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  1. I personally really want a stock centrifuge habitat to be implemented into the newer ksp versions. I would like to see your ideas though too. @UomoCapra please consider doing this
  2. BETA Version (v0.4.5.1) I feel happy enough with the state the mod is in at present to open this up for a 'Beta-test'. Without further ado I present my first Mod release: Introducing the Recoverable Emergency Kerbal Transport (REKT) escape pod mod. This part mod pack is designed to introduce another means of safely recovering your Kerbals from a mission which may have gone wrong, or possible as a deliberate means of evacuating an orbital station as it makes its graceful descent on a sub-orbital trajectory. Command: REKT mk1A - Single Kerbal pod with built-in airbrakes for atmospheric re-entry REKT mk1C - Single Kerbal Cryogenic† pod with built in RTG. REKT mk1D - Single Kerbal lightweight pod with inbuilt communications equipment and additional provisions (where applicable)* REKT mk1N - Single Kerbal pod with built-in retro-rockets, which can be automated**, for non atmospheric sub -orbital trajectories REKT Miniature Probe Core - for flying kontainers, has a built in MonoProp thruster. OTAV Core - Single Kerbal lifting body style pod. Utility: REKT Kompatible Kontainer - a simple freight pod which can store a multitude of provisions*** REKT Kompatible Kontainer (KIS Variant) - unsurprisingly, a KIS variant of the REKT Kompatible Kontainer REKT Auxiliary Miniature Parachute - a smaller, slim-line a parachute designed to fit well under the ITA. Coupling: Surfacemount Hardware REKT - A surface attaching single pod decoupler. Inline Triple Adapter - a 1.25m Inline triple REKT mounting adapter, you might want to cover this with a faring... Inline 12 Hub - A 2.5m inline adapter with the functionality of the Inline Triple Adapter but four times the capacity! OTAV Docking Port - lightly angle inline docking port designed to mate with the front hatch of an OTAV core. OTAV Ring Dock - specialised round docking apparatus, 2.5m dia. Designed for use with OTAV docking clamps. OTAV Clamps - splecialised apparatus to mate an OTAV core pod to the OTAV Ring Dock Electrical: Standard Utility REKT Fuel-cell - A compact monoprop fuel-cell Engines: REKT Payload Retro Rocket - a miniature SRB, derived from the same ones in the mk1N, intended for use with the freight pods OTAV engine - small LFO engine derived from the Thud engine. Aero: OTAV Winglets - bespoke retractable wings for use with the OTAV core. OTAV flap - a precise control surface for use with the OTAV core. OTAV Air Fins - Stabalisaing apparatus to help assist atmospheric flight and incorporating an air-brake. OTAV Parts OTAV Parts have additional dependencies separate from the REKT mod: REKT-OTAV Deployable Lift Generators rely on using the RetractableLiftingSurface module created by @linuxgurugamer the current version at time of release is bundled with this mod. the OTAV integral landing gear is driven by @Shadowmage 's KSPWheel. They will NOT work without it. current version at time of release is bundled with this mod. Additional note - These parts may receive more attention/extra bits if there is interest in it's development. Localisation is now Supported - as of 23/06/2017 release (any translations offered would be helpful!) DOWNLOAD: Primary: Github Secondary: SpaceDock download and copy the SHED, KSPWheel and RetractableLiftingSurface directly into the your KSP GameData folder. Licensing: The contents of the REKT mod are distributed a CC-BY-NC-SA International License (please refer to the license file on github for further details). Any included mods are under their own licenses. Highly Recommended Supporting Mods: REKT is a stand-alone parts mod and does not have any other mod dependencies, that said, it has been designed around the utilisation of supporting mods and it is highly recommended that you add them to your collection (they are very useful in their own right). IndicatorLights by @Snark Landertrons managed by @Kerbas_ad_astra RasterPropMonitor by @MOARdV Module Manager will implement the supporting modules, so you'll need that to (if you haven't already got it). The REKT mk1C is compatible with @JPLRepo's DeepFreeze