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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.13.0 "Забытый" 13/Aug/2023)


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Another Skyhawk run, another Gemini Munar mission to get up to Apollo

(I forgot to plant a flag so I need to do another launch to complete the Mun Program strategy contract :P Thankfully I've fixed some problems I had with the mission before launching the next mission) 










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Screenshot Tax

Vanguard TV-1


Been a while since I posted due to config issues with my effects...  This is a simplistic setup (no TUFFx no nuthin)  But also this means I have no Visual issues in KSP.


SO Imgur doesn't embed at all anymore?


Edited by Pappystein
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8 hours ago, Pappystein said:

Screenshot Tax

Vanguard TV-1


Been a while since I posted due to config issues with my effects...  This is a simplistic setup (no TUFFx no nuthin)  But also this means I have no Visual issues in KSP.


SO Imgur doesn't embed at all anymore?


look it does


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3 hours ago, Pappystein said:

I don't use a Mod, I just use F12 with Steam running.  

Don't use Steam, use KSP's own built in screenshots. F1. Steam adds compression bad, unless you tell it to save the raw uncompressed screenshots.

Edited by GoldForest
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On 12/6/2023 at 8:06 PM, sidfuone said:

whats the mod everyone uses for screen shots. i use to have it years ago when i played but cant remember the name.

If you are asking about the screenshots with a mission flag and vessel name overlay, that's the Historian mod.


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On 12/5/2023 at 9:19 AM, bigyihsuan said:

Another Skyhawk run, another Gemini Munar mission to get up to Apollo

(I forgot to plant a flag so I need to do another launch to complete the Mun Program strategy contract :P Thankfully I've fixed some problems I had with the mission before launching the next mission) 


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What's the inflatable part atop that lander?

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Has anyone had a similar issue with the current version of the mod?

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Bluedog_DB/Parts/Apollo/bluedog_Apollo_AARDV_Cargo_Block1/bluedog_Apollo_AARDV_Cargo_Block1' 
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects. 
(Filename:  Line: 589)

Module ModuleB9PartSwitch threw during OnLoad: System.Exception: Fatal exception while loading fields on module ModuleB9PartSwitch on part  --->
System.Exception: Exception while loading field subtypes on type B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch --->
System.Exception: Exception while loading fields on subtype PartSubtype Supplies --->
System.Exception: Exception while loading field tankType on type B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype --->
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: No tank type named 'Supplies' exists

I'm likely missing something somewhere since this is a new install. The mods I have installed are somewhat lengthy, but Kerbalism comes to mind as being possibly incompatible? When I uninstall Bluedog, these errors disappear.  Which mods changes the AARDV Cargo vehicle to have supplies?

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9 hours ago, NyanTurian said:

Has anyone had a similar issue with the current version of the mod?

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Bluedog_DB/Parts/Apollo/bluedog_Apollo_AARDV_Cargo_Block1/bluedog_Apollo_AARDV_Cargo_Block1' 
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects. 
(Filename:  Line: 589)

Module ModuleB9PartSwitch threw during OnLoad: System.Exception: Fatal exception while loading fields on module ModuleB9PartSwitch on part  --->
System.Exception: Exception while loading field subtypes on type B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch --->
System.Exception: Exception while loading fields on subtype PartSubtype Supplies --->
System.Exception: Exception while loading field tankType on type B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype --->
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: No tank type named 'Supplies' exists

I'm likely missing something somewhere since this is a new install. The mods I have installed are somewhat lengthy, but Kerbalism comes to mind as being possibly incompatible? When I uninstall Bluedog, these errors disappear.  Which mods changes the AARDV Cargo vehicle to have supplies?

This has been fixed in the dev branch of bdb.  You can  grab the new cfg file off github.

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3 hours ago, JonnyOThan said:

This has been fixed in the dev branch of bdb.  You can  grab the new cfg file off github.

Which cfg file do you mean? I did a comparison of the bluedog_Apollo_AARDV_Cargo_Block1.cfg and it matches the one from the master on github.

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11 minutes ago, NyanTurian said:

Which cfg file do you mean? I did a comparison of the bluedog_Apollo_AARDV_Cargo_Block1.cfg and it matches the one from the master on github.

