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  1. In development, but fully featured. Headlines models the reputation aspect of the space race, and follows the careers of your crew members. Hire, fire crew members and let them do their best at the KSC when not flying. Pilots are ideal for public relations, fundraising, talent scouting, and help your program increase in reputation. If the public and government don't understand how great your program's achievements, then you end up celebrating in private as the press won't show. The highest your profile, the better the staff you can recruit. Scientists lead teams in the R&D complex, and high profile scientist may bring colleagues from abroad to draw the most out of science data. Engineers lead teams in the VAB to make assembly more efficient. Requires: Realistic Progression 1 KSP version: 1.10 (as per RP1), 1.8 should work ok, but untested. Video: Introduction to the UI Documentation: https://github.com/bongotastic/Headlines/wiki Package: Available on CKAN https://github.com/bongotastic/Headlines/releases License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ Photo: ISRO satellite launch: Proud moment for India, 104 satellites placed in orbit Sample UI: Changelog v0.5 - Program Manager and better Media live events. v0.4 - Media Invite logic overhauled into media campaign + live event. v0.3.3 - Hiring cost subsidies to help build larger teams. v0.3.0 - Initial release.
  2. Download from GitHub NOTE: Default light settings in KSP only allow for 8 lights due to the added resource loads lights can cause. To increase the number of lights available, go to Settings/Graphics/Pixel Light Count and adjust it according to your system's abilities. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Compatible with @Li0n's Crew Light License is: a modified Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License and view-able in the GitHub plugin directory. Source Idiot Lights! Read about them in this post Slime Lights Non-Idiot Lights And this is a stock aircraft on the runway with several of the lights attached to give a size comparison. So this all came about because I wanted some lights for a truck. After spending days trying to tie into ModuleLight I finally threw my hands up in disgust and wrote my own partmodule. Features: Works with multiple light sources on a single part using animations. GameObjects (lenses) so designated in the config can have their material color changed to match the light color. This happens real-time in the hangar. As you change the light color, the lens color changes. The color changer takes either _Color or _Emissive colors. GameObject (lenses) off colors - The plan is eventually to animate the lens colors to match the light color animation so that they fade in and out. I'm not there yet. Until such time, the lenses turn off and on during blink and remain on otherwise. The off color can be added in the .cfg file. Blinking lights - Most of these lights can be set to blink. On and Off times have a range of 0.1 sec to 10 sec. These are set via sliders in the hangar. Each light's blink time and blink state is set independently and is persistent Preset colors - Some of the lights on other mods I've seen have this cool blue shade rather than the stock yellow. With this plugin, you get 15 (at the moment) preset colors and the ability to add your own by adding to a dat file in the plugin directory. Preset format is: Color name,RGB.Red,RBG.Blue,RGB.Green I.E. Candle,255,147,41 Current color presets include: Candle 40W Tungsten 100W Tungsten Halogen Carbon Arc Warm Fluorescent Standard Fluorescent Cool White Fluorescent Full Spectrum Fluorescent Grow Light Fluorescent Black Light Fluorescent Mercury Vapor Sodium Vapor Metal Halide High Pressure Sodium Want more colors? Here's a website I found that has lots of them with their r,g,b values. Just add your favorites to the presets.dat in the Plugin folder. Future plans (hopes) Animating lens colors via code to match light colors (done) GUI menu to make that searchlight rotate and tilt. (done) Create a disco party truck (done) ProTip: To quickly locate these parts, search for Kerbal Electric in the hangar parts list.
  3. In this brand new mission report (that i am going to complete, hopefully) i am going to narrate the endeavour of the kerbal race to explore and colonize the whole Kerbol System and (maybe) beyond ! Launches, explosion, colonies, bases, probes, anomalies and roleplay, all to explore thanks to the help of mods. I hope you enjoy KspMaster89, director of KNASA
  4. I'm looking for some VTOL aircraft topic on the spacecraft exchange and I couldn't find any so I decided to create my own. could the creations their post here please have a download link preferably stock but moded is fine. if there is already a forum for please link to it i would also be fine with VTOL tips
  5. BetterUI hehe big text I am attempting to build a mod that makes the KSP UI look less... old. I am looking to do something like this: This is a part of my series of mods to make KSP better. Uhh lets see... intro, based off... Ah! Heres the repo that has nothing in it: https://github.com/staticalliam7/BetterUI/ I'll add stuff to the OP as we go
  6. Heyo Everyone! I've been more than ambitious with my projects recently and I need a place where I can keep track of it and get feedback. List of Current Projects: AT Inc. Junkyards 1.2.2 Release. BrickMod Updated Updates. New Mission Report Series.
