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Kerbal Express Airlines - Regional Jet Challenge (Reboot Continued)

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  On 1/13/2019 at 7:36 PM, NightshineRecorralis said:

What about cargo doors?

The kerbals are technically inside a cabin, open the doors, deploy the chutes, and it's off to the races!

(No I will not be building one)


I did build one, the Skots Economy.

None were bought, which I think is a bit unfair considering that it was actually good at carrying cargo.


Now since everyone remembers the famous success of the Sky Titanic (Review here. Basically if you turn or land it explodes, it looks awesome.) we decided to improve on the design, and change the name because we think it may have been jinxed. I'm not going to submit it yet, I want to make the air-frame more stable at high altitude and speeds. (It tends to start suddenly backflipping and then fall feet first into the sea) I have fixed the tendency to disintegrate, by shortening the wings. Which also made it faster and with the new landing gear it takes off at about 60m/s anyway, so the longer wings were completely pointless. I also replaced the engines, it is about 60m/s faster now.

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Gawain Aeroplane Industries Presents:

The GAI Britannic


With 912 passengers it's a modified Sky Titanic. We fixed the problems it has (such as rapid unplanned disintegration) and improved the plane.
The main changes involve a complete rework of the structure and supports, new landing gear and reduced wing-span. It was found that the wingspan in the Titanic was too long, and twisting the fuselages inward in turns. Previously our engineers had no idea what auto-strut was, (the Skots Squirrel is I think the largest plane to not use autostrut) but this new technology has meant the airframe now can be stronger, lighter and cheaper. The elevators were reduced in size and the canards removed, along with the experimental airbrakes. (Elevons which extended with the brake AG - doesn't work for a plane this big)

There are also a few additional cabins near the rear, bringing the passenger count to 912. Partcount has been reduced from 325 to only 192. We changed the engines too.

Takeoff distance is very short, just pitch up once you get to 40m/s and the plane will lift off at about 60, before getting to the astronaut complex. The afterburners are recommended for this.

Price: $299,503,000

Passengers: 912

Part count: 192, 10 engines.

Speed: 271m/s @ 4000m dry, 580 m/s wet.

Range: ~5100km dry, ~2000 wet

It's recommended to fly between 400 and 5000m. The pitch is very powerful and the plane can enter a spin, which is done more easily at high speed/altitude. The engine gimbal (AG2) is recommended to be disabled when going over 180m/s. Afterburners (AG1) recommended for climbing and takeoff. If a spin is entered the rear parachutes normally used for braking can be instead used to get the plane back under control. At high speed we advise turning very slowly and cautiously, even though the parachutes can bring the plane out of a spin.

If they are used in flight, the plane can go to about 580m/s, this makes it the largest supersonic jumbo. (Possibly, I don't know if it has more passengers than @Andetch's Mr Tiddles) It can also water ditch safely, and take-off again. (For water takeoff, frontal flaps (AG3) are recommended.)

Since it can takeoff from water, we're also entering it as a flying ship, and we put rope attachment points on the plane so it can be operated out of harbours and moor at docks like a proper ship, there are even small underwater water-jets to help with docking.

Get your here: https://kerbalx.com/BristolBrick/GAI-Brittanic

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  On 1/14/2019 at 12:23 AM, FahmiRBLXian said:

@panzerknoef, could it give the spreadsheet a bit of editing? Which is about adding manufacturers name. Some of them are missing, not just mine.

But if you'd like to add one yourself, here's my guidelist :

More coming soon.




  On 1/14/2019 at 1:25 AM, lapis said:

My company is Lapis Industries. May I change it?


I made that second spreadsheet for y'all to edit and play around with so yes, you may change it

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Kerbus is revisiting our plane offerings.

The first major update is the Kerbus K-350-600.



We managed to greatly increase the capacity of the K-350-300 to 144, and the price only increases to 29,723,000 Kerbucks, making it one of the cheapest supersonic jet. Unlike the K-380-400 jumbo jet, this plane is optimized for shorter flights, with range of about 3000km, and by carrying less fuel we make it even more fuel efficient than the K-380-400!

Cruising speed: 610m/s Range: 3000km
Cruising altitude: 10600m
Fuel burn during cruising: 0.12 unit/s

Notes for taking off:
Pull up at 75m/s. Level off to pick up more speed. We recommend climbing at 200m/s. Turn on the afterburners (AG1) at 4000m. Ease off the climb at 9000m and fly level at the required altitude and at 620m/s. Turn back to dry mode and engage prograde lock for cruising. In prograde cruising mode, the plane would first climb and descend in 200m cycles, gradually converging to the optimal cruising altitude. To make convergence faster, temporary turn to SAS when the vertical speed is above 5m/s, level the flight and turn back to prograde mode.

Notes for landing:
Approach at 75-85m/s and land at 70-80m/s.

