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Whats your favorite game EXCEPT Kerbal Space Program?


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Steam is evil great in that it keeps track of play-time of games. However I think my favorite games I've ever played aren't tracked within steam. Furthermore, I've played the same few games for over a decade and still have a good time. (looking at you Supreme Commander)

However, my favorite all time game that I can't play anymore, but still love and cherish was

Battlefield 2142



The intro music still gives me shivers. 

From future weapons (that where oddly very traditional lol), cloaking tech, drop pods, Jet-chopters, EMP strikes, battle walkers, and hover tanks, all set on an bleak (and somewhat boring) landscape fighting over rocket pads to break the Titans (flying battleships) shields so your team can drop onto the the Titan and fight inside in a close quarters brawl to get to its "power core", of which you can destroy and win the match.

After years of playing Star Wars battlefront on the playstation, only to realize this is the franchise it ripped off was inspired by, it blew my me away. Sure Battlefield 2 got more credit, but I loved BF2142 and all its charm. 


I still wait for EA to get some guts and remaster/rebuild this game. I've retired from FPS, but I'd come out of retirement to play a new version of this game in a heart beat. I thought 2042 was going to show off some "titan mode" but instead they gave everyone a tornado and portal mode. 

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All-time favorite is hard to pin down. Well, outside of KSP that is :)

The big problem is - other than KSP - I can't really see playing my "all time favorite" game again, no matter which one I put in there.

Factorio has been superseded by Dyson Sphere Program. Factorio is objectively better but I prefer DSP much more.

FTL is a HUGE favorite of mine even to this day, 2-3 years after the last time I opened it. I may never play it again. Like Factorio and DSP, I much prefer its lesser cousin, Into the Breach.

Going further back in time, Stars! (exclamation mark necessary) ate about 2 years of my gaming life and I loved the whole time. But it literally killed 4X games for me to the point where I returned Stellaris to Steam last year after about an hour playing it, because I realized that yeah, I still don't like them. Needless to say, I'll never try Stars! again.

I could go on, and talk about Atari's Adventure, the Mass Effect series, Saints Row 3, Doom 2, Counterstrike, Tony Hawk 3...

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I'm a bit like @Superfluous J, I do move on from games.  Many over the years.  Some I would consider replaying, some not.  I did play FTL and may again.

I played the original Subnautica a lot, but once I had a game that dived deep to finish it, that was it for that game, unlikely to ever replay it.  I still have to get through its sequel Subnautica Below Zero.  Not quite as good as the original, more because the original was so good and thus a hard act to follow.

But my most favourite game is City of Heroes.  I've played it ever since 2005.  I may take breaks from it, but I always return. :)

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I have more hours in KSP than any other game I've ever played. By at least a factor of 10. But aside from that, favorite game is probably Civ IV. I played the previous Civ games, enjoyed them. I've played Civ V and VI, but didn't enjoy them as much. For some reason Civ IV really just hit the sweet spot for me. It gets dusted off and played through probably once a year at least, and at least fiddled with probably once a week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My favorite games (i know its supposed to be other than ksp, and while i do love ksp it doesnt sit at my top 3 favs. Heresy i know :P )is 1. Thief 2 The Metal Age, 2. Thief The Dark Project, 3. Avatar (the game based of james camerons avatar ((yes its my fav movie of the 2000’s, so much so i have like 7 copies lol)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Probably played more WOT than is healthy - but it's just easy... Don't know if I'd call it a fav {any more) but I do keep reverting to it waiting for KSP2. 

I really like Tarkov - but I'm terrible at the PVP.   Bad enough that it drives me away from the game. Otherwise it's a fantastic game - everything from the map design to the artwork to the little things that make it interesting - it's literally brilliant. 

Gotta say that RDR2 is probably the best game I've ever played.  I can't do it justice - but I highly recommend it, even to people who don't like the genre (it's that good). 



All that said, having grown up with PC gaming since Wolfenstein, I find many of today's games not at all appealing.  Repeats, rip offs, no innovation, and abject gamification.  I used to buy several titles a year, and now?  It's gotta be a great game for me to even be interested. 

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  On 2/8/2022 at 8:55 PM, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

Probably played more WOT than is healthy - but it's just easy... Don't know if I'd call it a fav {any more) but I do keep reverting to it waiting for KSP2. 

I really like Tarkov - but I'm terrible at the PVP.   Bad enough that it drives me away from the game. Otherwise it's a fantastic game - everything from the map design to the artwork to the little things that make it interesting - it's literally brilliant. 

Gotta say that RDR2 is probably the best game I've ever played.  I can't do it justice - but I highly recommend it, even to people who don't like the genre (it's that good). 



All that said, having grown up with PC gaming since Wolfenstein, I find many of today's games not at all appealing.  Repeats, rip offs, no innovation, and abject gamification.  I used to buy several titles a year, and now?  It's gotta be a great game for me to even be interested. 



The less time you have the more picky you become with how you use it.

For example, years ago when classical music was 'new' to me I gorged on any bit of music I could find.

But after listening to much of it I now only listen to what I like, and what I like... which has the most replay value for me is Mozart's piano sonatas... when played furiously like Beethoven.

Mozart sounds really awesome when he is played with the intonation I prefer.... otherwise he can be blaise.

Beethoven ironically is too much.... more than I can stand.

I mean I get it.... recorded music did not exist so lay bare your soul in musical form.... but now that it does.... I prer mundane Mozart over drama queen Ludwig any day.

Life is full of enough drama already.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Easily Minecraft, though I do 1.8 PvP, not building.  Recently I've been grinding Dyson Sphere Program with Nebula (multiplayer mod) so I can play with my brother, but I doubt I'll stick with it like I have with MC and KSP.

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