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KSP2 Sneakpeeks


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  On 1/27/2023 at 8:24 PM, Bej Kerman said:

I don't see any KSP 1 screenshots that look better than KSP 2. Blackrack's clouds would clash against the super-cartoonish almost cel shaded Kerbals, even Restock doesn't manage to fully fix Squad's borked art direction, and no-one seems to have fixed that thing you occasionally get where terrain textures become super stretched if you fly far away to the outer Kerbol system. KSP 1 looks exactly like what you described, an attempt at hacking something together from a 10yr/o game that's greater than the sum of its parts. KSP 1 modded really doesn't look better than the new hotness, not even close really.


I would have to object. The volumetric clouds by Blackrack are incredibly 3D and fluffy, versus the KSP 2 clouds which are rigid and triangular. Now, I could be wrong, as the videos that we have seen could have been using low graphical settings, but it really does not look as good as Blackrack's clouds. I mean, if you fly into the clouds of Blackrack, you can see the muffled light from the sun trying to pierce through the clouds. The KSP 2 clouds are flat and are hardly what I would call volumetric. There is also weather effects, such as rain and dust storms in Blackrack's mod. Though, it is very silly to compare Blackrack's mod to KSP 2 as Blackrack is only focusing on working on weather effects and not so much a whole flipping game as the KSP 2 Developers are working amazingly on.

Edited by CytauriKerbal
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  On 1/28/2023 at 2:20 AM, CytauriKerbal said:

I would have to object. The volumetric clouds by Blackrack are incredibly 3D and fluffy, versus the KSP 2 clouds which are rigid and triangular. Now, I could be wrong, as the videos that we have seen could have been using low graphical settings, but it really does not look as good as Blackrack's clouds. I mean, if you fly into the clouds of Blackrack, you can see the muffled light from the sun trying to pierce through the clouds. The KSP 2 clouds are flat and are hardly what I would call volumetric. There is also weather effects, such as rain and dust storms in Blackrack's mod. Though, it is very silly to compare Blackrack's mod to KSP 2 as Blackrack is only focusing on working on weather effects and not so much a whole flipping game as the KSP 2 Developers are working amazingly on.


I wouldn't say that. The Blackrack clouds, if inserted in KSP 2, would hardly look like they were from the same game to me. I don't see what you mean by rigid and triangular, they look fine to me.

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  On 1/27/2023 at 8:24 PM, Bej Kerman said:

I don't see any KSP 1 screenshots that look better than KSP 2. Blackrack's clouds would clash against the super-cartoonish almost cel shaded Kerbals, even Restock doesn't manage to fully fix Squad's borked art direction, and no-one seems to have fixed that thing you occasionally get where terrain textures become super stretched if you fly far away to the outer Kerbol system. KSP 1 looks exactly like what you described, an attempt at hacking something together from a 10yr/o game that's greater than the sum of its parts. KSP 1 modded really doesn't look better than the new hotness, not even close really.


In certain shots in this video, modded KSP 1 looks very good (I would argue far from "not even close" to as good as KSP 2). The grass around the KSC moving in waves with the wind, night-time formation lights contrasting with long afterburner exhausts, and the glow of Kerbol backlighting a vehicle through the atmosphere.




Of course, you can watch the rest of the video and see pixelated shadows, low-res textures and low-poly terrain and part models, so I wouldn't say that KSP1 looks better overall than what we have seen of KSP2. However, KSP2 should be able to match the visual quality of these cherry-picked scenes considering they are building the game from the ground up.

Edit: I'm glad that Nate Simpson is seemingly on the same page as me for my last comment, since he said that KSP2's graphics "have to be peerless". Of course, it is subjective what is considered "peerless", but I'm hopeful that EVE Redux and Parallax will push KSP 2 to be as good as it can possibly be.

Edited by TROPtastic
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  On 1/28/2023 at 7:00 PM, Bej Kerman said:

I wouldn't say that. The Blackrack clouds, if inserted in KSP 2, would hardly look like they were from the same game to me. I don't see what you mean by rigid and triangular, they look fine to me.


The KSP 2 clouds, I meant, were low res at least in recent videos from the KSP 2 Devs. I remember that in earlier stages of the game, the KSP 2 Devs sent a video of the clouds and while they looked a little flat, they fit the game. First, look to the 3rd image. The clouds in the distance look nice and fluffy which fit the game pretty well. The 3rd image was taken in alpha. Now look to the first image which was taken in beta, the clouds are looking not as good as before and more blocky. In the first image, you can clearly see that the clouds are like square low res cotton balls. The water in the KSC looks flat like KSP 1 and the water in the 2nd image looks out of place. If there was some seafoam or a water line added to it, it would look great. Furthermore, In the first image, the shoreline also is extremely blocky like the first KSP. Here are the pictures.

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I just hope that beta is not final, because if it was then it would be disappointing. What is good is that we can suggest things to the devs and if enough people want something, it will be implemented into the game.

Edit: blackrack's clouds look fluffy also and not like a cube. If there was a more fitting version of blackrack's clouds for the game, then it would be perfect.

