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Shower thoughts


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1) Win Lottery

2) Buy the appropriate local affiliates for radio and TV in Ann Arbor.  
3) Just happen to have a power outage at each studio during the next Big Game.   

4) Gladly pay any fines that come my way.

5) Then, next year, broadcast the previous year’s game that wasn’t shown, instead of the one currently being played.    

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6 minutes ago, Bej Kerman said:

Well hardware isn't a problem for the intents and purposes of our future civilisation.

Would sound funny before the KSP2 release...

Any step in hardware means two steps in the problems complexity.
In any case, one can't preset the whole universe in the emulation, until the emulation asymptotically reaches the universe complexity level.
This means that the only emulation having enough level of presets to indistinguishably emulate the universe is the universe, and the ultimate simulation is what the reality is.

10 minutes ago, Bej Kerman said:

How do you know those bacteria existed before you looked at them?

No people reported that they can see only polygons in the microscope, if proper experiment conditions had been provided.
Every positive makes the negative less probable.

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12 hours ago, Bej Kerman said:

Not to nitpick, but if your computer can't render a convincingly detailed smashed clock, it's probably from the early 2000s.

Nah, Silent Hunter IV was out in the early 2000s and had really great graphics. 

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Hey, folks, the thoughts about life here being some sort of simulation have been moved to their own thread so the discussion can continue. Here's the link:

I've tried to keep the comments here that were split between the two (general shower comments and simulation comments), but it may not have been effective. Anyway, this was an excellent suggestion by several of you. So, please, bring on more of your regular shower thoughts and more of your speculations about life on Earth as we know it as being a simulation on the new thread. And again, thanks for an excellent suggestion for those of you who suggested it!

I have also added tags to both threads to make finding them easier through tag searches. I hope this helps.

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I was thinking, and thought: how long until we don’t need keyboards anymore, and when will it just come from our brains? Later that day playing some online multiplayer games, I realized that this thought-typing tech might not be as good of an option as I thought. (I almost typed something very unscrupulous, and if it came straight from my brain it most certainly would have sent :wink:)

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3 hours ago, Zozaf Kerman said:

I was thinking, and thought: how long until we don’t need keyboards anymore, and when will it just come from our brains? Later that day playing some online multiplayer games, I realized that this thought-typing tech might not be as good of an option as I thought. (I almost typed something very unscrupulous, and if it came straight from my brain it most certainly would have sent :wink:)

Things that aren’t acceptable to one generation in X decade sometimes become acceptable to Y generation 70-80 years later. A lot of the tech we have now completely violates privacy norms that existed in the 1950s and no one even really cares, beyond the occasional article about how our data is being harvested for advertisers.

I certainly would never undergo such a modification, but I wouldn’t put it beyond my hypothetical grandchildren to want to get that someday- along with a good portion of the rest of the world.

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4 hours ago, Zozaf Kerman said:

I was thinking, and thought: how long until we don’t need keyboards anymore, and when will it just come from our brains? Later that day playing some online multiplayer games, I realized that this thought-typing tech might not be as good of an option as I thought. (I almost typed something very unscrupulous, and if it came straight from my brain it most certainly would have sent :wink:)


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On 12/1/2023 at 2:53 PM, Gargamel said:

1) Win Lottery

2) Buy the appropriate local affiliates for radio and TV in Ann Arbor.  
3) Just happen to have a power outage at each studio during the next Big Game.   

4) Gladly pay any fines that come my way.

5) Then, next year, broadcast the previous year’s game that wasn’t shown, instead of the one currently being played.    

Will not work, now over well over 100 years ago it was some who pulled off a pretty perfect scam until it did not. 
Couple checked in at en very expensive hotel in southern US. One of the tings they did there was betting on horse races, They got result on telegram and you could place bet until the telegraph started ticking. 
They guy claimed to have magic power and could predict the future a bit and he won a lot. His wife stayed at the room during the events there he shouted out the winning bids during an "trance"
Well he had an radio receiver on his body who gave him small shocks in some sort of Morse. Team had an truck with an radio transmitter outside the racetrack, wife received the signal and sent it on to husband. 

