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Kerbal Space Program 2 Release into Early Access Feb 24th

Intercept Games

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1 minute ago, ColdJ said:

Hi there. Could someone tell me what the minimum PC setup is likely to be to run this, CPU, GPU, RAM etc ?

Thank you.

AFAIK nothing has been released yet, and to say anything would be pure speculation.  

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1 minute ago, Gargamel said:

AFAIK nothing has been released yet, and to say anything would be pure speculation.  

As this is a thread from the developers, and they are releasing early access, I thought they are the most likely to know. If we buy early access and then find out our PC can't run it then that could be a difficulty.

So if a a developer checks this thread and could give us a general idea, that would be helpful.

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6 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

As this is a thread from the developers, and they are releasing early access, I thought they are the most likely to know. If we buy early access and then find out our PC can't run it then that could be a difficulty.

So if a a developer checks this thread and could give us a general idea, that would be helpful.

Check the steam page, that may have been updated. 

Edit: But to be honest, they’re not going to offer a “general idea”.   If they’re wrong and understate, they’re getting yelled at because “You lied and said my machine can run it”.    If they overstate, “You lied and said my machine couldn’t  run it and I spent $800 on new parts!”     

They’ll probably wait till closer to release date to say anything specific like that.    It’s hard to tell without even them knowing what the EA game will be like exactly. 

Edited by Gargamel
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11 minutes ago, Redneck said:

How do you know its been implemented? Show me

Speaking as an indie dev - While I can't literally show you, multiplayer is one of those critical foundational things, and likely why the whole thing took so long to get to just this state. To put it simply, if multiplayer foundations were not already implemented, then they would never be implemented. Its not the sort of thing you can just hammer down in at the end of development. Either its in there, or they're blatantly lying to our face through their teeth.

As for why its not on day one, multiplayer is also one of those things that tends to generate its own wealth of novel bugs that tend to look like something else is broken. Keeping it out of our hands while the major features come into play helps ensure the bugs they're fixing are actually for the major features.

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10 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

Hi there. Could someone tell me what the minimum PC setup is likely to be to run this, CPU, GPU, RAM etc ?

Thank you.

came here to ask exactly this question lol, I'm worried my laptop may not be able to handle it

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I'm really happy that we're getting early access. Even more so that they are deciding to actually finish features being put out. One big issue a lot of games have is too early access and just releasing things as soon as they're written. Flushing it out and releasing will definetly make people happy and provide the best experience overall.

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10 minutes ago, Gargamel said:

Check the steam page, that may have been updated. 

I have checked the steam page (even though I have never used steam in my life) and currently it says requirements still to come, so I will have to, "rely on the kindness of strangers"

Even a "It definitely won't run on this" would be helpful.

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1 hour ago, RealKerbal3x said:

I wouldn't be surprised if we see more star systems added even after the game is fully released, either through free updates or DLC. 

Agree, extra star systems are pretty independent of the rest of the game. 
But the hidden feature is weird, as its not something they would hide. 

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Just now, ColdJ said:

I have checked the steam page (even though I have never used steam in my life) and currently it says requirements still to come, so I will have to, "rely on the kindness of strangers"

Even a "It definitely won't run on this" would be helpful.

I amended my response above to preemptively respond to that comment :)    It would be nice to know, but in don’t think we’re going hear anything till the date is closer. 

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24 minutes ago, Redneck said:

How do you know its been implemented? Show me

Back in 2019-2020 during a @ShadowZone (I think it was?) with Nate Simpson, he mentioned something along the lines of "We've been trying multiplayer internally and I've never seen anyone laugh so loudly".

ShadowZone might be able to correct that quote word by word, but all in all goes to say that their internal builds already have most of those features already implemented, just not in a release-ready state.

Yo are just acting like they are scamming people by promising things that will never come, when it's a fact that they are not.
This is not Star Citizen, or any of the trillions of Early Access survival games that scammed people by paying youtubers like FrankieOnPc back in the day.

