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Top 10 Requests


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  • KSP2 Alumni

Asked this over in Discord and it spurred a good discussion so I'll ask it here as well:

If you could pick 10 features/changes/parts to be prioritized for KSP2, what would your list be?

excluding already announced features / milestones (incl For Science!)

As big as robotics or life support
As small as QoL changes or a statue of Dakota out front of Mission Control

Choose wisely! 

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1) Interesting and varied gameplay mechanics that keep the game fresh from start to middle to end game, giving the players something new to play with and something new to strive for along the way.  This is easily my most preferred thing. I don’t need to be specific because I don’t really care what you come up with as long as it is fun and engaging. 

2) QoL and polish. Nothing kills a good game easier than when it turns into work or troubleshooting sessions because of janky mechanics, bugs, annoying issues, etc. 

3) Listen to modders needs and implement as appropriate. While it will be impossible to please everyone in points 1) and 2), a good modding community will eventually bring the things that can please most people.

4) Allow KSP2 to make its mark as its own game. As much as we all loved KSP 1, I personally I am not interested in a carbon copy, so while this may be controversial with some I am okay with risk taking innovation and changes to try to create something unique. 

5) Advanced challenges or game modes. Give us something that veterans can take a bite into that will really shake things up but at the same time is optional as to not turn off new players (think Deathworld settings in Factorio for example). 

I can’t think of anything else at the moment so I’ll leave at those for now. 

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1: 100% robotics

2: some sort of monetary system for trade and construction

3: life support, A built in planetary system/mod editor

4: VR builder and flight, a programming system for automation

5: planet and system discovery with telescopes and other instruments

6: more wing customization i.e. bending them halfway through up down sideways ya know the works

7: A way to turn off that infernal PAIGE Like I get it my 4 hour mission fail stop being so condescending and snarky

8: cities where Kerbal live

9: Kerbal being awed when around a planet with stunning visuals.

10: caves and oceans to explore

Edited by Ryaja
And QOL of course
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  • KSP2 Alumni
5 minutes ago, MechBFP said:

1) Interesting and varied gameplay mechanics that keep the game fresh from start to middle to end game, giving the players something new to play with and something new to strive for along the way.  This is easily my most preferred thing. I don’t need to be specific because I don’t really care what you come up with as long as it is fun and engaging. 

2) QoL and polish. Nothing kills a good game easier than when it turns into work or troubleshooting sessions because of janky mechanics, bugs, annoying issues, etc. 

3) Listen to modders needs and implement as appropriate. While it will be impossible to please everyone in points 1) and 2), a good modding community will eventually bring the things that can please most people.

4) Allow KSP2 to make its mark as its own game. As much as we all loved KSP 1, I personally I am not interested in a carbon copy, so while this may be controversial with some I am okay with risk taking innovation and changes to try to create something unique. 

5) Advanced challenges or game modes. Give us something that veterans can take a bite into that will really shake things up but at the same time is optional as to not turn off new players (think Deathworld settings in Factorio for example). 

I can’t think of anything else at the moment so I’ll leave at those for now. 

Maybe I should be more specific. Looking for gameplay-related specifics, not really strategic/planning changes. I agree with all of the points you presented though!

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Going to do it here, and then Discord.



  1.  Adding A Dedicated Camera Mode With Super Resolution: Quite simple, i even did a suggestion
  2. Weather: the weather would add a lot to this game and honestly should be a much higher priority than "feature/wish" there isn't a lot of games that have good graphics and weather combined, better clouds with more depth and looks, hurricanes, tornados, rain, thunder and lighting, duna sand storms, jool storms aurora borealis, even if it "doesn't" effect the craft via wind, it a much higher priority than just a wish.
  3. Visual Enhancement: It is getting there but a lot more needs to be done to make it feel more "alive", in due time
  4. More Music/Music Cues/Special Music Per Planet: Enjoy the music, just lack of the amount
  5. Wheels/Angeled Depolyment Tires: Just a lack of them to be honest.
  6. Reentry Sparks/More Effects: it has the 70-80% finished from what i have seen just need that 30-20% extra to make it amazing
  7. Hex Color/ Fine Control Of Color: Really simple, most of the community wants it
  8. Create Your Own Kerbal: I think this option should exist, really, we will have 100k's of variations, but why can we not make one(s) of our own taste, mind, and creativity this would also help CC's for reasons.
  9. Aero Effect Building Test Your Builds In For Drag Points: I have a solid idea of what i would like to see, but putting it into word form is a nightmare "aerodynamics with color grading of stress points" and it is controllable of your situation
  10. Better Control For Air Plane Mode: I really don't know just its a pain fly planes properly/smoothly in a game like this, i don't mind having as a special mode, but its a total pain for a user to actually fly something when its all or nothing or 2%, it pretty much forces the user to use the UI and set a "auto trim" to whatever they need for pitch, it just lacks refinement. (this also includes SAS for planes you pitch a certain amount and the craft snoops way lower than what you actually want.)