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  On 1/29/2023 at 5:59 PM, TLTay said:

Nobody knows anything about the performance yet, just the visuals. All we have to do is microanalyze every single picture and video for the next month.


I get that - and I've admitted as much in a previous post.

Maybe I need to quit feeling so snarky about the KSP (HEAVILY MODDED) comparison complaints and just breathe deeply every time I see another one.

The thing I picked up from the Marketing Interview was that the Art Department isn't trying to compete with mods - but is taking inspiration from them (because Nate did when setting the direction of development) - and working on making a better looking KSP that works with a lot of the stuff from Mods integrated so that the whole functions better.

I don't expect RDR2 levels of ground graphics in a game where I'm trying to launch rockets out to explore.  Instead I'm in the 'good enough' to have a modern feel camp.  


The ground looks pretty good here.

Edited by JoeSchmuckatelli
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  On 1/29/2023 at 6:21 PM, The Aziz said:

they never have, never will. They are allowed to have their own vision, regardless of what some hobbyist can produce in free time.


Queue @Vl3d coming in. 

He has a source, somewhere from god knows (I think it was 2019ish) in which Nate said, they wanted to compete/surpass what mods could deliver. Take that with a grain of salt though, because as I said, that was in 2019 and none of those "groundbreaking" visual mods existed. 
So I think they wanted to compete in the beginning (with their own art style in mind) but as we both know 2019 is a long time ago and lot's of stuff has changed.

Also 2019 heavily modded KSP1 was certainly surpassed at this point already, if I had to compare KSP1 and 2.

I'm certain they are smart enough not trying to compete with those (anymore) and will deliver a polished, well rounded modern graphical experience without throwing player with lower-spec  PCs under the bus. 

Edited by Snafu225
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  On 1/29/2023 at 6:41 PM, Snafu225 said:

Queue @Vl3d coming in. 

He has a source, somewhere from god knows (I think it was 2019ish) in which Nate said, they wanted to compete/surpass what mods could deliver. Take that with a grain of salt though, because as I said, that was in 2019 and none of those "groundbreaking" visual mods existed. 
So I think they wanted to compete in the beginning (with their own art style in mind) but as we both know 2019 is a long time ago and lot's of stuff has changed.

Also 2019 heavily modded KSP1 was certainly surpassed at this point already, if I had to compare KSP1 and 2.

I'm certain they are smart enough not trying to compete with those (anymore) and will deliver a polished, well rounded modern graphical experience without throwing player with lower-spec  PCs under the bus. 


I mean, it's kinda logical. Imagine McLaren developing a car with the idea that it has to be faster than the newest Ferrari. By the time they reach target with their prototype, a new, faster Ferrari is out, and McLaren is once again behind, and the loop goes on forever and they never release that car.

Anyway, Monday is nearly upon us, another sneakpeek soon I hope.

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  On 1/30/2023 at 1:58 AM, The Aziz said:

I heard recording the closed showcase was not allowed, but here we are.

And yeah this guy just makes views on showing old footage all the time.


The fact that it wasn't leaked until a month before release tells me this may well be a planned leak. Companies sometimes "leak" things on purpose. I can't imagine someone prone to leaking sitting on a video for 3 and a half years and then suddenly, when the marketing starts, deciding to leak it just then.

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  On 1/30/2023 at 9:00 PM, TLTay said:

The fact that it wasn't leaked until a month before release tells me this may well be a planned leak. Companies sometimes "leak" things on purpose. I can't imagine someone prone to leaking sitting on a video for 3 and a half years and then suddenly, when the marketing starts, deciding to leak it just then.


I remember the footage being out there years ago, this isnt new footage nor did Docent leak the footage.

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  On 1/31/2023 at 6:05 PM, Minmus Taster said:

That skybox is literally out of this world, it combines the simple beauty of the early skybox with the style of the one in the original game so well.


I think I like this purple/blue one better than the greenish one we've seen previously. Maybe we'll be able to change it, or maybe it'll be different at different systems?

Also Mk2 nose cone my beloved, how I've longed for you. Now I can finally use the inline Mk2 cockpit without having to use adapters to round nose cones.

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  On 1/31/2023 at 6:13 PM, Domonian said:

I think I like this purple/blue one better than the greenish one we've seen previously. Maybe we'll be able to change it, or maybe it'll be different at different systems?


I don't see why it wouldn't just be different colors at different parts of the sky. Like, as a way to orient yourself in deep space ("east" is greenish, "west" is purple-ish, etc, for example)

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  On 1/31/2023 at 6:58 PM, whatsEJstandfor said:

I don't see why it wouldn't just be different colors at different parts of the sky. Like, as a way to orient yourself in deep space ("east" is greenish, "west" is purple-ish, etc, for example)


It's possible, but if I had to guess they've changed it many times now. Sometimes its had a green section, now its got a purple section, and one time it even had like a red streak through the sky (although that was on Kerbin so it could very well be the purple one but atmosphere yada yada)

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