installed succesfully afaik. Is it possible to load an exisitin IVA, with its props, and modify it directly in blender ? (note this is for personnal use). Because I tried loading up a .mu file, and the result was this : I guess I need to load additional files, to display the props/texturing ? But I don't know how to do it, if it's possible.. So I'm hopefully seing this as an alternative to Unity, which for now doesn't work for me... Thanks a lot for your help ! Just the said post for reference : EDIT : SOLVED !! I posted the solution found in the above linked thread. : )
  6. @Dakota, I wasn't the poster who called it 'PR fluff', but it definitely came off a little too stage managed. My suggestions for the next would be to 1) have someone other than an Intercept Games employee moderating and asking the questions, and 2) do the talk while the subject of the session is playing the current build of the game live. Here's an interview Scott Manley did years ago with the developers of KSP1 - Talking With The Developers Of Kerbal Space Program At GDC 2014 - YouTube It's certainly not perfect - you can see the Squad Community Manager hovering awkwardly in the background recording the session, and the devs are a bit guarded at times talking about upcoming features in the game (ion engine thrust and acceleration under timewarp it appears were still being discussed). But by having an independent journalist or fan asking the questions does give it a better feel of authenticity. With 1), obviously I get why you would instinctively want to keep control of the process as much as possible. But remember - the person doing the AMA can always answer "no comment" or "I'm not sure about the answer to that" if a question comes up that might be outside of their remit. And 2), the part about seeing the developers playing the game live, we really haven't seen enough of this throughout KSP2's development history - we've instead been seeing a bit too much of screengrabs, still images, pre-rendered trailers, storyboards etc. Even the art director here loading up some of her creations in the VAB would have been much nicer to see.
  7. It's "ask me anything", not "I will answer everything". Answering to them all even with "not my area of expertise" or "can't talk about it" when there's hundreds of questions asked and the available time is just over an hour, would make it pretty much impossible. And boring. Yes, the questions are picked because they have to be when time is limited and the answers are expected to have any substance. Asking every single dev from every department why rockets are wobbly (for example) will lead to disap.. I mean, "disappointment". People have roles. And will answer according to their roles. And honestly, as a person who's more on the artsy side, rather than engineering, I very much enjoyed the AMA with all the chosen questions. As for live posted questions, scrolling through twitch chat spam ain't interesting. Especially when there are people crying about why their questions weren't picked like if that was the worst thing that ever happened in their lives.
  8. well @Dakota nothing against the host or anybody in particular but i would like to see a honest non PR fluff true AMA (ask me anything) ksp 2 type questions that are on the fly or asked in a chat room during the live event. I dont think a bunch of users in a discord asking questions and those questions going into a pool of sorts where they are then cherry-picked and only the "good ones" are addressed is the way to go and just seems a bit dishonest or fake. To me a true AMA event should be exactly that "Ask me anything" in regards to KSP2. And that includes the hard questions as well such as "When is the next patch due out ?" "Why was the game released in the condition it was ?" When will This bug or that bug be fixed ?" THESE are the REAL questions people want to ask. Now granted if some of those are covered by NDA then be honest and say "NDA, I cant talk about that !" people respect that more than PR double-speak and evasion of the question OR the question not being asked at all. And to solve the problem of multiple questions of the same topic being answered repeatedly perhaps when each question is asked AND answered then the question with the answer should be posted or pinned in the chat for late joining people or people that refuse to read can see it. And after that if someone does come in the chat asking a question that has been asked and is pinned then you can expect the other people in the chat to correct that person at which time the moderators of the chat will take care of the punishments of repeat offenders just trying to troll. Other people may add more to this if they like i just thinking off the top of my head. Perhaps this question or topic deserves its own thread. Ill leave that to the very capable moderators in this forum to decide. Lets see how it goes. EDIT: After thinking about it i came up with an example. Have you ever watched sitcom on tv and its not in front of a live audience? They add that what they call "canned laughter' to the program and you get the sound of laughter when the joke they telling wasnt even funny. THATS what im talking about. We need something more genuine. More down to earth. A REAL connection between the people at IG and its player base. Anyways yeah umm if more people want to add to this agree or disagree or better ideas please respond to this. They want to hear from us. Tell em nows your chance
  9. As the one who has been championing these and produced the new video version, what would make you want to tune in? Honestly, we did it because we think Ness is great and wanted her to have a platform to talk about her art and how things work behind-the-scenes - not really for any PR reason.