Honorable Mention.

IVA/First Person: its really really wanted for me, but its only 10.

Edited by Stephensan
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10 minutes ago, Dakota said:

Maybe I should be more specific. Looking for gameplay-related specifics, not really strategic/planning changes. I agree with all of the points you presented though!

That's fine, I am not the creative type so I am not going to give specifics anyway. :sticktongue:

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In no real order:

  1. TWR info in VAB.
  2. Tank priority to dictate fuel flow (if this is already there and hidden somewhere I apologize, I just found I wanted it yesterday and didn't poke around much)
  3. Photo mode when paused
  4. Decouple pause from time warp. I should be able to pause (with ESC, preferably) while in time warp without having to slow down first.
  5. Pe/Ap/An/Dn info on the orbit, with numbers visible by default (or at least the option to set it that way).
  6. Procedural parts (i.e. wings) should not have separate UI controls to modify them. Widget-like controls like when rotating parts should be on the wings themselves to adjust width/length/thickness/angles/etc.
  7. All in-flight UI elements should be moveable. Maybe a "set up the ui" mode where you can drag them around, then lock them so you don't accidentally move one.
  8. Every function and every key should be able to be defined by the user. If I want max thrust to be the Insert key, so be it.
  9. Cities and towns (with buildings) and roads (connecting the cities and in the cities) on Kerbin. All over Kerbin.
  10. Let me define how restrictive time warp should be by altitude. I'm a big boy and can reload from quicksave if I crash due to warping too much.
Edited by Superfluous J
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I'll try to not just be "make the game better lol", but rather ask for very specific stuff, since that's what you want.

  1. Feature parity, DLC included. (Robotics, historical parts).
  2. Life Support.
  3. More landing gear variety, both wheels and legs.
  4. Procedural fuel tanks.
  5. A proper color picker with HEX/RGB/HSL
  6. A complete elimination of wobble, being replaced with whatever other solution that doesn't make your rockets noodle unrealistically and unintuitively.
  7. Non-tree building.
  8. Open the UI for total moddability.
  9. Stock kOS or expanding the HAL controller from KSP1 robotics. Almost every other "build your own whatever" game has a proper automation system in place. HAL was good but I need to be able to read the status of parts and the environment and program appropriate reactions.
  10. A Photo mode that's at least as good as the one in Cities Skylines 2.
Edited by PDCWolf
Swapped one that was redundant.
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My wishes are...

1) proper selection of ground vehicle parts. I'm sick of using rocket parts for every type of ground vehicle.

2) a stock autopilot. 

3) an instrument landing guidance system for both planes and rockets. Take the guess work out of landing 

4) stock fuel switching for the tanks. Remove the fuel tank spam

5) stock EC calculator 

6) different tank profiles. Why does everything needs to be a cylinder?

7) return of the square wing pieces. Never thought I would miss those. But they were too handy.

8) make circular construction possible in the VAB without struts

9) unit switching for velocity 

10) surface attach for the procedural wings

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2 hours ago, Dakota said:

Asked this over in Discord and it spurred a good discussion so I'll ask it here as well:

If you could pick 10 features/changes/parts to be prioritized for KSP2, what would your list be?

excluding already announced features / milestones (incl For Science!)

As big as robotics or life support
As small as QoL changes or a statue of Dakota out front of Mission Control

Choose wisely! 

1) Life support.  2) the Making History Soviet-style parts.  3) Kerbal parachutes.  4) replace Vallhenge with kilometre-high statues of the dev team and relocate it.  5) Recognition and undying glory for the first player to discover Natehenge.  6) more Soviet parts - seriously: they built some really funky spacecraft.  7) real, persistent spacecraft flying the automated supply routes in multiplayer, because space piracy.   8) tank treads for rovers.  9) bring back the Kerbalizer. 10) first person IVAs, up to and including being able to walk around inside your craft and colonies.

