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Abbreviations for Add'Ons


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I recently borked beautifully on naming an Add'On of mine because I didn't knew about the abbreviation adopted for an Add'On, and now I want to prevent this mishap from  happening again. :)

So I'm asking for the Forum most used abbreviations for the Add'Ons.

This is what I got to this time:

AAP	Atmospheric Autopilot	
AAW	Arc Aerospace's Wyvern	(*)
APP	Airplane Plus	
APUS	Aerospace Passenger & Utility System	
ARP	Alternate Resource Panel	
ATM	Active Texture Management	
AVC	Addon Version Checker	
AVP	Astronomer's Visual Pack	
B9PS	B9 Part Switch	
B9PW	B9 Procedural Wings	
BARIS	Building A Rocket Isn't Simple	
BDA	BDArmory	
BDB	Bluedog Design Bureau	
BDBNIC	BDB Now In Colors	
BFS	Banana for Scale	
BH	Beyond Home	
BOMP	Bolt-On Mission Probes	
BOSS	Bolt-On Screenshot System	
BTSM	Better Than Starting Manned	
CA	Cormorant Aeronology	
CC	Configurable Containers	
CCK	Community Category Kit	
CCK	Community Category Kit	
CL	Comfortable Landing	
CLS	Connected Living Spaces	
CNAR	Completely Non-Aggressive Rocketry	
CRE	Commonwealth Rocketry Establishment	
CRP	Community Resource Pack	
CTT	Community Tech Tree	
CTTP	Community Terrain Texture Pack	
CWA	Cold War Aerospace	
CxA	CxAerospace (Station Parts)	
DART	D.A.R.T. (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) Range Challenge	
DMOS	DMagic Orbital Science	 
DOE	Distant Objects Enhancement	
DPAI	Docking Port Alignment Indicator	
DRE	Deadly Re-Entry	
DSEV	Deep Space Exploration Vessels	
EER	Editor Extensions Redux	
EL	Extraplanetary Launchpads	
EVE	Environmental Visual Enhancements	
EVS	Easy Vessel Switch	
FAR	Ferram Airspace Research	
FFT	Far Future Technologies	
FMRS	Flight Manager for Reusable Stages	
FS	Firespitter	
FSX	Firespitter Extended	(*)
FTE	Fuel Tank Expansion	
FUR	Feline Utility Rovers	
GAP	Give Aircraft a Purpose	
GC	Global Construction	
GEP	Grannus Expansion Pack	
GPP	Galileo's Planet Pack	
GT	Gravity Turn Continued	
HE	Hangar Extender	
HEE	Hangar Extender Extended	
HGR	Home Grown Rockets	
HLA	Hooligan Labs Airships	
HT	Benjee’s HabTech	(*)
HT	Benjee’s HabTech	(*)
HT2	Benjee’s HabTech 2	(*)
HT2	Benjee’s HabTech 2	(*)
IFS	Interstellar Fuel Switch	
IL	Indicator Lights	
IR	Infernal Robotics	
IR/N	Infernal Robotics/Next	(*)
IRCS	Internal RCS	
JFA	JebFarAway 	
JNSQ	JNSQ (Je Ne Sais Quio) Planet Pack	
KA	Kerbal Atomics	
KAC	Kerbal Alarm Clock	
KAS	Kerbal Attachment System	
KAX	Kerbal Aircraft Expansion	
KCT	Kerbal Construction Time	
KDEX	Kerbal Dust EXperiment	
KEI	Kerbal Environmental Institute	
KER	Kerbal Engineer Redux	
KFS	Kerbal Flying Saucers	
KHI	Kerbal Historical Institute	
KIFA	Kerbal Inventory for All	
KIS	Kerbal Inventory System	
KISS	Kerbal Improved Save System	
KJR	Kerbal Joing Reinforcement	
KK	Kerbal Konstructs	
KKP	Capsule Corp. Kerbal Kolonization Program	
KMP	Kerbal Multiplayer	
KOOSE	Kerbal Orbital Operations Safety Equipment	
KOP	Kopernicus	
KOPEX	Kopernicus Expansion	
KPBS	Kerbal Planetary Base Systems	
KRE	Kerbal Reusability Expansion	
KSOS	Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System	