  10. Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 Home | CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 TI | RAM: 16,0 GB So I wanted to see if I could use the new airbreaks as "grid fins" stand in on a old rocket. I retrofitted it quick - also found the rocket to be more wobbly now and that I need to figure out drag again.. Its gone from very stable to very unstable. Swapped most of my wings for Airbreaks. Any way.. thats a different talk. When I got into space and seperated 1st and 2nd stage - the navball seemed to follow 1st stage, and the craft could not find Retrograde. I tried to see if I could "force" the game to give Navball date for the 1st stage by quick save / quick load - but that turned the 1st stage into a immovable object. Video for reference:
  11. Now composite pressure vessels are used for helium in rockets and here we talk of hundreds of bars but as you say that is to prevent expanding who composites are much better at. But it should still have microfracture issues more so because cryogenic temperatures. Else I agree it was an stupid material to use, its not that weight is critical here. As I understand the submarine was not an conversational submarine. It used weights, I assume they dropped one weight then the reached the bottom and the rest then they wanted to go up again. Sounds weird and cheap but it should be an very reliable system if designed correctly.
  12. Hah, I brought this up when we were trying to figure out the title for this one. "Hotfix Summer" is just a joke related to the phrase "hotgirl summer," and does not imply that additional hotfixes are coming past the second one mentioned above. Development will continue even without the weekly "upnates," so the hope is that the next one of these you see from Nate will have lots of new and exciting things to talk about.
  13. Good afternoon, intrepid Kerbonauts! Lots of stuff to talk about today! As many of you know, a couple of new bugs were introduced with last week’s v0.1.3.0 patch. The most significant of these bugs relates to a loss of atmospheric drag (and physics in general) when capsules are decoupled. For the first time ever, we issued a hotfix to correct that issue yesterday morning. Yesterday’s v0.1.3.1 hotfix also contained a fix for a VAB bug in which fairing editor UI elements were drawing on top of one another. We discovered after yesterday’s hotfix that people were unable to launch the game outside of the Private Division launcher. This was not intentional, and has been fixed — due to a configuration error on our end, we accidentally included Steam’s built-in DRM. KSP2 is DRM-free, just like KSP1. The fixed update was pushed to Steam this morning. Sorry for the headache! We’re testing a second hotfix (timing TBD) that corrects the blurry navball issue. And because we’re sneaky little devils, we’re also doing some testing around a fix for the SOI transition trajectory bug. If these fixes prove stable and low-risk, we’ll release a second hotfix. Fingers crossed! The work that’s gone into the SOI transition issue — number 2 on our top-ten most wanted bugs list — deserves a special mention. Engineers David Tregoning, Mark Jones, and Shalma Wegsman put in colossal efforts to both track down the cause of the issue and to craft a solution. This one has been a long time coming, and it’s great to be able to knock such a big item off the list. The credit for the fast turnaround on all the latest fixes goes to a well-coordinated joint effort between engineers, production, and QA. We’re still learning as we go, but things are feeling good. Bugs: The Next Generation Based on the Bug Reports subforum, these are the community’s 10 most-upvoted bugs: Orbital Decay [25 votes] Incorrect Maneuver on Inclination Change [10 votes] Cannot Change Craft/Vessel Name in Tracking Station [9 votes] AIRBRAKES Deploying on Roll [9 votes] Camera Resets Position Map View [8 votes] Graphic Glitches on AMD [8 votes] Engine Sound Effects Not Playing [7 votes] Cannot Change Symmetry While Holding Strut [7 votes] Center of Mass/Thrust/Pressure Vectors sitting on VAB Floor [6 votes] UI Artifacting [6 votes] Note: Navball Blurry [18 votes] and SOI Trajectory Line Issues [18 votes] have been left out of the above list since we're considering them for the second hotfix. Thank you to everyone who took the time to submit bugs in the subforum. Even if you don’t have a new issue to report, your upvotes help us determine the relative priority of the bugs that have already been posted. While we investigate the bugs above, two other non-feature items also feature in our top ten: Rockets are still too wobbly SAS causes runaway pitch oscillation for aircraft in flight Lots to do! Thanks again for submitting such detailed and well-documented bug reports. It’s going to be a busy month! Art Director Kristina Ness AMA Did you catch our Art Director’s AMA yesterday? She was asked lots of interesting questions, many of which ranged well beyond the domain of art. She gave fantastic and detailed answers, and if you missed