Edited by Wheehaw Kerman
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  1. Electric  propellers and rotors (atmo and water) 
  2. Aerostats
  3. Ground effect and water surface physics (seaplanes, ekranoplans)
  4. Mission editor integrated into campaign
  5. Mission planner assistance (encounters, porkchops, alarms etc)
  6. Robotics
  7. EVA construction
  8. Life support 
  9. Outer planets in kerbolar system
  10. Decals

Edit: I'll add a rationale to these even at the risk of making it tl;dr

Items 1 and 2 (propellers and aerostats) would be relatively easy (I think) and would greatly extend the range of different vehicles we can build. Item 3 would further extend this through improvements to physics. 

Items 4 and 5 (mission editor, mission planner) would be partly QoL, partly a new gameplay system with its own incentives; I think it would add a new dimension to gameplay without breaking anything or being all that complicated to do, at least at a basic level. This isn't like Making History where you set up things; it would essentially be setting up a series of objectives by selecting from a list.

Items 6 and 7 (robotics and EVA construction) would further build on 1-3. I put it lower in the list because they're probably significantly work (big payoff too).

Item 8 (life support) is a big one. If it's effectively ignorable for Mun/Minmus and a relatively simple mass tax for close interplanetary, but increasingly relevant the further out you go as the resource/supply line mechanic comes online, I think it could do a lot to maintain challenge in the mid/late game. One of KSP1's problems was that it's brutally hard to get started with it, but once you know how to play it, "everything becomes easy" unless you mod it. I believe LS could go a long way to fixing this and keeping the game challenging all the way through, even when we have sci-fi engines that make Tylo a doddle.

Item 9 (outer planets) would be a stepping stone to interstellar. 

Item 10 (decals) would just be... nice and fun! The paint scheme is really pretty but I'd like to stencil on some messages and flags and logos onto my craft. :joy: 

Edited by Periple
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  1. Hands down: PROCEDURAL FUEL TANKS. Alternatively, compress all the clutter in the fuel tanks tab down to switchable shape tanks which can accept any kind of fuel so that we can have aesthetic variety in our hydrogen tanks (for instance). PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do something about the fuel tanks tab, let us build more interesting fuel tank constructions without using heavy aesthetic garbage parts.
  2. Life support, at least two resources, one of which should be recyclable and the other which can eventually (far into the tech tree) be provided via ISRU (greenhouse, etc...).
  3. Fix the issues with rovers/wheels: smooth driving over terrain, no throwing my stuff up into the air randomly (or what, after 1km of driving?), more torque (or parts to provide additional torque like transmissions) so that larger rovers can actually drive up a slope. Let me build a big 'ol damn rockhound!
  4. An extended maneuver node editor with the ability to enter/see actual numbers (more than just the total) and choose conics solution number so that we can plan further than three SOIs.
  5. EVA construction, especially the ability to add struts.
  6. Configurable in-flight UI.
  7. Better plane cockpits. I want to be able to build an AN-2 without mods.
  8. Prop engines.
  9. Weather.
  10. An alarm clock.
Edited by regex
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Before I start, I'm of the view that KSP2 should be aiming to differentiate itself from KSP1 and with the first two milestones it feels like the aim is to create a remaster rather than a sequel. It feels like the team is a little afraid of changing too much look and feel - although perhaps they have their hands full with the under-the-hood changes that are needed for the later milestones.

I'll also deliberately avoid commenting on specific parts, and gameplay mechanics that conceivably could be in announced milestones. That's a separate thread I think - e.g. "how should colonies work".

That said, here's a list:

- Take the most popularly-installed mods from KSP1 and bring them into core. The ones on my mind right now are procedural parts; docking port alignment; KER; etc. Specifically, I can't see a good reason why not to have procedural tanks, even if it's of a set diameter and variable length. Adds some graphical challenges for the part modellers but as a gameplay mechanic and general tidy-up of the parts catalogue, invaluable.