Did not end well, casinos don't like people who win most of the time and some thought of the new radio thing. 

Problem with your idea is that its people watching the match even during Covid and some would record the match. Also weather has to match, that is some player is out, an new referee is also likely. 
An extremely hard scam to pull. 

Now it was an betting service in Australia who messed up the time of an Finish hockey game, game was reported delayed but this delay was canceled but the betting service did not know so it got viral very fast, yes they had procedures for this. If betting if off the table close it. It might be so simple that one team show up so drunk they can not stand on their legs who has happened. 

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6 hours ago, Ryaja said:

Carbon emissions are technically green as plants love a warm carbon rich environment.

Global warming is also incredibly good for life as a whole. It would allow greater evolution if the environment was trashed and species were moved out of their comfort zone and forced to survive or die.

I say this as a counter to people who think global warming threatens “life” as a whole. It certainly threatens species that exist now, but life will go on even with worst case scenario ecological collapse.

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8 hours ago, SunlitZelkova said:

Global warming is also incredibly good for life as a whole. It would allow greater evolution if the environment was trashed and species were moved out of their comfort zone and forced to survive or die.

I say this as a counter to people who think global warming threatens “life” as a whole. It certainly threatens species that exist now, but life will go on even with worst case scenario ecological collapse.

Part of the issue with anthropogenic climate change is that it's happening much faster than "natural" causes, and evolution and migration in many cases can't keep up.

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4 hours ago, StrandedonEarth said:

Part of the issue with anthropogenic climate change is that it's happening much faster than "natural" causes, and evolution and migration in many cases can't keep up.

Right, it's closer to dousing your Petri dish in antibiotics than most natural causes. It's likely to be more of a man-made mass extinction event than anything else.

13 hours ago, SunlitZelkova said:

Global warming is also incredibly good for life as a whole. It would allow greater evolution if the environment was trashed and species were moved out of their comfort zone and forced to survive or die.

I say this as a counter to people who think global warming threatens “life” as a whole. It certainly threatens species that exist now, but life will go on even with worst case scenario ecological collapse.

Depends what you mean by "greater" ;)  Arguably, the surviving species would simply be differently adapted rather than better in an absolute sense - they might be better at surviving in a more variable climate, but at what genetic cost? In general, I assume the massive drop in biodiversity would outweigh any gains made by individual remaining species - e.g. previous mass extinction events mean we don't have any giant lizards or insects running around anymore (although that might have been inevitable anyway).

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On 12/4/2023 at 9:20 PM, SunlitZelkova said:

Things that aren’t acceptable to one generation in X decade sometimes become acceptable to Y generation 70-80 years later. A lot of the tech we have now completely violates privacy norms that existed in the 1950s and no one even really cares, beyond the occasional article about how our data is being harvested for advertisers.

I certainly would never undergo such a modification, but I wouldn’t put it beyond my hypothetical grandchildren to want to get that someday- along with a good portion of the rest of the world.

And I'm shocked how little big tech know about me based on Youtube adds, watching a lot while working from home so watch from an computer. 
I'm an single guy in the 50's interested in tech and gaming, well off. Mostly watch infotainment on YouTube combine with fun stuff. 

Why is I getting targeted adds for baby products and all sort of stuff I get on linear TV? 
Yes it might be that Google is cheating and show these high paying adds to people who will never buy them for the add money. 

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On 12/4/2023 at 5:38 PM, Zozaf Kerman said:

I was thinking, and thought: how long until we don’t need keyboards anymore, and when will it just come from our brains? Later that day playing some online multiplayer games, I realized that this thought-typing tech might not be as good of an option as I thought. (I almost typed something very unscrupulous, and if it came straight from my brain it most certainly would have sent :wink:)

Agree keyboards is slow, obviously pads are slower and other controllers are way worse unless specialized like controlling cars or planes. 
Direct brain does not only have the danger of posting excrements but also do much worse stuff like buying stuff like houses online, it would obviously be an hold down button to send down to verify by fingerprint. 
Even in an game you might want to hold on to rare ammo like rocket launchers. 