  7. Hey there! I'm working on a mod that adds a few parts by Astra, currently I'm still in the Texturing and even seeing if the parts load into the game. Update: Seeing that Rocket 3.x has been discontinued by Astra, this part pack will stop focussing on that rocket and will instead focus on the new Rocket 4. THIS IS MY FIRST MOD Don't expect too much, but do expect bugs. Compatibilities (planned) Realistic Progression-One TestFlight Updates posted in replies / if there are releases or major updates they'll be put into the post of course. Configs made by Anomalia W.I.P Aether Engine
  8. ここは日本語対応を希望するMOD開発者と、その作業が出来る日本語スピーカーを結び付ける為のスレッドです。 様々なMODが多言語化の協力を必要としています。お互いに協力し合ってKSPのプレイの幅を広げていきましょう。 ※直訳ではなく、KSPの世界観を活かした日本語対応を目指しましょう。 MOD多言語対応のメインスレッド: 上のリンク先の 「Localization supported; translations needed - Links point to the primary assets in need of translating:」 にリストされたMODのうち「Japanese」と書いてあるMODが日本語対応を必要としています。 ローカリゼーションが必要な行数と単語数も記載されています。 作業手順: MODまたはMODの開発者の要望を確認します。 MODの開発スレッドに書き込んだり、もしくは開発者にDM(PM)して、日本語対応の作業を申し入れます。 このスレッドに、MODの名前と作業開始の報告をして下さい。その内容を私が下の例のように書き込みます。 メインスレッドのリンク先にあるGitHubもしくはテキストファイルから作業を開始します。GitHubでは他の人が作業中かもしれませんので、最新のフォークをチェックしてください。 作業が終わったらMODの開発者に連絡して、このスレッドに報告してください。下の作業状況を更新します。 日本語対応待ちのMOD: ※最新ではない可能性があります。 ※作業用GitHubはメインスレッドを参照してください。 SCANsat - 221 Lines; 3630 Words - Needs Japanese Surface Experiment Pack - 1398 Lines; 17549 Words - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian Astrogator - Needs Japanese Precise Maneuver Editor - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian Feline Utility Rovers - 1968 Words - Needs Chinese, Japanese Tarsier Space Tech - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian Deep Freeze - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian JSI Advanced Transparent Pods - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian Explodium Breathing Engines - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian Ship Manifest - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian Contracts Window + (Plus two associated mods One; Two) - 66 Lines; 190 Words - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian Science Relay - 13 Lines; 71 Words - Needs Japanese Connected Living Space - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - 5916 Words - Needs Chinese, Japanese Critical Temperature Gauge - 20 Lines; ~54 Words - Needs Chinese, Japanese PicoPort - Needs Russian, Chinese, Japanese Action Group Manager Continued - Needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian Galileo's Planet Pack - 613 Lines - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian Community Tech Tree - approx 1300 words, 153 lines: needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian Near Future Construction - approx 2200 words, 160 lines: needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian Near Future Solar - approx 1400 words, 120 lines: needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian Stockalike Station Parts Expansion - approx 1000 words, 84 lines: needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian Cryo Engines - approx 250 words, 25 lines: needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian Cryo Tanks - approx 800 words, 90 lines: needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian Kerbal Atomics - approx 900 words, 40 lines: needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian Heat Control - approx 700 words, 59 lines: needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian Airlock Plus - 8 Lines; ~25-30 Words - Needs non-stock languages Auto Actions - 17 Lines; ~26 Words - Needs non-stock languages 日本語対応作業中のMOD: e.g) 例 )MOD NAME:EBOSHI SCANsat :zampona 日本語対応済みのMOD: e.g) 例 )MOD NAME:EBOSHI Airlock Plus: EBOSHI Naval Artillery:System: EBOSHI Auto Actions: cakepie Near Future Spacecraft: Yark-aki Near Future Electrical: Yark-aki Extraplanetary Launchpads: Yark-aki Near Future Propulsion:Yark-aki 今は基本的な情報しか書いていませんが、順次情報を増やしたいと思います。