- More reasons to progressively explore planets with different science experiments to enable future exploration/expansion. For example, off the top of my head - we can use a drag prediction tool so we can get the right parachutes config...but only if we've measured the atmosphere composition at the relevant altitudes. We can EVA...but we need to have measured the temperatures, radiation etc. so we can "have a suitable spacesuit". I'm of the camp that says it doesn't have to make perfect scientific sense. It's a game and they rarely are completely logical. But, if you could imagine yourself convincing a five-year-old that "we need to do X so that Y can happen" then that's good enough.

- Mission planning tools. I've mentioned parachute predictions earlier - it's disappointing that we need to guess the number. Equally, landing stability calculations - will my craft balance OK with this much fuel left on this angle of slope (ok so perhaps we have CM indicators for that, so never mind). I'm not sure how realistic re-entry will be but do we need to identify how much ablator we need? Heat/solar management predictions. I know we can go get a notebook and calculator for some of this, but some in-built tools would be really cool.

- Ability to rotate docking ports once docked, or they snap on docking to the right orientation if you're close. If I'm building in orbit, I want to be able to get the modules of my space station lined up right. Aah dammit, just generally more support for orbital construction.

I'm now moving away from the things that have bothered me, and am now into the realms of pulling ideas out of thin air...

- Auto-adjustment to achieve a given CM or CT. If you're creating a non-symmetric design, when you thrust up it can start to rotate (obviously). Tools in the VAB to offset certain masses or thrusts to achieve alignment (might need to assume a certain fuel load) would be handy. Later, Auto-adjustment of engine thrust per-engine (or per symmetry set?) to maintain heading - we can do it with RCS, reaction wheels and gimbal but not dynamic thrust adjustment. Perhaps only certain engines can support it for "technology" reasons...

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1. Easy, moderate and hard difficulty levels

2. Life support based on difficulty level

3. Stock launch recording mode and photo mode.

4. Docking camera for precise docking

5. Alarm clock and transfer window calculator.

6. Robotic parts, expanding space station parts

7. Radiation, radiation protection etc

8.  Random failures of parts based on difficulty level

9. Parts for scanning planets surface before landing. Progressive scanning not instant. Similar to SCANsat.

10. Kerbals specialization and levels (pilots, etc)


Edited by Kalessin1
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First I would like to say that for years I've been parsing all the ideas I've found anywhere (posts, mods etc.) and I've created a list of suggestions and requests that I believe are compatible with stock KSP. You can find it here:

As for a top 10, I would pick:

1. allow returning to the past after finishing a mission by recording and reenacting previous actions in sync (to merge sequential and parallel mission play styles)

2. enable persistent universe multiplayer in which the whole community can build and interact - so players can show and compare their creations in-game and can explore the KSP civilizations built by other players (this is a general vision, I'm not recommending a specific implementation, but I've had ideas)

3. more lore and interesting things to discover in the KSP universe (I play the game mainly for exploration)

4. a radiation system (or something to account for PVE - some kind of life support)

5. better, more detailed terrain and more terrain features

6. environmental visual effects (atmospheric / weather visuals etc.); visual weathering of parts and kerbals during missions

7. gameplay improvements: transfer window calculator, atmospheric landing trajectory predictions (like the trajectories mod); allow holding SAS orientation while warping; automated orbital station keeping (for satellite constellation stability); automatic thrust vector control for VTOL stabilization

8. functional IVA and first person mode (so we can do missions from start to finish in first person, using IVA instruments)

9. vehicle construction: when parts are clipped together calculate the resulting mass and volume correctly (remove mass of intersecting walls, adjust volume of fuel in intersecting tanks etc.); be able to group fuel tanks; planners for heat, EC and antennas; part comparison tool (ex. for side-by-side engine stats)

10 . some useful specific parts: better wheels, procedural utility weight, hinges (to enable more compact craft), auto leveling landing legs, pico docking port

Honorable mention: ability to generate and export craft blueprints and mission profile sheets.