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22 hours ago, magnemoe said:

Will not work, now over well over 100 years ago it was some who pulled off a pretty perfect scam until it did not. 
Couple checked in at en very expensive hotel in southern US. One of the tings they did there was betting on horse races, They got result on telegram and you could place bet until the telegraph started ticking. 
They guy claimed to have magic power and could predict the future a bit and he won a lot. His wife stayed at the room during the events there he shouted out the winning bids during an "trance"
Well he had an radio receiver on his body who gave him small shocks in some sort of Morse. Team had an truck with an radio transmitter outside the racetrack, wife received the signal and sent it on to husband. 

Did not end well, casinos don't like people who win most of the time and some thought of the new radio thing. 

Problem with your idea is that its people watching the match even during Covid and some would record the match. Also weather has to match, that is some player is out, an new referee is also likely. 
An extremely hard scam to pull. 

Now it was an betting service in Australia who messed up the time of an Finish hockey game, game was reported delayed but this delay was canceled but the betting service did not know so it got viral very fast, yes they had procedures for this. If betting if off the table close it. It might be so simple that one team show up so drunk they can not stand on their legs who has happened. 

On no, this isn’t to gamble.     This is to deny a certain group of sports fans the ability to watch a certain game.  

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11 hours ago, StrandedonEarth said:

Part of the issue with anthropogenic climate change is that it's happening much faster than "natural" causes, and evolution and migration in many cases can't keep up.

The K-Pg extinction event happened in a matter of hours, not decades (as far as the spread of its climatic effects go). We exist because of it.

6 hours ago, GluttonyReaper said:

Depends what you mean by "greater" ;)  Arguably, the surviving species would simply be differently adapted rather than better in an absolute sense - they might be better at surviving in a more variable climate, but at what genetic cost? In general, I assume the massive drop in biodiversity would outweigh any gains made by individual remaining species - e.g. previous mass extinction events mean we don't have any giant lizards or insects running around anymore (although that might have been inevitable anyway).

Yes, there are no more dinosaurs or big insects, but there are space stations and MRIs. Maybe the next species will solve the problems of conflict and societal malaise.

Again, I’m just playing devil’s advocate here and saying life will go on, just not in the form it takes now.

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3 minutes ago, Superfluous J said:

They Want Their Sentences To Look Like Titles.

But They Are Not Titles And It Burns My Eyes, And Probably Also Burns Other People's Eyes To Read Things Like This, And It Is Not Grammatically Correct, And Will Kill Your Left Thumb After Several Rounds Of Holding Shift Before Every Single Word In A Sentence.

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11 hours ago, SunlitZelkova said:

Yes, there are no more dinosaurs or big insects, but there are space stations and MRIs. Maybe the next species will solve the problems of conflict and societal malaise.

Again, I’m just playing devil’s advocate here and saying life will go on, just not in the form it takes now.

Oh sure, mass extinction events could act as a "genetic reroll", giving a chance for creatures to evolve that never would otherwise... but there's no guarantee that they'll be better (or worse) in terms of, intelligence for example, than their predecessors. As always, it's difficult to gauge whether it ends up being a net positive versus letting life evolve through the slow route, because our sample size for development of intelligent life is still just 1 (for a particular definition of intelligence)

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17 hours ago, magnemoe said:

I'm an single guy in the 50's interested in tech and gaming, well off. Mostly watch infotainment on YouTube combine with fun stuff. 

Why is I getting targeted adds for baby products and all sort of stuff I get on linear TV? 

They prepare a coming "Robokids!" campaign.
Like Tamagochi, but with looped background cartoons on TV, and an electronic night pot to flush it to stop the siren screaming.

8 hours ago, TwoCalories said:

Why Do So Many People Format Their Sentences Like This? It Is So Uncomfortable To Read, And They Can't Seriously Type Like This All The Time?!?

They Are Superdeutsch Style Fans. Not Only Nouns, Every Word Matters.


Also, maybe they have set the space key as a register switch key.

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