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KSP2 EA Grand Discussion Thread.

James Kerman

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2 hours ago, Scarecrow71 said:

All told, we don't need videos like this.  We need people to sit down and take a good hard look at the game and get engaged with reporting bugs.  Find something that makes the game unplayable (and I don't mean lack of features)?  Go see if a report exists.  If one does, upvote it and put your own post in it.  If not, write a bug report.  I'm trying to take that road myself instead of simply bashing the game because I'm unhappy with it.  And even I need a reminder every now and then that I'm being a PITA about it and that I need to shut up for a few seconds.  I'm not perfect; I'm not infallible.

And this is what we really need to do; thanks for sayin' it @Scarecrow71 :)

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Well! I'm very much liking the 0.1.5 changes so far. I'm happy to say it hasn't turned me away quickly in frustration, as I have in some previous patches, when there were bugs that were sticking points for me that remained unresolved. I know not all of them have been, but the addition of at least SOME content ( I consider the cloud and atmosphere changes pretty close to a content change. And also there's grid fins but I've yet to use em) has me wanting to explore the limits of my patience for the game again! I don't mean that negatively, I mean that in the sense of "let's see how much enjoyment I can get out of it now."

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7 hours ago, Stoup said:

Well! I'm very much liking the 0.1.5 changes so far. I'm happy to say it hasn't turned me away quickly in frustration, as I have in some previous patches, when there were bugs that were sticking points for me that remained unresolved. I know not all of them have been, but the addition of at least SOME content ( I consider the cloud and atmosphere changes pretty close to a content change. And also there's grid fins but I've yet to use em) has me wanting to explore the limits of my patience for the game again! I don't mean that negatively, I mean that in the sense of "let's see how much enjoyment I can get out of it now."

The grid fins are sweet and work just as advertised, recovering rockets is now a real option (though I do hope there's some incentive to do this in Exploration mode). Plus docking ports can now be targeted, that's a huge bug fix for me personally.

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Okay this still needs a bit of work :joy:

Jumped in the first time since the summer. Loads of things are improved, notably performance is now butter-smooth and it looks much better than it used to.

I wanted to go admire the sunset on Duna so I built a little rocket plane, intending to refuel it in LKO. Everything went really smoothly until I switched to the tracking station, and then back to the vessel. Somehow it had used up all its fuel in the interim although throttle was at zero, it was spinning uncontrollably, and the orbit was fluctuating wildly. It ended up flying off into interstellar space, still accelerating.

Getting there though. Getting there!


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I have also tried the new version after I think last playing 0.1.2 and have to agree that it has improved a bit. My standard test of where KSP 2 is now at is to do a fairly simple Mun Landing mission with an overengineered rocket (close to 8k dv) to make it simple on myself. In the previous version I ran into game-breaking bugs each time, this time I was able to complete the mission without having to reload and with a fairly stable framerate. That's a good thing, and I hope the science update will start with a higher quality than 0.1.0 did.

There were still some issues I ran into, I assume all of them will be well-known to people having played the game, but if not let me know and I can do a bug report.

  • On first launch I didn't get any sound effects (for the rockets), just background music. Revert and relaunch fixed this.
  • When staging I often had to press space twice to make it happen - I am sort of assuming this is due to me having deleted some empty stages in the VAB, but them still being active and staged through in flight?
  • When I landed back on Kerbin, the ground was flickering strangely around my rocket.
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Are we ever going to have a game mode with funds too? I'm not exactly up to date to be fair but working with a budget is something that's imersive. Launch cost is a really important part of a space program. There are alot of things that could be done with systems like that. The more you use certain parts the cheaper they become. Sure there are more important issues that need fixing ATM and science career. I hope there is room for hard-core game modes in the future. 

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3 minutes ago, dave1904 said:

Are we ever going to have a game mode with funds too? I'm not exactly up to date to be fair but working with a budget is something that's imersive. Launch cost is a really important part of a space program. There are alot of things that could be done with systems like that. The more you use certain parts the cheaper they become. Sure there are more important issues that need fixing ATM and science career. I hope there is room for hard-core game modes in the future. 

IG has stated that funds will no longer exist, replaced by resources that will be needed for specific things like colonies or fuel or [insert stuff].

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On 10/26/2023 at 9:11 AM, Infinite Aerospace said:

recovering rockets is now a real option

Very much doable with just the old airbrakes. Gridfins are just the same but with less stopping capability. Also, How are you going to recover first stages if you can only control one thing at the time? You're not going to leave the other part of the rocket while it's still ascending. If you want to do that, you have to make sure you're in safe orbit with the stage you're going to recover.

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3 hours ago, The Aziz said:

Very much doable with just the old airbrakes. Gridfins are just the same but with less stopping capability. Also, How are you going to recover first stages if you can only control one thing at the time? You're not going to leave the other part of the rocket while it's still ascending. If you want to do that, you have to make sure you're in safe orbit with the stage you're going to recover.

I used to recover first stages back on the Xbox Enhanced Edition. I opt to fly quite steep ascent profiles and have a second stage with a higher thrust to weight ratio engine (rather than focusing on pure efficiency).


I must admit coming to the PC version was a godsend thanks to FMRS (Apologies but I can never remember the mod developer). Airbrakes do fine, but grid-fins*should* offer much better control authority.


The real reason I haven't pursued any kind of rocket landing in KSP2 is due to various bugs, most of which I believe have been fixed at this point.

Edited by Infinite Aerospace
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6 minutes ago, caipi said:

@Minmus Taster Is that your video or did you just link it? Because I'm definitely not gonna watch it. Too much clickbait attributes in the title and the thumbnail. I'm not rewarding such behavior. It's too superficial for my taste.

Wow you added a lot tot the conversation with that comment.

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2 hours ago, caipi said:

Is that your video or did you just link it? Because I'm definitely not gonna watch it. Too much clickbait attributes in the title and the thumbnail. I'm not rewarding such behavior. It's too superficial for my taste.

And this is what we get after thousands of hours of complaints about the lack of communication :p

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8 hours ago, Bej Kerman said:

And this is what we get after thousands of hours of complaints about the lack of communication :p

"Theres not enough communication!!!"

"Theres a 20 minute interview with the creative director? No way am I watching that!"

"Where is the communication?!"

Edited by DoomsdayDuck555
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11 minutes ago, cocoscacao said:

So Kerbals are gonna a lot more diverse in appearance. Does that include voices as well? Also, it would be cool to get some sort of generator, where we can customize their appearance (outside of game ofc)

Custom Kerbals would be fun!

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In this exact moment I hit 100 hours in the game. And the first content update isn't even out yet.

Next stop, 500.

EDIT: and 10 minutes later the game crashed. For the first time since release. Wohoo?

Edited by The Aziz
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