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  1. Programming. A visual scripting system, layered on top of a standard LUA/Python for more experienced players to replace the action group system.
    • It would allow simple conditional action groups even to players that don't care at all about programming, with things as simple as parachutes deploying automatically or lights turning on when there's no sunlight, and get them curious from there. 
  2. Electric and methane powered props and rotors, along with aerostats and airship parts.
    • We have an helicopter on Mars right now, and it has flown for 65 times already (of the 5 planned), flying stuff, even where you don't have the oxygen for jet engines, is already here in space exploration. Returning from Eve with an air launched rocket from an electric plane has been my favorite KSP1 mission in 10 years of playing the game. 
  3. A non-resource based and non-lethal life support.
    • I don't care about having to carry Kerbal Fuel on top of rocket fuel, I want to have interesting design constraints given by the environment I'm going to explore and the duration of the mission.
    • Non-lethal to preserve the existence of rescue missions, maybe make that a canon thing with emergency hibernation capsules or something.
  4. Robotics
    • But not for props and rotors. Those should be single-part engines, just like wheels and rocket engines.
  5. Functional Bases and Stations.
    • Even before colonies, I want a reason to be building a base/station, be it science, surveying, training, tourism, mining or whatever else. I don't want to build a space station just because a procedurally generated mission told me so, i want them to be part of the gameplay loop. Not just colonies, even that small entry level LKO outposts resembling the ISS, it has to have a reason to be there other than "I want a ISS replica" or the game rewarding me a couple hundred science points and then ignore its existence. I'd like for it to be functional.
  6. Being able to store/edit/recover specific named crafts.
    • Especially when resources kick in, I don't want my first ever supersonic plane to be scrapped for parts and rebuilt every time it's used. I want to have an hangar with all my built planes, and have them serve multiple missions each.
  7. Construction times (and refurbishment)
    • Self-explanatory, not a big deal for people not wanting it, just time-warp it away, but it adds a layer of logistics I would enjoy.
  8. A Strong supply automation system.
    • I don't want it to just transfer resources from point A to point B, being able to "Certify" a booster for automatic recovery (and then hangar, and reuse, skipping the construction times the next time you need it), being able to send back to the KSC a mother-plane after it has released it's air-launched rocket. And, on the other side of things, having to do test runs, and hops around the KSC landing pads to "Certify" said booster.
  9. Testing environment
    • A test environment of some sort, a "simulation" in which we can test landers, parachutes, gliders, and whatnot in the condition of the target body, but only after we've unlocked it by bringing the right instruments in that environment.

The last 4 could all be buildings (or even multiple buildings each), in the bases/stations/colony system for that functionality I talk about in point 5 (A mining rover garage to store your mining rovers on your Mun mining outpost, ILS equipment for the runway at your Laythe AirBase, and a wind tunnel to test new designs...).


And, number 10:

  • The color picker.
    • Every other reply here adds it and I'm jumping on that one to. Gimme the hex values for colors, and a custom palette thing where I can save the colors I use more often.
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1. Something similar to Scansat, that allows you to map planets and maybe discover resources to help you choose good spots for colonies and to explore

2. A system that allows you to recover boosters and fly your upper stages "at the same time" (FMRS)

2. Robotic parts (hinges, motors, pistons) 

3. Better ground textures and more scatter

5. This could work well with point 2: a system that can record a flight and replay it, so you can get different camera angles for the same part of the flight. A system like this could also help with the implementation of point 2, where you for example first land booster 1 and the game records that path, it can simply replay it when you land booster 2 so they can land simultaneosly and when you fly the upper stage the boosters will replay that again and land while you do that.


Edited by Datau03
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1. Finish the manoeuvre node marker in the mapview, We can't plan a manoeuvre in future orbits, only the current one.

2. TWR in the VAB for all celestial bodies.

3. Add a transfer window planner.

4. Make the UI modulair and scalable for all GUI items.

5. Make us select our own FOV in flight.

6. Native resolution support for other than 16:9 screens.

7, Kerbal chutes

8. Give all cargo bays the possibility to select how far they open, not just one of all cargo bays.

9. Finish the IVA for all command modules and give us IVA view.

10. Hinges, rotors and cilinders.


I know 10 is out of scope, but the rest of them should be in the base game in my humble opinion.

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1. The interface. The team had a bunch of nice ideas posted publicly (and probably few more never revealed) but settled for style that neither fits the general feeling of the game (high tech civilization heading to other planets, even stars) but also is barely readable thanks to 15000 different font types, sizes, inconsistencies and general clunkyness of the chosen style - retro pixely text was never good at being easy to read, which brings me to the next point:

2. Accessibility. As widely elaborated here https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/219151-can-we-talk-about-accessibility/ it would be good to have some options, considering that many not only fully featured games, but early access titles as well, have those options. And it's important, if you want your game to be played by everyone without limits their bodies made on them. Please also note that in both paragraphs I'm talking about the style. The layout is fine.