the stream, it’s definitely worth watching here. With the help of streaming-wizard Dakota, she even got to show off some visuals as well! You can find a transcript of the AMA here as well. Thanks, Ness! KSP2 Steam Sale This is the second week of Private Division’s 20% off sale for KSP2, which ends on July 13th. If you’ve got any friends who you think might enjoy the last little bit of heat-free reentry during Early Access, now’s a great time to tell them about the sale! Weekly Challenge Last week’s Jool 5 challenge produced some of the coolest, most ambitious craft designs we’ve seen in KSP2. Check out this absolute unit from DarlesChickens: Or this beauty from Razorback: And here’s a unique one from Tr1gonometry: We know that in the Wobbly Rocket Era, missions of this kind can be extra challenging. Kudos to everybody who braved the bugs and slipped the surly bonds of Kerbin regardless! This week’s challenge? You’re putting on an air show! Build a maneuverable stunt plane and show off your fancy flying skills. Buzz the tower! Under the bridge! Do some barrel rolls! To get specific: Primary goal: Fly an inside loop, an Immelmann turn, and a split-s turn Secondary goal: Fly an outside loop, a barrel roll, and a hammerhead stall turn Jeb-level goal: Fly under the R&D Bridge as fast as you can Val-level goal: Fly under the parking garage bridges (from the water), under the R&D bridge, and then back through the parking bridges Tim C-level goal: Fly a loop arouund the R&D bridge so that you pass under it twice in one maneuver Don’t forget to wear your G-suit — you’re about generate some wing loads that’ll make your crew chief very grumpy! While your screenshots are always welcome, video capture will be the best way to show off your maneuvering prowess. Good luck! Summer Changes Now that summer’s here, with all its vacation-related comings and goings, I’ll be letting other parts of our team handle forum posting for a while. In the coming month, you’ll still see the following on the forums: Bug report updates More AMAs Challenges In addition, we’ll be uploading more gameplay clips to our social channels. I’ll still be lurking both here and on Discord, so you’ll see me in the comments from time to time. We’ve got a lot of good momentum coming off the last update and we’re already making great headway on the next one. I’m looking forward to sharing our progress with you soon.
  14. Well, I care, they definitely nailed the planet looks from space. Also, this might be an opinion, but I find the "height map" much more interesting in ksp2 than it was in ksp1 (just blob to make a mountain). However, I'm just a bit disappointed with how the ground texture looks, that's why I asked a question about this (and it was answered). I agree, but to be fair, here they talk about how they "want" different plasmas on different bodies. Nate talked about reentry with different colors in the first AMA, very different from the simple ksp1 vfx.
  15. First off, announcing the changes on the hotfix but not including the "you're now forced to use the launcher" change... Very naughty behavior. As for the answers... Regarding planet design: They insist the guided gamemode will be about exploration, yet refuse to talk about the important aspect of it. No one cares how the planets look on the map and scaledspace, the problem has always been landing on them to find yet another empty, unimaginative, boring wasteland. This answer did no favors to that, as they only talked about and showed scaledSpace planet design. Regarding graphical improvements: It was a bit of a red flag to hear they've known about the shiny grass for (I quote, which was omitted on the transcript) "Years", when it is such a simple problem to fix. They must really be waiting for HDRP so that their work to fix that (as insignificant as changing specularity values might be) isn't overwritten by work on the new pipeline. As for CBT, yall still need to show more regarding whatever it is, since what most people know for CBT doesn't look like much of a fit to solve the current problems. Regarding icon/stamp customization: A great idea, infinitely better than the mesh flags of KSP1. Regarding re-entry heating: Shame that this was a problem slated for "shortly after launch" yet we're barely talking about what "we want to do", this should be a done and closed issue by now. It is probably the most glaring gameplay mechanic currently missing from the game, and it is so basic... Regarding UI: The only thing that seems inherited from those inspirations shown is the eye friendly color scheme from IDEs. The practicality, compactness, and design rules of making something for people to use first, and pretty later, has been completely lost. The current UI is overly big, has tons of wasted space, and most of the used space is just "used" to convey useless information. I believe there's much more work to be done than just a maneuver panel. Regarding parachutes: I'm firmly on the camp that the upcoming EVA chutes and the ones currently in game need to be rescaled.