Ah apologies, it was in the master branch but committed since the last release:

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3 hours ago, NyanTurian said:

I'm still encountering that issue despite changing that cfg, and then later replacing the entire Bluedog_DB folder. There might be something off about my install. Here's my player.log...

Just to be clear,  You DID download the DEVELOPMENT version and not the RELEASE version yes?

IF not and or if you do not know how the steps are in the spoiler.



Step 1)  Open github page :https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau as outlined above


Step 2) Click the Green box that says master... the drop down appears as indicated above


Step 3) as above make certain the dropdown has 1.14-Development selected


Step 5)  As above click on the green Code button... a pop up appears, choose to download the file via GitHub desktop (if you have a Github account, or Download Zip.



Fixes and changes to the source files are not updated to RELEASE until there is a new release... so when a bug pops up in the mod and a release is not immediately planed... well the "hot fixes" if you will go into the Development folder not the Release folder.       The Development files will have things that are undergoing balance changes etc... but for lack of a better description I consider the Development folder the "get your latest updates" folder..   


PS:  I can only link Imgur images in alternative browsers  (I normally use a locked up Firefox and it won't post RELIABLY images from Imgur...  Go figure, my security settings are the problem (and I am not going to change them.)   

Edited by Pappystein
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1 hour ago, Pappystein said:

Just to be clear,  You DID download the DEVELOPMENT version and not the RELEASE version yes?

IF not and or if you do not know how the steps are in the spoiler.

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Step 1)  Open github page :https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau as outlined above


Step 2) Click the Green box that says master... the drop down appears as indicated above


Step 3) as above make certain the dropdown has 1.14-Development selected


Step 5)  As above click on the green Code button... a pop up appears, choose to download the file via GitHub desktop (if you have a Github account, or Download Zip.



Fixes and changes to the source files are not updated to RELEASE until there is a new release... so when a bug pops up in the mod and a release is not immediately planed... well the "hot fixes" if you will go into the Development folder not the Release folder.       The Development files will have things that are undergoing balance changes etc... but for lack of a better description I consider the Development folder the "get your latest updates" folder..   


PS:  I can only link Imgur images in alternative browsers  (I normally use a locked up Firefox and it won't post RELIABLY images from Imgur...  Go figure, my security settings are the problem (and I am not going to change them.)   

Oh I see, I didn't realize the different branch. Thanks for the guide.

I installed the Bluedog_DB folder from the Bluedog-Design-Bureau-1.14-Development.zip, but I still have a fatal error.


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23 hours ago, NyanTurian said:

Oh I see, I didn't realize the different branch. Thanks for the guide.

I installed the Bluedog_DB folder from the Bluedog-Design-Bureau-1.14-Development.zip, but I still have a fatal error.


It seems my earlier theory about Kerbalism being a conflict may be true? I removed Kerbalism, Kerbalism System Heat, Rational Resources Kerbalism, and SIMPLEX Kerbalism using CKAN. Most of my installation is through CKAN, apart from a few mods. No more fatal error, or warning of any kind like before. Does Kerbalism itself conflict with this mod?



EDIT: I have Kerbalism with its default config and Kerbalism System heat installed now without fatal errors, but I do get a warning about a Skylab power module radiator. Similar error was in the previous log.

[WRN 19:04:33.441] Warning on PartSubtype Double on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='meshSwitchSide') on part bluedog.skylab.powerModule.radiator: Could not find matching module
[EXC 19:04:33.442] Exception: Could not find matching module
	B9PartSwitch.ModuleMatcher.FindModule (Part part) (at <a3c2951fc74e4639820ef37d2d29f386>:0)
	B9PartSwitch.ModuleModifierInfo+<CreatePartModifiers>d__10.MoveNext () (at <a3c2951fc74e4639820ef37d2d29f386>:0)
	B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype.Setup (B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch parent, System.Boolean displayWarnings) (at <a3c2951fc74e4639820ef37d2d29f386>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype:Setup(ModuleB9PartSwitch, Boolean)
	PartLoader:CompilePartInfo(AvailablePart, Part)
	UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)


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@CobaltWolf @Zorg there hasn't been an update or a progress report in awhile, did you guys move on to other projector or are you just taking a break?


No judgement, I just feel like I might have missed some news, and I was really looking forward to the Atlas revamp.

Edited by zakkpaz
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