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Guess Who Will Reply Next?


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Guys, please -

I know this is a game thread, but in today's sensitive environment and because we have a forum here that needs to be kept at a PG-13 level for various reasons, let's keep the comments promoting gratuitous violence at a minimum. So, from this point forward, let's not make threats to do bodily harm to any more forum members in this game thread, even in jest, as some people may find such talk disturbing - and not just our younger members, either.

Also, keep in mind that two of the forum guidelines we all agreed to follow when we set up our accounts kinda cover gratuitous violence:

Forum guideline 2.2c: Content unsuitable for children or younger audiences, e.g. nudity, sexually suggestive or explicit images, excessive violence, gore and recreational drugs.

Forum guideline 2.2d: Insults and threats, stalking, bullying or any other behavior construed to be of a potentially rude, slanderous, accusatory, combative or otherwise harassing nature to/of another person;

So, anyway, let's please keep from bringing in various threats to stab, cut, poke or otherwise harm one another, even in jest. But otherwise, please continue to have fun. But if the gratuitous comments promoting violence should continue, more formal moderation action might be taken.

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