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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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  23 hours ago, Jebihean Kerman said:

Pappystein it didn't work i think why B9Parts is a very dangerous mod for my game so it might be that but if is not what could it be? can i get help for the creator or someone else please?

1) B9PS is REQUIRED for BDB to work properly.  You remove it, you remove a good chunk of BDB.

2) as DeltaDizzy has already said we will need, at a Minimum, a Screenshot of the Gamedata folder to see what other mods you are running.   Ideally we would like the logs as well posted to whatever you favorite File sharing website is (onedrive, Dropbox, Pastebin, etc.)


  • Mi Trying but i cant paste the image 
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11 minutes ago, Jebihean Kerman said:

Mi Trying but i cant paste the image


A quick antenna update:

Unless someone can pull a nice equation or two out of a hat, i will be going with the whole-orbit method of antenna balancing. (whatever the missions target planet is, the DSN can reach everywhere in the planet's orbit) In accordance with this, the ranger dish will be getting checks notes 3.15x more powerful.

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27 minutes ago, Jebihean Kerman said:

https://imgur.com/TuUGVfm  ok here the screenshot

OK, It looks like you've got an installation problem. Most of those folder names look like package or zip names. If you open each of those folders inside GameData I expect you'll find another GameData folder inside it and the actual mod contents inside that.

And none of the folder names looks like they came from this mod either. (You would see Bluedog_DB, B9PartSwitch, CommunityResourcePack, DMagicScienceAnimate for a minimal BDB install)

I recommend moving them all (except the Squad and SquadExpansion folders which are part of the stock game) somewhere else on your hard disc then going through them one by one moving just the contents back into your gamedata folder.



should be


If any of the folders has more than one folder inside its GameData folder then they are probably dependencies (other mods that the mod relies on to work) that were bundled with the mod by the author for convenience. When copying those over to your actual gamedata folder make sure to only take one copy of each and if multiple mods shipped the same dependencies then pick the most recent one (you'll often find a .version file inside the dependency's folder that you can open in a text editor to find out which version it is - pick the highest numbered one)


Alternatively if that sounds complicated then instead use CKAN to manage installing mods for you.

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7 hours ago, Uohcnam said:

Hi All!

I've just install BDD for 1.7.3 and i've a question. I've the feeling my prometheus parts have a weird looking.. See the imgur link.



I precise i've only BDD installed in my gamedata.
I join my KSP log if necessary. 

Log : https://www.dropbox.com/s/q57pewpp57gg4ad/KSP.log?dl=0


Thanks for helping ! :)

Those are the dead parts. I'm not sure how you got them. Download the latest build from GitHub. 


Edited by GoldForest
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30 minutes ago, Jebihean Kerman said:

Aelfhe1m sorry that was old screen shot here the new screenshot https://imgur.com/djvyxic. and mabey send a video on what to do or make it simpler by adding pics on what to do because i dont know what to do and what you say

Try these links for more details:

  • Most (fairly) recent tutorial from this site.
  • A video tutorial by "Game Instructor"


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5 hours ago, DeltaDizzy said:


A quick antenna update:

Unless someone can pull a nice equation or two out of a hat, i will be going with the whole-orbit method of antenna balancing. (whatever the missions target planet is, the DSN can reach everywhere in the planet's orbit) In accordance with this, the ranger dish will be getting checks notes 3.15x more powerful.

A couple of points.   Since WHATEVER space program has literally thousands of Engineers to plan a flight, and we, if we are lucky have a few mods + us....  Whole orbit makes sense.    The Patch would only be useful to those select few of us who can A) Do calculus in their head and on the fly, and more importantly B) actually know what they are doing.

If you are looking for the Formula for Radio range vs Signal Strength... Look at RADAR Formulas.  I know they are Log10 but that is how radio waves propagate.     THEN once you have the formula you can apply it to Radios in  game... Oh, no it won't work because Radios are more boolean than Logarithmic in KSP....

Does someone want to make a Realistic Radio Mod that completely replaces how Radios work????    *I KID*  RemoteTech seems to make huge inroads but even it does not seem to follow the Log10 formulas for Radio propagation. (I say this not ever having played with RT)



Every game I have ever played/modded that has Radios seems to think they work or they don't work 100% with no in between.      Have played many games where Radar, SONAR and IR and Visual are all well approximated... but Radio... NOOO it is the voice of god and not Radio at all.    No Radio Horizion, No Frequency propagation, no certain frequencies ducting along an ocean, etc etc etc.  

Also DeltaDizzy, thanks for posting the link to how to post images

1 hour ago, Jebihean Kerman said:

Aelfhe1m sorry that was old screen shot here the new screenshot https://imgur.com/djvyxic. and mabey send a video on what to do or make it simpler by adding pics on what to do because i dont know what to do and what you say


Jebihean, I see several problems still with that screen shot.   Primarily is Module manager... There should be no folder without the .dll in the base GameData\ folder

Follow the guides that Aelfhe1m has already posted.  

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31 minutes ago, Pappystein said:

A couple of points.   Since WHATEVER space program has literally thousands of Engineers to plan a flight, and we, if we are lucky have a few mods + us....  Whole orbit makes sense.    The Patch would only be useful to those select few of us who can A) Do calculus in their head and on the fly, and more importantly B) actually know what they are doing.