KSPRC	KSP Renaissance Compilation	
KSR	Kerbinside Remastered	
KSRSS	Kerbal Size Real Solar System	
KVASS	Kerbal Very Simplified Simulation And Planning	
KVV	Kronal Vessel Viewer	
KW	KW Rocketry	
KWP	Kerbal Weather Project	
KWT	Kerbal Wind Tunnel	
LBPP	Large Boat Parts Pack	(*)
LLL	Lack Luster Labs	
M2X	Mk2 Expansion	
M3X	Mk3 Expansion	
MAS	MoarDV Avionics Systems	
MCE 	Mission Controller Extended	
MFI	Modular Flight Integrator	
MFT	Modular Fuel Tanks	
MJ2	Mech Jeb 2	
MLP	Modular Launch Pads	
MPE	Minor Planets Expansion	
MPR	Moderately Plane Related	(*)
MRS	Modular Rocket Systems	
MSRC	Mini Sample Return Capsule	
NAP	Neist Airliner Parts	
NFA	Near Future Aeronautics	
NFC	Near Future Construction	(*)
NFE	Near Future Electrical	(*)
NFEX	Near Future Exploration	(*)
NFLV	Near Future Launch Vehicles	(*)
NFPR	Near Future Propulsion	(*)
NFS	Near Future Solar	(*)
NFSC	Near Future Spacecraft	(*)
NFT	Near Future Technologies	
OC	Mk1 Open Cockpit	
OPM	Outer Planets Mod	
OPR	Old Parts Redux	
OPT	OPT Space Planes	
OPx	Outer Planets Expansion
OSE	OSE Workshop	
OSS	Omega's Stockalike Structures (No Textures Required)	(==)
OSSNTR	Omega's Stockalike Structures (No Textures Required)	(==)
OSUV	Omega's Stockalike Utility Vehicles	
PBC	Probes Before Crew	
PHP	Porkjet’s Habitat Pack	(*)
PKMC	Post Kerbin Mining Corporation	
PN	Precise Node	
PRC	Portable Rover Components	
RE	Real Engines	
REKT	Recoverable Emergency Kerbal Transport	
RO	Realism Overhaul	
RP	RealPlume	
RP-x	Realistic Progression	
RPM	Raster Prop Monitor	
RR	Rational Resources	
RS	Restock	
RS+	Restock+	(==)
RSB	Real Scale Boosters	
RSP	Restock+	(==)
RSS	Real Solar System	
RT	Remote Tech	
RT2	Remote Tech 2	
SAE	Stockalike Aircraft Expansion	
SAF	Simple Adjustable Fairings	
SEP	Surface Experiment Pack (deprecated in favor of Breaking Ground)	
SH	SystemHeat	
SK	Station Keeping	
SMCE	Spanner Monkey	
SME	Stockalike Mining Extension	
SMM	SM Marine	(*)
SOCK	Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit	
SSPX	Stockalike Station Parts Expansion (Classic)	
SSPXr	Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux	
SSR	SSR Microsat	
SUA	Speed Unit Annex	
SVE	Stock Visual Enhancements	
SVT	Stock Visual Terrain	
SW	ShadowWorks	(!)
SW	SunkWorks	(!)
SWE	Stock Waterfall Effects	
SXT	Lack's Stock Extension	
TAC-LS	TAC – Life Support	
TCA	Throttle Controlled Avionics	 
TDAPS	TiktaalikDreaming Advanced Propulsion Systems	 
TE	Tundra Exploration	 
TIRP	Tokamak Industries Refurbished Parts	(*)
TLA	The Life Aquatic	 
TR	Texture Replacer	 
TRJ	Trajectories	(?)
TRR	Texture Replacer Replaced	 
TS	TweakScale	
TSC	Tundra Space Center	  
TSCo	TweakScale Companion	(*)
TST	Tarsier Space Tech/Telescopes	 
TU 	Textures Unlimited	(==)
TUFX	Textures Unlimited FX	(==)
TURD	Textures Unlimited Recolour Depot	
UDKLD	UDK Large Structural Components	
US	Universal Storage	(==)
US1	Universal Storage	(==)
US2	Universal Storage II	(==)
USI	Umbra Space Industries	
USI-LS	Umbra Space Industries - Life Support	
USII	Universal Storage II	(==)
USII	Universal Storage II	 
VSR	Ven's Stock Revamp	 
WBI	Wild Blue Industries (all of them)	 
WF	Waterfall	 
x-Sci	[x] Science! Continued	(?)


