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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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well, today, I finished modelling a size comparison in my planet pack!
I did all of the planets and moons except for Basa and Altic as they are too small to be seen anyways.. and I dont know how to do true deformity in blender without crashing the program somehow.
so.. here we go!
Here are all of the planets and moons in the system including the gas giants!
The three gas giants of Estrela Dobre from left to right are Culair, Collait, and Oyst.
Collait and Culair are 4000km and 3500km in radius respectivley, and are in a binary, which is a good oppourtunity for very powerful gravity assists. Oyst is 7000km in radius

And zoomed in on the rocky bois
From left to right are Neptheis, Xaxt, Coralos, Avon, Paxt, Correlae, Anos, Ieros, Termania, Petrichor, Ichor, Temporalis, and Hados.
Petrichor is the largest moon at 650km in radius, Ichor is the smallest planet at 780km. Despite Temporalis seeming smaller, it is actually about 10km bigger in radius than Ieros
Basa and Altic are about 1/3 the size of Neptheis and Xaxt.


Here is the Estrela Dobre system map!

Oyst orbits just inside of the habitable zone, orbited by Avon and Paxt
Next is Collait and Culair, each having two and one moons respectivley (Xaxt and Correlae orbit Collait, Neptheis orbits Culair), and then there are Petrichor and Termania, both of which are circumbinary, orbiting both collait and Culair
Temporalis is orbited by Coralos and is placed aboce Collait and Culair as it is a trojan body, orbiting in the trailing lagrange point L5, 60 degrees behind Collait and Culair in its orbit.
Then Hados is a bit further out (lava is from recent impacts), orbited by Basa, Altic, and Ieros (Basa and Altic would literally be sub-pixel size at this scale). and finally, there is Ichor, orbited by Anos in the far reaches of the system.

I have not gotten the delta V stats for each planet yet

Edited by JcoolTheShipbuilder
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I got excited this morning, I thought I found my long lost JNSQ career.  Nope, it was only on day 3, year 1.  Still had some fun with it, though - buzzing around the desert facilities with my trusty Bison prop plane, then getting a contract to test jet engines, giving Jeb a chance to go faster & fly by the pyramids.  Got in a night launch of an Bumper (V-2 + Corporal) that slipped above the atmosphere.  Then tried to make something to put an Explorer satellite into LKO.  I did not aim well, and merely ended up with a 550km high ballistic toss.





Then I went back to my 1.8 career in time for my latest Moho crew to return & get ferried home in style aboard a Lightning II spaceplane.  I was quite happy with myself, after not playing for a while till the last week or so.  I picked an almost perfect reentry point, glided down over the mountains straight into a night landing at KSC.   I barely touched the Rapiers during the entire atmospheric flight



Edited by Cavscout74
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I killed Valentina in a fiery landing on Mun. That is after putting her into a no-return escape orbit from Kerbal, running out of fuel trying to orbit Kerbal to stage for a Mun shot, blowing up on the launch pad from falling over, running out of fuel getting into Mun orbit, running out of fuel on the Kerbal return burn... 

I am a very late comer to the game, having just bought it last weekend. I thought that the physics would mean exploding rockets everywhere and that would be no fun. There are exploding rockets everywhere but it is definitely fun. Valentina might disagree though.

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It's been nearly a year since I've played Kerbal Space Program. I got busy with College, Job, Friends (dating included,) all that good stuff. 

Though, one of my favorite easter eggs in KSP recently got a plot development :o

So I decided to open my Upsilon KSP save. (for those who don't know, I lead the effort to create community bases at each of the arches.)

So I loaded up each arch



The first two look just as they always did.

But the third, oh my someone must have crashed into that one real good


As the community director of the Frontera Project, this arch was to be preserved to have no hanging bases on it. But we see that our efforts to preserve this arch were in vain.

The true tragedy is the loss of the observatory (due to the bright lights), which contributed much science to the Frontera Project. RIP 2021-2023


So I wanted to investigate, a probe was to be launched


(not gonna lie, for the first launch I have done in over a year, this launch went successfully well lol)




Since we couldn't grip onto the strange material, we just skated towards the edge to get photographs of the lights and the base


What a fun launch, I kinda miss KSP. I hope you all have been doing great, it's sure has been a while.

I don't know if I will do The Doodling Astronaut again, that YT channel was a thing of the past. But never say never :P


See ya around kerbonauts


Edited by Madrocketman
Still never get my grammar correct on these forums lol
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The Kraken struck on Ike.  I parked this gas truck too close to the Mobile Science Lab, and when a craft landed there it spawned in a couple of meters above the ground and the fall broke it.  It had been there for many years without problems until i got careless.


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Got off a few more JNSQ launches - my first tourist trip in this career, a Mun probe & completed a contract to take an aircraft past mach 2. 


Luna probe with Trans-Mun stage coasting to Ap as the Atlas falls away.


Coming back to land after a successful (on the 5th or 6th try) mach 2 flight.  This was a pain, as the contract stipulates no more than 10 m/s vertical speed.  And hold it for 5 seconds.  That is down or up - very hard to keep near level that long while rapidly accelerating in a tiny plane with a reliant at full throttle.


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Under (insane) development:


It doesn't have any attachment nodes yet...  Nor any concept of Kerbal crew.

When it's operational, it will consume Ore and ElectricCharge and produce XenonGas.


Maybe this has been done before?

If so, the work of a Mad Scientist, no doubt.  Sadly, we all work alone.

There are no Mad Scientist Conventions, so how we would know who is working on what?

It's crazy, I know.

UPDATE: finished product published as Xenon Converter...

Edited by Hotel26
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2 minutes ago, Nazalassa said:


Nothing to see here.

Eh, I've seen worse...

On 1/13/2023 at 5:18 PM, Cavscout74 said:

I got excited this morning, I thought I found my long lost JNSQ career.  Nope, it was only on day 3, year 1.  Still had some fun with it, though - buzzing around the desert facilities with my trusty Bison prop plane, then getting a contract to test jet engines, giving Jeb a chance to go faster & fly by the pyramids.  Got in a night launch of an Bumper (V-2 + Corporal) that slipped above the atmosphere.  Then tried to make something to put an Explorer satellite into LKO.  I did not aim well, and merely ended up with a 550km high ballistic toss.





Then I went back to my 1.8 career in time for my latest Moho crew to return & get ferried home in style aboard a Lightning II spaceplane.  I was quite happy with myself, after not playing for a while till the last week or so.  I picked an almost perfect reentry point, glided down over the mountains straight into a night landing at KSC.   I barely touched the Rapiers during the entire atmospheric flight



Why do I get the feeling you have a ridiculous modlist like me? These are neat by the way.

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