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[1.9.x] KSC Harbor (From JNSQ) v1.2 (Mar 25, 2020)


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  • Spawn points: Helipad, Rover, Water (directly over the submerged giant triangle).
  • Payload Integration Complex has a business module. Assign kerbals to it and it farms funds and pays for itself in 3 years with 1 kerbal or 1 year with max kerbals.
  • Hangars can store craft and retrieve crew. Mass per craft and number of craft will vary. Do not place other vessels where stored vessel was. Bad things will happen when retrieving vessels.
  • Medium Dish Station near the Helipad is a GroundStation, closed by default due to proximity to KSC.
  • Standalone Utility Buildings will hold 1.33x the amount of a mid-sized Kerbodyne tank and accept any resources held by active vessel.
  • Two fuel depots allow for refueling the active vessel if near enough (and if player has $$ in Career). Compatible with CRP and @Angel-125 WBI Cassic Stock.


DOWNLOAD :: GitHub :: SpaceDock


KSC Extended in background is from @damonvv and is not included.

Do not install this alongside JNSQ. It was and is already there.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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Quick question..

Does KSC Harbor have water Launch sites included so if you have a boat or something like a sub you want to launch in the water, can you do so from hre?

If so, Sign me up


Edit: Never mind Disregard.. Had to read over the notes twice..


Edited by Space_Coyote
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  On 1/7/2020 at 3:17 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

@linuxgurugamer The thread title says "from JNSQ" so clearly you've been missing out. ;) It's been in JNSQ for quite a long time now. You just never installed the two requirements listed here.


Ok,thanks.  I am still at the "toe in the water" stage of my JNSQ career, so I didn't know if this was an upcoming addition or not.

I will add those two requirements ASAP.

Also, same mod, different planet pack.  I'm working on updating the New Horizons mod to be current, I think Kerbin is stock, so I'll be adding it and assuming it works (as you always do good work), will make it a recommended addition

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First (not)


Great mod, this was EXACTLY what I wanted last week when my north kerbin kerbal empire put a gun boat 500 meters off the island runway and it shot down all my planes trying to get there since Vall Kerman was trapped there since she is stationed in a fighter/bomber jet on the island runway and I cant extract her from there and all tries to take out the commie kerbal (NKKE) gun boat but it gun downed all of the planes flying there, but after a few jets died I totally just found out that half of the torpedoes on the gun boat are the wrong side and wont be able to detact, so my plan is to send SIX Subs to take out the commie boat and allow vall to come home so she can go to the bathroom. :P


Anyway all hail the KSC (Kerbal Science Country) now which kerbal shoul I put on the sixth boat????

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Here's a simple suggestion for the next update and this is in fact due to the fact that I understand how space centers are ususally deisgned with Harbors

(E.G. Cape Canaveral Kennedy space Center)

A port or harbor should really never be place di the path of a rocket heading out due oto the fact of potential failure of said rocket but rather a port should be put on either side of a space center..


For example Port Canaveral is located south of the Kennedy Space Center and has a road connecting in..


In the above picture of the OP  a Good location for the harbor would be more than likely  north and behind the far north pad (which in KSC Extended is Pad 39B


Another option is or could be located to the sould side of the base and in fact this would be a better option as you don't have a bay to deal with.. and in fact Port Canaveral is located to the south (Interstingly enough on KSC Extended The Port would be south of Launch Complex 40 (which is the Space X facility..


so there you go.. a more effective3 and savfe way to build a harbor or port on a space Center..


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@Space_Coyote I'm considering your suggestion. I'm in favor of moving it but I'm getting mixed responses and no strong answer as to where exactly, yet. Personally, I'm liking the one suggestion for in the bay to the north-west. That bay seems equally far off if you ignore KSC Extended, but seems much nearer due to the added VAB north of the runway.


  On 1/8/2020 at 6:41 AM, Space_Coyote said:

A port or harbor should really never be place di the path of a rocket heading out due oto the fact of potential failure of said rocket but rather a port should be put on either side of a space center..


Since you mention it, that one pad that's really close and parallel to the helipad...

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Edited by JadeOfMaar
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  On 1/9/2020 at 12:43 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

@Space_Coyote I'm considering your suggestion. I'm in favor of moving it but I'm getting mixed responses and no strong answer as to where exactly, yet. Personally, I'm liking the one suggestion for in the bay to the north-west. That bay seems equally far off if you ignore KSC Extended, but seems much nearer due to the added VAB north of the runway.


Since you mention it, that one pad that's really close and parallel to the helipad...

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By Jebidiah Kerman, I think we got it then..

