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[KSP 1.12.4] On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) - - `<BlackOut>` edition [26 Dec 2022]


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On 6/20/2021 at 9:26 PM, Ender65535 said:

Was ODFCMaxEC something from the latest dev branch?

been something I have been mulling around.

Issue is late in the patch I deleted the variable key, and Module Manager doesn't like that.


		!ODFCMaxEC = dummy // clean up


removing that fixes the patch. wasted so much time trying to fix something that technically wasn't broken. :cry:

the full working patch: 


// StockFuelCells.cfg v1.2.2.2
// On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC)
// created: 13 Aug 19
// updated: 22 Jun 2021

	@cost += 50
	@title ^= :$: <color=#6495ED> ODFC</color>:
	@description ^= :(.)$:$0\n<#6495ED><i>ODFC installed.</i></color>:
	@mass += 0.001
	@tags ^= :$: odfc demand:

	!MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter] {}
		name = ODFC
		ODFCMaxEC = 1.0
		// scaleFactor = 1
		// threshold = 0.33
		// rateLimit = 0.75
		// fuelCellIsEnabled = false
		// fuelMode = 2
			name = MP
			MaxEC = 1.0
				MonoPropellant = 0.001
			name = LFO
			MaxEC = 1.0
				LiquidFuel = 0.001125
				Oxidizer = 0.0030555555555556
			name = LFIA
			MaxEC = 1.0
				LiquidFuel = 0.000085
				IntakeAir = 0.0204
			name = H2OW
			MaxEC = 1.0
				Hydrogen = 0.20852969923455
				Oxygen = 0.1577243965100526
				Water = 0.0001686838444
			name = LH2O
			MaxEC = 1.0
				LqdHydrogen = 0.020625 //0.02063
				Oxidizer = 0.001375 // 0.00138
				Water = 0.00773
			name = Hydrazine
			MaxEC = 1.0
				Hydrazine = 0.01564
				Oxygen = 0.01182
				Water = 0.00001266

		ODFCMaxEC = 5
			@MaxEC = #$../ODFCMaxEC$
				@MonoPropellant *= #$../MaxEC$
			@MaxEC =#$../ODFCMaxEC$
				@LiquidFuel *= #$../MaxEC$
				@Oxidizer *= #$../MaxEC$
			@MaxEC = #$../ODFCMaxEC$
				@LiquidFuel *= #$../MaxEC$
				@IntakeAir *= #$../MaxEC$
			@MaxEC = #$../ODFCMaxEC$
				@Hydrogen *= #$../MaxEC$
				@Oxygen *= #$../MaxEC$
				@Water *= #$../MaxEC$
			@MaxEC = #$../ODFCMaxEC$
				@LqdHydrogen *= #$../MaxEC$
				@Oxidizer *= #$../MaxEC$
				@Water *= #$../MaxEC$
			@MaxEC = #$../ODFCMaxEC$
				@Hydrazine *= #$../MaxEC$
				@Oxygen *= #$../MaxEC$
				@Water *= #$../MaxEC$
		&amount = 5
		%maxAmount = #$amount$
		flowState = False

		&amount = 5
		%maxAmount = #$amount$
		%maxAmount += 5

		ODFCMaxEC = 32
			@MaxEC = #$../ODFCMaxEC$
				@MonoPropellant *= #$../MaxEC$
			@MaxEC =#$../ODFCMaxEC$
				@LiquidFuel *= #$../MaxEC$
				@Oxidizer *= #$../MaxEC$
			@MaxEC = #$../ODFCMaxEC$
				@LiquidFuel *= #$../MaxEC$
				@IntakeAir *= #$../MaxEC$
			@MaxEC = #$../ODFCMaxEC$
				@Hydrogen *= #$../MaxEC$
				@Oxygen *= #$../MaxEC$
				@Water *= #$../MaxEC$
			@MaxEC = #$../ODFCMaxEC$
				@LqdHydrogen *= #$../MaxEC$
				@Oxidizer *= #$../MaxEC$
				@Water *= #$../MaxEC$
			@MaxEC = #$../ODFCMaxEC$
				@Hydrazine *= #$../MaxEC$
				@Oxygen *= #$../MaxEC$
				@Water *= #$../MaxEC$
		&amount = 32
		%maxAmount = #$amount$
		flowState = False

		&amount = 15
		%maxAmount = #$amount$
		%maxAmount += 5
// GPLv2
// zer0Kerbal



Edited by zer0Kerbal
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  • 7 months later...


I still like ODFC and it apparently works just fine in 1.12.x

I am working toward a new pass - and am trying to fit it in, just, well, its code and I loose whole weeks to `code blackout` :P

The next pass will do away with the copy/modify patches - (won't be updating those) - rather I want to have modify the norm, and if I can figure out (and tolerate the GUI) Patch Manager - include the options that way.

