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[1.12.x] Tundra Exploration - v7.1.1 (Dec 26th, 2024) - (Re)Stockalike SpaceX Falcon 9, (Crew) Dragon (XL) & Haven-1!


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On 4/8/2021 at 3:39 AM, damonvv said:

I don’t make the RO configs. But Nessus was working on it  while ago but it takes time to get everything working correctly.

Oh sorry I think I worded this incorrectly. Basically what I'm asking is will it be possible to add the new features of V4.0 to a version that is compatible with 1.8.1 so that it can be used with my RO playthrough (that isnt 1.11.x but 1.8.1). I wasn't asking if RO compatibility would be added to the new versions (sorry if that didn't come through).

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12 minutes ago, JacobPF9 said:

Oh sorry I think I worded this incorrectly. Basically what I'm asking is will it be possible to add the new features of V4.0 to a version that is compatible with 1.8.1 so that it can be used with my RO playthrough (that isnt 1.11.x but 1.8.1). I wasn't asking if RO compatibility would be added to the new versions (sorry if that didn't come through).

Oh my mistake! TE v4.0 should be compatible with 1.8.1. I haven't tested it myself but I don't see a reason why it shouldn't work!

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Tundra Exploration V4.0 is out!!

This update includes the following:
- Added white Octopus variant on Ghidorah 9/Heavy
- Added Rideshare adapter variants (Many thanks to @Beale for figuring out the best way to make these shiny parts!)
- Added Waterfall to Haddock RCS puck
- Revamped all Mothra One parts ( Many thanks to @Zorg for making Waterfall plumes for Mothra!)
- Revamped Ghidorah 9 Mvac engine (Many thanks to @DylanSemrau for giving me some inspiration to remodel Mvac)
- Revamped Ghidorah Heavy Nosecone
- Revamped Ghidorah Heavy Decoupler
- Revamped Ghidorah 9 Fairing half
- Fixed TPA naming issue on Ghidorah Fairing
- Fixed naming issue on Gojira SNX Legs
- Fixed M1D displayname
- Fixed soot on Ghidorah Heavy Nosecone
- Fixed Rodan trunk node not showing up on cargo side
- Fixed Waterfall plume during center engine only mode on the Gojira SH engine cluster
- Fixed Mothra Interstage node offset
- Fixed Ghidorah Heavy sideboosters flipping during descent
- Fixed Gojira RCS plumes not showing up without Waterfall installed
- Fixed duped texture files in Rodan folder
- Attempt to fix Rodan re-entry angle
- Removed Gojira Mk3 parts completely
- Updated Category tab
- Updated Tweakscale config
- Updated Cryotanks config (Thank you @JadeOfMaar)
- Updated craft files

Download links in the OP!

Happy launches!

Edited by damonvv
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45 minutes ago, damonvv said:

Tundra Exploration V4.0 is out!!

This update includes the following:
- Added white Octopus variant on Ghidorah 9/Heavy
- Added Rideshare adapter variants (Many thanks to @Beale for figuring out the best way to make these shiny parts!)
- Added Waterfall to Haddock RCS puck
- Revamped all Mothra One parts ( Many thanks to @Zorg for making Waterfall plumes for Mothra!)
- Revamped Ghidorah 9 Mvac engine (Many thanks to @DylanSemrau for giving me some inspiration to remodel Mvac)
- Revamped Ghidorah Heavy Nosecone
- Revamped Ghidorah Heavy Decoupler
- Revamped Ghidorah 9 Fairing half
- Fixed TPA naming issue on Ghidorah Fairing
- Fixed naming issue on Gojira SNX Legs
- Fixed M1D displayname
- Fixed soot on Ghidorah Heavy Nosecone
- Fixed Rodan trunk node not showing up on cargo side
- Fixed Waterfall plume during center engine only mode on the Gojira SH engine cluster
- Fixed Mothra Interstage node offset
- Fixed Ghidorah Heavy sideboosters flipping during descent
- Fixed Gojira RCS plumes not showing up without Waterfall installed
- Fixed duped texture files in Rodan folder
- Attempt to fix Rodan re-entry angle
- Removed Gojira Mk3 parts completely
- Updated Category tab
- Updated Tweakscale config
- Updated Cryotanks config (Thank you @JadeOfMaar)
- Updated craft files

Download links in the OP!

Happy launches!


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FYI, the CKAN bot is having trouble adding the latest release because of the dot character after "Releases" in this filename:

Tundra-ExplorationV4.0\!DEPENDENCIES (Download these!)\Releases · Angel-125-KerbalActuators.url


Users with Chinese, Japanese, or Korean operating systems had previously reported this problem in https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/issues/3342, but up to that point English locales and the bot were unaffected. Then some mods with file names containing Chinese or Greek characters started to raise the same error. We updated the version of the ZIP lib we use, and now the bot has the same errors with this mod previously reported by CJK users.

