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[1.3.0] Back In Black v1.2 (17/10/17) - Black plane textures for Stock/Ven/Mk2X/SXT/Quiztech/OPT/AirplanePlus/ALG


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So, I've always wanted a black version of mk1 and mk2 parts to build planes with, because SR-71. And after seeing @stali79's "night" texture work in OPT Legacy, and @Avera9eJoe's Spaceplane Corrections, I've been inspired to make it a reality. So I present my first mod: Back In Black!



Adds switchable black textures to stock mk1 and mk2 plane parts (command, fuel, structural, and utility), regular, airliner, and shuttle wings, all areo parts excluding heatshields, fairings and the size2 nosecone, the "Wheesley", "Whiplash", "Panther", "Juno" and "Goliath" engines, landing gear, and the retractable ladders.

All parts with texture switching can be found by searching for "stealth" in the part search bar.

Download from SpaceDock

For mod support, download the Back In Black Mods texture pack

Requires Module Manager and IFS (Included)


- Added fairing bases, with an optional patch for fairing panels (which can't be switched in-game)
- Added shrouded solar panels, Communotron DTS-M1 shrouded antenna, fixed radiators, 2.5m nosecone, and LV-N engine
- Blackened some of the M2X nuke parts - pluto/rontgen/reactor
- Updated IFS

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BIB Mods Changelog:


- Added Lack's SXT, everything besides most of the rocketry/orbital parts
- Updated Ven's Stock Revamp compat (fixed radiators, shrouded solar panels, fairings, 2.5m nosecone)
- Fixed medium ALG gear

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License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

To Do/Future plans:
Mk3 Expansion, AirlineCusine, KAX

Edited by Rodger
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Congratulations on your first mod release!

Speaking of black, these mod reminds me a lot of HRP (heat resistant parts) mod, which basically did what your mod did, with an added bonus of making everything ridiculously heat resistant, but sadly it's discontinued after KSP 1.0.5 :( (It's still functional though in current KSP 1.3, but some parts cannot be used due to compatibility issues). Needless to say, your mod opens up new possibility now for creating cool-looking planes, (I always want to build a stealth bomber)


Your mod brings me back those memories. Ah, those were the days where I'm making my first SSTO (shown above), The Starlight Dream. If you or someone you know might want to revive this mod or even integrate to your mod, that would be great. In case you are interested:


Good job mate, keep up the good work! :D

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@Rodger: I actually did something like this a little while ago, see http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/27292-what-did-you-do-in-ksp-today/&page=1353#comment-3062930 Didn't get farther than throwing the source up on Github though. I'm not sure if it had any parts you don't - docking ports, possibly? - but if you want, I can give you the link if you want to loot it for anything that might be useful.

Regarding Mk2 Expansion/M3 Expansion stuff, the only textures that aren't stock are either windowglass which shouldn't need modifying or emissives, which shouldn't be modified anyway.


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@selfish_meme @DoctorDavinci - Just tested, and BIB is compatible with DCK already :)


I had set my FStextureswitch2 module ID to 1, so it shouldn't interfere with mods which use ID 0. Might be able to make a patch to edit different mod's ID usage for if people want to use more than one other texture mod.

@SuicidalInsanity That black and red blackbird was awesome, and I found the git too thanks :)

@ARS Ah yeah I do remember that mod, not sure I ever got to try it. It added new parts instead of just texture switching right? I guess so as to not edit the max temp of the stock parts. And your SSTO reminds me that I need to add RCS to the To Do list lol

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  On 8/7/2017 at 11:27 AM, Rodger said:

So, I've always wanted a black version of mk1 and mk2 parts to build planes with, because SR-71. And after seeing @stali79's "night" texture work in OPT Legacy, and @Avera9eJoe's Spaceplane Corrections, I've been inspired to make it a reality. So I present my first mod: Back In Black!



Adds switchable black textures to stock mk1 and mk2 plane parts (command, fuel, structural, and utility), regular, airliner, and shuttle wings, all areo parts excluding heatshields, fairings and the size2 nosecone, the "Wheesley", "Whiplash", "Juno" and "Goliath" engines, landing gear, and the retractable ladders.

All parts with texture switching can be found by searching for "stealth" in the part search bar.

Download from SpaceDock

Requires Module Manager and the Firespitter plugin      (not included)

License: MIT

Known issues:
Texture switching isn't working for the J-404 "Panther" Afterburning Turbofan. (any help would be appreciated here, the cfg is still included)

To Do/Future plans:
RAPIER engine, RCS, chute cases, inline/shielded docking ports
Check compatibility (Spaceplane Corrections, Ven's Stock Revamp)
Integration with Mk2 Expansion (Question for @SuicidalInsanity: Are there any textures which aren't stock?)
Mk3 parts, and then maybe Mk3 Expansion too
Possibly making stealth versions of other mod parts?!!? Depending on permissions. (QuizTech, OPT?)


Glad I was able to instil some inspiration!

