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Just finished a round of Civ6: GS playing as Simon Bolivar of Colombia, one of the DLC civs. Simon has some nice unique perks giving him some useful advantages, so I felt brave enough to take on Immortal difficulty, the second highest. It turned out I had rewind the game a few times at different eras to finally prevail.

The TSN turning point was a knock-down, drag-through-the-trenches war of attrition with England, which for awhile had some superior techs, but I was eventually able to overwhelm Eleanor which required all the raw military production I could muster. After that it was a race to eliminate the other advanced civs to head off diplomatic or space race victories. It took me two re-tries to finally wipe out Genghis one turn before he could claim a diplomatic victory. Teddy was overrun, leaving his exoplanet mission dead in space and his diplomatic hopes in ashes.

After that, the quickest path to victory was simply a matter of sending my legions of Giant Death Robots to surgically capture the capitals of the remaining opponents. 


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Company of Heroes 2

Nothing like coordinating an assault team to hold back a heavy tank, or holding back a wave of T-34s.

Or just sim-city building on a community map with 1 indestructible bridge where the AI rick rolls into a wall of lead. 


Good times :D

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My PC has never worked just right, and now it's just done-zo, so I've been playing a lot of Xbox games. I've been playing a lot of the new Call of Duty, and it's pretty good. Me and a few friends have been playing Rainbow Six: Siege together and it's great. I've also been working on a Minecraft realm with a few friends and I've started getting good at building, surprisingly enough.

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Well, I've been playing a couple of old games and one newer game.

I've returned to Civilization V after spending over 300 hours playing Civilization VI:

I have been a big fan of the Civilization franchise since the very first game in the 1990s. In my opinion, Civ III and Civ IV were probably the best games of the franchise. But Civ V was a complete revisioning of the game. At first, I hated it but as the DLCs and patches were released, I came to really appreciate the game. Civ VI, however, has been a game that delivered a lot of promise and had a lot of potential, but failed to deliver what was expected. Some of the newer features were really good but the game is too heavy into micromanagement for my tastes. Oh, and the AI is probably the worst I've ever seen in a Civ game. Ever.

Cities: Skylines:

There's something relaxing about getting a city to grow. It's really relaxing and has been now for over 3,000 hours spent in the game.

The new game to my library:

Kingdoms RebornIt was on sale as an early release. I'm always hesitant to buy a game that's still barely in Beta. So far, it's okay and is along the lines of a really simplified Rise of Nations. It's nothing I'd really recommend because it is so much like all of those other games which are in the same genre. Yesterday, a patch dropped that broke a saved game. So, if you are planning to get it, wait until after the release date.

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Star wars empire at war: remake mod

I've benn using my pretty procursators and venators (a good combo) against pirates, though pesky kuat has some imperial 1 and 2s, and even an Allegiance, though in previous versions of the mod, kuat had a secutor

then my game crashed for some reason and I've lost all my pogress in this save

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  On 2/14/2021 at 11:39 AM, minerbat said:



I'm a one-game addict but the previous addiction was Minecraft and, yes, lately, I've been working a little Minecraft into the mix again.  I love the Operations Research aspect to the game.  Diamond mining sure does feel like the one-armed bandits in a casino, though.  I had a grand-scale project for a while to link all villages in a 10km x 10km map together in a rail network.  Wrote programs to compute the minimal nets and to compute the XY gradients to route elevated track over the desserts, tundra, through mountains etc.  Thousands of hours.

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