  16. A good point that I've sort of had in the back of my mind as well while making my posts - I like to mention performance and stability as separate issues when I talk about the state of the game. Here's how I personally view these, and my attempt to add a definition for accuracy. Performance - Does the game feel smooth to play? This includes framerate, framerate stuttering, scene load time and UI responsiveness. (I'm looking at you parts manager) Stability - Does the game function over time without failure, in the full range of situations the player can put it in? Lack of stability includes things like VAB construction bugs, flight bugs leading to sudden loss of vehicle through no fault of the player, wheels hitching on flat terrain for no reason, vehicle falling through terrain, improper physics behaviour, save file size explosions etc. Accuracy - Is the game simulation accurate enough with respect to the real world? This includes things like the game's part-based physics system using spring joints (wobbly rockets), part impact resistance, heating, aerodynamics model, wheel function, trajectories and terrain. The current trajectory bug that makes interplanetary transfers difficult is a great example of a lack of accuracy, as well as the orbital decay bug. Accuracy is where we see the effects of the game's foundation most of all. And like you said, I hoped that the foundations underlying accuracy would have been the ones improved in a new game built from the ground up. The most notable improvement here is the ability to use engines under timewarp, but other foundations were not significantly improved on compared to KSP1 such as spring-based joints and drag cubes. For example, the part-based physics system is the foundation of KSP's vehicle behaviour, and is primarily responsible for performance quickly getting worse when building vehicles with higher part count and many flight bugs as well as phantom forces (aka, the kraken) also originate here. There have been calls on the forum to get rid of the wobbliness or at least rein it in, as well as enabling scaling to high part count vehicles. Both of these come down to this foundational system.
  17. You answered the question yourself. They will not do it just because a random crazy dude sent them an email. The employee receiving it will just delete the email and forget about - Kraken knows how many of the emails I received at day job nowadays are SPAM and go the same way. But now it's not only a random crazy dude, it's some serious bunch of people, some of them influential community members. Additionally, we got a nice brainstorming where the pros and cons of the proposal were discussed, getting a grasp on how to better sell our fish. Sending an email to someone there (as long as we find one that would at least read it) is the final logical step, but never the first. About making plenty of money, assuming this is really happening - how much money more do you think they would make once the worst and more annoying bugs are properly fixed, cleaning up the code base and making at least feasible to repurpose it on new products (tablets, mobiles, whatever - there're wristwatches nowadays more powerful that the desktops that used to run the first versions of this game!)? In essence: we are a bunch of skilled workmanship willing to do some Pro Bono work with our free time in order to get this game tight now. Some people can do it in the shadows, outside this Community and for their own benefit. Some other people prefers to do it in the clear, inside the Community and giving back to it what this Community had given to us in the past. In the end, this is really the only choice to be made: who they want running the Modding Scene? People relying on shady practices or people in compliance with their own EULA? And that's the problem: we don't want another game, we want this one fixed. There're already open source initiatives around, but none of them will remotely open our savegames so we can keep playing them. And this is what really matters in the end for the users. And that's the confusion: we are not pledging a way to create a new KSP, we are pledging legal access to the KSP's source code so we can fix bugs and do a better job on modding it without relying on shady practices in violation of the EULA and Forum Publishing Guidelines and Rules (no to mention some few draconian legislations around the World), and nothing beyound that. Don't you see a problem here? A Community publicly relying on shady, EULA infringement practices in an officially sanctioned Forum? it took me some time to understand "C&D", the result that appeared the most on Google was "Construction & Demolition" But then I found "Creative & Development" and I finally understood. Nope, you are not getting it. The problem on long discussions like this one is that people usually don't have the time neither the patience to read trough all of it and we ended up in a misunderstanding. We do not want to clone KSP. We want legal access (even if limited) to the Source Code (and only to it) so we can do better our job on fixing bugs plaguing users and improving our Add'Ons. We don't want rights over the Creative Assets (meshes, lore, characters, textures, config files, missions, etc), we are not intending to recompile and redistribute the thing. You see, the Source itself is already available on the wild for people that knows how to use certain tools trough shady practices that this Forum consider piracy (believe on me about this one) and so I can't really talk about. But there're people around here (apparently the majority of us) that are not willing to engage on such shady practices, and so the only real way to do a better job on this Scene would be by having legal access to the Source Code, even than a very limited way - we don't need the right to change and redistribute the code, because we are not pledging the right to do derivatives. What we want is the right to legally read the Source Code without risking our SASes by violating the EULA (as well some few draconian legislations as mine) - not to mention this Forum's Publishing Guidelines. The Genie is already out of the Bottle, the Source is already being read by people that don't mind such details. Our pledge is to give us the same right, under EULA and Forum Rules compliance, so we can do a better job without disrespecting such EULA and Forum rules. Additionally, about Development… It's my understanding that game companies relies on outsourcing all the time. Why outsourcing the source code to Open Source workmanship would be bad? Apple did that in the past (Darwin), to say the least…
  18. Why not just ask T2 directly? They won't just do it because a bunch of people signed a petition. Literally send an email to (publicly and legally available) anyone at T2 if you guys believe this is doable. All this talk about a turning point and doing the right thing seems rather pointless. This is a community of maybe 5000-10000 people spread across the globe. Maybe 50% of those people will actually get on board. It won't just explode and become a social movement so I imagine asking is really your only option. I think the real solution is not to bark up this tree and waste the energy because I agree with most: they just wont release the source code for a barely 10 year old game still making plenty of money. The best possible solution (IMO) is to start an OpenKSP project (like OpenTTD, google it, highly successful). I am not a lawyer but I believe if you recreate the game with your own code they would have to issue a cease and desist to stop you. They only typically do that if it eats into the bottom line (this is a corporation, lets not forget). This is also easily possible but I imagine in the time it takes to recreate KSP with original (not crappy) code, KSP1 would hopefully be at a point where OpenKSP isn't a bottom line issue. Also issuing C&D's is typically not good for publicity especially in the PC game sphere and would probably tarnish the game's reputation.
