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KSP2 Release Notes - Update v0.2.2.0

Intercept Games

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16 hours ago, Intercept Games said:
  • Removed the Private Division Launcher

Can we, please, ask for removing it from KSP¹ too? Please, pretty please, with a cherry on top? :)


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9 minutes ago, Superfluous J said:
15 hours ago, Intercept Games said:

Fixed: Fairings contacting their base plate after being jettisoned causes a permanant 'Landed' state, causing orbit lines to not be drawn

How did you EVER figure out THAT one?

Um, yeah. 

That isn't anything I could imagine being the cause. 

(someone in QA had to have spreadsheeted that CSI breakthrough) 

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I see a lot of you good folks ... like me...  checked this thread daily or followed it.   I almost clicked off the site when it occured to my eyes...  Wait, the title text is BOLD!

Glad to see the update.  Especially glad it 'looks' like docking issues may be resolved?
Thank you to the team still working on it. Best wishes to all involved.

Currently downloading from PD site 70% completed.

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41 minutes ago, Heretic391 said:

I've very happy with a bug fix update. Thank you everyone!

I'm really happy that cargo bays, shielded docking ports, and fairings actually (mostly) do their jobs now.  The procedural wings in KSP2 and the SWERV engine are a game-changer for the whole SSTO space plane game, but without those aerodynamic parts in working order, there are pretty onerous limitations on what you can do.  Since @OJT took all the trouble to repost the whole STS challenge series in the KSP2 forum, I was planning  to give it a little love  before everybody leaves the building, but those parts being bunk was really making it hard for me to build what I wanted to.

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49 minutes ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

Um, yeah. 

That isn't anything I could imagine being the cause. 

(someone in QA had to have spreadsheeted that CSI breakthrough) 

I concur.  I actually opened up a text editor to specifically acknowledge and thank whoever the devs were that cycled through this event 9000 times to identify what it was. 

Also this one: "Fairings disable parachutes placed inside or near them, even after fairings are ejected ".  Like...'near'?  How near?  How many times did they have to test this to nail it down. 

I appreciate you KSP2 dev team.  This is some pretty impressive work considering the expected morale in the office as well as anybody naturally burning out any saved up time off. 

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2 hours ago, Ragnar said:

acknowledge and thank whoever the devs

You know... That's a really good point. 

Someone, in this environment of hate and discontent and uncertainty put their head down and found and fixed a Foundational bug. 

There are a lot of good folks over at Intercept who deserve to be acknowledged. 

Even if only with a virtual fist bump. 

Whoever you are... happy-cool.gif


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6 hours ago, The Space Peacock said:

i guess we take what we can get at this point. i'm pretty happy the landed state bug has finally been adressed


In general this patch feels like they wanted to get rid of some of the most annoying bugs people have complained about for ages. It really has a "let's make the game as playable as possible before it rides into the sunset" kind of vibe.

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45 minutes ago, ShadowZone said:

It really has a "let's make the game as playable as possible before it rides into the sunset" kind of vibe.

i'm honestly glad they decided to go that route instead of dumping a bunch of unplayable, unstable colony assets on us. Sure, its sad we'll (likely) never get to see a lot of the work they did on colonies and beyond, but it's better to have the game be in the most playable and enjoyable state they could make it with an eye toward the future. Whether that be for the next people to work on it should it actually happen, or just for those of us that will always have a place in their heart for KSP2, despite everything.

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23 minutes ago, The Space Peacock said:

i'm honestly glad they decided to go that route instead of dumping a bunch of unplayable, unstable colony assets on us. 

At least a beta branch would be nice, some people don't mind the bugs, and maybe modders would be able to step in.

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7 hours ago, jclovis3 said:

I am under an NDA with another game company and the {modified} verbiage in that contract includes such text as, "Your obligation to keep the {test group name} Materials confidential will continue until such time and to the extent that {company} makes such materials publicly available."

This means that certain aspects of the NDA can indeed extend for a very long time, but possibly not longer than 15 years, depending on the laws in the country in which they are based out of. I am not even (nor have I ever been) a paid employee of the company to which I am obligated to under this NDA and my knowledge of classified information from my days in the military will also carry a lifetime lock and key in my mind, partially because I can lose my Pension.

That's frankly insane. It's games development, I don't, and will never understand Take Two Interactive's crazy secrecy regarding a game about launching 'frogs' into space.

2 hours ago, ShadowZone said:


In general this patch feels like they wanted to get rid of some of the most annoying bugs people have complained about for ages. It really has a "let's make the game as playable as possible before it rides into the sunset" kind of vibe.

They really should have pushed out that memory usage fix in that case. That would have helped the game a ton as it was like you know, according to Nate's graphs, 70% reduction at times. Don't get me wrong, these fixes are some nice fixes but the main thing preventing the game being more adopted is performance vs modded KSP1. I still hope there'll be at least one more update where we might finally get to see BlackRack's beautiful enhanced clouds, and these lovely memory usage optimisations.

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17 hours ago, foonix said:

Can someone go poke whoever is keeping the PD website alive to add the download link for new version?  I might be the only person who didn't buy it on Steam, but gosh darnint :D

Not only You bought it from PD. I hope if that will close PD we will get some free copies on Steam or else.