Mod (designed specifically for this purpose) *Supported Life Support Mods: TAC LS USI LifeSupport Snacks **Landertron is required for automatic functionality ***InterstellarFuelSwitch is required for variety of cargoes †DeepFreeze is required to use the 'cryogenic' aspects of the pod. [Its will act as a normal pod with an RTG without this mod. It can be removed from your REKT installation if desired] KIS functionality is now supported through the REKT Kompatible Kontainer (KIS Variant) I must extend my thanks to @Snark, @Kerbas_ad_astra @DStaal and @linuxgurugamer for their input and help. Also thanks to @njmksr and @MaverickSawyer for preliminary testing. And thanks goes to @CobaltWolf and @dboi88 for help and guidance with texturing. Also I owe much thanks to @Pak who helped me fix the aero setup for the OTAV (finally). Change log: Imminent Additions (Soon™)t: rework to OTAV clamps to include RCS rework to OTAV core to include RCS new part - OTAV OMS block Planned additions: IVAs for the pods (still WIP on those at present) Create the mk1C - a REKT equivalent Cryo-Pod, specifically designed for use with DeepFreeze Properly update TAC-LS patch Finish the mk1C animation components Additional MM config patches for the StageRecovery Mod to enable more autonomy of the pods (and allow for concurrent multiple suborbital trajectories without risk of the core game 'scrapping' the pod. Further integration of Indicator Lights (extra, more clever bitz). Accessories! KIS variant of the Freight Kompatible Kontainer More adapter parts (bigger, better). Way down the pipeline is for a custom plugin that would replace the 'probe module' in the mk1A (and possibly mk1N). Feedback and suggestions: Always welcome, if you have any ideas which you might like to see implemented let me know and i'll see what can be done!
  3. Parts to fill stock niches, including 0.625m LFO engines and tanks, a full suite of monopropellant engines ranging from 2.5m to sub-0.625m, brand new 0.625m SRBs, 0.625m high efficiency engines using LiquidFuel, Monopropellant or Xenon, a number of new probe cores with varied specialisations and shapes, more ways to produce electricity, a range of RCS blocks both large and small, and structural parts to glue it all together with. [snip] Changelog Thanks A big thankyou to @ArcFurnace, @blowfish, @BobCat, @Borklund, @CardBoardBoxProcessor, @Devo, @EndlessWaves, @Initar, @Kerbas_ad_astra, @MaverickSawyer, @NecroBones, @Overlocker, @passinglurker, @PDCWolf, @Plur303, @Porkjet, @Streetwind, @Tiberion and @TicTacToe! for forum posts, general assistance, testing and balance suggestions. Without you all this pack wouldn't be as good as it is. Previous Versions If you want access to any older versions for whatever reason, some older versions are available below. If you're looking for any other version, leave me a note and I'll hook you up. License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
  4. KERBAL KRISTMAS PACK Provided by Santa Gift Industries, a subsidiary of Integrated Phoenix Industries. DOWNLOAD: https://spacedock.info/mod/2034/Kerbal Kristmas Pack - Lights and presents DESCRIPTION: Just a fun little silly festive mod which adds attachable lights and a KIS container present. Requires Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) to function. You can get KIS here: NOTES: - I haven't figured out how to do colour changes on one part, so the lights are separate parts for each colour. CHANGELOG: v1.0 -First Release
  5. Still THE pack of select vanilla-inspired parts for your aircrafting needs! UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT For further info please visit the thread linked below Kerbal Aircraft Expansion V2.7.2 The continuation of the Kerbal Aircraft Expansion created by @keptin Currently under management by SpannerMonkey and the SM TestGroup Special thanks go in this update to @DoctorDavinci for overhauling all the textures . @inigma for testing and advice. and the guys on the overwhelmed test team. Thanks muchly all Previous version listed for KSP 1.2.2 has known issues in KSP 1.3.1 and although functional will produce log errors that may lead to diminished game quality. Use at own risk. Last released Version of KAX KAX on CurseForge Installation Extract the KAX folder, Firespitter folder, and ModuleManager.dll into your KSP Gamedata folder. Be sure to properly extract the Firespitter/Resources folder or you will have FScoolant errors on loading the electric prop. If you already have Firespitter and/or Module Manager, use the latest versions of their .dll plugins. 