  9. This project's goal: Create a monument to the KSP Community, A star cluster made entirely by members of the community. Rules Every User May submit a maximum of 2 Planets and 4 Moons per month Stars are Pre-Placed, But you may request a star type to be added, stars will be added as systems fill up Be Kind, Everyone is at a different experience level, so please do not act in a way that is only meant to hurt the feelings of others, or pointless complaining/insulting of another's work Help Others, If someone is asking for help, help them if you can, if you cannot, refer them to someone who can For a submission you must include within the Zip File : Your Planet Configs, Your Planet's Heightmap, And Your Planet's ColorMap, Normals can also be provided, but if not, will be produced as implementation occurs, You need to make the planet. Make it interesting, the more varied the submissions, the better, if you have some amazing idea, do it, we will get a spot to place it. Every Person who submits a planet/moon will get credit for their work, All Usernames will be placed within the mod DO NOT take configs, parts of configs, or maps from other mods, if we find out it is stolen, you will be removed from the contributors list and the planets in question will be removed Systems - Systems will be set up as planets are suggested, and will be filled out below as it goes on, upon completion of a system, it will be released, Systems will have 3-5 planets and 6-10 moons Lelon - An F7V Star About halfway through it's life Maldos A-B - A Close binary between a G3V Star and a M0V Star, Planets orbit both stars at once Blubol - A singular K4V Star, Habitable zone is closer to the star as a result. >Retol - 1000 km gas dwarf orbiting Blubon at around Duna's orbit - ffx >Oloa - 250 km Duna like moon but its colored minty blue from rusted copper - ffx >Gul - 19 km marron astroid - ffx Planets will be placed within these systems, As Systems fill up, more will be added to make more space, the more systems, the better. If this goes well, and we make it to 10+ systems, we will continue both development of this, and a follow up with the improved skills of everyone involved.
  10. NOTE: PLEASE REPORT ALL BUGS IN THIS THREAD; HIGHLY APPRECIATED; MOD IS FULLY COMPATIBLE WITH 1.2.2, NO UPDATE NEEDED. Disclaimer: 70% of the modeling work and texturing and config writing was done by Nazari1382. All I did was change/add some parts and configs. Any possible additions in the future would still follow Nazari1382's style and use his textures. I'm personally using this mod everyday for various purposes and goals. It provides a very good part collection for extraordinary contraptions, sci-fi 60's style space stations, and ground bases. One can even use for underwater bases on Eve or Laythe or even Kerbin! All in all, it is a perfect part selection for most crazy purposes. Changes to the original part-pack: removed Aurora thruster added 1x1 glass panel removed mk1 orbital enclosure added 4x4 panel added a lot of glass domes added better tri-panel fixed mod directory added flags proper balancing techtree integration glass tube now has fuel crossfeed capabilities replaced glass tube with fresh model compatibility with KSP 1.3.1 TweakScale integration Change log from 1.8 (and 1.9): fully compatible with KSP 1.3.1 new dome model 4 total dome sizes (10m, 3.75m, 2.5m, 1.25m) Download: SpaceDock CurseForge Screenshots: Imgur (old, will update with 2.0 release) License: Creative Commons (CC) 3.0 Original partpack: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/26641-Glass-Box-Enclosure-and-Glass-panels-mod
  11. Hi there! For the longest time, I've had trouble settling on a tech tree to use for my KSP playthroughs. TETRIX, Kiwi, Probes before Crew, and even just the standard Community Tech Tree are all good, but they each had some sort of issue or thing that I just didn't like. After sometime trying to change it for personal use through patching, I've instead decided to just go all the way and create my own custom tech tree, the Skyhawk Science System. Behold! (Hopefully the image displays properly, but if not, the link still works) This tech tree (currently just the layout, no part patches yet) will be based around a combination of the amazing Bluedog Design Bureau, Coatl Aerospace, SOCK, reDIRECT, Nertea's whole suite of mods, and more! It will attempt to create a "somewhat realistic" progression from launching sounding rockets into space to exploring deep space with antimatter torch drives. It won't completely accurately follow real-life, but I'm trying to strike a reasonable