Also much better patch flow coming up, that requires me to do way less math and spreadsheets. :D

Track progress below:

issue here. Project here.


The Short List

zer0Kerbal | Twitter zer0Kerbal | YouTube zer0Kerbal | Twitch

On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC)


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  • 5 months later...

On Demand Fuel Cells Version
KSP version License
AVC .version files Pages

Version - <NextMode> edition

05 Aug 2022
Released for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.x


Download from CurseForge


  • Recompiled for KSP 1.12.3 (NET 4.5.2 - C# 5.0)
  • internal updates and changes to prepare for further updates
  • Now includes modify patches and no longer compatible with
    • modify patches
    • copy patches
    • will update those releases if enough demand




  • Recompiled
    • .NET 4.5.2
    • C# 5.0
    • KSP 1.12.3
    • <OnDemandFuelCells.dll>
      • file version
  • Renamed
    • <ODFC.dll> to <OnDemandFuelCells.dll>


  • Update
    • all configs to reflect dll namechange
    • AllYAll-Removal.cfg v1.2.0.0
    • OnDemandFuelCells.cfg v1.0.0.0
    • <OnDemandFuelCells.version>
      • remove "KSP_VERSION_MAX"


  • Update
    • all patches to reflect dll namechange
    • StockPods v1.9.0.0
    • StockFuelCells.cfg v1.3.0.0


  • Issues
    • closes #65 - OnDemandFuelCells <EDITION>
    • closes #66 - Verify Legal Mumbo Jumbo
    • closes #67 - Update Documentation
    • closes #68 - Update Social Media



See More

  • Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog
  • Discussions and news on this mod : See Discussions or KSP Forums
  • Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues
  • GitHub Pages : See Pages


  • English English
  • your translation here

HELP WANTED - See the README in the Localization folder or the Quickstart Guide for instructions for adding or improving translations. GitHub push is the best way to contribute. Additions and corrections welcome!

red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support

How to get support

Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date

How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal

Support Patreon Github Sponsor Buy zer0Kerbal a snack

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  • 1 month later...

Hi @zer0Kerbal,

I'm having a problem which Nertea thinks may be related to ODFC.

I'm getting constant NRE spam apparently from DBS whenever i fly a vehicle with a MK1 or MK1-3 capsule.

Module DischargeCapacitor threw during OnFixedUpdate: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at NearFutureElectrical.DischargeCapacitor.get_CurrentCharge () [0x00025] in <81c4957bdce64bef809a1ac06ed71d14>:0
  at NearFutureElectrical.DischargeCapacitor.OnFixedUpdate () [0x00204] in <81c4957bdce64bef809a1ac06ed71d14>:0
  at Part.ModulesOnFixedUpdate () [0x000bd] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0  
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

These capsules show a Discharge Rate slider which shouldn't be present (no capacitors involved), and Nertea thinks it may be ODFC patching the DischargeCapacitor module into these parts.



Logs and MM cache :-

https://www.dropbox.com/s/7bnhngz1ptaw9zx/KSP Logs.zip?dl=0

I've patched this for myself, but let me know if I can get you any more details.

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1 hour ago, Ravlain said:

I'm having a problem which Nertea thinks may be related to ODFC.


Kindly try the newest version of ODFC:   Version - `<NextMode>` edition

As always - don't try on live saves. Backup you save games!

This newest version doesn't need the Modify Patches installed (they come with) - so if you have the modify/copy patches installed - should remove.

Thank you for the logs - a very good selection of all the greatest hits! I will review in the next 24-36 hours.

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  • 3 months later...

On Demand Fuel Cells Version
KSP version License
AVC .version files Pages

Version - <BlackOut> edition

  • Released

    • 26 Dec 2022
    • for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.4
    • by zer0Kerbal
  • youtube


Download from CurseForge


  • Recompiled for KSP 1.12.4 (NET 4.5.2 - C# 5.0)
    • <OnDemandFuelCells.dll> -->
  • Code is fully localized.
  • Adds KerbalXMAS (XMAS) compatibility
  • Now includes modify patches and no longer compatible with
    • modify patches
    • copy patches
    • will update those releases if enough demand
  • youtube


  • Add
    • <en-us.cfg> v1.0.2.0
    • <readme.md> v2.1.2.0
    • <quickstart.md> v1.0.1.1
  • closes #52 - Add localization code.
  • closes #88 - Code Localization
  • closes #87 - Part Localization
  • closes #70 - English <us-en.cfg>
  • updates #69 - Localization - Master


  • Recompiled
    • KSP 1.12.4
    • .NET 4.5.2
    • C# 5.0
    • <OnDemandFuelCells.dll> -->
  • Bug Fixes
  • closes #51 - [BUG] fuel consumption and byproduct production should be seen on PAW