2M cockpit - 2M Fuselage (jet fuel) - 2M Structural Fuselage (empty) - -2M Tail Boom New textures -Copyright Overview- KAX models, textures, and sounds are created by Keptin, who retains all copyrights. Snjo retains all rights for the Firespitter plugin. You may: Modify KAX in anyway for your personal use Use KAX models, textures, and assets to create derivative works Distribute sufficiently modified versions of KAX parts or newly created derivative parts Distribute video, screenshots or other media portraying unmodified or modified versions of KAX All other rights are reserved Specifically, you may not: Distribute unmodified versions of KAX, in part or whole, without permission Use KAX for any commercial purpose This KSP Mod incorporates category creation code from a part of USITools called PartCatalog.cs and is used under the GPLv3 License. (GPLv3) Thanks to @keptin for agreeing to allow my team to assume management and updating of KAX. ps hope you don't mind me borrowing KAX graphic Its is our intention to preserve the stock a like compatibility and versatility of these parts, and any subsequent parts will be designed with that in mind. We would hope that any new part will blend seamlessly with the current parts and add to rather than detract from the mods functionality
  6. Does anyone have any hard data for the height of each part (Ideally in meters)? I've been trying to find them, but I can't find any kind of list with that information. The parts list on the wiki has radial size, but not height. Does anyone have a personal or public link they can post?
  7. The mod would consist of 2 parts: they will be Environmental Exposure Laboratories (E.E.Ls ). There will be a space and surface version of that part. Space E.E.L : Would be a deployable 2.5m wide module. when deployed, it would still be able to fit inside a 3.75 container. The main idea would be able to conduct 3 experiments (one on a plant, the other on an animal, the other on a fungus) by exposing them to the environment around them. Unlike any other experiments though, It would have a capacity of 2 kerbals, (0 when undeployed) and would have to have at least one scientist to conduct. The experiment would also take 1 kerbal day to conduct. It would have on-board electric charge and an openable container to store stuff (much like a service module.) However, it will refuse to inflate when on land due to "low structural integrity to be deployed in a gravitational sphere of influence" Land E.E.L : Would have almost the same features as the Space E.E.L, but it would only be able to be deployed on land due to "parts requiring gravity to operate" and would also have a different texture. Finally, it will have deployable little legs at the bottom. Both E.E.Ls would have separate logs for every accessible biome and would be designed by "Core Industries Research & Exploration Laboratory" or C.I.R.E.L This is so far only an early concept, and I personally lack the programming skill to execute it myself, so suggestions are fully welcome!!!
  8. I recently reinstalled KSP on my laptop as I had to get Windows reinstalled and it wiped everything. Whenever I try to attach something radially it won't attach perpendicular to the surface and I have to rotate it manually. It's really annoying, and ideas?
  9. I seem to recall that a long time ago, someone suggested a simplified part selection UI. The gist is that instead of having to pick from tens of different but similar-looking fuel tanks, you just pick any fuel tank, right click on it, pick the length and radial size, and the part changes accordingly. Kind of like tweakscale, but the part actually switches to another part instead of simply altering the size of part. It's also not procedural parts, because it uses the parts already in the game. Now that part variants are a thing, I think this is not too far off. It could be like that, but with size instead of color. This could really save some time when designing a rocket.
