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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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1 hour ago, hemeac said:

Based on that, sounds slightly more complicated as I was able to get those errors with Kopernicus, but no planet pack installed.

So it turns out, the difference between JNSQ and BH (or any other system it seems) was easier to figure out than expected.

I had a look the JNSQ folder, and it already contains a config with this in it:


    useKopernicusSolarPanels = False

Which, probably entirely not by accident, is almost identical to your proposal.

So, the problem indeed lies with the interaction with Kopernicus solar panels  @R-T-B @Zorg - we just never noticed it before since the entire BDB team has been using JNSQ as testing grounds.

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1 hour ago, Morphisor said:

So it turns out, the difference between JNSQ and BH (or any other system it seems) was easier to figure out than expected.

I had a look the JNSQ folder, and it already contains a config with this in it:

Which, probably entirely not by accident, is almost identical to your proposal.

So, the problem indeed lies with the interaction with Kopernicus solar panels  @R-T-B @Zorg - we just never noticed it before since the entire BDB team has been using JNSQ as testing grounds.

5 hours ago, R-T-B said:

I appreciate the report.  If anyone can advise what sort of patch is needed for BDB to work with us, we'd be happy to distribute it in our zips.

To be honest looking closer I am now a little unsure of what to do.

What BDB wants to do: several solar panels switch the output for certain B9 subtypes. In the IDENTIFIER node it looks for ModuleDeployableSolarPanel



			name = OAO1
			addedMass = -0.0025

				name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
							name = ElectricCharge
							rate = 2.5

The problem here is I cannot patch the name of the module in the IDENTIFIER node with a NEEDS on Kopernicus since it appears that some planet packs like JNSQ are disabling the switch to the Kop version of the module with useKopernicusSolarPanels = False

BDB itself choosing to use useKopernicusSolarPanels = False is not ideal as presumably this would cause problems with systems like Beyond Home with which we want to be compatible.

With JNSQ carrying out its avoidance maneuver at LAST[JNSQ] and Kopernicus doing its actual solar module conversion at FINAL I guess the only thing we can do is engage in the dreaded Z wars and have a patch for LAST[zBluedog_DB] or something so that we can detect whether useKopernicusSolarPanels = False is being used or not and patch the solar b9 switches accordingly before Kop does its thing at FINAL.

This seems messy and I really dont like it but I think it will work. I think this patch if its done like this should be in BDB so that we can keep it up to date easily as potential new parts are added. However If anyone has a simpler solution or any other bright ideas for BDB to work with all planet packs I would appreciate any thoughts.

Edited by Zorg
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45 minutes ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

There are lots of variations. What are you missing?

Also, are you using: https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki/issues/43

Using it for what? I have read the issues thread through, and I have been studying the Wiki extensively. I seem to be missing over half the parts for all of the Ranger series probes. They just aren't there. I have the probe core, the solar panels, the comms dish, the top part of the antenna, and the batteries and that is it.

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21 minutes ago, DaveyJ576 said:

Using it for what? I have read the issues thread through, and I have been studying the Wiki extensively. I seem to be missing over half the parts for all of the Ranger series probes. They just aren't there. I have the probe core, the solar panels, the comms dish, the top part of the antenna, and the batteries and that is it.

Going out on a limb here since you mentioned CKAN in earlier messages. Are you using the dev branch or the release? The new parts are in the dev branch and the wiki build guides in the issues tabs refer to the new parts. https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/tree/v1.7.0-Development

Edited by OrbitalManeuvers
make it a little more like English
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2 hours ago, DaveyJ576 said:

Using it for what? I have read the issues thread through, and I have been studying the Wiki extensively. I seem to be missing over half the parts for all of the Ranger series probes. They just aren't there. I have the probe core, the solar panels, the comms dish, the top part of the antenna, and the batteries and that is it.

Yeah the old Ranger was mostly incomplete. All new fancy parts have been made and are in the github development branch. We are trying to push out a new release as soon as we can. Looks like Friznit might have jumped the gun a little by putting the new Rangers on the probe page here https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki/wiki/Satellites. The new upcoming stuff is meant to be confined to the "Issues" section https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki/issues/43 until the next release.

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STS-4 Columbia + Agena Tug

(50 pics!)


The Shuttle is ready for launch.






This mission requires 90-degree polar orbit.



SRB separation


Ascending to orbit



ET separation



Payload bay doors opening, ready for final push to circular polar orbit:


The aforementioned final OMS burn:



The Agena Tug inside the payload bay:


The payload separation and retrieval mechanism raises Agena to separation plane. Sorry, but no Canadarm - it's too buggy in this mod (SOCK).



Separation. Columbia uses its RCS to move itself to the safe distance. (Note to myself: make cradle reusable.)



The Agena Tug itself, carrying what I call USB-M - Universal Satellite Bus-Medium. It was developed using BDB and NFEx, for use as a satellite bus on medium (1.875 - 2.5) rockets and on the Shuttle. There is also USB-S (for Delta-class rockets). USB-H (for Titan LDC and Delta IV) is in development.


Dropping the "cradle"...


...and firing that modified Bell engine.



The contract calls for 48K x 133K orbit. We're now at periapsis and in the process of apoapsis kick.


Releasing the satellite:


USB-M in all its glory:


Its propulsion system is derived from Lunar Orbiter, with additional tanks for extra dV.

The BDB decoupler is actually and oversight - it was copied from a Titan build and shouldn't be there.


Having released its payload, the Agena Tug makes a return burn. Satellite adapter is dropped earlier.