To save review time we suggest replacing the K-350-300 entry with this one.


The second update is the Kerbus K-250


With newly designed wings, we turn the turboprop into a usable bush plane. It now takes off at 42m/s, requiring 550m of runway, and can land on the same short runway without problem.

Eco. cruising speed: 200 m/s @6250m (about 1/3 throttle) Range: 1200km
Max. cruising speed: 320m/s @8500m

For taking off: lower flaps (AG2) when the plane reaches 35m/s. Pull up gently (about 5 degrees nose up) at 40m/s. After taking off quickly retract the flaps (AG2) and landing gear and level off to pick up more speed. The pilot may then pitch up further.
For landing: AG1 toggles thrust reverse. However, high reverse thrust pitches the plane down, so we recommend no more than 1/5 throttle for reverse thrust. Lower the flaps (AG2), approach at 55-70m/s and land at 45-55m/s. The pilot needs to adjust throttle quickly, because the plane is a little underpowered below 50m/s, but accelerates quickly above that speed.



Edited by TheFlyingKerman
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  On 1/14/2019 at 4:01 PM, HolidayTheLeek said:

Hey guys I haven't been here for awhile, glad to see the challenge is still going. I was just wondering if my HC-3 Dart ever got reviewed.


Big thankies and PS, my company is Uncle Carlos Aerospace, or UCA for short.


It hasn't been reviewed yet, your plane is on page 38 apparently. Reviews are currently around page 13 

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Test Pilot Review: @Gaarst's- Kerbalespace: X-1500B "Rømer"


Figures as Tested:

  • Price: 66.068000
  • Fuel: 1320kallons
  • Cruising speed: 1600m/s
  • Cruising altitude: 26000m
  • Fuel burn rate: 0.4kal/s
  • Range:  5200km

Review Notes:

First of all, the X-1500B just looks fast. It's a delta design, there's no way those aircraft are ever slow, right? This time, looks did in fact not deceive, the X-1500B is fast, bloody fast! Sales dated stated a cruising speed of 1500m/s, but I could easily manage to hold on to a speed of 1600m/s. It's not just the cruising speed which is fast though, it takes off fast, it ascends ludicrously fast, and it reaches that cruising speed very quickly as well, unlike a lot of other planes. Despite the insanely high speeds, the X-1500B actually never loses its maneuverability, makes for very easy altitude control up high, and fun maneuvering down low. Range is estimated at a very high 5200km, which I can assume to actually be a fairly accurate measure, We've taken it out for a spin and flew 4500km, at the end of the flight, there still was fuel to spare! It glides very good as well, making for easy landings. Passengers should also have a pleasant time in this aircraft, the mark 2 cabins do their job of providing great luxury. Wing mounted engines placed behind the cabins do a great deal in boosting comfort as well. There's a major problem though...Passenger count, it only carries 16, way less than the 40 stated in the requirements! For 16 passengers, 66.068000 isn't exactly a low price either...

The Verdict:

The X-1500B is an excellent airplane, does exactly what it is designed for as well, going very very fast. It does this with great comfort too, sadly the amount of passengers simply isn't enough. We'd still like to buy 2 for the occasional circumnavigational race. 

Edited by panzerknoef
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Dart XL     Supersonic Kerbal Transport

Full album: https://imgur.com/a/PZkOFYa

Download: https://kerbalx.com/DemoRevolution/DART-XL


  • Fuel once at cruising speed: 12300 Kallons
  • Cruising Speed: 1465m/s
  • Cruising Altitude: 18km
  • Fuel Burn rate: 2.25 kal/sec
  • Range:m 8000km
  • Crew Capacity: 64 Kerbals
  • Price: 169,850,000



  • Fast!
  • Relatively large crew capacity
  • long range


  • Slow to reach cruising speed and altitude
  • hard to slow down
  • Small amount of clipping just to make use of the fairings


(Flight instructions on the kerbalx page)

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Test Pilot Review: @MaverickSawyer's - Maverick AeroSpace Technologies: MAST PJ-1 "Puddle Jumper"


Figures as Tested:

  • Price: 16.815.000
  • Fuel: 300kallons
  • Cruising speed: 160m/s
  • Cruising altitude: 3000m
  • Fuel burn rate: 0.03kal/s
  • Range:  1600km

Review Notes:

