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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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On 6/15/2024 at 7:51 PM, Fizzlebop Smith said:

Set up a refueling depot on minmus with an optimal launch window to the munmus transfer station.

Realized I Forgot the Converters... Tortuga II os sitting right next to Torgtuga One.



Which is Missing Ore Tanks.. I added the notepad from CKAN.

Sounds like your QA department ran out of snacks :D


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Not in KSP... upgrading PC.


My Seasonic PS is really dying. Had it through several upgrades... 14 years old. Started flaking slightly a year ago when I upgraded the GPU. Got a new one in the mail. 12 year warranty. 
Obviously this requires researching everything else. Looking at CPUs is really disappointing. I got a fairly mainstream R5-3600 3+ years ago and literally nothing you can buy today has doubled its single-threaded speed. 20 cores... sure. Does KSP use them? no. Best option is a $100 quad core

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I fired up a new career game, heavily modded.  I'm using KSRSS, Un Kerballed Start, the Community Tech Tree, and a bunch of Nertea's Near Future stuff.  Been tinkering about, launching this rocket here, crashing that probe core over there, collecting as much science as I can.  And today, the grind has paid off, for I have entered orbit around Venus:



It's a rather simple probe, with a few antenna, some solar panels, and a thermometer (I had a contract to transmit science from orbit of the sun, so I thought "Why not, not why").  The antenna don't have much reach, and thanks to current position of the planets, all I've got is full thrust or no thrust (I have both Commnet and Require Signal enabled).  So this lonely hunk of metal, which I have affectionately named Sekhmet I, is in orbit of Venus.  I will eventually send up a crewed capsule and do some updates on the probe (a little EVA construction at some point to put better antenna on it is a must).

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I have made my return to KSP1 in the face of losing KSP2.

I'd forgotten how much of this game was still 'muscle memory'.

Having upgraded my PC in prep for the sequel, I'm starting a new game, and exploring mods a little more, including Parallax, and Extraplanetary Launchpads, though I might stick with more 'Simple Construction'.

After a week of intermittent play, I have unlocked most of the Tech Tree, and started building my explorer craft.

Presenting: The SS Elma York. Named for the Lead Character in the 'Lady Astronaut' Series by Mary Robinette Kowal. (I usually name my Larger Spacecraft after favorite characters, and their planets of choice. The First one to reach Duna was named for Mark Watney.)


In my Pre-KSP2 days, this configuration was how I did most of my flying around the system. The three Drive Engines on the back were originally Second Stage Boosters, decked out with Docking thrusters, mono-prop-tanks, probe cores, and docking ports on the sides, in preparation for their 'recycling'.

The forward section is decked out with all the science gear in the game. The multiple Probe Cores let me harvest huge amounts of science, which becomes the primary source of income once the Tech Tree is unlocked.

My ultimate goal is to get an Orbital Station, and Ground Colony to every heavenly body in the system. If the Construction Mods work out, that might be easier than last time around.

Then I might look into 'Outer Planets' mods, see if I can make the system bigger.

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trying a sort of nanodiamond caveman in the whirligig world planetary pack. i call it nanodiamond because i have tech at 10%, though i cheated infinite money because i already went through the whole "make a crapton of easy, boring contract to gather enough money to run a real mission" before, and i'd rather cut to the interesting stuff. i also enabled saving and loading, because i can't consistently land on mesbin.

whirligig world starts from the planet mesbin, a rocky giant with a very fast rotation. at the equator, gravity is 1.3 g, you need some 1500 m/s of ground-relative speed to orbit (thanks to rotation helping). but there is no atmosphere, so you need to rocket brake every landing. it's similar to landing on tylo, really; it requires a bit less deltaV, but more thrust. which is why i'm not even trying to make this without quickloading, landing is difficult and the slightest mistake will lose the craft.

anyway, there are a lot less biomes available than on kerbin, and so i find myself needing to stretch the missions with limited techs. I don't have enough deltaV with a single launch, but i'm nowhere near close to unlocking docking ports. so I got creative when needing to give my ships a boost



You don't have to be docked when you can embed your capsule inside a glove-like structure. I called this ship "poor man's claw"


here testing, it works pretty well for deorbiting a crewed module after it run out of fuel.

unfortunately, the test also showcased poor man's claw doesn't have enough fuel to land itself, after spending most of its allotment to reach Jeb. so I have to redesign it to jettison the tanks and engines, and send it up again; boost the module with Jeb in low orbit, then jettison its tanks and engines, and send up another poor man's claw to bring jeb on the ground.

oh, and another for Val.

on the plus side, next i'll unlock the stayputnik, so i will at least be able to treat the poor man's claw as expendable


EDIT: I failed to consider that the pod to be rescued would not sit perfectly symmetrical. it was very hard, fighting against the control of an asymmetrical ship while trying to rocket-land on twice tylo's gravity. without SAS, because both my pilots were in orbit, waiting to be rescued. but after several failed attempts, i managed to crash-land in a way that left both pods intact.