3. Discovery-and-situational-based technology unlocks. As opposed to, once more, the science system based on points. We've been through this already.

4. Actual Mission planner with alarms and transfer windows. I forgot if it's gonna be introduced in FS! but it's nearly crucial for long term simultaneous  missions. Since you do have TriggerAU on board, he knows his stuff.

5. Fairings that are actually solid. No more clipping through payloads, please. And some additional structural integrity would be nice if, say, I want to build an interstage fairing and hold the munar module in it. Right now the only place where the fairing is connected is on the base. The open top should also work as structural element. KSP1 sort of allowed for mounting points in the middle, it wasn't the perfect solution but it was something.

6. While I'm at it, surface attachments for the tube parts. Please, I'd like to put solar panels there but I can't.

7. Picking the side of the runway on launch. The other side is much closer to the KSC buuldings if I want to take a drive. And I may want to liftoff straight to the west.

8. Once heating arrives, and some more electricity generation systems.. perhaps a way to turn excess heat from <insert a manufactory process or sthn> into power. Even tiny amounts. Balance it so that it needs to be radiated but when in atmo, part of the heat could be worked through a turbine of sorts.

9. Different surface properties on different bodies. Rock should feel different from grass, grass should feel different from sand, sand should feel different from molten basalt that is solid but still hot and sticky. More in linked thread.

10. I dunno, just some basic QoL features that will make playing more pleasant. There's too many to list.

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1 hour ago, The Aziz said:

settled for style that neither fits the general feeling of the game (high tech civilization heading to other planets, even stars) but also is barely readable thanks to 15000 different font types, sizes, inconsistencies and general clunkyness of the chosen style - retro pixely text was never good at being easy to read

If just needs a little bit of polish and consistency. The art direction is good.

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1 minute ago, Vl3d said:

If just needs a little bit of polish and consistency. The art direction is good.

It looks kind of okay at first glance, but it does have significant usability and accessibility problems. I think they're big enough that it needs more than just a polish pass, sadly. :sad:

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3 hours ago, The Aziz said:

1. The interface. The team had a bunch of nice ideas posted publicly (and probably few more never revealed) but settled for style that neither fits the general feeling of the game (high tech civilization heading to other planets, even stars) but also is barely readable thanks to 15000 different font types, sizes, inconsistencies and general clunkyness of the chosen style - retro pixely text was never good at being easy to read, which brings me to the next point:

2. Accessibility. As widely elaborated here https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/219151-can-we-talk-about-accessibility/ it would be good to have some options, considering that many not only fully featured games, but early access titles as well, have those options. And it's important, if you want your game to be played by everyone without limits their bodies made on them. Please also note that in both paragraphs I'm talking about the style. The layout is fine.

3. Discovery-and-situational-based technology unlocks. As opposed to, once more, the science system based on points. We've been through this already.

4. Actual Mission planner with alarms and transfer windows. I forgot if it's gonna be introduced in FS! but it's nearly crucial for long term simultaneous  missions. Since you do have TriggerAU on board, he knows his stuff.

5. Fairings that are actually solid. No more clipping through payloads, please. And some additional structural integrity would be nice if, say, I want to build an interstage fairing and hold the munar module in it. Right now the only place where the fairing is connected is on the base. The open top should also work as structural element. KSP1 sort of allowed for mounting points in the middle, it wasn't the perfect solution but it was something.

6. While I'm at it, surface attachments for the tube parts. Please, I'd like to put solar panels there but I can't.

7. Picking the side of the runway on launch. The other side is much closer to the KSC buuldings if I want to take a drive. And I may want to liftoff straight to the west.

8. Once heating arrives, and some more electricity generation systems.. perhaps a way to turn excess heat from <insert a manufactory process or sthn> into power. Even tiny amounts. Balance it so that it needs to be radiated but when in atmo, part of the heat could be worked through a turbine of sorts.

9. Different surface properties on different bodies. Rock should feel different from grass, grass should feel different from sand, sand should feel different from molten basalt that is solid but still hot and sticky. More in linked thread.

10. I dunno, just some basic QoL features that will make playing more pleasant. There's too many to list.

This is what I would also put in my list especially the top 2.

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