When you think of a turboprop aircraft, isn't this exactly what comes to mind? The PJ-1 looks gorgeous from every angle you look at it. Of course we hoped that the good news wouldn't end after the design, and thankfully, it didn't! Jeb and Bill got in, turned on the engines and accelerated over the runway, at around 50m/s the plane took the to skies with ease. Thanks to the good turboprop engines, acceleration is quick as well, leading to an airplane that doesn't need a lot of room to get airborne. Also, no matter how hard we tried, we just couldn't get a tailstrike on the PJ-1. Maneuverability excels in all areas, great roll, great pitch and great yaw. We don't think this plane would do poorly in an aerobatics team. The PJ-1 lands very easily as well and comes to a quick halt. It also ditches safely in water, and is almost capable of taking back off again. Cruise speed is a bit slow at 160m/s, but it makes up for that with an incredibly low fuel consumption of 0.03, making for a very passable range of 1600km, twice of what's stated in the requirements! Passenger comfort is perhaps a bit of a let down, but that really only is because the rest of the plane is so good. The engines are mounted ahead of the cabins, under the wing, which makes for a very noticeable hum in the cabins. However, they're placed a bit away from the cabins as well, so the noise could definitely be worse! The design setup is excellent at minimizing vibrations though! Price for this aircraft is slightly above average at 16.815.000, once again though, we won't be needing any pilot retraining, and thanks to the low fuel consumption costs to keep this aircraft aloft are very limited as well.

The Verdict:

The PJ-1"PuddleJumper" excels in the role of turboprop! Sure, it's a bit more expensive than the average turboprop, but it more than makes up for that with excellent flight characteristics, good range, decent comfort and last but not least, the ability to service almost every airfield out there (thank to that handy ramp which we didn't mention before)! We'd like to order a set of 15 PJ-1's

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  On 1/15/2019 at 5:11 PM, MaverickSawyer said:

Aaay, first design, first success! Glad to hear that you enjoy the Puddle Jumper.


I would love to see something like my KS-110 Series (Not yet submitted in this challenge) from you. If you decide to make something like it, good luck! :)

Your PJ-1 seems like an amazing airplane from the review!

Edited by Bottle Rocketeer 500
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  On 1/14/2019 at 7:53 PM, panzerknoef said:

Test Pilot Review: @Gaarst's- Kerbalespace: X-1500B "Rømer"



Hey I completely forgot about this thing! Happy to see it's considered a good design.

I was originally planning on waiting for feedback before making an upscaled version that would meet the 40 passengers requirement... and then I forgot I even built this plane.

I might get back to the drawing board for that bigger plane now...

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  On 1/16/2019 at 12:05 PM, KestrelAerospace said:

This looks great! It's nice to see a true stock turboprop entering the competition!


This is just the beginning, I have a much improved version on the way ;)

If you so desire, you can replace my original submission with this version, if you don't want to review both. 

Kerbatros Dash-5A

Download: https://kerbalx.com/Jon144/Kerbatros-Dash-5A

Specifications and details within the spoiler.

  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by Jon144
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  On 1/14/2019 at 1:25 AM, lapis said:

My company is Lapis Industries. May I change it?



  On 1/17/2019 at 5:51 AM, epicman81 said:

my company is Vertech


Calm down, calm down. I'm in Boarding School, I'll be revisiting companies this early February (This Chinese New Year holiday).

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The C16-184-H "Box II" is a new box-wing hopper by Royal. We at Royal feel that it reflects our focus on high-capacity, flexible craft. As a box wing aircraft design stolen from inspired by Matt Lowne, it requires half the wingspan of a similarly-sized craft and is extraordinarily stable. It can go long distances or short distances, but is especially adept at navigating city airspace due to its quiet engines. As a 184 seater, it qualifies as a jumbo jet but doesn't fly as such. We hope you enjoy the test flight:

Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/KingDomino/C16-184-H-Box-2/parts

Cost: :funds:75,015,000

Recommended cruising speed: 300 m/s

Recommended cruising altitude: 2500m-4000m

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Kerbus is revisiting our seaplane line. With the K-240, the K-230-300 is clearly obsolete, so we decided to replace it by a bigger and more fuel efficient seaplane. The Kerbus K-310



Cruising speed: 640m/s
Cruising altitude: 11850m
Fuel burn during cruising: 0.074 unit/s Range: 5000km KPPM: 0.0033
Cost: 25 007 000 Part count: 39

Notes for taking off:
Pull up at 70m/s. Climbing at 10 degrees. Turn on the afterburners (AG1) at 7000m. Ease off the climb at 10000m and fly level at the required altitude and at 650m/s. Turn back to dry mode and engage prograde lock for cruising. In prograde cruising mode, the plane would first climb and descend in 200m cycles, gradually converging to the optimal cruising altitude. To make convergence faster, temporary turn to SAS when the vertical speed is above 5m/s, level the flight and turn back to prograde mode.

Notes for landing on water:
Lower flaps (AG2). Fly at about 50m ASL with nose pointing 10 degrees above horizon. Lower into water at less than 2m/s vertical by further reducing throttle/speed.

Notes for taking off from water:
Lower flaps. Gradually increase throttle (so that the thrust doesn’t push the nose down). Pull up at 60m/s.

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