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16 hours ago, ShadowZone said:

I had hoped for more, especially since it was said that patch 0.2.2 was already signed off on weeks ago.

And it probably is the patch that was ready many weeks ago. The extended credits make me feel that this patch was more or less intended for all involved in the project, kinda like to have something to showcase, either for pride, resume or just memories. And since this patch was laying around anyway. Timing wise it would make sense. You want to do this as late as possible, in case you realize someone was left out. But at one point in clearing out the office all the equipment is taken down, and with 2 weeks before the WARN date it makes sense this would be that moment. Timing wise it makes sense, which also means with 95% certainty that this is, indeed, the last update of KSP2 we'll see, Not that we had any illusions (this one already came as a surprise) but it's a sad confirmation of what we already knew.

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9 hours ago, ShadowZone said:


In general this patch feels like they wanted to get rid of some of the most annoying bugs people have complained about for ages. It really has a "let's make the game as playable as possible before it rides into the sunset" kind of vibe.

Thats the really tragic thing about all this, that the game is actually in pretty good shape finally and in theory colonies would have come in the next few months. It really goes to the care and professionalism of the actual devs on the ground continuing to solve these problems even after T2 apparently gutted the studio. I continue to feel that if T2 had actually understood what KSP was about and demonstrated more patience and openness, at the very least giving the game another year to bake, it had all the right ingredients to be a really successful game in the vein of Roblox or Subnautica. Maybe more niche than Minecraft but certainly successful and profitable. It just really sucks that the fans and devs themselves paid the price for T2's poor decision making. 

Edited by Pthigrivi
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6 hours ago, Infinite Aerospace said:

That's frankly insane. It's games development, I don't, and will never understand Take Two Interactive's crazy secrecy regarding a game about launching 'frogs' into space.

You simply don't understand the importance of secrecy in business. Companies rival one another to get similar products out the door first because the first to release is empowered to call out any other for copywrite infringement, solidifying their position in the  market. Having too much shared publicly in the way of how certain challenges were faced may give competitors working under the radar a way to jump past their own hurdles and next thing you know, they get past the final block preventing them from going public all of a sudden. You may care to read up about the split up of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs back when graphical GUIs were being created into an OS. They started out working together, and then Macintosh and Windows became the split difference. 

Another reason for secrecy in the video game industry is management of player interest and expectations. Show too much too early and players will get angry that those features haven't released soon afterward. Once a feature is shown off, players expect it to be implemented in time so there is no latitude to change your mind later on a feature. At the same time, keeping everything a secret prohibits growing interest, something which helps to promote early sales while the game is still in Early Access. It's a delicate balance that needs to be maintained, even if the game development is put on hold while finding a new buyer. Leaking any additional information out too early can spoil the potential value and power a new developer would have in managing that balance later.

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18 hours ago, ShadowZone said:

Here are the statistics for patch 0.2.2, the smallest update in the history of KSP2 and also the one we had to wait for the longest (133 days since version 0.2.1, almost twice as long as the longest wait up until then, 71 days between 0.1.2 and 0.1.3).

Version Total items Community % of total
0.1.1 281 42 15%
0.1.2 173 36 21%
0.1.3 165 17 10%
0.1.4 81 9 11%
0.1.5 86 11 13%
0.2.0 156 0 0%
0.2.1 68 14 21%
0.2.2 28 0 0%

While many of the fixes and improvements are welcome, it's sad to see that this is the final set of things we are going to see, if this truly is the last patch ever for KSP2. I have to admit, I had hoped for more, especially since it was said that patch 0.2.2 was already signed off on weeks ago.

I agree @ShadowZone. It is unfortunate to see this is the smallest update with the longest wait time, but not totally unexpected given the studio layoffs going into effect in only a few weeks from now at the end of June. 


A new addition in this update that I do like, however, is the ability to recover your vessel like you can do in KSP 1, which had been missing from this game since the first early access version. I'm so glad that they finally added this missing feature to the game. And you can also return to the VAB with it as well after recovering a vessel, which is another nice inclusion.


And while I certainly hope this won't be the final patch for KSP 2, the future of the game still seems somewhat unclear. I guess we'll just have to wait until after the end of June to see if there is any more KSP 2 developments and news following this update's release.

Also, for anyone unaware, I've been maintaining a version list of my own for KSP 2 updates, which I recently updated to account for the new update and also some previous updates that were not on the spreadsheet before. You can view it and make contributions here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zAE-UF8ctzXRvM5sbWO3fU9D8a9TBIZYcPZ72mPi9GM/edit?usp=sharing.


To end this post off, I'll just say that, I'm hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.

Edited by Johnster_Space_Program
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17 minutes ago, Johnster_Space_Program said:

I've been maintaining a version list of my own for KSP 2 updates

Digging up my release manager's hat from several years ago...

It's interesting that the build number increased by only 500 or so between the YT Preview and what went public, and about the same between FS! and the next patch - yet more than 2000 between 0.2.1 and the minor patch we just just got.

Now - it feels likely to me that the BN was set to 20000 for the release candidate before Preview/Launch, and then to 30000 for FS!. So - either  the BN got a minor bump-up in prep for the final drop, or there's been a lot of iterations since  for just those few fixes we got.

I don't want to derive too much hopium from that observation, but it did seem worth the comment.

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