Also on that added note if someone is an expert with Blender a small light house could be added just to th e NE of the harbor  just slightly behind the SLC 39 B poad in order to help ship naigation..

and a connecting road to the VAB in question and I think we're ready to go for that..


So yeah I mean KSC could be improved upon.. In fact I also look for good launch sites to use and this includes things like Airports and even other bases (like Miolitary bases with Potential Missile silos..


I mean Kerbin is a massive art canvas, and I plan to paint it so faolks can enjoy launches from any position..


(Now if we can only get a few cities in.. just a few.. tht would mak Kerbin Come alive




Also for the boys over at KSC Extended I was thinking of a 2nd (Cross wind runway with a heading of 150/330 that would be along .. I'll try to edit a picture to give you guys a little bit of what to expect..



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@JadeOfMaar Great mod! Thanks for sharing it with non-JNSQ users :)

I have a suggestion: maybe add a road connecting it to the KSC? The harbour seems a little disconnected right now, and the fact that any vehicles would have to drive across the grass sort of breaks immersion for me.

Edited by RealKerbal3x
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  On 1/7/2020 at 2:45 PM, JadeOfMaar said:


  • Spawn points: Helipad, Rover, Water (directly over the submerged giant triangle).
  • Payload Integration Complex has a business module. Assign kerbals to it and it farms funds and pays for itself in 3 years with 1 kerbal or 1 year with max kerbals.
  • Hangars can store craft and retrieve crew. Mass per craft and number of craft will vary. Do not place other vessels where stored vessel was. Bad things will happen when retrieving vessels.
  • Medium Dish Station near the Helipad is a GroundStation, closed by default due to proximity to KSC.
  • Standalone Utility Buildings will hold 1.33x the amount of a mid-sized Kerbodyne tank and accept any resources held by active vessel.
  • Two fuel depots allow for refueling the active vessel if near enough (and if player has $$ in Career). Compatible with CRP and @Angel-125 WBI Cassic Stock.

@adsii1970 Everything that isn't strikethrough above. You'll still have to open everything individually that you want and is closed by default, but the price tags become as nothing and are to be ignored. The business and research modules (farm funds and science) do nothing in sandbox and cannot have kerbals assigned into them. I mention this part for the sake of my various space centers in JNSQ which carry these.

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I love this, it's just what the KSC was missing. I also support making it play nice with the extended space center. However, if I can just add my suggestion, the hexagon bases look a little too unnatural for a coastline or a harbour. Maybe blend the natural coastline into it somewhat?

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  On 1/10/2020 at 11:36 AM, Z3R0_0NL1N3 said:

I love this, it's just what the KSC was missing. I also support making it play nice with the extended space center. However, if I can just add my suggestion, the hexagon bases look a little too unnatural for a coastline or a harbour. Maybe blend the natural coastline into it somewhat?


Problem is that all the statics have these hexagon tiles. But I am thinking of making some statics that can be placed as docks etc.

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@Space_Coyote @RealKerbal3x Here ya go.


Can't do anything more about the coloring of the roads at the harbor edge. That's as good as it gets.

I also added a roundabout to attract TOKYOU DURIFTU! players possibly including @Triop (Also, borrowing their car)


I'm not adding anything else not immediately important to the harbor as I'm starting to scope creep, and performance cost will rise that much more.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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Ooo, nice! 

One thing though...the road looks like it might clip through the runway lights added by Kerbinside Remastered. Maybe you should move it a little so it doesn't collide.

(BTW KSR adds some taxiways to the stock KSC runway that bridge that gap between it and the KSC Extended SPH. I would highly recommend it, especially for the awesome bases it adds).

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Release 1.1



  • Moved and rotated harbor to north-west position.
  • Added connecting roads to Squad KSC and some KSC Extended facilities.
  • Added billboards (will show the active flag) and a roundabout for TOKYOU DURIFTU shenanigans.
  • Raised costs and adjusted craft mass limits on hangars.
  • Confirmed compatibility with KerbinSide Remastered.
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  On 1/14/2020 at 2:59 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

AARelease 1.1



  • Moved and rotated harbor to north-west position.
  • Added connecting roads to Squad KSC and some KSC Extended facilities.
  • Added billboards (will show the active flag) and a roundabout for TOKYOU DURIFTU shenanigans.
  • Raised costs and adjusted craft mass limits on hangars.
  • Confirmed compatibility with KerbinSide Remastered.

Am I doing something wrong? I just downloaded the new 1.1 version deleted the old version, and in fact wiped the cache on my module manager as well


Restarted the game and the harbor is sitll in the 1.0 position and not the new 1.1 position , that plus the roads don't show up..


Any thoughts as to why this would happen?



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