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Dreams Thread


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Apologies if this is a duplicate. I went back a few pages searching. 

Last night:

I was in a landscape of worn peach stone with strange ancient carved and black bronze sculptures and ruins. I climbed down a small ravine of water-smoothed rocks with a brook running through it. I found a secret doorway and underground acolytes in black robes and veils were forging stacks of silver bricks. I tapped a small silver hammer at a stone pass-through window to get their attention but just got odd looks. No one spoke English and I didn’t know their language. A woman with a worn face and deep green eyes came to the pass-through and gave me a hard look. I could not match it and she walked away without saying a word.

I found a way through following an acolyte and came out into a more modern city. I was looking for a place to sleep and went into a bookstore. Everyone seemed to be avoiding me like I was crazy. The young clerk seemed to think I was homeless, said I smelled bad and kept trying to make me leave. I walked down to a park where music was playing and my dad and brother were drinking beer and enjoying themselves at a crowded picnic table. They didn’t recognize me.

There was chaos and rubble everywhere and someone was saying a dragon was attacking the city. I was a journalist now. It wasn’t exactly a dragon, more like a giant segmented beetle encrusted in the rubble it was consuming with a human-like stone face and glowing coal eyes. It left burn marks where it gnawed at the concrete. 

I was in the ancient fantasy world again and I was a warrior in a pale wool robe with a smooth black bow. There was a broken sword I had to fix to slay the beetle, and I made my way into a torchlit cavern where an old man with a white beard and beads around his neck painted the pieces of the broken sword with black sticky paste. The stones in the cavern were hot but I had trouble mending the material and it crusted over in calcified rock in weird shapes. The old man helped heat the rocks again and I fit the strange stone pieces together. The black paste turned to a sticky clear liquid healing the seams and the stone turned to fur. The shape stirred warm under my hands and turned into a lion. She was long with patches of gray fur and I knew that she was to be my protector. 

There was more about sneaking past guards and making colorful paints in geodes in a workshop… I think Gwendoline Christie was there? It gets fuzzy after that.


Edited by Gargamel
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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a really interesting one: I had broken my cello bow, so I somehow manifested the KSP revert menu into real life and reverted back to Thursday. After doing so, however, I immediately regretted my decision because I had created a new timeline, which really didn't feel like my main, real one. I really wanted to go back to my old timeline where I had broken the bow, because being in this timeline I had created felt so fake, contrived, and superficial. However, I couldn't go back, having forgotten to save the original timeline. Very, very weird dream, and it makes me feel weird about time travel.

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I had a dream I was exploring freeze-dried mud slides on Mars. The mud was dark brown,  malleable and sticky to itself, and formed into 2-4 mm sized granules, some of which were polygonal. It collected in between cliffs and hillsides formed by landslides. I couldn't easily go all the way up one of these hills in my spacesuit, but I could get partway and look out on the valley these were all in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last night I had a dream which was the first one I remember.

My imagination told me that there is a planetoid named Tellumo orbiting the Sun 120° (2π/3 radians) behind the Earth. It's a bit bigger than Mars and its orbit is stable (maybe it's at some "L6" Lagrange point?).
An Apollo mission (I don't remember the number, probably XXIII) was sent there and the astronauts were landed in the LEM on the surface. But the engines didn't want to work (mysteriously out of fuel) so they couldn't get back to orbit.
Then one of the astronauts took an instrument that looked like a mix of an harmonica and a piano and played some music, and the LEM started sliding on the surface, then it took off like a plane (???) and did a regular SSTO ascent to low orbit, even though there was no atmosphere and no engines were on on the craft. The music the astronaut played was Gold Rush by Kevin Macleod. Then the LEM and the CSM redocked and the dream ended.

I don't know why I dreamed of that... Was fun anyways :)

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  • 1 month later...

I had this really funny dream where I saw a photo of this one bridge that looked really monumental. I later found out to my dismay that this bridge was slated for demolition, interested in not seeing that bridge go down I decided to protest that bridge's demolition, but when I got to that bridge it turns out that the actual bridge was only a few feet above the water, really narrow and only like 8 feet tall at the highest point of the span. What I found more comical was the demolition crew was actually able to place the dynamite without collapsing the bridge. I swear when I saw this sight I put down my picket sign and fell on the ground laughing. 

Edited by Jeb1969
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  On 2/9/2023 at 1:52 PM, Pthigrivi said:

Part of my dream I was building a model rocket engine out of clay and lawnmower parts. Do not attempt. 


By chance was this model rocket engine held together with copious amounts of the handyman's secret weapon, duct tape. Because if so looks like I am not the only person on the KSP forums who is a disciple of Red Green. If you do not know what I am talking about google: Red Green Handyman corner. I swear some of the things Red Green does makes me think that the Kerbals got their first itch for aerospace engineering by binge watching The Red Green show and taking notes every time Red Green created one of his textbook outlandish inventions. 

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  • 1 month later...

