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  1. My supersonic plane starts shaking in 600 m/s or more. I tryed to add some struts but it doesnt help . Do you know what do do? Here are some photos of my plane: Imgur image Thank you!
  2. Can anyone help me get these things oriented right? I have tried using the model = and setting the rotation that way but it changes the lifting surface when I do that. If I turn the model the right direction in Unity it changes the lifting surface as well. I tried in blender to change it around. I have tried to trick it all kinds of ways. Is there possibly a config for setting the lifting surface rotation? CFG. in spoiler
  3. So I've just finished construction on what I hope is my first unmanned mission to Eve, but the thing is quite expensive, and I play with revert off, so I need this thing to succeed. Anyway: Lander parts, bottom to top, according to descent orientation: Heat Shield (43.90 Ablator) Decoupler Fuel Tank w/ 6 Landing Struts Service Bay w/ Rechargeable Battery inside Probodobodyne OKTO w/ 2 Communotron, 4 Photovoltaic Panels, a Barometer, and a Thermometer, all attached radially Fuel Tank with 4 Parachutes, and 4 Tail Fins, attached radially. Terrier Liquid Fuel Engine I use the scaling mod, so here is a screenshot: Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  4. Hello reader, I'm kind of new to KSP and I really need help with these: 1. How do you put things into cargo bays? (If differs between types I need MK3) 2. Is there an easy way to land on a planet without all that math stuff? 3. Is burning just accelerating? 4. How can I build an easy space station? (ALL QUESTIONS CAN ONLY HAVE STOCK PART ANSWERS) Thanks for any help with this. -Ultra
  5. Random Stuff to talk about. Tip : When hosting battles in KSP with BD Download the mod, burning together, It can make setting up battlees way quicker!
  6. Random Stuff to talk about.
  7. I'm really unsure on how to explain this one or if anyone has seen a similar issue, so I'll just post this photo which should explain it all: https://ibb.co/izh3qG As you can see, my encounter with Duna is looking a little off, it's been doing this will all encounters for the past couple of days, it just appeared out of the blue, no changes to any mods or anything. Not sure what could be causing this, here's a list of mods I have: DistantObject EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements Kerbal Engineer Kopernicus ModularFlightIntegrator PlanetShine ReentryParticleEffect Scatterer StockVisualEnhancements TextureReplacer KerbalAlarmClock ModuleManager I hope someone can help me, also I'm very new to this community so I apologise if I've missed out some information that would help resolve the issue. Thank you. Edit: So it turns out I changed the conic patch draw mode to dynamic which caused this to happen, and since I can't delete this embarrassing question I thought I'd put this edit in.
  8. So, i bought KSP some time ago, and i don't know how to reach and land in other moons. The max i did was a lunar fly-by, and i only did that by discovering rockomax thrusters. Can someone help? Image of the rocket that did the fly-by: (note: this isn't the full rocket, but the 1st stage was 4 of the biggest SRB's, 1 medium Rockomax fuel tank and 1 small Rockomax fuel tank, alng with the Mainsail engine.
  9. Hi! I've been struggling to find a way to install the outer planets mod for KSP, because it's my very first mod. i have installed tons of different versions of Kopernicus, and different versions of the planet pack, trying them in all of KSP's versions from when the mod was released up to 1.3.1, and i always get 3 results: 1st: everything starts out OK, as the game loads up i can see items from the planet pack being loaded, but once i get into the main menu, a screen pops up saying there was an error in the loading process, and loading your saves is not recommended, because it could corrupt them. if i ignore this message and start a new save, it leads into the second result. 2nd: everything is OK until i either continue a save or make a new one. i then get an infinite loading screen with the KSC night crickets playing in the background. i have given this loading screen hours to do anything, and nothing happened. 3rd: the game goes up to the KSC, and when i check the tracking station, Sarnus, Urlum, Neidon and Plock are nowhere to be found. I have been trying to install the mod for 2 days now, and these three results keep coming up with no matter what advice i take and what combination of Kopernicus, OPM and KSP updates i try. it's really frustrating! If anyone can help me, for example a combo of KSP, Kopernicus and OPM that works, it would be much appreciated! thanks!
  10. Hello! I’ve been playing KSP for a while now and have become quite confident in my abilities. Although, I’m still having trouble with gravity assists. Is there an equation of some sort that I can use to calculate my speed after the slingshot/brake? Ex. Before assist craft is going x m/s, after the assist the craft is going y m/s I also would like to know if there is an equation I can use that will tell me the orbital velocity at a certain altitude above a body. Ex. At h meters with d degrees of inclination, the craft must be going x m/s to maintain a circular orbit If you have any other useful equations that would be nice, thanks!
