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Threads of the month: September 2022


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The KSP forum moderator's team presents the
Threads of the Month
September 2022 Edition


Today is the first day of September, which means a lot of things. It means we’ve come to the end of August, and another month is upon us! For some, it means pumpkin spice everything is making its annual debut in stores everywhere. But for our forum community, it’s time to highlight the threads you felt were worthy enough to bring attention to the rest of the members of our forum community! I’m always amazed at the content available in our forum. It’s one of the few gaming forums where you can find mods, fanfics, member-created challenges, and a supportive community for new players. For me, the fall 2022 semester began in the second week of August. I’ve spent part of my scheduled office hours browsing the content our forum offers.

And as I do in each of these threads, I am asking a favor - if you see an interesting thread - NOMINATE IT! The instructions for nominating a thread are at the bottom of this post.

For those out there who like the nerdy parts of the TOTM:

To continue what I started in May 2021, I began keeping some forum statistics to respond to those claiming the forum was dying. In August, there were 341 new forum accounts (a decrease of 2, or down 0.29% from July). Out of the new forum members that joined last month, there were 21 who were active and participating in the forum. This conversion means 6.15% of the new users who registered their accounts are now contributing members of our community! (This decreased from last month; 10.2% of the new members became active and contributing members). If you’re interested in seeing the new members of our forum, you can click here!

Now, without further delay, I present to you the threads of the month for September:


Fan-fiction, Mission Reports, and Kerbal Space Program-inspired Creative Works:

This category features a thread (or threads) that, while not directly Kerbal Space Program related, may be a creative work, fan-fiction, or other presentation related to the game.

One of the areas of the forum most new members enjoy the most is the mission reports sub-forum. It's not only the writing of a really good narrative but really good screenshots of fantastic space craft, our favorite Kerbalnauts, and their amazing adventures on faraway worlds. Sometimes, the authors of our favorite fanfics take their inspiration from real life space programs. And in this month's thread of the month for this category, @TruthfulGnome's inspiration is NASA's Skylab program.

The OP introduces the concept of the thread:


For around 3 months I have spent a lot of time researching the Skylab program and procrastinating about what an alternative history of Skylab would've looked like if it went right. This will be my own take based on what I love and dozens of studies, PDFs, concepts, etc from the various space agencies/companies pitched for Skylab, mainly the Reuse Study by McDonnel Douglas and the Power Tower studies by Lockheed. It will focus mainly on Skylab being a S&D station and extended by the Space Shuttle. The thread will contain 1 mission per post containing KSP Screenshots and diagrams.


Warning: This thread is image heavy and may be slow in loading depending on your Internet speed.

If you're looking for some really great inspiration to see how Kerbal Space Program can be used to recreate your favorite space program missions, then this thread is a great read!

Forum Member Created Challenges and Missions:

This category contains missions and challenges created by you, the members of our gaming community. Many excellent missions and challenges threads are created that expand our fun with the game and press our skills, creativity, and sometimes, luck beyond what we get accustomed to. Let’s face it, we all have our go-to design basics and even our go-to vehicles we like to use. So sometimes, a good challenge can cause us to think of another way to achieve our goals

There were no threads nominated for this category this month.

Game Support/Game Mod of the Month:

This category features either help with the game (stock or modded) or mods that add quality-of-life gameplay improvements to Kerbal Space Program.

For those of you who like classic sci-fi and remember the television series Thunderbirds, you're going to have a lot of fun with this mod by @ColdJ. This mod features all the classic vehicles from this television series many of us came to love. So, want to send your favorite Kerbalnauts out to recreate your favorite episodes (or all-new) adventures to save Kerbalkind? Why not send them out in style!

@ColdJ introduces the concept of this thread:


Hi and welcome to Thunderbirds InterKerbin Rescue. The 5 main craft and The Mole, based on the classic series.


Although the introduction is quite modest, I half expected the introduction to the mod to contain the iconic opening, "5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Thunderbirds are go!" :D

General community threads of the month:
This category features a thread that adds to the community and doesn’t fit the game support/game mod categories.

There were no threads nominated for this category this month.

Video-based Fan-fiction, Mission Reports, and Kerbal Space Program-inspired Creative Works:

This category features a video or other form of cinematography of a Kerbal mission report using in-game video recorded game play. 

There were no threads nominated for this category this month.

Honorable mentions:

Sometimes it’s a challenge to choose which threads are going to receive the honor of being selected as the Thread of the Month for our five categories. We get so many good nominations each month to choose from, but we limit it to one for each type. Threads nominated but not selected as a thread of the month become honorable mentions. The honorable mentions for this month are:

The honorable mentions for this month may not have made the Thread of The Month, but if you think they might be worthy of another opportunity, please renominate it!

Congratulations to all the winners of the Thread of the Month! We want to thank our forum members, @Arrowstar, @Autochrome, @darthvader15001, @Kuiper_Belt, @Rutabaga22@SudAntares, @zer0Kerbal,  and the members of the moderation team and staff who nominated this month’s contenders. Thank you so much for helping us identify noteworthy threads and bringing their awareness to our forum community. We’d appreciate your continued help in the future.

The odds and ends:

TO NOMINATE  A THREAD FOR CONSIDERATION: If you find a thread you feel should be considered for next month’s thread of the month, then use the “report comment” feature (the three dots on the upper right corner of the comment box) to report the comment. Please put in the text field of the report post “Nomination for thread of the month,” and we will do the rest! You can always nominate more than one thread, too.

And the last word this post: I'd like to thank a few people who continue to trust me enough to continue to support and allow me to contribute to the forum. I'd like to thank the Lead Moderator, @Vanamonde for bringing me on as a moderator, a decision that I'm sure has had moments where he often wonders why he did it. I'd also like to thank @Ghostii_Space, our community manager and @Nerdy_Mike, the KSP Franchise Community Lead, for allowing me to continue to serve our Kerbal Space Program forum community through the monthly Threads of the Month post. :) 

In case you missed last month’s threads of the month, you can click here.

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Thank you @adsii1970. Never expected to get nominated. It was a passion project for me. Thank you to the members who nominated me.

I am now thinking that I was too subtle as it is the Header Pic that contains the 5,4,3,2,1. although in my case it is THUNDERBIRDS ARE MOLE! :D


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  On 9/2/2022 at 12:23 PM, Just Jim said:

Congrats everyone!!!  :valhappy:  :happy:


^^^ this.

  On 9/2/2022 at 3:37 AM, adsii1970 said:

Today is the first day of September, which means a lot of things


which means time to work on the holiday themed addons! starts looking for the turkey themed mod... any one still have it lying around?

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