Matt Lowne already said in his video that during his talk with Nate, he mentioned Early Access won't be pre-Alpha, or Alpha, or Beta, so we can take from that that they are literally using the Early Access program as it was meant to-- A pre-release access for the community to shape the bigger features of the game by providing feedback. There is a huge dev team in KSP2 compared to what Squad was during most of KSP1's life, so it's likely that their workflow and update schedule will be much smoother and faster than what we got used to back in the day.

But in short, yes, multiplayer being on the works internally for a very long time is a known fact. 

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1 hour ago, KawaiiLucy said:

For when multiplayer gets implemented it would be nice to have the ability to spectate other players vessels. Maybe even interact at the same time, where pilot gets control over thrust and attitude, scientist over experiments and engineer over ship systems etc.  Just imagine being able to recreate Apollo with some friends and work together to make a succesful mission :D

This is an excellent idea. 

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Regarding requirements, I'm really hoping I can play KSP2 in any way better than KSP1.

My current hardware is modest to say the least

i7 7700
1060 6gb
16gb DDR4

But it can run KSP1 perfectly (unless I hyper-mod it with trillions of parts, hyperrealistic visuals and all that).

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Am I jumping to conclusions here or is this Wal from OPM? It has the distinctive pinched shape, looks like it's orbiting a parent body, and has a moon of its own. Very cool!

Edited by Ivy
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Huh, well I can definitely say this is not what I was expecting at all lol.

I  have to say I am feeling rather ambivalent regarding this news mostly because of were the game is going to be at starting at in Feb 2023 with colonies and interstellar missing.

There are much, much, much worse ways this situation could have been handled by the publishers, as we all know, so given the situation the developers are obviously in I suppose I won't complain too much about it.

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Bruh 3 years of delay to release in to Early Access :joy:.   [snip]

Let's hope the EA cycle of this release goes much better than the previous, and devs don't actively work against the community. Honestly best wishes, not sure I'll join the EA if you still plan to charge full price for it.

Edited by 18Watt
Edited by the Moderation Team for content.
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Although the little snippets of the new features we've seen so far is somewhat reassuring, their absence in the initial EA release really worries me. I hope all of that is somewhat finished and just needs polish before it's released to the public. I've also noticed that the graphics aspect of the game is somewhat of a downgrade compared to the modded KSP1 with Parallax and Scatterer.

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Can you please say Windows when you mean Windows? I  have a PC running Linux and saying "The game will be available on PC only during Early Access," is confusing when you later say "Will Mac or Linux versions come out in Early Access? These versions are part of our extended roadmap. We’ll share more information at a later date." If you need to distinguish PC/Windows from washing machine/Windows for legal reasons, by all means, say PC/Windows.

Heartbroken, darsie


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28 minutes ago, Profugo Barbatus said:

Speaking as an indie dev - While I can't literally show you, multiplayer is one of those critical foundational things, and likely why the whole thing took so long to get to just this state. To put it simply, if multiplayer foundations were not already implemented, then they would never be implemented. Its not the sort of thing you can just hammer down in at the end of development. Either its in there, or they're blatantly lying to our face through their teeth.

As for why its not on day one, multiplayer is also one of those things that tends to generate its own wealth of novel bugs that tend to look like something else is broken. Keeping it out of our hands while the major features come into play helps ensure the bugs they're fixing are actually for the major features.

Here I agree,  also the elephant in the room is multiplayer and time warp. I see two ways to solve this the simplest is: time warp is universal, all has to agree on it and set the alarm to end it. 
An much more advanced version will do some sort of catch up system to sync time between players.

Say you collect science on Minmus while he sends an base to Minmus. You do little time warp but need to time warp 8 days forward to match his time. Its then probably common time warp while you land at the base. 

However that should imply that multiplayer with timewarp disabled should be much easier outside of the multiplayer part :) 


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1 hour ago, Redneck said:

How do you know its been implemented? Show me

I mean I think if thats not something you feel like you can trust then probably just wait till it gets incorporated? Im personally most excited for colonies and resources which also wont be complete for a while, but having the chance to play and give feedback on all that as its being developed is completely my jam. 

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