I had a dream where I was watching over a young astrophysics prodigy who looked like Tim Maia. He wrote about space elevators. Then I fell asleep in the dream, and woke up on the top of a tall building in Portland (Oregon). It was Winter and the tops of the buildings were covered in snow. I was swinging around on a chain and went over the edge and across the streets at times, fearing I would fall. Then I fell asleep again and when I woke up I was lying on the ground, and a massive structure stretching to the sky was sitting in the middle of Portland. It was a space elevator! I looked up what year it was on my phone and lo and behold it was 2324! I freaked out and thought I must be dreaming, and recognized I was (in a sort of lucid dream, although I’m not sure if it was a lucid dream within the dream or an actual lucid dream) and then forced my self to wake up. I saw the ceiling of my room but was so sleepy I fell back asleep a couple times, reappearing in the world with the space elevator.

As a result of this dream, I now plan to have a space elevator be built in downtown Portland as part of my world where the Constellation program succeeded.

Edited by SunlitZelkova
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  On 3/8/2023 at 1:22 PM, Nazalassa said:

Then one of the astronauts took an instrument that looked like a mix of an harmonica and a piano and played some music, and the LEM started sliding on the surface, then it took off like a plane (???) and did a regular SSTO ascent to low orbit, even though there was no atmosphere and no engines were on on the craft.


I need that as a video

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  • 3 months later...

Ok I just had the weirdest dream. I was watching For All Mankind Season 4, and Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen were part of the cast. Hayden gets drugged by a NASA official and forced to fly to a moon of Jupiter. So Ed (Baldwin) goes after him and they apprehend the drugger. But a fight breaks out on the base between the North Korean cosmonauts and the Americans, so a Japanese Soyuz rocket is launched to bring the veteran NK cosmonaut from Season 3 there to calm things down. Then everyone returns to Earth and the shows ends. I decide to take a giant N1 rocket model back home because I want to keep it, but it is rusted and covered in UDMH (!!!). I try to figure out how to clean it but it catches fire so I rewind the dream (!) and put it on a boat. I’m walking around this floating restaurant thing trying to figure out how to store it and restore it, and it was creepy because of my submechanophobia. But as the TV set is closing down, I and some other people get in EVA suits to go play on the fake Moon, one of whom was @steve9728. He and another dude drop like 50 meters down a ravine but survive. Meanwhile I walk along the ridge to the base. Some lady finds some odd biological specimen, and I hurry back off the set (which was located on the grounds of my elementary school!) and find a needle floating around. Even though it’s all fake, I try my best not to get punctured by it so I don’t die. The lady decides to do some tests on the biological specimen by putting it in a puddle and it begins to grow rapidly, and I freak out and run away knowing it could be a monster. As I leave the school grounds I see soldiers fighting zombies in the neighborhood nearby, and assume they are from the biological specimen. I head back to the school to find these Utapaun, Squidward like creatures trying to eat everybody. I head along the school hallways and see everyone evacuating, and me, a black detective dude, and the lady run away from the monsters for awhile before finally escaping in a truck. We make it back to a military blockade, and the monsters who were chasing us were destroyed by lasers on Portland class LSDs… which were somehow in the river near the neighborhood.

Then I woke up!

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Seeing this thread reminded me of a dream i had last night. I had been watching a youtube series called Fridays With Frank. Its by the Pinal County Sheriffs Office. Its a fun watch. Anyway in my dream I was a police officer and my partner was the guy from another youtube channel called Fire Department Chronicles. So, in the dream we are on patrol and encounter this guy in a white chevy suv. I initiate a traffic stop for some reason and the driver runs. We initiate pursuit. The driver/suspect crashes and flees on foot. My partner bails and chases, i take our unit to try to cut the guy off. I watch as the suspect runs up this long staircase and my partner chases. I eventually catch up. We arrest the guy and we charge him. Felony fleeing to elude, assault on a police officer, unauthorized possession and operation of a motor vehicle, reckless driving, criminal speed. Then i woke up lol.


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  On 9/17/2023 at 12:06 AM, SunlitZelkova said:

He and another dude drop like 50 meters down a ravine but survive


Strangely enough, such carelessness and bad luck could happen to me in real life lol

But only if ground control can cure me of my bad habit of just wanting to stay in the base and watching the computer :huh:

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Had an real weird dream some days ago, I was looking down on an fjord from perhaps 100 meter away, an small island and lots of small boats around so I assume an summer scene. 
Suddenly it was an explosion on one of the boats. Then an huge underwater explosion like an mine got detonated following by some more and the island started to sink. 
But then the water level started dropping and I saw water doing into an drain, this was to stupid so I woke up.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a dream all the way back at the start of the summer vacation.

One of my classmates said to me that the Science update was out for KSP2 and I should probably check it out. I opened the game and found that a couple of Kerbals were marching on the streets of the space center. Since it was in the space center menu I had no way of zooming in further, so I decided to launch a plane.

Moments later, the plane was taxing on the streets of the Research and Development center. I looked it up closely and found that the Kerbals are actually celebrating the update! That’s when the dream ended. When I woke up next morning, I found that was out! Sadly no science at that time though. Maybe the dream was a prediction.:)

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