  10. To whom it may be helpful, I like to share a small tool I have written in Java / JavaFX to "manage" part configuration files of my KSP installation. There are certain parts in the game and some of the mods which I personally tend to ignore because of several reasons. Instead of using other mods like "Janitors Closet" to remove those parts from the game, I wanted a small tool which just renames some part configuration files so the game does not load them at all. The tool has to make it easy to find the parts by name or title and shall give an overview of what is active and purged in an installation folder. Further more, after mod updates via ckan, the freshly updated but previously purged parts shall stay purged but still updated. Also, a list of purged parts of a certain installation has to be persistable in JSON files so the tool can reload and purge parts from another installation directory. So, I wrote the "KSP Part Manager" to fulfill my needs. If someone wants to use it, feel free to do so. Please be aware, that vessels in existing savegames containing parts which you have purged, will not be loaded. Use the tool with caution. Download the latest release: https://github.com/craidler/KPP/releases Inspect source: https://github.com/craidler/KPP The software is licensed under MIT, I have included the license on the Git repo as well as in the downloadable archive containing the executable jar.
  11. I had an idea for a part which would enable simulating the Korolev Cross in KSP both for roleplaying and strategic purposes. This part should make for a useful type of decoupler/sepratron. The part is a small radial piece much like a radial RCS thruster, and it can only attach a fuel tank to its root. When activated, it detaches like a decoupler but then adds a radial point of thrust to the separating (away from root) fuel tank, causing the fuel tank to expend its remaining fuel at very low dV to produce non-damaging thrust. This will use the fuel remaining in the tank to push the tank away from the rocket, much like the real separation bolt used on the Soyuz rocket. Another way to say this is that it's a decoupler that provides thrust, pulling fuel from the tank it separates with. Thanks, Geonovast, for the alternate explanation. The name I came up with is the Kerbolev Sepratron, relating it to the Korolev Cross, and it would be produced by Kerbodyne.
  12. I'm finding as I am gaining more hours and experience playing Kerbal Space Program, that I am starting to impose rules, or at least methods of play on myself. For example, I don't like using additional reaction wheels in most aircraft (and I usually turn off stability-except for long distance cruising). I feel like my planes should at least be able to fly with as little aid as possible. That is not an absolute (I break that rule for some of my really weird ones), but it is an ideal. I know some people only play in stock. Others may eschew certain mods or only use mods like Realism Overhaul or FAR that make things harder. So, what is your limit? Are their certain parts you won't use or certain building methods you stay away from? Do you not allow yourself to revert flights? What line (if any) do you draw for yourself and why?
  13. Apr 08, 2018 - Now on CKAN. Based on what I've seen, I will not be supporting CKAN problems. it's supposed to be a 'one click and done' on Spacedock, according to the Spacedock FAQs. So please address any questions/problems with CKAN installations to the CKAN team. Thanks for your understanding. Apr 01, 2018 - Correcting the fuel/oxidizer mix in the K1 second stage. I hate to see really great mods languish, so I'm going to try to bring NovaPunch up to date. The original mod thread can be found here. I know, "No pics, No clicks". So here's one Launch Vehicle: ![]() Imgur Gallery with other images: http://imgur.com/a/xiRRn (Nov 20, '16 Updated to include a sampling of the engines) Change Log Next Major Step: Start working on getting the legs functional (Gotta learn Blender, Unity and Gimp, so this won't be quick.) Still to do overall: (In no particular order) RealPlume support Other stuff as I think of it Listen to your comments and suggestions Look at other requested mods once I get this one fully up to date. Tiberion's shuttle parts has been requested. I'm up for that, but I need to get a handle on Blender & Gimp. Interested? For now, it's only on Known Issues: Credits: License: CCA-SA4 The contents of this mod are copyrighted by their respective original authors and released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You can read the full terms of the license on the Creative Commons webpage by visiting Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