Edited by king of nowhere
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On 6/16/2024 at 5:00 PM, AverageScienceModePlayer said:

Got stuck in Oblate orbit, my guy Jeb is now stuck in orbit, poor him.

Hi, welcome to the forum.

You can now do a rescue mission.

If Jeb can EVA he can push and lower the periapsis into the atmosphere. The EVA fuel can be replenished ad infinitum.



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Having collected all the science allowed from the Mun and Minmus, the first interplanetary mission is launched. A kerbaled mission to orbit Eve is launched.


Arrival at Eve.


Maxgas gets the science.


After ditching the science package and a long wait for the transfer window the trip home is started.


The first return at interplanetary speeds was grueling for the kerbals. They are still passed out.


But land they did with the science


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On 6/22/2024 at 4:52 PM, ColdJ said:

Today I got my Zeppelin externals finished.


Oh, Krakens! Serious competition for the Krakenllin!!! :)



Or the Panorama:




Edited by Lisias
I concluded that my joking post was obfuscating the nice work of ColdJ. Trying to keep the joke without stealing the lamelight! X-P
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The great thing about making your own part mods is you get to be the first in the world to try stuff out. I started building the Zeppelin because I was discussing Hooligan Airships with my friend Lisias and they mentioned Crimson Skies and having a BiPlane attached underneath. Well I haven't built a BiPlane yet but I have built guy ropes to keep it off the ground and attachment frame with docking node.

So today I might be the first person to hang an A-wing or X-wing under a Zeppelin, launch them, and in the case of the A-wing, manage to land it on the top of the envelope.





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I played for the first time since...some time before before ksp2 'launched'. 

Loved it. Totally loved it. Got all my mods plus the ones I couldn't run on my old potato (parallax, volumetric clouds, ...), started a career and had a blast. I'm so back.

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So today, Bob decided that he wanted to go to the Moon.  Not Mun, but Moon.  See, the Kerbals got all kinds of discom-Bob-ulated when we switched to KSRSS, and now they are just running their own show.  So here we see Bob in a command module after having rendezvoused with a refueling ship in LEO.



We here at the Las Kerbas Space Agency (LKSA) are unsure how Bob was able to get so close considering neither he nor the probe core on either ship have any amount of SAS control.  We think Bob may just be lying to us, but we can't deny that this shot over Earth does look pretty cool.  At least it does to us in the Tracking Station.  Anyhow, Bob successfully made it to and landed on the Moon.  In one piece, even!



Look at him just standing there, all proud and happy and stuff.  He thinks he's so cool.  Just wait until we tell him where he's headed to next.  Hint:  it rhymes with Bars.  But, anyhow, upon his return he gave us all that data so we could convert it into that sweet-smelling science.  Just look at where we are with our research now!


Sure could have used those Terrier engines for this trip.  But que sera, and all.

We are a bit miffed at Bob, even though he went to the Moon and back.  See, he was supposed to bring us some paper weights (read:  Moon stones) back, but he failed to hit the gift shop before coming home.  He says he looked around for one but that he couldn't find it.  We don't believe him.

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Hi everyone! After 6 months of gameplay, I am officially a medium KSP player (Yes, I know, I'm quite modest :)). My first ever Eve return mission :


And a somewhat realistic recreation of the Perseverance rover (if you don't scrutinize the details too closely) at Duna's north pole, without graphic mods. Yep, even the stock textures can look nice with good lighting, positioning, and orientation...


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5 minutes ago, Vanamonde said:

I've played for years and never managed to come back from Eve. :'( 

I was mostly joking about being a medium KSP player just because I did an Eve return mission. It's really just about sending a low-Kerbin-orbit capable ship with a little extra margin to the surface of Eve and launching again. It's not much harder than a Laythe return mission, to be honest...

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I actually fired up KSP for the first time in a few years.   I fired up an old career save, checked out a few ongoing mission then slapped together a vertical launch 2-stage spaceplane and test flew it successfully



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On 6/27/2024 at 12:34 PM, anis said:

I was mostly joking about being a medium KSP player just because I did an Eve return mission. It's really just about sending a low-Kerbin-orbit capable ship with a little extra margin to the surface of Eve and launching again. It's not much harder than a Laythe return mission, to be honest...

Eve and Laythe?  I've got more than 1000 hours in KSP1 and I've never gone to and returned from either.  Guess that makes me an amateur.  :(

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