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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. Are you sure? There is no ModuleManager in GameData in your screenshot.
  2. In BDB there is a APAS-Folder. The APAS-Ports are originally from cxAerospace, adopted by BDB and Habtech (both was the same, only other colors as far as I know --> Habtech had white/black ones, BDB has grey ones). Now Benjee updated this APAS so we didn`t need the ones in BDB anymore.
  3. Look into SOCK-thread. I answered there. It`s ModuleManager.
  4. That`s because you deleted the ModuleManager as you can see in your first pic. There are only 4 other MM-files which are created automatically. Delete this four files and copy ModuleManager.4.1.4.dll into GameData. Also: there is a Changelog file which are wrong there. Delete ist. And last but not least: you installed Automated Static File Localizer (KSPModFileLocalizer.dll). It is very old and outdated. I don`t know if it works anymore. Delete it.
  5. Cormorant has this pallets. I don`t know if they fit into SOCK but if you make a Tweakscale-config you can customize it to SOCK.
  6. Where did you download this? As far as I know the new options are only in the WIP-download at github. Also: you need now B9PartSwitch.
  7. Near Futrure Exploration DMagic Orbital Science ScanSat Kerbal GPS
  8. That`s what I said (content of the .zip, not the .zip itself). If you use windows you don`t need to unzip manually. Windows unzips automatically if you drag`n`drop files from a zip to another folder.
  9. Go into the craftfile and change the second line into this: version = 1.8.1..
  10. What did you put into GameData? The .zip? You must put the content of the .zip (B9PartSwitch, NearFutureProps and StationPartsExpansionRedux) into GameData, not the whole .zip. You need also ModuleManager.
  11. I think you can not compare them because the Space Shuttle system is a replica of the real one while SOCK is more stockalike- or lego-style. @FruitGooseThat`s SOCK (Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit)
  12. No, but here is mod with this but it adds no parts. There are some mods which are compatible like Tantares and some BDB-Parts:
  13. Did you put them in your savegame-folder or in GameData? You need to put them in your savegame-folder.
  14. I think it`s for a jetengine for atmospherical flights like Buran had.
  15. The answer is in Post 1 of this thread. There is a FAQ.
  16. Did you see how old this thread is? Around 5 years. Please don`t dig out such old things.
  17. A little bit late but it should be from BDB as far as I can see.
  18. As said before: stock parts are overpowered too. Build a little rocket and you can launch tons of payloads to the Mun or everywhere. Mod-Parts are mostly align to this performance. So if you make mods stock-compatible you should first make stock-parts-stock-compatible themself.
  19. Stock-parts are overpowered for stock. Build a stockish Saturn-V and you can go to every planet in the stock-system. Unrealistic. So, mostly all parts in mods are customized to this stock-parts and, logical, overpowered. I do not know a single mod who works only in Stock instead of 2.5 scale. If you want one you must build a .cfg yourself.
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