balance between the stock-alike "unlock things based on radial size" and the realistic progression of rockets to make sure everything has a reason to be used. I'll continue to update this thread with my progress as time goes on, but for now, feel free to take a look at the current tree plan and let me know what you think! And if you've got any questions about what I'm planning, ask away as well! BETA Release (Ready for testing! ) https://github.com/CessnaSkyhawk/SkyhawkScienceSystem/releases Mod Support: I've provided a list of mods which the tree currently supports right here: https://github.com/CessnaSkyhawk/SkyhawkScienceSystem/wiki/Mod-Support
  12. I have an idea for a science lab mod and habitation it is a Mk1 crew cabin but repurposed as a science lab. it has a couple wires running around the outside and the interior has a laptop on the desk and a lab vitals. it also has another seat in the corner for another scientist. edit: i found out this is in KNES another part is a habitation moudle , its a crew cabin but instead of a table inside there is a bunk bed that can hold 2 kerbals. the exterior window also has the black outline around the outside like the science lab i would do this myself but i have no idea how to code so im a bit stumped. haha
  13. Kerman Drive Technologies proudly presents... version 1.3 of the Kerman Drive Technologies mod! CHANGELOG -Basic Drives and Limited Drives have been removed. -Kerman Drives now have two modes, LowG and HighG. LowG has a maximum thrust of 5000kn, and HighG has a maximum thrust of 20000kn. ISP has also been increased to 500000 for both modes. README Kerman Drive Technologies v1.3 By Wheatley13/UbuntuLinuxKing Reactor models from KSP Interstellar, liscensed under the KSP Interstellar Liscense Drive models from the Space Opera mod, licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0 Fuel Processor and Fuel Tank models + CFGS by Squad RCS jet models from KSP Interstellar as well Kerman Drive Technologies flag/logo made on the Epstein Drive Technologies logo from The Expanse This mod is licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0, but to be honest I don't really care what you do so long as you give me credit PARTS INCLUDED Kerman Drives (All form factors, two modes) Fuel Processor (All form factors) Fusion Fuel Tank (All form factors) Kerman RCS Jets (Radial, high efficiency/thrust) Reactor (All form factors) ALL PARTS USE FUSION FUEL - TANK INCLUDED Kerman Drives are high thrust and VERY high efficiency. (Basically for flying in a straight line really, REALLY fast) Fusion Reactors make lots of power with a little bit of FusionFuel. The fuel processor creates FusionFuel from ore DOWNLOAD Click here
  14. The venerable Notantares "Big Khleb" fills a unique niche among part mod pods - 6 crew in a 1.875m capsule. Unfortunately, its art is growing long in the tooth compared to newer mods and revamps. I took it upon myself to build its spiritual successor(s): the Shortbow and Longbow 3- and 6-crew command modules, respectively. (Screenshots are of the 6-victim crew Longbow) It currently stands 1.4m tall with a 1.875m diameter bottom and .9375m top. The tunnel in the top is .625m to match smaller ports. Parachutes (coming later) will fill the void between the tunnel and inner aeroshell. Planned: Archer-3 'Shortbow' Command Pod (4 main windows) Archer-6 'Longbow' Command Pod (6 main windows) Archer-DP Drogue Parachute Archer-MP Main Parachute(s) Archer-HS 1.875m Heat Shield (integrated airbags) TAC-Life Support compatibility patches (if anyone makes Kerbalism configs the capsules should be quite cramped) Basic IVAs .9375m docking port (may redistribute (with permission) Benjee10's Habtech port)
  15. Lo.M