  14. I have decided to try a new type of animation for KSP - a PowerPoint style slideshow. Originally inspired by and made for the mod Kerbal Kommander. But I ended up using the parts in my save, so I thought some people would also like to have a standalone version. Here's how it turned out: DOWNLOAD from Dropbox DOWNLOAD from Spacedock Animating stuff was not the hardest part, the hardest part was coming up with ideas for the slides. I may create more screens, but I need help with ideas for the animations. Many thanks to @luizopiloto for letting me use his pirate logo. All content is under the Creative Commons 4.0 License
  15. Once I recieved a tourism contract that required to build a space hotel capable of holding up to 50 kerbals... 50 KAAAARL! I started to try various superb station parts pack, but was not satisfied by any of them, as none contained parts that were capable of holding at least 25 kerbals in one part. And also none looked like "hotel" (of course, these are space station parts ). The only mod that looked close to what I wanted was "struggling to survive" Civilian Population. And eventhough Civilian Population is cool I personally wanted to have it's parts with stock only functionality. That's how I created Orbital Structures. Contains Apartments, Administration Deck, Science Deck, Biosphere Gardens and some structural Elements. Things to note: Assets Taken from original CivilianPopulation Fixed texture references in every model files Some textures were missing just duplicated from existing ones Parts Structural parts taken from latest CivilianPopulation Configs Following parts have internals commented out ApartmentsSmall.cfg ApartmentsLarge.cfg ApartmentsMedium.cfg TODO convert all textures to dds modify mu files to use dds MM patches Taken from latest CivilianPopulation All credits go to: A collective work of... @Pamynx that can be found here. @trafalgar that can be found here. @michaelhester07 that can be found here. @rabidninjawombat that can be found here. @GGumby that can be found here. License: CC BY-NC 4.0 Download:
  16. It's a busy day at the Space Center as the new T.R.A.P Engines arrive from General Universal and Kerbal-Tech. These engines were predicted to have a much better performance at a higher altitude than previous engines. Jeb's test flight was scheduled for the next day. This gave the engineers only half a day to mount the three new engines on three identical planes. The next day Jeb goes on his test flight, testing the "Mouse T.R.A.P" engine. Jeb reports that the engine is performing as expected at high altitude. Jeb tests the other two engines successfully. This is a mod which adds three new engines: The Mouse T.R.A.P, the Bear T.R.A.P, and the Rhino T.R.A.P. The engines all have the same model, that of the stock Rapier engine. The way they work is by having better performance at low altitude, at the cost of using more Intake Air, and better performance at higher altitudes by using more liquid fuel, but less Intake Air. These modes automatically switch, but you can also manually switch the modes. The engine switching works pretty much like the Rapier engine. I made the actual changes to the .cfg files, creating this mod, but the idea was all my friend @Lucast0909's. He's given me permission to publish this mod, and he says that I don't need to credit him, but as we all know, the idea is half of the mod. My idea for version 1.1.0 of this mod was to use the variant switching introduced in KSP 1.4 to enable you to have more than one model for the engine. The idea is that you can have the model of the Rapier, or say the Panther, even the Swivel, picking the look that works best for your plane. However, I found out that that is not possible. I will try to learn to model, to give these engines better textures. I think these engines are tech tree and cost balanced, but please let me know. Please give me any feedback you have. If anybody has a better name for the mod, please tell me. License: Unlicense Download: Spacedock
  17. Hello, and this will be the dev thread for my upcoming mod, Kerbobulus Space Industries, which strives to recreate near future spacecraft (not to be confused with @Nertea's wonderful NFT mods), such as the CST-100, and Orion (not the nuclear one, the one NASA is currently developing) in a porkalike style. Currently, I am working on the CST-100, and am about 3/4 of the way through with the service portion. Still, you should expect more coming in the near future. Without further ado, here is the current progress! Downloads: Kerbobulus Space Industries - Miscellaneous Parts Division: Spacedock Legacy dev pics
