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EVO | Extreme Visual Overhaul for RSS | Beta 0.3 "Mostly Stable"


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  On 8/22/2021 at 1:55 PM, Georgecosmos said:

Hello, I just installed EVO and have two problems:

-Earth has Blurry Clouds

-Uranus has a massive white ring around it


Any ideas on how to solve this problem?




  On 10/9/2021 at 3:03 PM, lionbeast321 said:

Uranus' rings are bugged, when they face the sun they are pure white and on the dark side it is pitch black, did I do the install wrong?


here is the picture




Late response, but I also had these issues. If anyone else has blurry clouds for Earth, I fixed it by downgrading to EVO 0.3 RC1 from RC2.

For fixing the Uranus rings, this github post has fix: https://github.com/Its-Just-Luci/EVO/issues/10

I placed the UranusRing.png in RSS-Textures -> PluginData.

Mod looks great! I am on 1.10.1 for reference.


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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I got the mod and put the RSS-Textures folder where it was supposed to go, but it said there was already a mars color file.   I told it to replace it.   Now mars it completely white, which I don't think is supposed to happen.    Any idea why this is.   Playing on 1.12.2

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@SkywavestarWelcome to the forums.   We ask that you include an English translation for any posts outside the "International" sub forums.  I have google translated for you for the rest of the members this time. 

  On 1/12/2022 at 12:03 PM, Skywavestar said:



Can support KSP 1.9.0?

  On 1/12/2022 at 12:23 PM, Skywavestar said:



Is it possible that it is a problem with the settings of TUFX,

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  On 1/12/2022 at 1:10 PM, Gargamel said:


可以支持KSP 1.9.0吗?



OK,I'll try

↑Machine translation

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  On 2/15/2021 at 3:48 AM, ItsJustLuci said:








这是EVO,是对Solar System进行的视觉大修,同时提供出色的继承者的性能。@pingopete的RVE 64K项目,提供旨在类似水平的视觉
保真度,同时还提供更多面向性能的选项。EVO也将对贡献开放,情况理想 下在接下来的几年里仍然的英文一个 从未 完成的项目。
看到这个版本和系统在视觉效果方面的巨大以及在新中使用我的一些旧最爱(RVE 6)时出现错误后,我受到启发制作包
――――― ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ――――――― ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――——了,

  • RVE64k 和 RSSVE几乎 不折不扣的组合
  • 32k、48k 和 64k 土地谷选项,从 RVE 4k 修改
  • 地球的新海洋和大气配置
  •  来自航天发动机的32K 48K城市灯光,具有基于卫星图像的新8K城市地面纹理
  • 新的火星
  • 一些天体的靴印
  • 一个新的 Sunflare 来自 @Avera9eJoe美丽的光谱视觉纲要
  •  Scatterer 0.07 支持,以及 Godrays 和 Wave Collisions
  • 一个可选的 TUFX 预设,基于 RVE64k 的传奇 KS3P 预设
  • 雾到金星和泰坦
  • 火星沙尘暴
  • 极光到木星
  • 六边形风暴到土星
  • 到土卫二的间歇泉
  • IO 上的熔岩
  • 多得多...

―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

故障排除/常见问题解答P L E A S E R E A D : 


  • 灯光没有显示/看不到 按 alt+0,按EVE菜单中的箭头转到纹理并点击应用,转到城市灯光并点击应用,如果地形现在看起来不亮,按 alt+11 和映射EVE云。
  • 地形是白色的/看不见的! 99% 的时间,这是由于安装不当造成的,请阅读说明。严重地。如果这不起作用,请尝试上面的修复,因为它通常也会修复该问题
  • 下一次更新什么时候来? 当谈到。我在大学,工作,每周播放 2 次流媒体,同时在 CH4 上工作(很快),所以请耐心等待,享受截图 <3 

―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――







警告: 截至目前,Kopernicus Bleeding Edge 不打算在正常播放中使用,不再推荐与此 mod 一起使用。 ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――许可: EVO 已根据知识共享署名-非商业性-相同方式共享 4.0 国际 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) 获得许可,因此您可以自由地重新分发、修改和复制 mod 的内容,只要您注明并注明适当的作者, 保持非商业性并在同一许可下分发(CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