  • Entries marked as "*" are suggestions by me, as I had the need to abbreviate these ones.
  • Entries marked as "?" are suggestions from contributors, pending confirmation from 3rd-parties.
  • Entries marked as "!" are collisions, and this need to be arbitrated somehow
  • Entries marked as "==" are synonyms used to designate the same Add’On

Is that list accurate? There're more entries to be added for sure, may I ask for suggestions?

(better, there's a place where these abbreviations are recorded? At this time, I found this one - but user focused, and I need a more "formalised" technical list)

Thanks to:

Consolidated data available on the TweakScale Companion Program's repository, a (WiP) CSV is available here.

Edited by Lisias
Updated abbrevs, 2024-0914
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  • CTT - Community Tech Tree
  • CRP - Community Resource Pack
  • EL - Extraplanetary Launchpads
  • EVS - Easy Vessel Switch
  • EVE - Environmental Visual Enhancements
  • IL - Indicator Lights
  • KEI - Kerbal Environmental Institute
  • KISS - Kerbal Improved Save System
  • KPBS - Kerbal Planetary Base Systems
  • USI - Umbra Space Industries
  • USI-LS - Umbra Space Industries - Life Support

I'm used to seeing B9PS or even just B9 instead of B9PSW.  

Usually just MJ is enough to refer to the current MechJeb 2.  I don't think I've ever seen referred to as MJ2.  I haven't been around long enough to ever have seen MechJeb 1.


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DPAI - Docking Port Alignment Indicator

NFA - Near Future Aeronautics

MRS - Modular Rocket Systems

GC - Global Construction

OSE - OSE Workshop

SSPX -  Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux

I think SSPX is still used primarily rather than SSPR or SSPxR

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  • 1 year later...

Kop - Kopernicus

Kopex - Kopernicus Expansion

MFI - Modular Flight Integrator

NFT - Near Future Technologies (the whole Nertea suite)

B9PW - B9 Procedural Wings

BDB - Bluedog Design Bureau

RSB - Real Scale Boosters

SXT - Lack's Stock Extension

RR - Rational Resources

SSPXR - Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux - another common variant

KVASS - Kerbal Very Simplified Simulation And Planning

RO - Realism Overhaul

RP-x - Realistic Progression (for above)

KCT - Kerbal Construction Time

TR, TRR - Texture Replacer and Texture Replacer Replaced(old fork)

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  • KRE    Kerbal Reusability Expansion
  • RS    Restock
  • RS+    Restock+
  • VSR    Ven's Stock Revamp
  • HGR    Home Grown Rockets
  • SOCK    Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit
  • KFS    Kerbal Flying Saucers
  • SH    SystemHeat
  • WF     Waterfall
  • TE    Tundra Exploration
  • KK    Kerbal Konstructs
  • KSR    Kerbinside Remastered
  • OSSNTR/OSS    Omega's Stockalike Structures (No Textures Required)
  • OSUV    Omega's Stockalike Utility Vehicles
  • TSC    Tundra Space Center
  • TST    Tarsier Space Tech/Telescopes
  • AVP    Astronomer's Visual Pack
  • WBI    Wild Blue Industries (all of them)
  • PBC    Probes Before Crew
  • CNAR    Completely Non-Aggressive Rocketry
  • KAX    Kerbal Aircraft Expansion
  • KA    Kerbal Atomics
  • FFT   Far Future Technologies
  • M2X    Mk2 Expansion
  • M3X    Mk3 Expansion
  • CA    Cormorant Aeronology
  • MAS    MoarDV Avionics Systems
  • PRC    Portable Rover Components
  • KSPRC    KSP Renaissance Compilation
  • HT2    HabTech2 (not sure how common this is)
  • KWP    Kerbal Weather Project
  • TCA    Throttle Controlled Avionics
  • CxA    CxAerospace
  • KKP    Capsule Corp. Kerbal Kolonization Program
  • APUS    Aerospace Passenger & Utility System
  • IRCS    Internal RCS (again, unsure how common this is)
  • FUR    Feline Utility Rovers
  • BOMP    Bolt-On Mission Probes
  • BOSS    Bolt-On Screenshot System
  • CLS    Connected Living Spaces
  • REKT    Recoverable Emergency Kerbal Transport
  • KOOSE    Kerbal Orbital Operations Safety Equipment
  • US2/USII    Universal Storage II
  • CRE    Commonwealth Rocketry Establishment
  • OC    Mk1 Open Cockpit
  • SAF    Simple Adjustable Fairings
  • FMRS    Flight Manager for Reusable Stages
  • KIFA    Kerbal Inventory for All
  • SW    either ShadowWorks or SunkWorks
  • TDAPS    TiktaalikDreaming Advanced Propulsion Systems
  • CC    Configurable Containers
  • MPE    Minor Planets Expansion
  • TUFX    Textures Unlimited FX (completely independent of TU, just has the same author)
  • BARIS    Building A Rocket Isn't Simple
  • DSEV    Deep Space Exploration Vessels
  • BDA    BDArmory
  • SWE    Stock Waterfall Effects
  • OPM    Outer Planets Mod
  • GPP    Galileo's Planet Pack
  • BH    Beyond Home
  • CL    Comfortable Landing
  • DMOS    DMagic Orbital Science
  • KDEX    Kerbal Dust EXperiment
  • SAE    Stockalike Aircraft Expansion
  • KWT    Kerbal Wind Tunnel
  • MSRC    Mini Sample Return Capsule
  • MLP    Modular Launch Pads
  • BDBNIC BDB Now In Colors
  • RP    RealPlume
  • CWA    Cold War Aerospace
  • SSR    SSR Microsat
  • OPR Old Parts Redux
  • SME    Stockalike Mining Extension
  • KSOS    Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System
  • AVC    Addon Version Checker
  • ARP    Alternate Resource Panel
  • KVV    Kronal Vessel Viewer
  • FTE    Fuel Tank Expansion
  • SUA    Speed Unit Annex
  • SEP    Surface Experiment Pack (deprecated in favor of Breaking Ground)
  • KHI    Kerbal Historical Institute
  • SSPX is the old and deprecated one, SSPXr is the new one
Edited by OrdinaryKerman
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  • 1 year later...