  18. BattleTech/Mechwarrior DropShip Parts Packs [WIP] Authors: @wenth Download Link (Current Version: A.01 "HYPER ALPHA RELEASE") Helpers: (people that helped my dumb kerbal butt figure this all out) -Damon (for helping me get the dam parts to show up at all) -Krakatoa (for helping me with smoke and flame FXs) -JadeOfMar (for generally always sticking his nose in and letting me know when im not even asking the right question) Mod Developers/Makers/Maintainers: (pepole whos assets we have used or used to make the game work) -Boots (Developer/Maintainer of the ESLD Jump Beacons Revived mod originally made by TMarkos) for allowing us to use his mod for a dependency in our Jumpships pack and answering any questions we had about dependency/part creation involved there in. Mod Integration/Dependency/Optional Dependency: -ESLD Jump Beacons Revived (approved) -TweakScale (pending permission) Work/Progress/Status Tree Phase One: Basic Thrusters, Manatee Parts and Art Standardization Phase Two: Bigger Bolder Rounder! Phase Three: UTILITY! Phase Four: To Boldly Go!/Jumpships add-on pack Phase Five: Polish a turd Bonus Phase: Plus Ultra! Planed Packs Core/Core Supplements Addons Opening: I have always loved the BattleTech universe and the Mechwarrior series that goes along with it combine that with my love of KSP and my predisposition to building massive drop ships for package delivery and habit of making giant payloads that can only really be dropped via skycrane It feels natural for me to try and bring the massive scale of battletech drop ships to KSP with a parts pack! With that in mind how ever this is my first parts pack and true attempt at modding AND my first time using these (3ds max student) modeling programs with only a background in 3D printing and CADD its slow going and any help is welcome! And no we will be focusing on more then just clan wolf they just happen to be my favoret/first clan. LOW POLY! This mod takes its style and inspiration from the entire world of mechwarrior/battletech but its model are more in the style of mechwarrior 2 (my first mechwarrior game and indoctrination into clan wolf) Parts Inspirations/goals: Our first Parts goal is to make a Spheroid drop ship (BUT WAIT SPHERES ARE HARD!) True but we are going to cheat here and make the Manatee first! Spheroid in classification only its more like a fancy fuel tank in design! At this point in time we have no goals to make actual mechs (sorry) our fallowing goals should we succeed in creating the Manatee is to move on to the Leopard Areodyne drop ship Parts/Ship Logic: Our first ship will be split into 3 or 4 sections for simplicity sake -Base (holding the thrusters and flat or snap points for legs to be designed at a later date) -The Hanger (taking up the bulk of the center section) -Fuel tanks (taking up the remainder of the center and forming most of the top -The Bridge (capping off the ship and holding the pilots/crew) Parts NOT included I have no intention to add guns or lasers or any thing like that sadly. HOW EVER! I do plan on leaving snap points for them so you may use any of the existing weapons mods or make your own should you feel up to the task! Help is welcome as this is our first attempt at a mod any one wanting to help cfg or model or test is welcome to do so! Impossible Fantasy (ya......not going to happen I dont even know what its called yet, but let me dream)
  19. I think developers should add berings to the game for propers and vtol it would make it easyer for everyone to be able to build them
  20. Having a consistent issue with a certain rocket using modded parts (primarily Procedural Parts) that causes my game to CTD when moving to the pad from the VAB. Checked out the output log but unsure how to read it: https://imgur.com/a/aF8oy82
  21. NOTICE: As of 2018-06-22, @linuxgurugamer has kindly agreed to take this mod over. Any applicable license to this mod is hereby transferred to him, exclusively. I'd assume he may/will start a new thread for this mod. I won't be supporting it any further. It's been fun and thanks for everybody's patience, assistance and kind words and encouragement. I will ask the mods to lock this thread. All future discussion should take place on the new thread. See the imgur album for screenshots. Thanks @Kottabos for doing a nice video review! The PEBKAC parts actually start around 2:30. Recompiled for compatibility with KSP 1.3.x I have not done any localization, nor do I plan to do so. If you want to create a localized copy, let me know and we will figure