城市之光纹理和其他在 mod 中标记为空间引擎资产的纹理未根据上述许可获得许可,并且在空间引擎团队的许可下使用请勿重新分发

―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――


@blackrack -

  • 为行星增添更好的海洋和大气层

@JadeOfMaar -玛尔的太阳耀斑

@Waz - 环境视觉增强

  • 添加大量视觉功能,此处无法列出

@pingopete - RVE64K

@tony48 - KSRSS(VE)

  • 添加了很多我的配置,从雪到熔岩等等

@G'th -广告阿斯特拉

  • 我使用了他们的极光纹理和六边形风暴,因为它们很容易成为我见过的最好的

@他们森 - RSSVE

@瓦比恩 - 哥白尼扩展续

  • 增加了引导程序的能力,以及许多其他的东西

@暗影法师 -  TUFX

  • KSP的时尚处理



@jrodriguez 提供谷歌和项目输入
@Jceratops 帮助测试模组
@pingopete 启发了这个项目,教会了我很多东西

下载:  Github







How should I install Evo?

I just opened the KSP

But it didn't work

I don't know how to install it at all

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  On 1/12/2022 at 3:03 PM, Skywavestar said:

How should I install Evo?

I just opened the KSP

But it didn't work

I don't know how to install it at all


你先把github上的所有东西下下来,然后把所有东西拖到ksp/gamedata里就好了 进游戏打开TUFX,将EVO beta.3 cfg 装进去就行了
you shall first download all the things on github, and then drag your downloads into ksp/gamedata. When you get into the game, click the TUFX icon and then apply the EVO beta.3 cfg

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  On 1/19/2022 at 1:38 AM, Victory Star Destroyer said:

你先把github上的所有东西都下下来,然后把所有东西拖到ksp/gamedata里就好了 进游戏打开TUFX,将EVO beta.3 cfg 装进去就行了
你应该先把所有东西都下载到github上,然后然后将您的下载内容拖入 ksp/gamedata。进入游戏后,点击 TUFX 图标,然后应用 EVO beta.3 cfg


thank you

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Hey, Im working on creating something similar to RVR64k in my install, but EVO just misses the little bit that made RVE so outstanding. Having installed RVE Continued I noticed that the cloud Resolution is poor and the Evo clouds are way better. Now with EVO, KS3P and TUFX working I notice one extra detail. The green shiny border after the sun disappeared over the horizon, its missing, it was one of the best parts of RVE in my opinion. How can I replicate that with the newest Scatterer? Thanks! Great Mod with Great potential! Also the Earth Auroras are close to invisible, I don't know how to make them as bright as the Jupiter ones.

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So, after days of debugging, coding and combining I can say that I'm 70% complete with RVE2.0, a combination of the best parts of RVE64K continued and EVO64K working in KSP 1.12.3, I still need to fix rings on the Ring planets, but I'm getting there. A custom TUFX Config is also in the making, I need to work with the Night Textures a bit, I just dont like the repeating patterns. The new RVE is also performance optimised and has fixed several Problems existing with RVE64k by Pingopete. I ask your permission to release this mod under my name with complete "on first Page" credit to both of you, Pingopete and ItsjustLuci. Thanks in ahead!

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  On 2/2/2022 at 8:25 PM, A-Aeronautics said:

So, after days of debugging, coding and combining I can say that I'm 70% complete with RVE2.0, a combination of the best parts of RVE64K continued and EVO64K working in KSP 1.12.3, I still need to fix rings on the Ring planets, but I'm getting there. A custom TUFX Config is also in the making, I need to work with the Night Textures a bit, I just dont like the repeating patterns. The new RVE is also performance optimised and has fixed several Problems existing with RVE64k by Pingopete. I ask your permission to release this mod under my name with complete "on first Page" credit to both of you, Pingopete and ItsjustLuci. Thanks in ahead!


I really like the sound of this. I can't get this EVO mod to work for the life of me.

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I've been having some trouble adding City Lights to other planets like Mars and the Moon for a future-type scenario.  Mapping EarthCities alphamap onto Mars or Luna yields no results, and I need some help using the EarthCities file to add cities to other planets.

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