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James Kerman

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Posts posted by James Kerman

  1. The KSP Moderation Team is proud to present

    Threads of the Month Awards, for March 2020!


    Special Note: The Moderation team wishes all our members stay safe and healthy during these trying times and we hope that KSP and the forum provide some relief for those of us that are locked down or still providing services to their local community. Please follow the recommended actions and procedures and remember we are all in this together.


    Firstly we would like to thank @Zoeille for this excellent mod that re-imagines the KSC:

    Congratulations @Xd the great, and the contributors to this thread for providing good information and a window into the international response and effects of the pandemic.

    For those of you unfamiliar with the great @Whackjob, please check out the latest attempts to launch this latest behemoth and tremble at the part count:

    @CarnationRED has released a fantastic mod that vastly improves VAB build options for those that want to make bespoke creations:

    If you have ever tried hovering around the KSC on rocket thrust then @vyznev's challenge awaits you here:

    And finally we thank @Vanamonde for creating this thread that brings a little more light to these dark times (Please double my pay):

    Congratulations to all for your wonderful contributions and please remember to report a thread (add the comment 'totm') or PM a moderator if you feel it is worthy of thread of the month.  Special thanks go to @VoidCosmos, @woeller @cubinator and @Poodmund for their nominations this month.

    All winners are free to add the Thread of the Month badge (created by our very own @adsii1970) to their posts or to commision a virtual dance competition that stylistically depicts said badge in whatever genre you find most pleasing provided you observe social distancing, quarantine measures and any other rules and laws your country or state has regarding the COVID-19 outbreak.

  2. Welcome to the forum @Serg, while it's not against the rules to request an update, so long as it's polite and non-repetitive, please remember that our hard working modding community has to juggle real life responsibilities with keeping the great free content they create updated so it's best to be patient. We also have a requirement that all posts, outside of the international section require an English translation. This is because some browsers and mobile devices do not have auto translate functions.

  3. Welcome to the forum @Serg, please remember while it's not against the forum rules to request an update, so long as it is polite and non-repetitive, our fantastic modding community have to juggle real life responsibilities as well as maintain the great free content we love for KSP. It is best just to be patient as we await our favorite mods to update.

  4. While it's not a good time to get out and about at the moment I have found that joining groups you share interests with is very rewarding. You might use this time to research some of the interests you have or have had in the past and see what community groups are around your area. While I would like to reiterate it is probably a bad idea to go out in search of company at this time you might find a local group that has an online presence and say hello. It's also a bit easier to meet a partner when you share a common interest - that's how I met my wife.

  5. 5 minutes ago, anak said:

    PS here ist says not to upload KSP.log

    Welcome to the forum @anak. We only recommend that you do not post output logs directly into the forum because it causes page loading issues and makes browsing the forum difficult for members on mobile devices. It's best if you upload to a storage service like Google drive or dropbox and then link to them here in the forum.

  6. Some content has been removed. While COVID-19 is a concern for everyone, please remember to avoid adult themes as we have many members who are minors and we wish to keep the forum a family friendly place.

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