out how to make it happen. It seems to run OK with 1.4.1 but I have not examined any of the DLC yet. This add-on is a set of parts I created because I was a little dissatisfied by the stock Launch Escape System (LES). The PEBKAC Industries LES (PKI-LES) is designed to more or less simulate the Apollo and Mercury LES's used in real life. The LES for the 3-naut capsule features a totally non-functional Boost Protective Cover (BPC), launch escape motor, tower jettison motor and a small pitch control motor/nosecone and canard assembly. The canard assembly deploys roughly 8 seconds after the launch escape motor runs out of propellant and serves to help orient the escaping CM toward retrograde. It now includes a science experiment to simulate the "Q-ball", which contained atmospheric/aerodynamic sensors which were part of Apollo's "Emergency Detection System". The LES for the 1-naut capsule is modeled after the one from NASA's Mercury capsule. It didn't have any pitch motor or canards. The included plugin allows you to automatically conduct abort procedures. Just add the parts, hit the "ABORT" key and everything will take care of itself. Use staging to jettison the LES after a successful launch. Or you can add the jettison command to an action group if you prefer. I based all of the non-performance-related details (cost, tech-tree, etc) of the PKI-LES on the stock parts. Many of the other details were tweaked to be more realistic. One big difference is that the PKI-LES has a much total thrust than the stock part from Squad. The mass (and centers of mass) of the parts were extrapolated from the Apollo and Mercury LES and scaled to be proportional to a "stock" CM assembly. I tweaked the aerodynamic properties to be (IMHO anyway) closer to reality. The end result is a more or less realistic flight profile. From the launchpad, the included example craft should reach the ocean upon initiating an abort. Also included in this version is a LES for the 3-naut capsule which has no BPC. Aside from this visual change, the part should function identically to the other Mk2 LES. The plugin code to make is compatible with the LES for the SDHI Service Module System. It should be flexible enough to use with pretty much any other LES out there. If you find one you want to use and can't figure out how to use my plugin to automate it, drop me a PM. The download includes a sandbox save-game which has two example craft using stock parts showing how the PKI-LES is supposed to be assembled and configured. Finally, if you play career-mode, you should eventually get some flight-test contracts for the PKI-LES parts.
  22. Wyleg's Wonderful Workshop Parts for aircrafts. Mk3 HVC cockpit Heavy heat-shielded cockpit for reusable trans-atmospheric spaceships. Provides high visibility for its crew. Holds up to 4 kerbonauts. Now features working RCS! Cockpit is WIP - currently it lacks IVA and there's no cabin illumination. T-10 Air Intake This intake resembles the one used on Sukhoi Su-27 family of fighter jet aircrafts. It also should fit other replicas such as MiG-31 Foxhound and F-14 Tomcat with this distinctive shape with sharp edges and rectangle-ish frame. Intake is designed to fit stock 1.25m cylindrical jet fuel tanks. Changelog Imgur album: link Download: Spacedock W3 Fuselage Texture Custom texture for Procedural Parts designed for aircraft fuselages that fits nicely with stock parts and B9 Procedural Wings. Download: Spacedock
  23. A set of decal textures based on the icons designed by Ron Cobb for the movie Alien, the Semiotic Standard for Commercial Trans-Stellar Utility Lifter and Heavy Element Transport Spacecraft. In addition I also made a few icons based on the ones designed by Gavin Rothery for the 2009 movie Moon includes: The original set of 34 icons designed by Ron Cobb for the movie Alien Some more icons in the Semiotic standard's style for hydroponics and docking ports An additional set of 16 icons from the 2009 movie Moon designed by Gavin Rothery Each decal is 15x15cm and uses the part variant system introduced in version 1.4. This will not work in older versions of the game without being retrofitted to work with a mod like Firespitter possible future changes: more icons! alternate version where the figures in the icons are more kerbal-like Modulemanager patch to add the decals to other parts as MODEL{} elements Changelog: Downloads: Github Spacedock source: https://github.com/drewcassidy/Semiotic Licence: BSD
  24. I´ve made a large selection of parts from KSP in TinkerCAD https://www.tinkercad.com/things/2vTjJvCZg06
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