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@Rodger - Congrats on the release

At the moment I wouldn't expect there to be any conflicts between BIB and DCK with my current release .... In light of this however, I would hesitate to say that they are compatible as in some of my patches that are yet to be released I make use of different module ID's which will become a conflict with BIB when I start releasing DCK Camo Pack addons (of which there are a few)

Also, I have black in one of my soon to be released texture packs for DCK

Awesome blackbird by the way

  On 8/8/2017 at 4:24 AM, selfish_meme said:

Your mod is essentially a black version of this mod, you should combine forces


Back in Black is a single texture for stock parts ... DCK adds 5 skins and currently covers Stock, BDAc and BDMk22 with SM_AFVs and the rest of SM Armory being worked on (more on the way) as well as DCK keeping any and all of the textures already in the SMA family of mods as well as textures from other mods in my 'to do' list as a selectable skin

I also have DCK set up for camo texture pack addons of which black is included in one of the packs that I have already completed

So no, BIB is not 'essentially' DCK ... DCK goes much, much further


Edited by DoctorDavinci
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  On 8/8/2017 at 6:11 AM, DoctorDavinci said:

@Rodger - Congrats on the release

At the moment I wouldn't expect there to be any conflicts between BIB and DCK with my current release .... In light of this however, I would hesitate to say that they are compatible as in some of my patches that are yet to be released I make use of different module ID's which will become a conflict with BIB when I start releasing DCK Camo Pack addons (of which there are a few)

Also, I have black in one of my soon to be released texture packs for DCK

Awesome blackbird by the way

Back in Black is a single texture for stock parts ... DCK adds 5 skins and currently covers Stock, BDAc and BDMk22 with SM_AFVs and the rest of SM Armory being worked on (more on the way) as well as DCK keeping any and all of the textures already in the SMA family of mods as well as textures from other mods in my 'to do' list as a selectable skin

I also have DCK set up for camo texture pack addons of which black is included in one of the packs that I have already completed

So no, BIB is not 'essentially' DCK ... DCK goes much, much further



No offense I just meant to say they both do something similar in the background, wherein yours might be more fully featured.

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  On 8/8/2017 at 6:11 AM, DoctorDavinci said:

At the moment I wouldn't expect there to be any conflicts between BIB and DCK with my current release .... In light of this however, I would hesitate to say that they are compatible as in some of my patches that are yet to be released I make use of different module ID's which will become a conflict with BIB when I start releasing DCK Camo Pack addons (of which there are a few)



I think I'll actually just set my ID to higher number to future-proof it a bit then. I'll just go with 88.

Also, have you tried to switch the texture of the Panther engine? I can't seem to get it to work for me, wondering if that model uses a different texture sheet. I've tried all the obvious object names and none worked.

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  On 8/8/2017 at 11:55 AM, Rodger said:

I think I'll actually just set my ID to higher number to future-proof it a bit then. I'll just go with 88.

Also, have you tried to switch the texture of the Panther engine? I can't seem to get it to work for me, wondering if that model uses a different texture sheet. I've tried all the obvious object names and none worked.


Download @sarbian's Debug Stuff

It works as is in KSP v1.3 ... it will show you the mesh names for any part (although parts with lots of mesh names may end up having the report truncated)


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Version 0.2 released, including compatibility for @SuicidalInsanity's M2X! :cool: Also includes compatibility for Ven's Stock Revamp.


There are also now some optional patches:
One to change the default texture setting for the stock parts to be the black texture, to save you switching every part if you mainly want to use the black option.
And one to just replace the texture of the M2X parts, instead of making copies of the parts with the black texture. Useful for if you never want the white parts, and want to reduce part clutter in the editors. (Texture switching didn't work on the M2X parts)

Please delete the old BackInBlack folder before installing 0.2, as patch structure has changed somewhat.

Edited by Rodger
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Just started using this mod and made a sick replica of an SR-71 blackbird. Just what I needed to help fill in that niche when it comes to proper coloration. I did notice a small glitch where almost all elevons weren't turning color but otherwise everything has been A-okay.

I know requests are usually really annoying but is it possible to include compatibility with Airplane Plus and Quiztech aerospace in the future?

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  On 8/11/2017 at 6:54 AM, Rodger said:

Found the problem, and fixed. Looks like Search and Replace got the better of me in some file paths for elevon textures haha


Хвала лепо! :D

Thanks mate. Now I can go back to making unrealistic    a n d  a e s t h e t i c    fighter aircraft.




VFA-46K "Alkavolga" Air Superiority Fighter



VUnAS-4L "Drekoviac" THEL equipped drone


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Looks like I'm going to be adding texture switching to the M2X parts, which means the parts won't need to be duplicated to have a black version as well as a white version. However, that means if anyone's used the duplicated 'black edition' M2X parts, the next update is going to depreciate those parts. I'll try keep the parts valid for the next release, bit it will be best to switch to using the 'black retexture' M2X patch if you aren't already ASAP, and they will become switchable when that release is ready.

And cool planes Krulliam! :)

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V0.3 is live! Including support for QuizTech!


And now M2X parts have texture switching! Currently some parts just have multiple texture switch modules, but hopefully soon they will be grouped together into one control per part (pending an IFS update). For now, enjoy some funny black and white mixed parts if you so wish lol

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Version 0.4 is released, bringing support for @K.Yeon's OPT!

Also updated some stock parts, and some Ven's parts:

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Note: to get black OPT/QuizTech/Ven's parts, you now need to download the mods texture pack, split off from the stock texture parts to save on download size.

Special thanks to @FreeThinker for adding multiple texture support to IFS, allowing multiple textures to be switched with one control!

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