  19. Granted: I have heard among this clan, You are called the forgotten man (Is that what they're saying, well did you evah!) (What a swell party this is) And have you heard the story of, A boy, a girl, unrequited love (Sounds like pure soap opera, tune in tomorrow) I May cry (What a swell party this is) (What frills, what frocks) What broads! (What furs, what rocks!) They're bootiful. (Why I've never seen such gaity) Neither have I. (Its all just too, too risque really) This french champagne (domestic) (So good for the brain) that's what I was going to Say. (You know you're a brilliant fellow?) Why thank You (Pick up jack. Please don't eat that glass my friend) (Have you heard, about dear Blanche?) (Got run down by an avalanche) No! (Oh don't worry, she's a game girl you know, got Up and finished 4th) The kids got guts. (Having a nice time? Grab a Line!) Have you heard that Mimsie Starr (what now) She got pinched in the Astor bar (Sloshed again, eh?) She was stoned. Well, did you evah? (Never!) What a swell party this is! Hey, check out that act! (That's a lovely dress. You think I can talk her out of it?) It's great, (aah it's great) So grand! (so grand) It's wonderland! La da da da... (We sing), oh we sing (So rare) so rare (Like old camembert) (Like baba au rhum!) Don't dig that kind of crooning chum! Have you heard? It's in the stars Next July we collide with Mars. Well, did you evah? What a swell party, a swell party A swelligant, elegant party this is! (I drink to your health) Naw, lets drink to your wealth Your my bon ami Hey, that's french A liberty fraternity Have you heard? It's in the stars Next July we collide with Mars. Well, did you evah? What a swell party, swell party Swelligant, elegant party this is! I wish for quality.
  20. Chapter 4 : Kerbin surface activities, Deep space telescopes & Eve foldable glider Baobab study: After all those years, I finally made it, my first helicopter using breaking ground parts (yeah I know, it took me some time ) It's ugly as a kraken face, if anyone has ever seen one, but hey, it flies ! Our kerbals will takes this to do some test takeoffs/landings/hover flight, and fly to the nearby biome in search for weird giant trees... We'll do a more streamlined and nice looking version in the future for sure ! This is just to measure safety, and maneuverability ! Acrobatics : Then, I designed a little and maneuvrable plane for Jeb : Space telescopes : I then deployed 2 space telescopes, one for taking very high definition pictures of Kerbol's bodies, and the other to track for potential DSP (Deep Space Pebbles) endangering Kerbin... Eve glider & further exploration of Moho I designed this unmanned Eve glider, for the next Eve window. It will be attached inside a 1.25m fairing, with a heatshield, itself attached to an orbiter.Upon entering Eve SOI, the reentry module will detach from the orbiter, and perform a direct Eve entry from its hyperbolic trajectory. Once passed the heat and fire things, the glider will detach and unfold its wings. It can also do incremental deploy, to control wing span and thus lift/drag. Sweet goal would be to aim at a spot with a lot of biomes, and glide as long as possible ! I tested this on Eve and could achieve a landing at 7 m/s, so no landing gear needed ^^ And water or land are both fine : ) For comms, it uses a standard C 16-S, and will talk to the orbiter which has the bigger relay antenna. It's in 0.625m size (using tweakscale), weights ~500 kg, and can even fly without any SAS/very little imputs ! Here's also some video of me testing this Kerbin : Aaaand finally, I designed a new heavy orbiter for Moho, that would do all the high resolutions scans of its surface, and also carry a small lander : It features deployable panels, both for the scanning instruments and the lander, to protect them during their deep space journey In the meantime, I did the first crew rotation on Starlab-1. I can confirm our Kerbonauts didn't turn into green gelly, which is fantastic ! I also started working on a very low tech SSTO reusable spaceplane, to improve funds efficieny (since we're not the richest space program right now....). Next coming soon ! Cheers
  21. Where Do We Go Now? "Thank you for joining us with a CBS Special Report this evening. We bring you news from the Caucasus region of Southern Europe, the Armenian SSR, a member state of the Soviet Union, has declared its independence, officially forming the Republic of Armenia. There are unconfirmed reports of combat between the Soviet military and local militia, but this is denied by the Soviet government. This comes as protests in the Ukraine have ramped up and have spread to other member states. General Secretary Gorbachev has objected but has stated that he will not interfere with the will of the Armenian people. While he begins to push internal economic and political reforms within the Soviet state, citing them as necessary for the nation's survival." On the 16th of April, 1988, the Republic of Armenia is formed. The Soviet Union is facing a crisis, internal turmoil, and economic stagnation have driven Armenia to independence, and it seems as though Ukraine will follow suit eventually. Gorbachev is