    A small mod that adds not 5 or 10 flags of space agencies but rather 128 new flags. That's for you who's too lazy to make flag by flag. +Flags - GIF - Imgur Contains: Australian Space Agency Belarus Space Agency Mexican Space Agency Algerian Space Agency Austrian Space Agency National Space Science Agency of Bahrain Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities (Venezuela) Brazilian Space Agency Bolivian Space Agency Bulgarian Space Agency Canadian Space Agency China National Space Administration Colombian Space Commission Singapore Space Agency Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency Serbian Office for Space Sciences, Research and Development German Aerospace Center Hellenic Space Centre Hungarian Space Office Indian Space Research Organisation Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial Iranian Space Agency Israeli Space Agency Italian Space Agency Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Luxembourg Space Agency National Space Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan New Zealand Space Agency National Aerospace Development Administration of North Korea (Why do you need this?) Korea (South) Aerospace Research Institute Lithuanian Space Association[ Malaysian Space Agency National Authority for of Niger8 Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (Egypt) Paraguayan Space Agency National Commission for Aerospace Research and Development Philippine Space Agency Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales National Institute of Aeronautics and Spa National Space Research and Development Agency of Nigeria Norwegian Space Centre Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission Romanian Space Agency Roscosmos Turkish Space Agency Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization of Bangladesh Polish Space Agency South African National Space Agency Space Research Institute of Saudi Arabia Space Technology Institute of Vietnam Swedish National Space Agency United Arab Emirates Space Agency Syrian Space Agency French space program Belarus Space Agency African Space Agency Armenian Space Agency Cambodian Aeronautics and Space Agency Caribbean Space Agency Haiti Space Agency Sri Lanka Aeronautics and Space Agency Ghana_Space_Science_and_Technology_Centre Swedish Space Corporation United Nations Lockheed Martin Company Boeing Company Compenhagen Suborbitals Agency Starchaser Industries ARCAspace Space Adventures Company Zero 2 Infinity Company Rocket Lab Company ArianesSpace Company Bigelow Aerospace Kistler Space Systems Planetary Resources Comapany SpaceX Blue Origin Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization Scaled Composites Sierra Nevada Corporation The Spaceship Company PD Aerospace Euroluna Astrobotic Technology Virgin Orbit Vector Lauch ULA Space Services Inc. Skyrora Skyroot Aerospace PLD Space Perigee Aerospace OrbitX OrbeX AD Astra Company Idependence-X Aerospace Generation Orbit Gilmour Space Technologies Firefly Aerospace Exos Aerospace Canadian Arrow Borneo SubOrbitals Belatriz Aerospace Astra Aerospace Australian Space Research Institute AgniKul Cosmos Team FREDNET Puli Space Technologies PTScientists Orbital Beyond Odyssey Moon Masten Space Systems Intuitive Machines InterOrbital Systems Armadillo Aerospace MC Donell Douglas Rotary Rocket UP Aerospace Spacebit TransOrbital Instructions: Download the mod. Unzip the folder. Look for the "Squad" folder in "Game Data". Look for the "Flags" folder. Throw the IMAGES in there. . And that's it! Download on Spacedock: +Flags on SpaceDock This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
  16. After successfully showing the KSP community my recreations of the Pegasus rocket from "Captain Earth", it's time for a mod for KSP! My own proposal is as follows: Hybrid Rockomax/Kebodyne tank with integrated adapter Large H-II-based upper stage (with minor modifications) Pegasus SRBs And finally, the aerodynamic boosters themselves. These are only fuel tanks for KSP (except for the SRBs) and require you to add 3 "Vector" engines on the core stage, 2 "Vector" engines for the aerodynamic boosters, and 1 "Skiff" engine (from the expansion pack) to make the mod work. BTW, if modders have seen episodes of Captain Earth, you must create a recreation of the Pegasus rocket as it looked in the anime. I hope everyone will get to recreate this rocket in KSP!
  17. Hello! I am currently trying to make my own mod for KSP, allready done the modeling, texturing and all the stuff. I imported the blender file into Unity and succeed to have the main texture and the normal map imported. But I do not succeed to import a roughness/smoothness map and a metallic map. I read that I have to make a RGBA file with the metalic in R, normal in G and smooth in A. If it is that, how can I do so? Thanks in advance!