  11. I queried this in the KIS thread, but to be proactive, I want to take a stab at doing this myself: I made a tiny drone but assembly with @IgorZ KIS system is not possible as it uses Tweakscale, heavily, and KIS cannot accept full craft or sub assemblies into its Inventories. And @allista's Hangar mod does not supply a small enough item, nor are said items manipulable using KIS' EVA or inventory functions. So here's my plan: I would like to create a Box. This box will be able to be carried by a Kerbal in EVA and stored in an inventory using KIS functionality. This box will also utilize Hangar functionality to store a very small craft within itself. Upon placing the Box on a surface, an option to open or pick up the box will be presented upon interaction. Picking up the box will simply pick it up. Opening the box will trigger the Hangar spawning function of the assigned small craft. At this point the box will simply be a return point and sit on the ground. The spawned craft will act as a craft. The craft, upon landing or stopping on the box, will allow the box to be closed. Upon closing, the box will enact Hangar's deconstruction function, and the box will return to being a simple EVA item. This will then allow the box to be moved, re-opened, stored, etc. I would like to make small boxes of various dimensions afterward, supposing this test works. I have never made a mod before, but I want to learn. Thank you for any help provided.
  12. Hi I'm @SamBelanger! I have a question, what is the software used for .truecolor extension? (If I put the topic in the wrong place, plz tell me!) -SamBelanger
  13. Is it possible to fly by Kerbin from Duna and get back again without using too much extra fuel? Specifically, I need to go from Duna to Kerbin and back to Duna again (bonus points if you can get me by Eve, Joo, or Dres as well without using too much fuel). The current time is Year 1, day 235, so I can leave at about Y1, D237 to be safe. When do I leave?
  14. I have two rockets. they are orbiting ~ almost same path about kerbin but they are at the opposite ends how to get them together?
  15. So I got Infernal Robotics from CurseForge (99% sure I got it for 1.3), and all of the parts show up in my tech tree and the VAB. I can attach the parts to my crafts, but right clicking on them only gives me my TweakScale options and nothing else. Right clicking on them after the craft is launched does nothing, so they are pretty much just structural parts right now. Am I missing an install of something, or is it possible that I have the wrong version? Thank you for any help.
  16. Hello everyone Figured I would look for some help on the forum... So I recently downloaded this mod.. and well... I try to hit the add server button and nothing is happening... am I doing something wrong? I followed all of the steps for installing the add-on correctly... but for some reason every time I try to hit the button it does not work... any help would be great
  17. I Got space shuttle system and i downloaded everything and am not getting the cockpit Can anyone help? (I Am using 1.3 with it)
  18. Hi, So I've been fighting with KSP for a while, as gradually more and more glitches have piled up. The game is at the point of being fairly unplayable now, with most recent glitches including; rover wheels not interacting with the ground or not turning at all, landers failing to extend their legs when asked, and parts in the VAB/SPH failing to attach to one another as intended... These problems are limiting what I can make to the extent that I basically can't do anything fun on KSP anymore - is there any way I can fix them? I'm running KSP on a 2012 Macbook Pro, running Sierra 10.12.6, with the latest available version of KSP. No mods are running, and I already tried deleting and reinstalling the game. Thanks
  19. So lets go back a few days shall we? So I recently installed the Kerbal Komets mod. I put my discovery chance on 85 thinking it was a good idea. It wasn't. Now I have 465 komets in it is extremely laggy. Komets are counted as asteroids so is there any way to delete all of them at once? I have a feeling that deleting them 1 by 1 would take at least 3-4 hours.
  20. I have built a House 229 but it simply won't fly. Is the CoM and CoL correct? When it gets in the air it acts as if it wants to fly in the opposite direction. Help
  21. I am trying to make a model of a Boeing 747, but the "fat 455 aeroplane main win" is too small for what I want. I found a forum that told me how to resize it, and i did, but the problem is that it still has the same amount of lift, and I have not been able to find ANY article of the forum even remotely talking about how to add lift to an object. please help me out.
  22. Hi everyone, I'm having issues with KSP crashing on me. It was working fine last evening but I decided to switch to 1.3.1 to see if it would run (I've been updating mods through ckan). When I switched to 1.3.1 I noticed that there were a ton of new updates available via ckan. So I ran my updates and launched 1.3.1 but I got a crash. So I revert (via steam) to 1.3.0. No dice, I still get a crash. Windows 7, Steam. Link to output_log https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2QxiqCwNu-MeVhmY201YmtnN1U/view?usp=sharing I've read a few other threads that seem to say that I will need to revert to older versions of my mods. If this is the case could someone explain how to do that with CKAN? But I'm hoping that it will be just one mod that is causing the troubles. Thanks! James
  23. In the past i have managed to install mods correctly without using CKAN I recently came back to the game and wanted to make some space planes, upon failing to get the mods to work i install CKAN which took alot of liquiding around to get working. Now i have it installed and when i install my mods, they appear in the "GameData" folder but no sign of them in game. I am running a steam version of the game. The mods im trying to install our: Community Resource pack - RoverDude Firespitter Core - RoverDude OPT Space Plane Parts - Kyeon RasterPropMonitor - MOARdV.Mihara RasterPropMonitor Core - MOARdV.Mihara Ive been struggling with this for 2 days, any help would be useful. Long : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B42ui2zsCSqgTndvbHpPMjN2UkU/view?usp=sharing
  24. So I built this: The "S-95 "Decent" Torodial Nuclear Interplanetary Transport": And I launched it: And tried to get out of Kerbin atmosphere: But it spun out of control: And I dunno what happened: Help me?
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