beginning a series of reforms to preserve the state, which may lead to a completely new Soviet Union in the coming years. But politics shmolotics, we're here for some space exploration. On that front, there is still a lot going on in the rest of 1988. For NASA, their plans have had a wrench thrown in them, as the Shuttle is now grounded at least until next year after the Enterprise incident. That mission has revealed some long-standing issues that NASA has otherwise ignored or tolerated. A Congressional hearing on February 10th has much of this come to the surface. Nobody is taking this lightly, it was a miracle that Challenger was supposed to launch 3 days later and was ready to fly. Had it not been, the crew would've had no chance of rescue. This is the first time NASA's faith in the Space Shuttle has been shaken. The Congressional hearing brings a heap of information against the Shuttle, with one particular bit being how long it has been since the Operations & Safety Manuals were updated, with the last minor revision in 1985, and the last new edition in 1982. Even that edition still contains much from the original 1977 manual, for Saturn-Shuttle. John Young has done his best to keep everyone in line, but he has found himself fighting a losing battle since around the end of '84. Those below him have run wild and although he has managed to keep the agency functioning well, a lot has slipped through the cracks. But this is a chance to right the ship and get it heading on the right path as it heads into a new decade. Seizing that chance, the Space Shuttle Future Committee is established, to determine the path forward for NASA's Space Shuttle. Different teams from both NASA and Rockwell are allowed to present their plans. But one stands out amongst the sea of pro and anti-Shuttle plans. A plan that will keep the Shuttle going, better than ever, and pave the way for a future successor down the line. This plan was originally outlined back in the January 1984 Space Shuttle Technical Report, from Dryden and Ames, but it has been presented to the committee now as a solution to the uncertain future of NASA's winged icon. It is called the Shuttle Improvement Program, or SIP. Although some of its ideas are a bit outlandish and unnecessary, it has many good solutions to the common problems the Shuttle faces. Mostly to do with the high cost of processing and maintaining it. But it also has many suggestions to improve operational safety and procedures. The committee eventually agrees to a revised version, with some removals and additions. The core components of it are changes to the TPS tiles for easier maintenance and access to the hardware behind them, and a new propellant for the OMS and RCS systems. That propellant is a mixture of Ethanol and HTP, affectionately named E-HTP. This change also means new APUs to finally rid the Shuttle of toxic hypergolic propellants. With all of these changes, Shuttle processing should become much cheaper and easier, as well as quicker. With the SIP team estimating 30-day turnarounds being possible. On top of the SIP program, NASA decided to extend the grounding of the Shuttle program until the autumn of 1989. This is to allow for a massive amount of maintenance and upgrade work to the Shuttles, which have fallen behind on upkeep due to the demanding flight rate. With only 4 Shuttles now in the fleet, and only 3 at the Cape, they need to stay in top-tier condition. They will all, besides Columbia, receive their first major round of upgrades during this extended fleet grounding. All of this means that Orpheus 4 has been delayed a whole year. But no worries, it gives more time to prepare all of the necessary hardware on the bright side. As well as giving NASA more time to review their operational safety and change things up. In June, a major step for the Magellan program is completed. The expansion of the Michoud Assembly Facility in Louisiana is completed. A new "second campus" of sorts that will be dedicated to LTV and Magellan MTV construction. Speaking of the Magellan MTV, its design has been finalized, and it has been publicly announced as the "Multi-Mission Exploration Transfer Vehicle" or MMETV. It is a single-core design, and it will use 7 of the same NTR motors used on the LTV Mk2. Optimized for carrying 50t to Mars and back, two will be used on a normal Magellan mission. NASA is committed to launching Magellan 1 in 1992, and it is to be foreseen if that target holds. Now let's talk a little about the aftermath of the Enterprise incident. In the weeks following, Enterprise was slowly recovered from the dry lakebed of Edwards Air Force Base, with major pieces being flown back in the Super Guppy. The recovery was made difficult due to a puncture in the OMS pods that had hydrazine leaking everywhere, but that was cleaned up, and the rest of the propellant drained, as it miraculously didn't explode. Nevertheless, after returning to the Cape, the components were laid out in one of the Shuttle maintenance hangars at the Cape for inspection and assessment. About 70% of Enterprise was able to be recovered, so NASA has not ruled out the potential for a reconstructed display at some point. But for