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Nate Simpson has been laid off.

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40 minutes ago, gfdgfherytrey said:

Not even he could escape his fate

For those of us who aren't members of Reddit, could you put here what is says please?

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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, Tony Tony Chopper said:

Just that picture:

Thank you.

Ok I see from the photo the suggestion that they are now unemployed.

Edited by ColdJ
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This puts this whole situation to rest yes? The game is dead. If another studio buys the IP they may use the old code. In that that is physically possible. But not fiscally. KSP2 is dead the game we have on our PCs will never be finished. 

No ill will to anyone, I wish him the best in his future endeavors, just hope that those don’t involve games I would otherwise be interested in. See yall in the forum again at the IP sale announcement.

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Best of Luck to Nate, but I hope to god your next position isn't a leadership one. You're clearly missing something in that special sauce, and another project or two mentoring under someone with a better grasp of it would probably do you far better than anything else.

37 minutes ago, moeggz said:

This puts this whole situation to rest yes? The game is dead.

Probably, but I've learned the hard way not to dismiss the steam depots updating. Last touched two days ago, and they've got a slightly important holiday in murrica this week, so it wouldn't be unrealistic for it to not see a push for a week or two. It'll probably stay dead, but I'll be poking in weekly or so just to see if the needle moves again.

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Posted (edited)

Damn. This whole situation sucks. I just feel like so many people were given great promise to make KSP what it could be and that was in no small part due to the passion Nate, Tom, Shana, Eric, Chris, Paul, Mike, Dakota and so many others behind the scenes brought to this game. You all did incredible work and its not your fault corpo [snip] at T2 have no vision whatsoever. The art and design and plan for KSP2 was so good. I know how much that took to follow though on given the situation you were all put in. Im sad KSP2 wasn’t given the chance to flourish but worse is what that company did to yall. You are all awesome and they’re the idiots. I hope you all find good places in life and with folks who respect what beautiful things you all create.


Edited by Vanamonde
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No honeyed words from me for a man that told us so many lies.

Their vision was mediocre, their execution was subpar, the features sounded good only in name but revealed completely shallow interest in what KSP is past the usual "lol so kerbal".

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Does linked-in have a review system?    yelp his career so his only next job available is creative director of crayons in the closed ward or something.

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Superfluous J said:

Yeah definitely ruin his life because he cost you $50 that seems fair.

Dude got fired you really want to kick him?

Kick, slap, smack, punt and more stuff like that. 

People who lie should be ruined indeed, over way less than 50 bucks. [snip]

it's not about the money, it's about the part where humans should not condone lying at all. 

Edited by Vanamonde
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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, Superfluous J said:

Yeah definitely ruin his life because he cost you $50 that seems fair.

Dude got fired you really want to kick him?

You have to be kidding me?

who hyped the hell out of this one with empty promises?

updates in weeks not months?

we are fully funded? No one is pulling the plug?


Come on. This has Stockholm syndrome written all over it.

Surely im not the only one who worked to pay those $50 I wasted for nothing.

If he had any decency he’d open up to this amazing community here since day one and get real user feedback, it’s the only other tool other than a competent and well organized team, that he needed deliver the roadmap. 

T2 hired him and his team to deliver and he could’ve done it if he’d get his head out of his derrière and openly engage with the community in an honest matter, instead it’s been used car salesmen tactics and nothing delivered. 

Edited by GGG-GoodGuyGreg
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4 hours ago, GGG-GoodGuyGreg said:

You have to be kidding me?

who hyped the hell out of this one with empty promises?

updates in weeks not months?

we are fully funded? No one is pulling the plug?


Come on. This has Stockholm syndrome written all over it.

Surely im not the only one who worked to pay those $50 I wasted for nothing.

If he had any decency he’d open up to this amazing community here since day one and get real user feedback, it’s the only other tool other than a competent and well organized team, that he needed deliver the roadmap. 

T2 hired him and his team to deliver and he could’ve done it if he’d get his head out of his derrière and openly engage with the community in an honest matter, instead it’s been used car salesmen tactics and nothing delivered. 

It's not Stockholm syndrome, it's an empty attempt at winning morality points and showing fake empathy over text because that's how you step up the pedestal.

The guy ran 3 early access scams back to back. He absolutely earned being fired the one time he was not in charge, and is probably not the only one to earn it, considering how short sighted and bad the product was, it takes a team effort to make a product so bad not even 100.000 people want it after a multi million dollar ad campaign and with a starter consumer base of 5+ million that already wanted the product. Those people need to be as far away from making games as possible.

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I really want to be sad for Nate here.  The guy lost his job, and in the current economic climate in the United States (I assume he lives in the continental 48?), being without a job and a steady income is going to be really hard.  I hope he has savings and/or reserves he can draw upon until he gets his feet under him.

With that said, I cannot be that sad for him.  He brought this upon himself.  He continuously pushed a positive narrative in spite of the evidence before him, promising that the game is fully funded, and development is on track, and hey look at all the features we are going to add.  He either pointedly lied to us with knowledge that things were worse than we knew about OR he was so wrapped up in his own bs that he was oblivious to what was going on at Take Two.  He does not get a free pass here; as the creative DIRECTOR of the game, he knew and didn't care.  And if he didn't know, being the director...that's not a good look either.  Either way, he is culpable for what happened.

I don't want to see anyone lose their jobs or their ability to take care of their families.  But boy do I hope the next employer doesn't give him the kind of power Take Two did.

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I liked the guy - he came across as a good, likeable communicator.  And I wanted to believe him.  But insofar as his failure helped sink a game that I had high hopes for, I’m neither surprised nor sad about the consequences of said failure, although I’m not going to cheer them, either.  This was predictable.

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Some abusive comments removed. Taking the time to write out hateful comments is not good for one's mental health and makes the forum a less pleasant place to visit, no matter how much you believe the comments may be deserved. 

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Izny said:

Kick, slap, smack, punt and more stuff like that. 

People who lie should be ruined indeed, over way less than 50 bucks. [snip]

it's not about the money, it's about the part where humans should not condone lying at all. 

So every guy or girl who is responsible for the cringe and lies messing up my Youtube or spotify streaming should loose their Job? 

Don't get me wrong: I would love to crash the PR/advertising industry and every Coke sniffing "creative mind" who makes their results the intelligence-insulting  crap  they are.

But I doubt that this is possible ( even the so called socialist states had and have their Propaganda departments) and most people would agree that my peace of mind is worth destroying the jobs of everyone in the advertising/pr industry.

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Well Nate getting dumped makes it pretty clear that TT has no interest in pursuing his concept of KSP2 any further, outside of maybe having a skeleton crew slap together a few things that were already more or less ready to go. Now I just hope they don't sit on the IP forever, but rather sell it off at a reasonable price to somebody who can do something better with it.

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47 minutes ago, jost said:

Don't get me wrong: I would love to crash the PR/advertising industry and every Coke sniffing "creative mind"

I thought I had detected some warning signs that reminded me of my own troubled history. The state has decriminalized most things.

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Personally, I never agreed with Nate's vision for the game and he always came off to me as a major shyster, with that used car salesman or politicians phony grin. 

In any case, I imagine that Nate is suffering right now - as he should be! However, if there is any point to such suffering, it would be for him to learn the hard lessons and start again. He's not too old to change careers, or at least give up on the idea of being a project leader in any capacity. I wish him luck and healing.


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