Removed some duplicates.

Added or updated:

AAW	Arc Aerospace's Wyvern						(*)
FSX	Firespitter Extended						(*)
HT	Benjee’s HabTech						(*)
HT2	Benjee’s HabTech 2						(*)
IR/N	Infernal Robotics/Next						(*)
LBPP	Large Boat Parts Pack						(*)
MPR	Moderately Plane Related					(*)
MRS	Modular Rocket Systems
MSRC	Mini Sample Return Capsule
NAP	Neist Airliner Parts
PHP	Porkjet’s Habitat Pack						(*)
RE	Real Engines
RS+	Restock+							(==)
RSP	Restock+							(==)
SMCE	Spanner Monkey
SMM	SM Marine							(*)
TIRP	Tokamak Industries Refurbished Parts				(*)
UDKLD	UDK Large Structural Components
US	Universal Storage						(==)
US1	Universal Storage						(==)
US2	Universal Storage II						(==)
USII	Universal Storage II						(==)

New Symbols.

Links to the TSCo where this data is being tracked and versioned.

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  • 6 months later...

CTTP    Community Terrain Texture Pack
DART    D.A.R.T. (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) Range Challenge
GEP     Grannus Expansion Pack
JNSQ    JNSQ (Je Ne Sais Quio) Planet Pack
KSRSS   Kerbal Size Real Solar System
SVE     Stock Visual Enhancements
SVT     Stock Visual Terrain

SVT is obsolete but it technically still exists and is available to download.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Added or updated:

CTTP	Community Terrain Texture Pack
DART	D.A.R.T. (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) Range Challenge
GEP	Grannus Expansion Pack
JFA	JebFarAway							(?)
JNSQ	JNSQ (Je Ne Sais Quio) Planet Pack
KSRSS	Kerbal Size Real Solar System
SVE	Stock Visual Enhancements
SVT	Stock Visual Terrain

Thanks for @OhioBob and @D4RKN3R!


Edited by Lisias
Forgot the link.
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  • 1 month later...
2 hours ago, Grenartia said:

whatever PBR and PQS mean

These aren't abbreviations for addons. They're abbreviations for aspects of the scene and aren't limited to within KSP. PBR means Physically Based Rendering which is a way of calculating the looks of materials from an object's given textures and shader. When someone says PBR they typically mean [properly rendering metallic looks] and using a "metallic workflow" and not "specular workflow" to produce textures. PQS means Procedural Quad Sphere. This is the terrain generation technique of KSP. A planet's surface is built from quads (4-sided polygons) and these quads become smaller and more fine (for increasing level of detail) with proximity to the camera or active vessel).

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2 hours ago, Grenartia said:


Could whatever PBR and PQS mean be added? I keep seeing them pop up, but without context on what they actually mean.

Are you meaning Unity's PBR and KSP's implementation for  PQS (procedural quadtree sphere)?

I originally envisioned an add'ons acronyms database, but something more generic would be useful too - no doubt.

What do you think on this thread?



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1 hour ago, JadeOfMaar said:

These aren't abbreviations for addons. They're abbreviations for aspects of the scene and aren't limited to within KSP. PBR means Physically Based Rendering which is a way of calculating the looks of materials from an object's given textures and shader. When someone says PBR they typically mean [properly rendering metallic looks] and using a "metallic workflow" and not "specular workflow" to produce textures. PQS means Procedural Quad Sphere. This is the terrain generation technique of KSP. A planet's surface is built from quads (4-sided polygons) and these quads become smaller and more fine (for increasing level of detail) with proximity to the camera or active vessel).

Thank you!



45 minutes ago, Lisias said:

Are you meaning Unity's PBR and KSP's implementation for  PQS (procedural quadtree sphere)?

I originally envisioned an add'ons acronyms database, but something more generic would be useful too - no doubt.

What do you think on this thread?



In light of Jade's response, I guess I am referring to those things. I'll look at the other thread now.

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