now, Enterprise will be contributing to studying the Shuttle's structure under the conditions it faced, to help with SIP. On top of Enterprise, Spacelab was also damaged beyond repair, but both NASA and ESA have been talking about a brand new "Spacelab 2" of sorts for use between Skylab's de-orbit and the beginning of the successor station. That idea has been accelerated with the destruction of Spacelab. It will be similar to its predecessor, but with a flat top, to finally get rid of an emergency procedure issue the original always had. If the astronauts had to go out on EVA and manually close the payload bay doors, they would be stuck in there throughout re-entry with the original Spacelab, as they could not get back to the airlock. This will be fixed with Spacelab 2. With NASA sorting itself out for the rest of the year, the spotlight goes onto the Soviets, and wait... Japan?? That's right, Japan makes a thrilling announcement in September, that they are beginning work on their first domestic launch vehicle, moving away from licensed versions of Thor-Delta. Not much else is revealed, other than that they're starting work on it and they hope to have it ready around 1993. So not too thrilling, but certainly interesting. Otherwise, the spotlight is on the Soviets, as they take flight with Buran for the second time, with crew. That's right, with Igor Volk and Aleksandr Ivanchenko at the helm of the Soviet's shiny new Space Shuttle, they take flight on a 2-day solo mission, with a scientific payload in the back, to demonstrate manned operations. This mission takes flight on November 10th, 1988, the same day Orpheus 4 was planned to land on the Moon. Buran lands under a clear night sky at Baikonur 2 days later, with this mission again making headlines around the world. The Soviet Space Shuttle may have just arrived on the scene, but its making a name for itself even ahead of the Soviet propaganda surrounding it. With a second one now under construction, to be named Sarma, it looks as if the Soviets are committing to this fancy new spaceplane. The year wraps up with the 1988 Presidential elections, to replace Ronald Reagan, as his 2 terms are up. It comes down to his VP, George H.W. Bush, against the Democrat nominee Michael Dukakis. Bush wins in a landslide. As Reagan's VP, he championed both the Orpheus and Magellan programs since their inception and has stated throughout his campaigns his intention to continue the pro-space exploration policies of Reagan, and even expand on them. Another good administration for NASA, to be foreseen about the country. Рейс 3 в Полюс
  22. Hello! - I finally got around to draw myself an avatar and update my profile somewhat... Still need a banner.. but I'll get there. I thought It was time to introduce myself so I wasn't just one of those blank spooky avatars. The Quick Facts: I'm 32 years old, as of now. Father to two: a 5 year old daughter and 2 year old son and I just ended a 10 year career in the Danish Army to pursue my lifelong dream of becoming a "Graphic Storyteller" - Fancy way of saying comics artist. Hard Sci-fi lover, Outdoor person and Artist. The Long Version: I have been roaming the forum since March where I finally got out of my KSP closet with the launch of KSP2 doing this: Before that I've been low key following a few KSP content creators on YT... and I tried KSP myself back a few years ago, but found it a bit overwhelming and didn't know how to get going. In KSP2 having less tools and goals at my disposal actually ment it was easier for me to pick an direction, which became space stations xD - I guess its a bit like that if the buffet is really big... you just dont know where to start. How I got intrigued by KSP is probably a good question to answer. I've always been bit of a Hard Sci-Fi lover. I am also currently educating myself as a Graphic Storyteller - and have been brewing on a Epic Sci-Fi Multi volume graphic novels series for a while. I want to write it with realistic space.. So no FTL travel, no "Dog fights in space" or gravity generators... Something like The Martian, or Interstellar - but with the scope and conflict like Star Wars (I guess something like the Expanse..? but I wouldn't know... Its one of the many shows on my "To Watch List" I started when i became a father) Any way... That meant I looked into the nuances of space travel... and it turned out it was a "gateway" drug into a NASA/ESA and Space X fascination. One thing KSP also got going for it is you can play it only paying half attention.. and my children find the goofy Kerbals very funny. My daughter right now is also very much into space. And KSP is an easy way to rub that itch. Besides my family and loving wife I guess my military career has been very formative for me. I've served for 10 years, 1/3 in reconnaissance, 1/3 as infantry in a "cav" unit and 1/3 as crew on an Armored Personel Carrier. I wont bore you with the details. Other than that I love hiking, kayaking and other outdoor activities (unfortunately becoming a father has left little time for stuff like that) I guess that's enough for an introduction now - But I am not shy to talk about anything, so if you wanna know more you need only to ask!
