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Thank you to all of our Kerbonauts! | Short video message from the IG Dev Team


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This is honestly so touching and I hope I stand for a lot of other long time players in saying that its been such a pleasure to watch this dev process unfold. KSP has always been a quirky little universe but you've breathed so much fresh life into it from the art design and kerbals themselves to the music and soundwork to really taking these cartoon planets and making them look like real places to what is (and Im sure will be) an exhaustive restructure of UI and basic physics architecture thats just looking so smart and thoughtful. KSP does something no game has ever done. It makes orbital mechanics and literal rockets science accessible and fun even for like actual children? How did that happen? It's a really difficult spirit to capture and everything from KSP2 just looks so heartfelt in that pursuit. I also really want to thank the folks from Squad who poured 10 years into making the best game I ever played and Im so glad many of you are still carrying that spirit forward. You're all my favorite nerds. 

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Indeed. Thanks to all of the team who have been working away at this.

KSP1 took @HarvesteR's vision from a 2D simulator through to a rich world we have all enjoyed and revisited all these years. Now we can ignite the second stage to boost us on toward new worlds.

EA is the first step on that new journey for us players.

Ad Astra, Kerbalkind!

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