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KSP2 Release Notes - Update v0.1.2.0

Intercept Games

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2 minutes ago, SgtKayos said:

Hey everyone - posted this on the Announcements section, but linking here in case I'm not the only one.

Question for Steam users - Do you automatically get these updates and if so, how? In my Steam game settings, I have updates set to "High Priority", and to allow downloads in the background. But it appears you have to go to the "Betas" section and select which patch you want installed, and v0.1.2.0 isn't available as of yet. 

Not sure if it is my system or a systemic issue with Steam users. Happy to explain more! Loving the game so far as well!


Try fully exiting Steam and relaunching it. That usually triggers the updater.

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4 hours ago, IronGremlin said:

It's obviously a fairly subtle bug with an incredibly core chunk of the game,

There's nothing subtle about the effects, regardless of the cause. It's absolutely repeatable and has been since Day 1. 


Edited by Starhawk
Redacted by moderator
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59 minutes ago, Streetwind said:

Because they're not scatter. They're part of the building assets of KSC.

It's still drawing lots of trees outside of KSC too. It's a LOT better now that they're simpler, but "off" being off would be even better. I went ahead and reported it as a bug. 

Edited by BLINGMW
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3 hours ago, Starman4308 said:

Is there still a way to plot maneuvers otherwise? I haven't played KSP 2 yet, but I'd much rather have a warning of "not enough dV" than not be allowed to plot at all.

For example, I often stick a satellite in low equatorial Kerbin orbit to plan out interplanetary launch windows, but that satellite wouldn't actually have enough dV to go there; it's just for coarse pre-mission plotting.

While I can see this being a niche use for it, I feel like the changes they made are a lot better for newer/most players and will eliminate a lot of confusion towards people who aren’t as well versed in missions and ksp in general. I think the intended way to deal with the situation you’re talking about is trial and error and to make some mistakes along the way :)  Perhaps adding a setting to toggle the behaviors would be the best way to make all parties happy but I do understand where their thinking is 

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25 minutes ago, Dakota said:

Try fully exiting Steam and relaunching it. That usually triggers the updater.

@DakotaNot sure if anyone else has mentioned this.  It worked for me.

Right  click the game in Steam > Properties... > Local Files > Verify integrity of game files...

This seems to be an old trick to get Steam to check for an update for a particular game and update it.

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1 hour ago, Poppa Wheelie said:

Except, that's exactly what is required at the moment, to "fly blind".  I can look up phase angle and departure window, and I can fire at "approximately" the right time, direction, and duration, but I have no clue how close I am to what I wanted to achieve until I depart the SOI.  Only then can I "see" the initial results, and only then can I "see" exactly what the expected results of any corrections will be.

With this feature working properly (as with KSP1) I can plan exactly down to the expected Pe at Kerbin.  And, when I execute the node (or plan), I can slow down at the end and again get exact detail on the actual Kerbin Pe -- because I can see it as it's happening.

Yes, we are currently flying completely blind in this situation.

I purposefully said *completely*. You get your orbit when you leave the SOI.

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1 hour ago, The Aziz said:

I forgot to mention earlier because praise is important as well when it comes to feedback:

Great work on maneuver timer window, finally I don't have to lean it to see anything.

But there's also the other side of the coin, the font chosen is, once again, godawful.

It's Interesting that one person's benefit is another person's peeve.  I like what they did with the Burn Timer info - and agree the font isn't my fave... But I really want to downscale the whole thing! 

So much of my view is taken up by UI elements that seem natively scaled for laptops. 

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4 hours ago, Intercept Games said:

Maneuver plans are now constrained by available fuel and will no longer provide false projections that extend beyond vehicle's capacity. R.A.P.I.E.R. engines must be set to Closed Cycle mode to allow accurate orbital maneuver planning

Shouldn't this be toggleable? Oftentimes I'll still want to see what it would take even if my current vessel can't so I know what it needs, and sometimes I'll have things set up in a way that would preclude the game being able to know my performance ahead of time (e.g., multiple engines of different types that I toggle between for different parts of the maneuver, parts dropped that aren't simply tanks, etc.). Also the simple fact that if some bug comes up that causes a miscalculation of dV (like happens all the time in 1) you may be locked out of accurate maneuver nodes

Edited by WarriorSabe
Double posted accidentally
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7 minutes ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

So much of my view is taken up by UI elements that seem natively scaled for laptops. 

Desktop, 23" screen here. the size is perfect. If I had a laptop, I'd probably still have to squint. I have no idea what's the experience on 40" 4K screens. Maybe it's too big, but for 1080p standard, it's great. Now mind you, I think they should first fine tune all the bits in the UI like they're doing now BEFORE making it scaleable.

Besides, it's your tool for maneuvers, you should watch it, and maybe the orbital parameters, which are not obscured by larger maneuver window. You finish, you close it since you don't need it anymore. It doesn't take your view now.

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1 hour ago, Nicrose said:

While I can see this being a niche use for it, I feel like the changes they made are a lot better for newer/most players

God I hate the "new players" argument. You can build in better UI cues instead of outright preventing an action that might be useful to some people.

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2 minutes ago, aaronmslack said:

Dang, this is an impressive list. But my graphics issues playing it on MacBook Pro with Parallels are still there :(  https://www.dropbox.com/s/0d8tngfohwq9hq1/2023-03-25_22-22-10.png

windows only game as of right now....


like.. not macbook or linux, i really doubt they are going to attempt to fix issues for mac or linux until post 1.0.

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