  • Add
    • <KerbalXMAS.cfg> v1.0.0.0


  • Issues
    • closes #94 - On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) <BlackOut>
    • closes #95 - Verify Legal Mumbo Jumbo
    • closes #96 - Update Documentation
    • closes #97 - Update Social Media

See More



  • English English
  • your translation here

HELP WANTED - See the README in the Localization folder or the Quickstart Guide for instructions for adding or improving translations. GitHub push is the best way to contribute. Additions and corrections welcome!

red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support

How to get support

Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date

How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal

Support Patreon Github Sponsor Buy zer0Kerbal a snack

compiled with: KSP 1.12.4 — .NET 4.5.2 — C# 5.0

Release Schedule

  1. GitHub, reaching first manual installers and users of KSP-AVC. Right now.
  2. CurseForge. Right now.
  3. SpaceDock (and CKAN users). Soon™
Edited by zer0Kerbal
update links and lasso the birds
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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...
On 8/24/2019 at 4:03 PM, zer0Kerbal said:

Whilst I agree CKAN is a great mod for those that can't use zip tools.

Whilst I understand not wanting to do the extra work, we all can use zip tools. The vast majority of us who use CKAN are not retards and I personally resent mod authors who imply as such when we have 100's of mods to manage and keep up to date. I'm not going to check everyone on of your and the countless other modders' threads, githubs, and spacedocks for updates every time I want to play KSP. That's why we use CKAN, not because we're stupid troglodytes like you imply, so please stop.

Edited by Publius Kerman
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The Mod is not longer available. Link is broken.

The version that you can get via ckan doesn't work:
1. not all fuel cells are recognized
2. those that are detected do not turn on/off.

Edited by MaikC
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2 hours ago, MaikC said:

The Mod is not longer available. Link is broken.

The version that you can get via ckan doesn't work:
1. not all fuel cells are recognized
2. those that are detected do not turn on/off.

If you search the CurseForge KSP section it's there, link is just broken for some reason. The CKAN version if you'll notice is the previous version before the "BlackOut" edition, which says it's the version that makes it work with 1.12.4+. Not sure if he just forgot to "press the button", but I'm going to be honest with you @zer0Kerbal not using and then insulting the people who do use the most popular, and also only dedicated mod manager for the game you're modding is very unwise.

Testing the CurseForge "BlackOut" edition now, will update with results.

Edited by Publius Kerman
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On 12/28/2022 at 3:00 AM, zer0Kerbal said:


Download from CurseForge

Nah this link is broken, which is the one most people will naturally go to after your un-updated CKAN version doesn't work. They'll come here and go to the back page and look for the last build posted just in case, only to find your dead link.

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Guys, we all have our opinions on CKAN, and we are welcome to share such opinions, but everyone is expected to treat each other with respect.

When all is said and done, if Zer0kerbal doesn't want to support CKAN, that's just the way it is and we have to accept that. 


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55 minutes ago, Publius Kerman said:

link is broken

corrected link. finding the incorrect link would have much easier if a link to the broken link would have been supplied. :D


20 minutes ago, Deddly said:

support CKAN

I wanted to support CKAN, they just choose to not support my addons.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 months later...


The patches you have for this mod are broken, they are being run two times, resulting in some double entries.  This can be seen in the following image, where the title has the ODFC in the title in indigo two times:

and when I looked at the ModuleManager logs, I see the following:

[LOG 19:32:42.484] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/LargeCrewedLab/@PART[Large?Crewed?Lab]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:FOR[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/largeCrewedLab.cfg/PART[Large_Crewed_Lab]

[LOG 19:32:42.486] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockFuelCells/@PART[FuelCell,FuelCellArray]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:FOR[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Resources/FuelCell/FuelCell.cfg/PART[FuelCell]

[LOG 19:32:42.487] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockFuelCells/@PART[FuelCell,FuelCellArray]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:FOR[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Resources/FuelCell/FuelCellArray.cfg/PART[FuelCellArray]

[LOG 19:32:42.491] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:FOR[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/cupola.cfg/PART[cupola]

[LOG 19:32:42.491] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:FOR[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/hitchhikerStorageContainer/hitchikerStorageContainer.cfg/PART[crewCabin]

[LOG 19:32:42.491] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:FOR[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-3Pod/mk1-3.cfg/PART[mk1-3pod]

[LOG 19:32:42.492] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:FOR[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/mk1LanderCan/mk1LanderCan.cfg/PART[landerCabinSmall]

[LOG 19:32:42.492] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:FOR[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod_v2/mk1Pod_v2.cfg/PART[mk1pod_v2]

[LOG 19:32:42.492] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:FOR[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/mk2LanderCan/mk2LanderCan.cfg/PART[mk2LanderCabin]

