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Show and Tell - Creating New Parts


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50 minutes ago, KSPStar said:

Yes! All KSP2 Show and Tell music is KSP2 music.
Music by Howard Mostrom (Intercept Games)

I don't think we've heard this track before! (unless I'm wrong someone please correct me). It sounds like the space ambiance from KSP1.

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16 minutes ago, MechBFP said:

It could easily just be a part of the animation, and always goes the same direction.

Yeah, that could be an option... if that's the case I hope there's some sort of vector map over the surface indicating the "wind" direction so that if I place two generators nearby at different angles all the exhaust vapors go in the same direction.

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3 hours ago, KSPStar said:

How is a new part born? Every new part starts life as a simple whitebox model before an artist turns it into a finished part and drops into a test scene with proper lighting.

Finished parts by Jonathan Cooper and Matthew Reynolds.

ok, this is by far my absolute favourite Show and Tell! Amazing!!!

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3 hours ago, KSPStar said:

Yes! All KSP2 Show and Tell music is KSP2 music.
Music by Howard Mostrom (Intercept Games)

I'd love to see a show and tell focusing on the music of the game. As a musician, I'd love to get some insight into the process of creating the soundtrack to a game like this.

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Ahhh Fridays!


Very nice! I agree with others that this shows more depth than I believe most of us expected. Would love to see how these are all managed since the management part is the fine line between great and grindy... 


The more of these you release @Intercept Games  the more I appreciate the length of time until release! Looks as good as I had hoped so far!

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My mind was mush at the previous show and tell.

Now its goo. 

And those wind turbines look like their from city skylines. 

3 hours ago, Pthigrivi said:

Wait and we're meant to understand this badboy can mount to the bottom of lander?


I didn't think of that. Oh my! The first place I go is Gilly. Prepare for planetary disassembly. 

2 hours ago, Nirgal said:

Definitely going to use the road parts to build a bridge across canyons and do some base jumping..

Prepare for planetary colonization. 

2 hours ago, Anth12 said:

Wow, Base Building. Looks awesome

Prepare for New Kork. 

5 hours ago, The Physics Engineer said:

Also look at the vapor coming out of the cooling towers of the geothermal generators, it drifts.

Industrial district. For new kork. 

7 hours ago, shdwlrd said:

I'm wondering if the Kerbal would be either knocked down or thrown if they walk into the wind turbine.

First thing I try. Kerbal mixer. 

7 hours ago, determinationmaster said:

:confused::o this game is going to be worth more than :funds:60.00!!!!!!!

Let me correct that. :funds:100.00

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I just got home to see it at proper resolution on my monitor instead of my phone... 

I'm about 90% sure I see blowing dust in the geothermal power clip. Look at the shadow produced by the generator. It changes brightness and color with what looks like a wisp of dust. Start at :23 into the video.

Does anyone else see that?

Edit: I'm 99% sure that's wind and dust blowing around! This keeps getting even better each time. Thanks @Nate Simpson and crew!

Edit2: I see the blowing dust in the runway test scene too. Didn't see it at first in any of them because they looked so natural that my eyes completely passed them up. Props to the effects designer.

Edited by TLTay
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1 hour ago, Lewie said:


I have. But that is generally everyone in the KSP Team, KSP 2 Team and KSP Community. 

Edited by Dr. Kerbal
Sorry that I am off topic. :(
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KPS 2 gets me excited to play again.  I played vanilla KSP for a couple thousand hours, then with mods and CKAN manager for prettier visuals and expanded part libraries and Ferram Aerospace and life support and other mechanics.

Since the promotional material says KSP 2 is being built from the ground up to support modding almost everything, I can only imagine.  I've given up on KSP 1 because vanilla doesn't do it anymore and with mods...my aging relic of a computer WILL run it, it just takes 15 minutes to load the game.  And that's going with the bare minimum of pretty plus a couple libraries plus FAR.

I keep putting off a new build, mostly out of complacency.  This thing though...the CPU is 9 years old.  Positively ancient by modern standards.  KSP2 might be the boot I need to retire this one, or make it a backup browsing machine. 

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10 hours ago, Pthigrivi said:

Wait and we're meant to understand this badboy can mount to the bottom of lander?


And that's the beauty of it. Work your way around it! Who says you have to have one engine at the bottom? Let the thing be surrounded by tanks and engines (pretty sure you'd need a lot anyway, looking at the size of that thing)

Edited by The Aziz
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