If you are looking for the Formula for Radio range vs Signal Strength... Look at RADAR Formulas.  I know they are Log10 but that is how radio waves propagate.     THEN once you have the formula you can apply it to Radios in  game... Oh, no it won't work because Radios are more boolean than Logarithmic in KSP....

Does someone want to make a Realistic Radio Mod that completely replaces how Radios work????    *I KID*  RemoteTech seems to make huge inroads but even it does not seem to follow the Log10 formulas for Radio propagation. (I say this not ever having played with RT)

Well now that I've figured out a method things should go a lot quicker! All I'm wondering now is if it's possible to give antennae partupgrades... 

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I've revised my Delta II tower, the new single-piece version (sized for the BDB Delta II with no other heights) is ready and on the AlphaDev branch of my GitHub. New modular sections for the tower will follow soon, these will have more toggleable options--like the side panels, to create an unpaneled version which was used for earlier Deltas.






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UPDATE Bluedog Design Bureau v1.6.2 "титан"


Transtage delivering an IDCSP constellation

- Add new IDCSP probe and modular decoupler truss made by @Jso
- 47 new craft files (Thanks to @Friznit)
- New experiment and sciencedefs for KH10 Dorian MOL camera
- New experiment and sciencedefs for Skylab ATM (thanks to @GregroxMun)

- update .version file
- update changelog.txt
- update bundled B9PartSwitch to v2.12.1 (the BDB github download for KSP 1.7.3 will still bundle B9PS v2.11.1)
- update readme.md
- update mini avc.dll and move to new versioning folder

Fixes and updates
- various realnames fixes
- Change realnames patch order
- Some realnames fixes for BDB_Extras (thanks to @Pappystein)
- Add Titan whoop for some engines which were missing it (RealPlume)
- Minor realplume tweaks
- Atlas CELV tech balance
- LDC structural parts tech balance
- Optional patch in extras to remove throttle response lag from engines that have it
- Engage sound fixes for some engines
- KH10 Dorian MOL camera scansat module changed to low res altimetry
- TAC life support update for LEM (thanks to @wallum61)
- Fix Gemini station inflatable airlock collider
- Texture update for Peacekeeper PBV white variant
- More detailed collider for Castor 30 and 30XL (enables attachment under the stage around the nozzle)
- Fix missing solar transforms from Helios sunshade and Apollo sub satellite
- Enable surface attach for Soltan and LDC nose cones
- Fix ring and fork docking port clipping
- Fix CELV adapter tank endcap texture

Github download here.

BDB 1.6.2 Download [Github]

BDB 1.6.2 Download [Spacedock]

Please note there are two download bundles on github. One with dependencies for KSP1.7.3 and one for KSP 1.8.x

The spacedock download only has dependencies for KSP 1.8. If you want to run it on an earlier version of KSP, please download the appropriate version of B9PS (v2.11.1) and Module Manager (4.0.3) separately.

Edited by Zorg
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11 hours ago, KerbalKore said:

@Uohcnam You’ll find those are the old and deprecated Prometheus parts. They have a rusty texture to indicate new parts with better models have replaced them, and they will be removed in a future update. :)


7 hours ago, GoldForest said:

Those are the dead parts. I'm not sure how you got them. Download the latest build from GitHub. 



Thanks @GoldForest and @KerbalKore  for your answers !

Well i don't know too how those parts appeared  ... I download the latest version for 1.7.3 and i just put the folder in the gamedata folder. 

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19 minutes ago, Uohcnam said:

Well i don't know too how those parts appeared  ... I download the latest version for 1.7.3 and i just put the folder in the gamedata folder. 

I think FilterExtensions(?) makes hidden parts appear in the VAB parts list. They will be deleted for good (not just hidden) in the next major update but if it bothers you, you can go to Bluedog_DB/Parts/Titan/Old and delete the "Old" folder. Then you will only be left with nice new Titan parts :) 

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@CobaltWolf do you prefer tab intend or space intend?

I ask because the newest rls and dev repo have them mixed, like

		@name = ModuleEnginesFX
		%powerEffectName = Solid-Vacuum
        name = Solid-Vacuum
        transformName = thrustTransform
        localRotation = 0,0,0
        localPosition = 0,0,0.5
				emissionMult = 1
        fixedScale = 0.35
        energy = 1
        speed = 1


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How convenient that the one day I decide to check the KSP forums after a break from the game, there's a new BDB release! If you remember that delta blue LDC someone put together a while back, you asked if people would approve an official colour scheme of the same nature. I think it's gorgeous - so you have my vote in favour.

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3 hours ago, Jebihean Kerman said:

Well this mod doesnt work for me :( well atlast i have fasa

If you have installed BDB correctly it will look like this:


If you're on KSP 1.7.3 you should install from here: https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/releases/download/v1.6.2/Bluedog.Design.Bureau.v1.6.2.for.KSP.1.7.3.zip

If on KSP 1.8.1 you should install from here: https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/releases/download/v1.6.2/Bluedog.Design.Bureau.v1.6.2.for.KSP.1.8.1.zip


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