[LOG 19:32:42.492] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:FOR[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/mk3CockpitShuttle.cfg/PART[mk3Cockpit_Shuttle]


[LOG 19:32:42.497] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Compatibility/ReStockPlus/@PART[restock-apu-radial-1]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells,RestockPlus]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to ReStockPlus/Parts/Electrical/radial/restock-apu-radial-1.cfg/PART[restock-apu-radial-1]

[LOG 19:32:42.500] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Compatibility/ReStockPlus/@PART[restock-apu-radial-1]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells,RestockPlus]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to ReStockPlus/Parts/Electrical/radial/restock-apu-radial-1.cfg/PART[restock-apu-radial-1]

[LOG 19:32:42.510] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Compatibility/UniversalStorage2/@PART[USFuelCellSmal]:NEEDS[UniversalStorage2,OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to UniversalStorage2/Parts/Electrical/FuelCellSmall.cfg/PART[USFuelCellSmal]

[LOG 19:32:42.514] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Compatibility/UniversalStorage2/@PART[USFuelCellMedium]:NEEDS[UniversalStorage2,OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to UniversalStorage2/Parts/Electrical/FuelCellMedium.cfg/PART[USFuelCellMedium]

[LOG 19:32:42.516] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/LargeCrewedLab/@PART[Large_Crewed_Lab]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/largeCrewedLab.cfg/PART[Large_Crewed_Lab]

[LOG 19:32:42.522] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockFuelCells/@PART[FuelCell]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Resources/FuelCell/FuelCell.cfg/PART[FuelCell]

[LOG 19:32:42.525] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockFuelCells/@PART[FuelCellArray]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Resources/FuelCell/FuelCellArray.cfg/PART[FuelCellArray]

[LOG 19:32:42.537] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/cupola.cfg/PART[cupola]

[LOG 19:32:42.538] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/hitchhikerStorageContainer/hitchikerStorageContainer.cfg/PART[crewCabin]

[LOG 19:32:42.539] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-3Pod/mk1-3.cfg/PART[mk1-3pod]

[LOG 19:32:42.540] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/mk1LanderCan/mk1LanderCan.cfg/PART[landerCabinSmall]

[LOG 19:32:42.541] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod_v2/mk1Pod_v2.cfg/PART[mk1pod_v2]

[LOG 19:32:42.541] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/mk2LanderCan/mk2LanderCan.cfg/PART[mk2LanderCabin]

[LOG 19:32:42.542] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/mk3CockpitShuttle.cfg/PART[mk3Cockpit_Shuttle]

The fix is to remove this:


which is not needed and, as you can see, results in the patch being applied two times

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

The patches you have for this mod are broken, they are being run two times, resulting in some double entries.  This can be seen in the following image, where the title has the ODFC in the title in indigo two times:

I second the report.

1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

The fix is to remove this:


which is not needed and, as you can see, results in the patch being applied two times

Uh, nope.

The :FOR[foo]:NEEDS[foo] can be a problem in different situations, but even when it screws something, double patching is not the side effected if causes.

The problem was the title (et all) being patched twice (by completely different patches). The mass and cost were also being double patched, screwing the intended values!

I had issued a pull request with the fix: https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/OnDemandFuelCells/pull/104 . I tested it, it works:

ConfigCache **BEFORE** the fix:

    parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/largeCrewedLab.cfg
        name = Large_Crewed_Lab
        module = Part
        author = Squad
        mesh = large_crewed_lab.mu
        rescaleFactor = 1
        node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.825, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
        node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.831, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
        CrewCapacity = 2
        TechRequired = advExploration
        entryCost = 10400
        cost = 4100                                           <---- HERE!
        category = Science
        subcategory = 0
        title = Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2 <color=#6495ED> ODFC</color> <color=#6495ED> ODFC</color>
        manufacturer = Integrated Integrals
        description = No longer are you limited to research facilities only on Kerbin!  With the Mobile Processing Lab, you can conduct long-term experiments
        attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
        mass = 3.511                                           <---- HERE!


ConfigCache **AFTER** the fix:

    parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/largeCrewedLab.cfg
        name = Large_Crewed_Lab
        module = Part
        author = Squad
        mesh = large_crewed_lab.mu
        rescaleFactor = 1
        node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.825, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
        node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.831, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
        CrewCapacity = 2
        TechRequired = advExploration
        entryCost = 10400
        cost = 4050                                           <---- HERE!
        category = Science
        subcategory = 0
        title = Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2 <color=#6495ED> ODFC</color>
        manufacturer = Integrated Integrals
        description = No longer are you limited to research facilities only on Kerbin!  With the Mobile Processing Lab, you can conduct long-term experiments
        attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
        mass = 3.501                                           <---- HERE!

Note also the title.

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