  23. It's been 4 months since release of early access and there is still one dominant question in the community unanswered and that is what went wrong. There are multiple interviews where the developers talk about how their focus is on rebuilding the game from the ground up to have it be performant and as buggyless as possible yet years after those interviews happened the game is the complete opposite. Note I am not saying that it's not getting better because so far the updates have been great but I and I think that the whole community would love to hear what went wrong with the development. Is it just a really hard thing to develop, was there a restart at some point, did coronavirus really affect development that much, just what happened? And another thing is the developers stated multiple times that they've played with future roadmap features and had a lot of fun and most of us wonder how that is possible since the game is still barely playable without those features?
  24. I usually play without sound actually - Because I will not play very "active" - A lot of the time I will just be having the game running on "idle" while I talk with the kids, do other things etc. waiting between maneuvers. Also there was a point were I was listening to my own playlists while playing... and I just didn't turn it on again since x) I would advice this yes
  25. THAT specific log. There're some more to compare with. https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/issues/67 Do you want me to fill this thread with tons and tons of logs so your laziness can be satisfied? In a way or another, here: [WRN 17:47:49.979] [ScrapYard] Part mk1pod.v2:FFF7ABE0 has persistentId=4043188831 and it's being changed to 1590504603. The ClassID is 49675735 and the CraftId (cid) is 4294504548. [WRN 17:47:49.997] [ScrapYard] Part mk1pod.v2:FFF7ABE0 has persistentId=1808313221 and it's being changed to 1590504603. The ClassID is 49675735 and the CraftId (cid) is 4294504548. [WRN 17:48:41.567] [ScrapYard] Part mk1pod.v2:FFF7A77E has persistentId=33424378 and it's being changed to 1590504603. The ClassID is 49675735 and the CraftId (cid) is 4294504548. [WRN 17:48:41.580] [ScrapYard] Part mk1pod.v2:FFF7A77E has persistentId=151739214 and it's being changed to 1590504603. The ClassID is 49675735 and the CraftId (cid) is 4294504548. FOUR times the persistentID was changed, and no LogSpam was triggered, on the same log. Interesting, from my point of view it looks like you are cherry picking the pieces of logs I post, and completely ignoring that I posted the logs where the LogSpam happened, between a lot of logs where it didn't (and told about). Should I post them all here? Isn't easier to just check the logs I posted on the issue tracking, looking for a flaw on my Test Sessions, instead of wasting everybody times making assumptions with little to no evidence to support it? If my test sessions are flawed (it happens), pinpoint the source of the flaw. Talk is cheap, show me the code. Besides, as I had said and you conveniently ignored: There's no doubt that SYD is going to be changed. But without understanding why, you will just move the problem to another place and then someone will have to diagnose this problem again. Until I'm convinced that changing the persistentId is really the source of the problem with reproducible evidences, I will keep advocating for looking the problem somewhere else in the SYD's code (or not). AND AGAIN, I'M NOT ADVOCATING TO WORK AROUND IT SOMEWHERE ELSE, I want to understand what's happening and why.. And I was candidly ignoring a detail about this problem: exactly what happens when the LogSpam is triggered? What the real side effects to the game? Memory Leaks? Performance Issues? Savegame corruption? Until this moment, I was focusing on the symptom, because I agree we should be aware about what is happening and why. But if I create a Log filter on SYD and just omit the LogSpam from being written on the KSP.log (what would be a <piiiiii> move, to make it clear, and I do not condone it), exactly what would be the consequences? Because, you see, this may be another case of false alarm, in the same sense that damned ADDON BINDER ERROR that happens when you merely probe if an Assembly is loaded or not.
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