Moving to dock with Columbia:





Shortly after that, Columbia uses its payload mechanism to stow the tug.




Closing the payload bay doors and preparing for reentry:


Okay, so basically Im very smol I'm really bad when it comes to landing shuttles at exact location, so I'm landing it at the pole. Glaciers are your friends.

Deorbit burn:
















Mission STS-4 completed! Of course, they'll have to retrieve Columbia from the North Pole... eh, who cares.


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9 hours ago, KeaKaka said:

Is there any way anyone can think of to be able to fit the IUS into the fairing of the Titan 34D?

As shown here:


I think those are the two Star kick boosters and not IUS. At least, those look like Star motors to me. 

But to answer your question, use the "Inon-MPF 2.08m fairing base." Or if you're okay with clipping, use the "1.875 fairing base adapter SAF."

Edited by GoldForest
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Quick KH-11-ish mission with a Commercial Titan 34D:


Using the Transfer Orbit Stage (TOS), I was able to put the payload in a nice circular polar orbit.


I have a newfound appreciation for solid kickstages. :)


I'm watching you... 



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I want to show my version of a chimaera between a Titan 23G; the Vega Upper Stage and the CZ-2F/G: It's called ARENAL 2-M/DS (Dual Stack), in honor of a volcano in my country


Pre-launch: It will carry two communication satellites: A standar Comsat (Horizon 3) and a space relay link (Lightning 2)


It seems that the launch support needs reinforcement against 6 LR-87 combustion chambers...


Ascending phase


Booster separation


Fairing separation


Second Stage Separation


The first burn of the second stage will leave the stack on an 85 x 110 km orbit


Second ignition. It will leave the Orion/Vega stage on a 2500 x 85 km orbit


Drift Maneuver


Vega/Orion first ignition, for a final transfer orbit to 2.5x Keostationary Transfer Orbit


Plane changing/transfer burn, 1200 x 6000 km x 30°


Horizon 3 separation


Lightning 2 separation

After that, both satellites, will use their electrical propulsion system for finishing the transfer and the comisioning phases...

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12 hours ago, KeaKaka said:

I have a newfound appreciation for solid kickstages. :)

I hear you, o brother :)

Once you figure out how to use upper solids and tweak them for your needs, you'll never go back to liquid. Except maybe extra-precise insertion stuff. But there's Burner 2 and IUS for that.

22 hours ago, Pappystein said:

While I am no fan of the Shuttle.   Nice use of the Robotics of KSP to make a docking... errr umm bay??? for the Agena Tug. 

Thanks :)

IIRC, Benjee once said something about custom IUS launch cradle for SOCK... hopefully it will make it into some future release.

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  @NateDaBeast, @hemeac, @Morphisor, @R-T-B

Just to let you all know we found a nice solution for the solar panel problem. I was told by blowfish we can actually use wild cards in the module identifier so the BDB module switch will now correctly detect either the stock or the kop module without conflicts and without complicated patches.





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14 minutes ago, Zorg said:

  @NateDaBeast, @hemeac, @Morphisor, @R-T-B

Just to let you all know we found a nice solution for the solar panel problem. I was told by blowfish we can actually use wild cards in the module identifier so the BDB module switch will now correctly detect either the stock or the kop module without conflicts and without complicated patches.





That's a really elegant solution!

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Actually, the metallic, trisector Titan fairing was used on Delta IV. I think NRO payloads used it, IIRC it was slightly larger than the longest composite fairing. That said, I'd love to see the bisector composite one, as well.

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24 minutes ago, alberro+ said:

Any chance we could a two-sided Delta IV Heavy fairing? The one that's currently in the dev branch is a rough-edged Titan fairing, while the real fairing used is smooth.

Delta IV has several fairing options. The metallic fairing option often used for large NRO birds is in fact a modified Titan IV fairing. Presumably the modifications are mainly doing away with the centaur/IUS specific interfaces on the base section. IRL it is in fact stackable above the base section like SAFs are in game. 

The "smooth" fairing you refer to is likely the composite fairing which came in two fixed length options for the 5m size. It is planned but probably for a minor release after the initial 1.7 release. 

Making a delta IV specific base section for the titan IV fairing is also under consideration but that would likely depend on whether I can find texture space for it somewhere. The delta IV version of this also has the tip painted black but again we're talking a lot of texture space for a variant that would not be particularly visually distinctive.

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Just some additional info for the curious




I am not entirely sure if the fairing I originally made for Titan CT3 is exactly the same as that used for Delta III and 4m Delta IV. However it is a Ruag design and they are similar enough visually I think the same model works for all 3 rockets.

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If you all aren't too busy with bugfixes and Delta IV, can I request the quick addition of the RL10A-5 engine that powered the DC-X and the conceptual DC-Y?


This is a pretty good look at the piping and greebles. It's pretty similar to the regular RL-10 plumbing.


Here's a good look at the engine bell and the relative size. Strangely enough, a paper showed up in the image search results with a great picture of the engine in operation:


(On the right is obviously not an RL-10.) Do note that the point of the image was to show overexpanded exhaust, so the plume wouldn't have looked like this once out of the prototype stage.

I hope that's enough info and you're willing to do this awesome engine!

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10 minutes ago, Clamp-o-Tron said:

If you all aren't too busy with bugfixes and Delta IV, can I request the quick addition of the RL10A-5 engine that powered the DC-X and the conceptual DC-Y?


Already in the github dev branch and will be in the next release :)  (as one of several subtypes on the single RL10 part that covers various models with non extending bells)

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