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Bug Status [12/1]

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Hiya Kerbonauts and welcome back to the K.E.R.B!

Hope you're all doing well! Did you hear that For Science! releases on December 19th, 2023 - in less than 3 weeks?!?
We can't wait for you all to get your hands on all the new features, and we're working hard to squash bugs just in-time for release.

We've been digging through the bug report backlog and really appreciate all of the reports that have been sent in.
Your contributions are directly helping KSP2's development and have been critical in identifying root causes for many many issues.
From everyone on the team, thank you. :purpleheart:

Before we get started, as a treat, we have a short clip to share from QA that made us laugh of an issue that was thankfully identified and fixed before it ever reached you all:

Let us know if you want us to share more little behind-the-scenes clips like this!

And now, onto the K.E.R.B.!!

Fundamental Feature Status Updates:

Wobbly Rockets
Improvements have been fully implemented and are ready to ship for For Science! Here is a look at the upcoming configurable options for joints:


Calculating Physics of all parts of all Crafts
Improvements are fully implemented and are ready to ship for For Science!

Camera Resets Position Map View
Partial fix to camera orientation flipping, but remaining issues require refactoring on the camera system post v0.2.0.0.

Cannot create maneuver nodes with 0 deltaV (new)
This issue actually is rooted in Delta-v calculations which require continued design/feature work post v0.2.0.0.

Current Top Issues: 

# Bug Status
1 No trajectory lines in map view Unable to repeatedly reproduce, need more information
2 Phantom forces when deploying landing legs/gear Fix implemented and verified
3 Rovers are Hitting a Physics Glitch Every 1000m from the Location of Rover Being Loaded into the Game With Disastrous Results Fix implemented and verified
4 Black visual artefacts when passing through cloud layer (AMD) Fix implemented and verified
5 Moving a radially attached part with a strut on it, break the game Partial fix implemented and verified. Continued work on struts being done
6 Surface Collision not even with Terrain Mesh Fix implemented and verified

On Undocking in Low Orbit, Landing Legs are Causing Massive Force to be Applied in a Retrograde Direction Even When Retracted

Extended Landing Legs are Causing a Massive Kick in the Retrograde Direction when in Low Orbit After Disengaging Time Warp

If a craft with landing legs is saved in low orbit, when reloaded the craft will experience massive force in the retrograde direction

Merged. Fix implemented and verified
8 Landing gear blocked when it is not [also happens with other deployable parts] Cannot reproduce, need more information. 
Potential workaround: quicksave -> quickload
9 Engine Plate Fairing Respawns after load or switching vessels Fix implemented and verified
10 Acceleration During Time Warp Doesn’t Work at Times Fix implemented and verified
11 Stage activation requires a double click / double spacebar pressing Reproducible
12 Timewarp under Acceleration stops Engaging Properly after a certain amount of years have passed Fix implemented and verified
13 Struts: ctrl+z in the VAB renders struts/fuel lines invisible, visual bug Fix implemented and verified
14 Inconsistent Framerate During Launch Need more post-v0.1.5 information
15 SAS does not hold orientation during time warp Reproducible, investigating alternatives
16 Control Surface Oscillation in Atmosphere Reproducible
17 Almost all of the Navball stuff disappears Investigating.
Potential workaround:
quicksave -> quickload

Elliptical Solar Orbits Cause Timewarp Under Acceleration to Stop Producing Thrust

Fixed, needs verification
19 Cannot create/edit a maneuver node when game is paused Known issue, investigating solutions for this and other pause-related issues
20 More often than not parts are still blocked after fairings are jettisoned Investigating

Note: this report is not fully representative of the work our team is focused on. This is just to provide insight into our progress on the most concerning issues to our community. Additionally, the lack of a status update does not imply a lack of importance or general progress - we just do not have anything to share at this time.

Lastly, this will be the last K.E.R.B. report before For Science! releases. We'll share some more details about what the future is for the K.E.R.B. soon enough, just setting expectations for two weeks from now!

See you in For Science! 

KSP Team

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14 hours ago, Pyritin said:

Is SAS wobble going to be resolved by For Science? Seems weird the system that will most benefit new users may not be working at the same time the tech tree (which acts like a tutorial) for newbs is being introduced.

You can reduce the instability of vessels by placing a probe core on the engine plate the engines are on. Hopefully they revamp the SAS at some point to take into account the difference between the orientation of the rockets vs the orientation of the control point when trying to stabilise the rocket.

Edited by Bej Kerman
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3 Rovers are Hitting a Physics Glitch Every 1000m from the Location of Rover Being Loaded into the Game With Disastrous Results Fix implemented and verified

I'm holding you guys to this. If I can't drive north at a hundred and ten per I'm gonna be pretty mad. Please do something about the wheel torque too, we're in dire need of some actually drivable large rovers that can climb a > 10 degree grade.

Edited by regex
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I REALLY hope docking/undocking physics gets improved soon. This is the number 1 biggest issue for me personally and the reason I’ve stopped playing a couple months ago.     Undocking a vessel and having it blast off at an angle all weirdly or causing the other vessel to move out of control in a strange behavior is a huge bummer.  Once this is fixed I will definitely jump back into the game. 

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1 hour ago, HammerTyme said:

I REALLY hope docking/undocking physics gets improved soon. This is the number 1 biggest issue for me personally and the reason I’ve stopped playing a couple months ago.     Undocking a vessel and having it blast off at an angle all weirdly or causing the other vessel to move out of control in a strange behavior is a huge bummer.  Once this is fixed I will definitely jump back into the game. 

Seems that's listed above as "Fix implemented and verified" so I think you're good once 0.2 comes out.

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For #1, what additional things would you like tested or stats you need? I get it often enough I hopefully can provide some additional data for a fix as its quite annoying.
#8 the save and reload (or quit game and come back) solution works, not ideal but a work around none the less.

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