  18. This is my new RO mod for the Neutron Rocket. This is my first "fully functional" (WIP) mod. This is the download link: https://github.com/Suyash-Jevaria/Neutron_Rocket There aren't any images cause I got kinda lazy lol
  19. So this is a mod by u/Rattraps123 from reddit He was trying to finish this when he was not able to load it on ksp 1.11 so the download will not be provided and the provided ones are the broken version, so I asked him to take over his mod I am consulting linuxgurugamer for help, but the reddit discussion thread
  20. About: I wanted to create a skybox for another eye-candy oriented game: I had fun creating one with Space Engine, so I decided to make a few more. This is the result. You need Texture Replacer! DOWNLOADS: NGC 3115 Central Black Hole Album with more images You very rarely see black holes in skyboxes. I decided to give this massive one a shot. This is a real place in the universe: In this skybox, you orbit a star near the Central Black Hole of the galaxy NGC 3115. You can visit it in Space Engine by pressing F3 and searching for the 'Spindle Central Black Hole'. SpaceDock Download Between the Stars This one emphasizes the vast amount of space between the galaxies (Milky Way + Magellanic Clouds). This is a real place in the universe: In this skybox, you orbit a lonely star which ended up in the vast emptiness of space near the Milky Way galaxy. You can visit this place in Space Engine SpaceDock Download SN 1006 Nebula (3 Versions!) Unedited: SpaceDock Download Light: SpaceDock Download Dark: SpaceDock Download As colourful isn't everyone's taste, I included the unedited file and a darker one. This is a real place in the universe: In this skybox, you orbit a star in the SN 1006 nebula (the remnants of a supernova inside the Milky Way galaxy). You can visit this place in Space Engine by pressing F3 and searching for SN 1006. SpaceDock Download Large Magellanic Cloud More pictures: This is a nebula inside the Large Magellanic Cloud. (A nebula inside a big nebula, and you can even see the Milky Way from up here!) This is a real place in the universe: In this skybox, you orbit a star in a nebula inside the Large Magellanic Cloud. You can visit this place in Space Engine Also, this one's a bit rushed. Tell me if something's wrong and needs to be changed. SpaceDock Download Red Spider More Pictures Another great skybox! No spider was harmed in the making of this skybox Spacedock Download More Skyboxes Coming Soon I'm waiting for Space Engine to update to version They are experimenting with volumetric-based nebulas (SO MUCH IMPROVEMENT ) and you can even edit and create your own nebulas!!! In the meantime, I also found out about Spacescape. Now I just need to learn how to use it. You can donate me to buy me coffee so I work faster. (But I unfortunately still have to wait for Space Engine to update) License All Rights Reserved.
  21. [1.11.x]-Kerbin's Smol Rings Kerbin's Smol Rings adds slights rings around Kerbin. More Screenshots : Download (Spacedock) : https://spacedock.info/mod/2772/Kerbin's Smol Rings Dependencies : - Kopernicus (https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases/) - Module Manager (https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50533-18x-110x-module-manager-414-july-7th-2020-locked-inside-edition/)
  22. It looks like Axiom Space is not kidding. So we really need a mod with the modules, maybe in the same shape as the HabTech2.
  23. I'm trying to file download my mods because my ckan is being weird and id rather just launch normally without ckan anyway and I have kopernicus and outer planets but I'm not sure how to distribute the files and stuff if I could get a tutorial on yt or like a text for tutorial because I'm so confused I load all the separation of file that make scenes and the planets flat out don't show up idk how to really ask for support either so if you need something id be happy to help you help me just want egg moon back.
  24. Hello Mod Community! I'm currently developing a mod which requires the selection of an or several image(s) by the player. Preferably I would like to do using the Windows File Explorer. I've tried two methods, using UnityEngine and another one using System.Windows.Forms. None of them worked and I've heard that apparently people have had issues with the file explorer when modding before... UnityEditor method EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Select reference image!", "", "png"); Which gave me this error: I heard the apparently KSP doesn't use UnityEditor so I added the UnityEditor.dll file into the plugins folder which changed the error from the beforementioned one to this one: Anyone have any experience with UnityEditor and KSP modding, please let me know! System Windows Forms method string refImgPath = ""; OpenFileDialog fileDialog_ = new OpenFileDialog(); fileDialog_.InitialDirectory = @"c:\"; fileDialog_.Filter = "png"; fileDialog_.RestoreDirectory = false; if (fileDialog_.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { refImgPath = fileDialog_.FileName; } Debug.Log(refImgPath); Which gave me this error: I didn't know where to continue from here, anyone know what's wrong? Basically I need help with getting an file (image) explorer window working to get the path to any given image. Thank you in advance for any help!
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