@DasSkelett has plans for a fix, but while we work on that, there will be a delay with getting the 4.0 of this mod onto CKAN.

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Hi, ive tried to install this mod several times over the years but i never seem to get it right. I have all the dependencies installed but the falcon, starship, dragon, etc parts wont appear.  Help me obi wan kerbnobi you are my only hope :) 

Screenshot of my game data folder below:



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47 minutes ago, TitiKSP said:

Do You have Plans To Add A Starship Surface Cargo Version?

You mean the Lunar variant? Damon has said this so many times, but until it's proven to be an actual concrete design that'll fly, it's not going into Tundra.

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18 minutes ago, alberro+ said:

You mean the Lunar variant? Damon has said this so many times, but until it's proven to be an actual concrete design that'll fly, it's not going into Tundra.

No, he (or she) probably doesn't. So many others and I all want a stainless steel, full scale surface cargo variant, which doesn't require a whole lot of clipping. :( 



EDIT: Wow, I haven't posted here in a while, gosh! :o 

Edited by SpaceX_Boi
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Random thought I just had but not at my computer to be able to test it right now. 

With all the talk the last few days from the fairing catch ships being retired in favor of fishing the fairings out of the water it has me wondering, has anyone tried putting any sort of control probe and a radial mount chute inside of a set of Tundra fairings and using FMRS to deploy the chutes and be able to recover the fairings in KSP or is it even possible to do that? 

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5 minutes ago, Steffan514 said:

Random thought I just had but not at my computer to be able to test it right now. 

With all the talk the last few days from the fairing catch ships being retired in favor of fishing the fairings out of the water it has me wondering, has anyone tried putting any sort of control probe and a radial mount chute inside of a set of Tundra fairings and using FMRS to deploy the chutes and be able to recover the fairings in KSP or is it even possible to do that? 

You could do that and use Procedural Fairings to attach control probes and parachutes to the fairings.

Although you would have to reconstruct the faring using the fairings and fairing bases in that mod.

Edited by Naeth Kerman
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On 4/10/2021 at 4:29 PM, damonvv said:

Oh my mistake! TE v4.0 should be compatible with 1.8.1. I haven't tested it myself but I don't see a reason why it shouldn't work!

Gotcha thanks. sorry for the miscommunication there :)

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3 hours ago, alberro+ said:

You mean the Lunar variant? Damon has said this so many times, but until it's proven to be an actual concrete design that'll fly, it's not going into Tundra.

I'm Talking About A Horizontal Cargo Doors Starship. It Will Deliver Rovers,Cargo,Etc To The Planets/Moons Surfaces.

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8 hours ago, TitiKSP said:

I'm Talking About A Horizontal Cargo Doors Starship. It Will Deliver Rovers,Cargo,Etc To The Planets/Moons Surfaces.

Yeah... cargo starship is kind of useless when delivering cargo to other bodys.

You're better off using really anything else.

When I constructed my mun base, I off loaded the modules in a really weird way by deorbiting as normal, decoupling while over the surface, and landing the module and starship separately. The module needs it's own propulsion stage, Which adds more weight and dry mass to begin with, which means I need to sacrifice more fuel. 
Plus you can't do that on a planet with an atmosphere, or tylo.

It's kind of a pain in the ass when delivering fuel.

The cargo space is not generous to begin with, and It needs an propulsion stage (like I mentioned before)

Even when assembling modules in orbit, there's hardly any space for an "Canadarm" of any kind, and even if you do, It'll end up clipping in the tanks. 

Although all these problems or flaws are mostly starship's.


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5 hours ago, editor99 said:

Yeah... cargo starship is kind of useless when delivering cargo to other bodys.

You're better off using really anything else.

When I constructed my mun base, I off loaded the modules in a really weird way by deorbiting as normal, decoupling while over the surface, and landing the module and starship separately. The module needs it's own propulsion stage, Which adds more weight and dry mass to begin with, which means I need to sacrifice more fuel. 
Plus you can't do that on a planet with an atmosphere, or tylo.

It's kind of a pain in the ass when delivering fuel.

The cargo space is not generous to begin with, and It needs an propulsion stage (like I mentioned before)

Even when assembling modules in orbit, there's hardly any space for an "Canadarm" of any kind, and even if you do, It'll end up clipping in the tanks. 

Although all these problems or flaws are mostly starship's.


The way I do things is by launching payloads into orbits around bodies, launch a landing stage which docks with the payload and lands it on any given body. To be honest though I do find the Starship payload bay size very constricting. I'd recommend making the nosecone longer and the tank shorter. Starship does have more fuel than necessary even when fully loaded with 100+ tons of payload.

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